What is another word for new?

Synonyms for new
nu, nyunew

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word new.

Wiktionary5.0 / 1 vote

  1. newadjective

    Recently arrived or appeared.

    reinvigorated, brand new, current, young, singular, green, newborn, recent, refreshed, revived, born-again, novel, fresh, reformed

    dated, established, ancient, old

  2. newadjective

    Inexperienced or unaccustomed at some task.

    revived, young, newborn, reformed, current, novel, fresh, recent, born-again, singular, refreshed, brand new, reinvigorated, green

    accustomed, experienced, expert

  3. newadjective

    next; about to begin or recently begun

    We expect to grow at 10% annually in the new decade.

    young, newborn, recent, fresh, current, born-again, revived, singular, novel, reformed, refreshed, brand new, reinvigorated, green

  4. newadjective

    brand new, pristine, spanking, mint

    worn, used, old

  5. newadjective

    strange, unfamiliar

    familiar, old

  6. newadjective


  7. newadjective

    In place names, a prefix added to the name of a newly established place, intended to convey that the newly established place will share some characteristic of an older place for which the new place is named.

    Out with the old, in with the new.

    young, novel, reinvigorated, newborn, brand new, singular, fresh, refreshed, born-again, revived, current, recent, reformed, green

  8. newadjective

    Additional; recently discovered.

    We turned up some new evidence from the old files.

    singular, current, born-again, novel, newborn, reformed, green, young, revived, fresh, recent, refreshed, brand new, reinvigorated

    dated, old

  9. newadjective

    Current or later, as opposed to former.

    born-again, young, brand new, newborn, green, reformed, recent, current, reinvigorated, refreshed, revived, fresh, novel, singular

    former, old

  10. newadjective

    Used to distinguish something established more recently, named after something or some place previously existing.

    New Bond Street is an extension of Bond Street.

    reinvigorated, reformed, fresh, current, singular, born-again, refreshed, novel, revived, recent, young, brand new, green, newborn

  11. newadjective

    In original condition; pristine; not previously worn or used.

    Are you going to buy a new car or a second-hand one?

    born-again, fresh, reformed, singular, green, recent, refreshed, current, reinvigorated, novel, brand new, newborn, revived, young

  12. newadjective

    Refreshed, reinvigorated, reformed.

    reformed, reinvigorated, brand new, recent, newborn, green, young, refreshed, revived, novel, fresh, born-again, current, singular


  13. newadjective


    My sister has a new baby, and our mother is excited to finally have a grandchild.

    born-again, revived, novel, current, reformed, green, reinvigorated, recent, fresh, newborn, refreshed, singular, brand new, young


  14. newadjective

    Of recent origin; having taken place recently.

    brand new, refreshed, revived, newborn, recent, reinvigorated, born-again, reformed, singular, green, fresh, current, novel, young

    previous, original

  15. newadjective

    Strange, unfamiliar or not previously known.

    reinvigorated, singular, current, green, recent, revived, brand new, refreshed, fresh, young, newborn, reformed, born-again, novel

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. new

    That which is new has lately come into existence, possession, or use; a new house is just built, or in a more general sense is one that has just come into the possession of the present owner or occupant. Modern denotes that which has begun to exist in the present age, and is still existing; recent denotes that which has come into existence within a comparatively brief period, and may or may not be existing still. Modern history pertains to any period since the middle ages; modern literature, modern architecture, etc., are not strikingly remote from the styles and types prevalent to-day. That which is late is somewhat removed from the present, but not far enough to be called old. That which is recent is not quite so sharply distinguished from the past as that which is new; recent publications range over a longer time than new books. That which is novel is either absolutely or relatively unprecedented in kind; a novel contrivance is one that has never before been known; a novel experience is one that has never before occurred to the same person; that which is new may be of a familiar or even of an ancient sort, as a new copy of an old book. Young and youthful are applied to that which has life; that which is young is possessed of a comparatively new existence as a living thing, possessing actual youth; that which is youthful manifests the attributes of youth. (Compare YOUTHFUL.) Fresh applies to that which has the characteristics of newness or youth, while capable of deterioration by lapse of time; that which is unworn, unspoiled, or unfaded; as, a fresh countenance, fresh eggs, fresh flowers. New is opposed to old, modern to ancient, recent to remote, young to old, aged, etc.

    See synonyms for OLD.

    fresh, juvenile, late, modern, new-fangled, new-fashioned, new-made, novel, recent, upstart, young, youthful

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. new

    novel, recent, fresh, modern

    old, ancient, antique, antiquated, obsolete

Princeton's WordNet2.5 / 4 votes

  1. newadjective

    not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered

    "a new law"; "new cars"; "a new comet"; "a new friend"; "a new year"; "the New World"

    fresh, young, raw, novel, unexampled, newfangled, new(a)

    sunset, later(a), frayed, well-worn, flea-bitten, antique, clapped out, played out, shopworn, tattered, same, worn, scoured, thumbed, weathered, middle, derelict, immemorial(ip), hoary, weather-beaten, raddled, antediluvian, attrited, unoriginal, seedy, eroded, patched, precedented, ratty, mangy, secondhand, archaic, age-old, experienced, vermiculate, worm-eaten, hand-me-down, decrepit, moth-eaten, late, tatty, battered, longtime(a), mothy, wormy, run-down, accustomed, dog-eared, auld, early, rusty, used, old, weatherworn, tatterdemalion, threadbare, ragged, woebegone, scruffy, aged, hand-down, yellowed, yellow, shopsoiled, antiquated, long-ago, mangey, worn-out, creaky, waterworn, experient, eared, shabby

  2. fresh, new, noveladjective

    original and of a kind not seen before

    "the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem"

    tonic, impertinent, wise, bracing, young, newfangled, refreshing, sassy, unused, novel, fresh, new(a), raw, unexampled, smart, reinvigorated, unfermented, sweet, saucy, clean, impudent, refreshed, invigorated, brisk, overbold, refreshful

    experient, tatty, creaky, late, flea-bitten, wormy, mangy, middle, precedented, scruffy, tatterdemalion, mothy, unoriginal, tattered, scoured, shopworn, weatherworn, longtime(a), worn, early, antique, attrited, later(a), same, battered, hand-me-down, moth-eaten, antiquated, auld, yellow, hoary, worm-eaten, secondhand, hand-down, seedy, experienced, antediluvian, derelict, well-worn, run-down, threadbare, decrepit, used, eared, sunset, archaic, age-old, shabby, woebegone, immemorial(ip), old, accustomed, raddled, waterworn, eroded, aged, weather-beaten, clapped out, yellowed, dog-eared, ragged, long-ago, thumbed, rusty, patched, ratty, weathered, shopsoiled, worn-out, mangey, frayed, played out, vermiculate

  3. raw, newadjective

    lacking training or experience

    "the new men were eager to fight"; "raw recruits"

    young, sensitive, cutting, crude, naked, fresh, bare-assed, novel, rude(a), naked as a jaybird, peeled, bare-ass, raw, unexampled, in the altogether, tender, stark naked, in the buff, unsanded, natural, new(a), raw(a), sore, in the raw, bleak, newfangled

    flea-bitten, shopworn, hoary, wormy, attrited, antiquated, longtime(a), same, shopsoiled, long-ago, aged, age-old, immemorial(ip), accustomed, weather-beaten, old, patched, played out, later(a), unoriginal, sunset, early, vermiculate, moth-eaten, antique, decrepit, clapped out, rusty, mothy, well-worn, weathered, frayed, yellowed, derelict, hand-me-down, waterworn, precedented, weatherworn, secondhand, worm-eaten, seedy, yellow, creaky, middle, experienced, threadbare, antediluvian, tatty, archaic, hand-down, tattered, eroded, run-down, ratty, shabby, mangey, ragged, tatterdemalion, battered, scruffy, worn-out, woebegone, mangy, thumbed, dog-eared, late, experient, auld, worn, eared, raddled, scoured, used

  4. new, unexampledadjective

    having no previous example or precedent or parallel

    "a time of unexampled prosperity"

    novel, unexampled, young, raw, new(a), newfangled, fresh

    moth-eaten, long-ago, weatherworn, antediluvian, same, mothy, run-down, old, sunset, aged, creaky, ratty, vermiculate, early, hoary, played out, worn-out, mangey, secondhand, threadbare, worn, hand-down, yellowed, late, age-old, yellow, dog-eared, rusty, worm-eaten, scruffy, used, experient, antique, auld, mangy, decrepit, wormy, seedy, weathered, waterworn, archaic, weather-beaten, flea-bitten, thumbed, frayed, antiquated, ragged, tatty, woebegone, precedented, shopworn, patched, clapped out, hand-me-down, later(a), longtime(a), middle, tatterdemalion, tattered, unoriginal, well-worn, attrited, eroded, shopsoiled, scoured, immemorial(ip), experienced, accustomed, battered, derelict, raddled, eared, shabby

  5. new(a)adjective

    other than the former one(s); different

    "they now have a new leaders"; "my new car is four years old but has only 15,000 miles on it"; "ready to take a new direction"

    mangy, later(a), vermiculate, unoriginal, thumbed, hand-me-down, eroded, shopsoiled, early, longtime(a), auld, worn, weatherworn, aged, moth-eaten, hand-down, weather-beaten, tattered, middle, scruffy, accustomed, run-down, weathered, precedented, scoured, experienced, ratty, shabby, experient, waterworn, immemorial(ip), antediluvian, old, age-old, same, rusty, decrepit, woebegone, tatty, flea-bitten, worm-eaten, patched, ragged, played out, dog-eared, archaic, yellow, sunset, secondhand, antique, clapped out, seedy, wormy, creaky, shopworn, used, tatterdemalion, attrited, antiquated, long-ago, raddled, eared, threadbare, frayed, late, yellowed, worn-out, hoary, well-worn, mothy, mangey, derelict, battered

  6. newadjective

    unaffected by use or exposure

    "it looks like new"

    fresh, young, raw, novel, unexampled, newfangled, new(a)

    rusty, middle, eroded, mothy, unoriginal, derelict, yellow, precedented, ratty, worm-eaten, tatty, waterworn, wormy, weather-beaten, worn, scruffy, used, shopsoiled, later(a), decrepit, age-old, late, thumbed, clapped out, moth-eaten, well-worn, aged, experienced, tattered, hoary, antediluvian, shopworn, longtime(a), patched, scoured, early, accustomed, dog-eared, vermiculate, mangey, woebegone, eared, archaic, tatterdemalion, sunset, auld, weatherworn, attrited, experient, hand-me-down, threadbare, antique, secondhand, yellowed, immemorial(ip), shabby, ragged, seedy, frayed, hand-down, raddled, long-ago, run-down, same, old, weathered, played out, mangy, flea-bitten, creaky, battered, antiquated, worn-out

  7. newfangled, newadjective

    (of a new kind or fashion) gratuitously new

    "newfangled ideas"; "she buys all these new-fangled machines and never uses them"

    novel, unexampled, young, raw, new(a), newfangled, fresh

    vermiculate, ragged, middle, waterworn, eared, mangey, yellowed, hand-down, tatty, tatterdemalion, mangy, frayed, raddled, dog-eared, creaky, accustomed, age-old, attrited, thumbed, tattered, moth-eaten, long-ago, unoriginal, shabby, late, seedy, clapped out, eroded, aged, played out, derelict, weather-beaten, wormy, ratty, battered, shopsoiled, mothy, flea-bitten, run-down, precedented, same, antique, secondhand, rusty, auld, worn, scoured, used, antediluvian, woebegone, threadbare, experienced, decrepit, antiquated, later(a), immemorial(ip), early, weatherworn, yellow, well-worn, shopworn, worn-out, sunset, hand-me-down, experient, longtime(a), scruffy, old, hoary, weathered, patched, worm-eaten, archaic

  8. Newadjective

    in use after medieval times

    "New Eqyptian was the language of the 18th to 21st dynasties"

    fresh, young, raw, novel, unexampled, newfangled, new(a)

    late, unoriginal, experienced, age-old, wormy, worm-eaten, decrepit, used, antique, raddled, shopsoiled, played out, moth-eaten, well-worn, worn, yellowed, patched, precedented, weatherworn, derelict, tatterdemalion, auld, same, dog-eared, middle, aged, waterworn, shopworn, attrited, worn-out, early, archaic, later(a), creaky, frayed, weathered, long-ago, immemorial(ip), hand-me-down, secondhand, hoary, antiquated, weather-beaten, tatty, flea-bitten, tattered, mangey, mangy, hand-down, old, sunset, accustomed, thumbed, mothy, antediluvian, yellow, experient, ratty, threadbare, scruffy, ragged, eared, woebegone, vermiculate, shabby, longtime(a), seedy, clapped out, scoured, eroded, rusty, battered, run-down

  9. Modern, Newadjective

    used of a living language; being the current stage in its development

    "Modern English"; "New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew"

    newfangled, innovative, forward-looking, novel, mod, advanced, young, modernistic, raw, unexampled, new(a), fresh

    decrepit, thumbed, antiquated, worm-eaten, waterworn, used, run-down, hand-me-down, tattered, yellow, later(a), threadbare, woebegone, derelict, rusty, mangey, experient, played out, clapped out, unoriginal, dog-eared, weathered, flea-bitten, ragged, worn-out, sunset, frayed, experienced, moth-eaten, same, early, precedented, raddled, shabby, longtime(a), creaky, antediluvian, seedy, middle, old, secondhand, age-old, tatty, ratty, shopsoiled, weather-beaten, vermiculate, mothy, archaic, hoary, late, hand-down, auld, tatterdemalion, antique, immemorial(ip), eared, attrited, shopworn, accustomed, aged, worn, scoured, patched, well-worn, yellowed, scruffy, long-ago, wormy, eroded, weatherworn, mangy, battered

  10. new, youngadjective

    (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity

    "new potatoes"; "young corn"

    untried, novel, unexampled, young, raw, new(a), newfangled, vernal, unseasoned, immature, untested, fresh, youthful

    old, long-ago, dog-eared, raddled, worm-eaten, waterworn, unoriginal, late, immemorial(ip), aged, yellowed, early, auld, eroded, experienced, creaky, flea-bitten, battered, yellow, middle, decrepit, shabby, frayed, weather-beaten, wormy, patched, shopsoiled, worn, scoured, moth-eaten, woebegone, archaic, precedented, vermiculate, longtime(a), accustomed, played out, scruffy, tatterdemalion, rusty, well-worn, ragged, sunset, worn-out, hand-down, mothy, weathered, tattered, run-down, hand-me-down, same, seedy, thumbed, antique, antediluvian, ratty, tatty, shopworn, weatherworn, experient, attrited, threadbare, eared, secondhand, used, antiquated, later(a), mangey, clapped out, age-old, mangy, hoary, derelict

  11. newadverb


    "new experiences"; "experiences new to him"; "errors of someone new to the job"

    fresh, young, raw, novel, unexampled, newfangled, new(a)

    worn-out, middle, late, tattered, battered, vermiculate, archaic, experient, used, accustomed, hand-me-down, worm-eaten, creaky, thumbed, experienced, tatterdemalion, mangy, threadbare, mothy, early, unoriginal, same, run-down, played out, ragged, antique, patched, weather-beaten, raddled, mangey, later(a), antiquated, dog-eared, scoured, yellow, moth-eaten, weatherworn, tatty, yellowed, shopsoiled, aged, worn, shopworn, shabby, longtime(a), well-worn, weathered, rusty, eroded, scruffy, attrited, hoary, old, ratty, frayed, waterworn, auld, secondhand, hand-down, precedented, seedy, derelict, decrepit, wormy, eared, long-ago, clapped out, antediluvian, flea-bitten, immemorial(ip), age-old, sunset, woebegone

  12. newly, freshly, fresh, newadverb

    very recently

    "they are newly married"; "newly raised objections"; "a newly arranged hairdo"; "grass new washed by the rain"; "a freshly cleaned floor"; "we are fresh out of tomatoes"

    saucily, impudently, impertinently, pertly, newly, freshly, fresh

    mangey, worn, age-old, middle, thumbed, battered, ratty, aged, moth-eaten, old, hand-me-down, unoriginal, later(a), yellow, same, tatty, weathered, creaky, shabby, scoured, dog-eared, flea-bitten, late, auld, hand-down, yellowed, worm-eaten, threadbare, rusty, ragged, raddled, antique, experienced, well-worn, woebegone, patched, wormy, used, attrited, sunset, early, weather-beaten, weatherworn, clapped out, precedented, waterworn, hoary, scruffy, antiquated, longtime(a), shopsoiled, derelict, archaic, tatterdemalion, eared, secondhand, shopworn, played out, decrepit, long-ago, run-down, seedy, experient, eroded, vermiculate, frayed, worn-out, accustomed, mothy, mangy, tattered, immemorial(ip), antediluvian

Matched Categories

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. nabinnoun

    nabin is the synonyms of new.

    Submitted by nabinkumaryadav29 on August 19, 2021  
  2. unopened


    "are there any unopened cans around?" "yea, here's a new one."

    Submitted by rinat on August 14, 2019  

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. newadjective

    novel, fresh, of recent origin, not old

  2. newadjective

    recent, modern, not ancient, of the present day

  3. newadjective

    just discovered, recently made known

  4. newadjective

    unaccustomed, unused, not habituated, not familiar

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. newadjective

    recent, fresh, modern, novel, newfangled, neoteric, unfamiliar, strange, renewed, renovated, repaired, refreshed, unaccustomed, untried, inexperienced

Suggested Resources

  1. NEW

    What does NEW stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the NEW acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

  2. New

    New vs. Knew -- In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words New and Knew.

  3. New

    Knew vs. New -- In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Knew and New.

How to pronounce new?

How to say new in sign language?

Usage in printed sourcesFrom: 

Words popularity by usage frequency


How to use new in a sentence?

  1. Julia Fox:

    There's a few in Manhattan and other parts of New York as well and it's legal. You go downstairs, it's a basement, there'd be all these different rooms. There was a medical room for [a] nurse/doctor fantasy, there was a torture room, another type of chamber, a cross-dressing room, a schoolroom, for any type of fantasy. It's really like role playing, it's like acting. When people say how did you get your start in acting it's really like the dungeon because I would have to improv multiple times a day on very short notice.

  2. Jermaine Jackson:

    This was a family decision, this is now an extended family. They put together a beautiful game plan with Jay-Z. The basketball game is about to change. They are going to create something totally new.

  3. Stephen Curry:

    I know the reality of the situation in terms of we lost a guy like Kevin Durant, whos an all-time great basketball player, we lost two veteran high-IQ guys in Shaun and Andre that really were like the cogs in the wheel that kept us going and you could rely on them every single game. So, the look is different but nobody really has a sustained run like we did where every year youre expected to be the greatest. Its just a matter of now we have to, I wouldnt even say prove people wrong, but we have to kind of galvanize the new roster and do the exact same thing.

  4. Gal Pissetzky:

    Certainly, unfortunately, Mr. Zhao will lose his employment and I'm not sure if he'll be able to gain new employment because he is a pharmacist, he might be able to do some other kind of work.

  5. Waller County Sheriff Glen Smith:

    From my experience, groups like The New Black Panther Party are smart, they point their guns in the air and don’t look Waller County Sheriff Glen Smith in the eye and say ‘ I ’m going to kill Waller County Sheriff Glen Smith, ’ but say ‘ pigs in blanket, ’ or ‘ need to fry some bacon. ’.

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    Which of the following terms is not a synonym of "spread out"?
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