What is another word for low?

Synonyms for low

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word low.

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. low

    base, deep, degraded, depressed, dwarfed, inferior, mean, short, stunted

    elevated, eminent, exalted, high, lofty, noble, proud, steep, tall, towering, uplifted

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. low, depressionnoun

    an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation

    "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow"

    depression, first gear, impression, economic crisis, low gear, depressive disorder, imprint, slump, first, natural depression, clinical depression

    high, overlooking, nasal, soprano, soaring, superior, commanding, spiky, tenor, higher(a), elated, upper, screaky, high-top, alto, last, shrill, towering, broad(a), falsetto, estimable, treble, squeaking, sopranino, steep, high-altitude, pinched, full(a), altissimo, eminent, utmost, graduate(a), high-stepped, screechy, postgraduate, adenoidal, dominating, refined, squeaky, high-topped, peaky, proud, altitudinous, high-pitched, sufficient, countertenor, squealing, lofty, high-level, high-stepping, sharp, advanced, loud

  2. Low, David Low, Sir David Low, Sir David Alexander Cecil Lownoun

    British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-1963)

    first, depression, low gear, first gear

    high, towering, utmost, loud, squeaking, elated, treble, eminent, screaky, full(a), countertenor, tenor, alto, high-stepped, sharp, proud, dominating, postgraduate, broad(a), altitudinous, peaky, advanced, high-top, soaring, shrill, lofty, high-pitched, high-level, sopranino, higher(a), overlooking, squeaky, high-stepping, graduate(a), refined, pinched, screechy, squealing, soprano, falsetto, upper, superior, last, altissimo, adenoidal, high-topped, commanding, steep, high-altitude, sufficient, estimable, nasal, spiky

  3. lownoun

    a low level or position or degree

    "the stock market fell to a new low"

    first, depression, low gear, first gear

    high, sharp, higher(a), spiky, pinched, broad(a), soprano, refined, high-stepped, superior, squeaking, lofty, adenoidal, elated, shrill, peaky, full(a), countertenor, high-stepping, graduate(a), sufficient, falsetto, steep, tenor, alto, soaring, postgraduate, dominating, loud, high-topped, treble, last, screaky, altissimo, high-top, squeaky, nasal, altitudinous, overlooking, utmost, towering, commanding, proud, high-altitude, eminent, sopranino, upper, screechy, estimable, advanced, high-level, high-pitched, squealing

  4. first gear, first, low gear, lowadjective

    the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving

    outset, number one, first, starting time, low gear, first-class honours degree, first gear, first base, commencement, start, get-go, kickoff, number 1, depression, showtime, offset, beginning

    high, overlooking, altitudinous, adenoidal, altissimo, soaring, high-top, upper, alto, screaky, steep, squeaky, towering, last, shrill, higher(a), commanding, refined, spiky, peaky, pinched, squeaking, nasal, tenor, falsetto, dominating, high-topped, countertenor, loud, high-pitched, superior, soprano, squealing, sopranino, eminent, sharp, broad(a), proud, postgraduate, high-level, elated, utmost, full(a), high-stepped, treble, lofty, screechy, estimable, sufficient, advanced, high-altitude, graduate(a), high-stepping

  5. lowadjective

    less than normal in degree or intensity or amount

    "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"

    crushed, scurvy, dispirited, gloomy, downhearted, abject, downcast, grim, down in the mouth, humble, miserable, lowly, low-pitched, modest, scummy, blue, down(p), broken, depressed, low-spirited, small, humbled, low-toned, depleted, low-down, humiliated

    high, peaky, countertenor, high-stepping, squealing, elated, tenor, graduate(a), loud, overlooking, squeaky, higher(a), eminent, alto, broad(a), high-altitude, sopranino, spiky, superior, altitudinous, soprano, commanding, pinched, high-stepped, soaring, treble, upper, altissimo, refined, last, towering, advanced, screaky, high-level, shrill, high-top, sharp, utmost, postgraduate, dominating, steep, proud, squeaking, lofty, estimable, screechy, high-pitched, nasal, falsetto, sufficient, high-topped, full(a), adenoidal

  6. lowadjective

    literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension

    "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"

    crushed, scurvy, dispirited, gloomy, downhearted, abject, downcast, grim, down in the mouth, humble, miserable, lowly, low-pitched, modest, scummy, blue, down(p), broken, depressed, low-spirited, small, humbled, low-toned, depleted, low-down, humiliated

    high, altitudinous, sharp, falsetto, eminent, alto, nasal, soprano, higher(a), soaring, shrill, high-pitched, spiky, graduate(a), high-stepped, loud, postgraduate, lofty, high-stepping, upper, advanced, commanding, refined, sufficient, peaky, squeaky, high-level, countertenor, estimable, squealing, superior, screechy, towering, high-top, altissimo, steep, squeaking, utmost, screaky, tenor, dominating, last, proud, high-altitude, broad(a), sopranino, full(a), adenoidal, elated, high-topped, pinched, overlooking, treble

  7. low, low-tonedadjective

    very low in volume

    "a low murmur"; "the low-toned murmur of the surf"

    crushed, scurvy, dispirited, gloomy, downhearted, abject, downcast, grim, down in the mouth, humble, miserable, lowly, low-pitched, modest, scummy, blue, down(p), broken, depressed, low-spirited, small, humbled, low-toned, depleted, low-down, humiliated

    high, overlooking, steep, countertenor, falsetto, squealing, screaky, sharp, loud, utmost, high-topped, high-altitude, postgraduate, higher(a), treble, shrill, high-stepping, broad(a), squeaky, lofty, upper, sopranino, squeaking, towering, full(a), nasal, soprano, tenor, high-top, spiky, sufficient, alto, pinched, last, dominating, elated, high-level, high-pitched, advanced, refined, commanding, high-stepped, altissimo, adenoidal, screechy, estimable, peaky, soaring, superior, eminent, altitudinous, graduate(a), proud

  8. lowadjective

    unrefined in character

    "low comedy"

    crushed, scurvy, dispirited, gloomy, downhearted, abject, downcast, grim, down in the mouth, humble, miserable, lowly, low-pitched, modest, scummy, blue, down(p), broken, depressed, low-spirited, small, humbled, low-toned, depleted, low-down, humiliated

    high, elated, spiky, sufficient, squealing, steep, eminent, higher(a), advanced, lofty, soprano, shrill, last, loud, proud, tenor, alto, squeaky, utmost, sharp, dominating, high-top, sopranino, high-altitude, screechy, upper, high-topped, soaring, high-pitched, superior, altitudinous, postgraduate, overlooking, broad(a), nasal, refined, pinched, peaky, falsetto, graduate(a), screaky, high-level, estimable, countertenor, high-stepping, high-stepped, towering, altissimo, treble, full(a), commanding, squeaking, adenoidal

  9. low, low-pitchedadjective

    used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency

    crushed, scurvy, dispirited, gloomy, downhearted, abject, downcast, grim, down in the mouth, humble, miserable, lowly, low-pitched, modest, scummy, blue, down(p), broken, depressed, low-spirited, small, humbled, low-toned, depleted, low-down, humiliated

    high, higher(a), upper, screaky, soprano, pinched, broad(a), soaring, squeaky, alto, sharp, towering, falsetto, peaky, utmost, countertenor, altissimo, high-top, sopranino, tenor, treble, nasal, refined, high-level, altitudinous, superior, squeaking, elated, overlooking, screechy, squealing, postgraduate, loud, shrill, commanding, high-stepping, adenoidal, high-pitched, last, estimable, high-topped, full(a), high-altitude, steep, high-stepped, advanced, dominating, spiky, sufficient, lofty, proud, graduate(a), eminent

  10. abject, low, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvyadjective

    of the most contemptible kind

    "abject cowardice"; "a low stunt to pull"; "a low-down sneak"; "his miserable treatment of his family"; "You miserable skunk!"; "a scummy rabble"; "a scurvy trick"

    down(p), dispirited, small, downcast, paltry, deplorable, scummy, modest, execrable, suffering, scurvy, unhopeful, humbled, low-down, miserable, lowly, broken, down in the mouth, blue, humble, downhearted, grim, low-toned, low-pitched, piteous, hapless, misfortunate, pitiable, depleted, crushed, measly, poor, funky, pathetic, wretched, pitiful, gloomy, abject, woeful, depressed, low-spirited, humiliated

    high, altitudinous, alto, squeaking, commanding, countertenor, broad(a), altissimo, treble, squealing, last, soaring, high-stepped, higher(a), tenor, high-topped, high-pitched, screechy, eminent, towering, proud, full(a), sufficient, nasal, screaky, pinched, sopranino, postgraduate, refined, high-stepping, steep, lofty, upper, superior, high-top, graduate(a), utmost, loud, soprano, falsetto, spiky, high-altitude, dominating, elated, high-level, squeaky, peaky, shrill, sharp, advanced, overlooking, estimable, adenoidal

  11. humble, low, lowly, modest, smalladjective

    low or inferior in station or quality

    "a humble cottage"; "a lowly parish priest"; "a modest man of the people"; "small beginnings"

    down(p), dispirited, minor, small, downcast, subaltern, scummy, base, baseborn, low-down, modest, petty(a), scurvy, pocket-sized, lower-ranking, secondary, humbled, gloomy, miserable, lowly, broken, small(a), down in the mouth, blue, humble, downhearted, grim, meek, low-toned, low-pitched, little, menial, pocket-size, small-scale, depleted, crushed, mild, junior-grade, diminished, abject, depressed, minuscule, low-spirited, belittled, humiliated

    high, elated, higher(a), squealing, countertenor, eminent, lofty, high-pitched, tenor, peaky, nasal, screaky, high-stepping, superior, graduate(a), high-altitude, adenoidal, postgraduate, full(a), sharp, screechy, advanced, alto, soaring, altitudinous, sopranino, refined, spiky, squeaking, broad(a), soprano, high-topped, high-stepped, altissimo, treble, high-top, towering, high-level, sufficient, overlooking, commanding, shrill, pinched, dominating, squeaky, utmost, loud, steep, proud, falsetto, last, upper, estimable

  12. depleted, lowadjective

    no longer sufficient

    "supplies are low"; "our funds are depleted"

    crushed, scurvy, dispirited, gloomy, downhearted, low-spirited, abject, downcast, humiliated, down in the mouth, humble, miserable, lowly, low-pitched, modest, scummy, blue, down(p), broken, depressed, grim, small, humbled, low-toned, depleted, low-down

    high, tenor, screechy, squealing, high-stepped, treble, overlooking, full(a), soaring, high-altitude, high-stepping, steep, proud, shrill, sharp, last, spiky, towering, refined, elated, squeaky, higher(a), pinched, estimable, dominating, loud, sopranino, high-pitched, soprano, screaky, countertenor, high-level, upper, advanced, squeaking, altitudinous, eminent, adenoidal, commanding, high-topped, broad(a), utmost, high-top, lofty, graduate(a), alto, peaky, falsetto, postgraduate, altissimo, sufficient, superior, nasal

  13. broken, crushed, humbled, humiliated, lowadjective

    subdued or brought low in condition or status

    "brought low"; "a broken man"; "his broken spirit"

    down(p), dispirited, small, downcast, rugged, impoverished, scummy, broken in, mortified, modest, unkept, scurvy, humbled, low-down, miserable, lowly, broken, disordered, down in the mouth, blue, humble, wiped out(p), downhearted, grim, low-toned, low-pitched, depleted, crushed, upset, abject, gloomy, embarrassed, depressed, busted, confused, low-spirited, humiliated

    high, sufficient, squealing, proud, high-top, tenor, spiky, overlooking, elated, full(a), commanding, refined, pinched, eminent, upper, peaky, high-pitched, steep, sopranino, towering, utmost, estimable, altissimo, postgraduate, shrill, squeaky, high-level, lofty, soaring, dominating, treble, graduate(a), soprano, screechy, nasal, alto, high-stepped, advanced, high-stepping, high-altitude, high-topped, screaky, squeaking, altitudinous, countertenor, last, higher(a), superior, sharp, falsetto, adenoidal, loud, broad(a)

  14. gloomy, grim, blue, depressed, dispirited, down(p), downcast, downhearted, down in the mouth, low, low-spiritedverb

    filled with melancholy and despondency

    "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"; "gloomy predictions"; "a gloomy silence"; "took a grim view of the economy"; "the darkening mood"; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted"

    high, soprano, high-pitched, overlooking, alto, full(a), steep, lofty, altissimo, sufficient, higher(a), squeaking, falsetto, sopranino, proud, dominating, eminent, graduate(a), broad(a), towering, postgraduate, spiky, screaky, loud, sharp, elated, peaky, estimable, soaring, last, screechy, tenor, shrill, superior, high-topped, high-altitude, squealing, utmost, squeaky, high-stepped, pinched, adenoidal, high-stepping, refined, high-level, countertenor, nasal, treble, commanding, advanced, high-top, altitudinous, upper

  15. moo, lowadverb

    make a low noise, characteristic of bovines


    high, lofty, falsetto, peaky, tenor, loud, towering, eminent, altissimo, adenoidal, countertenor, high-stepping, sopranino, altitudinous, elated, superior, squealing, screaky, higher(a), refined, high-altitude, dominating, full(a), soprano, graduate(a), spiky, high-top, estimable, upper, nasal, squeaky, sufficient, high-pitched, shrill, broad(a), high-topped, sharp, soaring, last, treble, squeaking, proud, screechy, pinched, postgraduate, utmost, steep, alto, high-level, high-stepped, overlooking, advanced, commanding

  16. lowadverb

    in a low position; near the ground

    "the branches hung low"

    high, towering, proud, altitudinous, broad(a), nasal, screechy, high-stepping, sufficient, loud, overlooking, shrill, altissimo, soaring, pinched, superior, commanding, squeaky, higher(a), eminent, tenor, alto, last, high-topped, upper, soprano, squeaking, treble, full(a), lofty, high-top, utmost, refined, high-pitched, spiky, elated, screaky, dominating, high-stepped, high-altitude, high-level, sopranino, postgraduate, adenoidal, graduate(a), countertenor, falsetto, peaky, advanced, steep, squealing, estimable, sharp

Matched Categories

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. lowadjective

    depressed, not high, not elevated, of little height

  2. lowadjective

    not acute, shrill, or sharp; grave

  3. lowadjective

    cheap, not dear, reasonable

  4. lowadjective

    ignoble, abject, degraded, servile, slavish, menial, mean, base, plebeian, vulgar, untitled, base-born, common

  5. lowadjective

    undignified, grovelling, vile, base-minded, low-minded, shabby, scurvy, dirty

  6. lowadjective

    dishonorable, disreputable, derogatory, unhandsome, unbecoming, disgraceful, unmanly, ungentlemanly

  7. lowadjective

    moderate, not great, not intense

  8. lowadjective

    weak, exhausted, reduced, feeble

  9. lowadjective

    plain, simple, not luxurious, not rich

  10. lowadjective

    with little elevation

  11. lowadjective

    near the ground

  12. lowadjective

    to a reduced state, in a low condition

  13. lowadjective

    softly, in a low tone, not loudly

  14. lowadjective

    cheaply, at a moderate price

  15. lowverb

    bellow, moo

  16. lownoun

    moo, lowing

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. lowadjective

    depressed, base, mean, vulgar, raffish, ignominious, undignified, moderate, reasonable, cheap, humble, lowly, obscure, feeble, faint, weak, subdued, grave, gentle, ignoble, groveling, abject, degraded, servile, menial, sordid, base

  2. lowadverb

    softly, sotto voce

  3. lowverb


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  1. low

    Song lyrics by low -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by low on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. LOW

    What does LOW stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the LOW acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

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How to use low in a sentence?

  1. United States:

    It's an overall United States problem. The lead poisoning increases during deer season but we see it all year, some times it's chronic low-grade exposure over time that also brings them down.

  2. Douglas Davis:

    We don't think the price of oil can stay down very long. But energy shares are going to go through a wild up-and-down phase, we may have to test low levels before going up again.

  3. Ryan Nash:

    Commercial losses are unsustainably low, somebody is going to have an impact from the fact that oil prices are $47 a barrel just now. It’s hard to say who it is.

  4. Vivian Deuschl:

    It’s a whole new world in terms of how the inauguration is being celebrated, it’s much more low-key.

  5. Scott Howard:

    People who buy equipment are looking for a low price and they may not be thinking about emissions. Unless you have regulations stating that you need to capture it, they are not going to choose the best available technology.

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