What is another word for weak?

Synonyms for weak

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word weak.

Wiktionary0.0 / 0 votes

  1. weakadjective

    feeble, powerless, watery, frail, dilute

    strong, healthy, robust, potent, powerful

  2. weakadjective

    Lacking in force (usually strength) or ability.

    powerless, frail, feeble, dilute, watery

    powerful, strong, potent, robust, healthy

  3. weakadjective

    Dilute, lacking in taste or potency.

    We were served stale bread and weak tea.

    watery, dilute, powerless, feeble, frail

    potent, robust, strong, powerful, healthy

  4. weakadjective

    Regular in inflection, especially of verbs.

    powerless, frail, watery, feeble, dilute

    strong, healthy, potent, powerful, robust

  5. weakadjective

    One of the four fundamental forces associated with nuclear decay.

    frail, feeble, powerless, watery, dilute

    strong, robust, powerful, healthy, potent

  6. weakadjective

    Bad or uncool.

    This place is weak.

    watery, frail, dilute, powerless, feeble

    potent, strong, healthy, powerful, robust

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. weak

    Faint, with the general sense of lacking strength or effectiveness, covers a wide range of meaning, signifying overcome with physical weakness or exhaustion, or lacking in purpose, courage, or energy, as said of persons; or lacking definiteness or distinctness of color or sound, as said of written characters, voices, or musical notes. A person may be faint when physically wearied, or when overcome with fear; he may be a faint adherent because naturally feeble or purposeless, or because half-hearted in the cause; he may be a faltering supporter because naturally irresolute or because faint-hearted and timid in view of perils that threaten, a listless worker, through want of mental energy and purpose. Written characters may be faint or dim, either because originally written with poor ink, or because they have become faded by time and exposure.

    dim, exhausted, faded, faint, faint-hearted, faltering, fatigued, feeble, half-hearted, ill-defined, indistinct, irresolute, languid, listless, purposeless, timid, wearied, worn, worn down, worn out

    bright, brilliant, clear, conspicuous, daring, energetic, fresh, hearty, resolute, strong, sturdy, vigorous

    Faint with hunger; faint in color.

Princeton's WordNet1.0 / 1 vote

  1. weakadjective

    wanting in physical strength

    "a weak pillar"

    faint, debile, sapless, unaccented, washy, rickety, feeble, watery, light, weakly, imperfect, frail, fallible, infirm, decrepit

    well-knit, powerful, imperceptible, stressed, ironlike, muscular, infallible, strong, industrial-strength, knock-down(a), beefed-up, strengthened, skilled, noticeable, sinewy, bullocky, smart, brawny, nonhuman, unperceivable, virile, robust, undiluted, knockout, up, hard, hefty, stiff, weapons-grade, irregular, accented, beardown(a), fortified, vehement, reinforced, bullnecked, severe, well-set

  2. watery, washy, weakadjective

    overly diluted; thin and insipid

    "washy coffee"; "watery milk"; "weak tea"

    watery, infirm, unaccented, weakly, debile, rickety, bleached, washy, faded, reeking, imperfect, washed-out, faint, decrepit, light, fallible, frail, feeble, sapless

    knock-down(a), industrial-strength, strong, hard, powerful, nonhuman, fortified, imperceptible, up, bullocky, undiluted, stressed, skilled, robust, virile, smart, well-knit, vehement, ironlike, unperceivable, weapons-grade, brawny, knockout, sinewy, beefed-up, accented, bullnecked, hefty, strengthened, well-set, noticeable, beardown(a), infallible, reinforced, stiff, muscular, severe, irregular

  3. unaccented, light, weakadjective

    (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress

    "a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable"; "a weak stress on the second syllable"

    light-headed, lite, wanton, sapless, wakeful, faint, lightheaded, feeble, low-cal, decrepit, watery, lightsome, debile, light-colored, unaccented, weakly, easy, promiscuous, abstemious, atonic, unclouded, clean, light(a), frail, clear, idle, fallible, imperfect, infirm, tripping, short, scant(p), washy, rickety, sluttish, light, swooning, calorie-free, loose

    hard, undiluted, bullnecked, beardown(a), well-knit, severe, knock-down(a), muscular, strengthened, fortified, imperceptible, weapons-grade, industrial-strength, brawny, infallible, beefed-up, knockout, irregular, accented, bullocky, powerful, unperceivable, strong, robust, noticeable, smart, reinforced, skilled, ironlike, virile, nonhuman, up, sinewy, hefty, well-set, stressed, vehement, stiff

  4. fallible, frail, imperfect, weakadjective

    wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings

    "I'm only a fallible human"; "frail humanity"

    watery, infirm, unaccented, weakly, imperfect, rickety, debile, delicate, sapless, frail, washy, faint, decrepit, light, fallible, feeble, fragile

    well-knit, weapons-grade, hefty, strong, bullocky, knock-down(a), well-set, irregular, severe, powerful, nonhuman, undiluted, noticeable, vehement, imperceptible, stressed, strengthened, beardown(a), ironlike, brawny, up, smart, accented, bullnecked, infallible, industrial-strength, reinforced, virile, muscular, sinewy, knockout, skilled, hard, fortified, stiff, robust, beefed-up, unperceivable

  5. weakadjective

    tending downward in price

    "a weak market for oil stocks"

    faint, debile, sapless, unaccented, washy, rickety, feeble, watery, light, weakly, imperfect, frail, fallible, infirm, decrepit

    knockout, irregular, powerful, bullocky, undiluted, industrial-strength, severe, virile, muscular, accented, noticeable, infallible, strengthened, beefed-up, up, robust, hefty, bullnecked, stressed, ironlike, knock-down(a), fortified, reinforced, nonhuman, weapons-grade, smart, sinewy, vehement, well-knit, strong, stiff, beardown(a), imperceptible, hard, brawny, skilled, well-set, unperceivable

  6. weakadjective

    deficient or lacking in some skill

    "he's weak in spelling"

    faint, debile, sapless, unaccented, washy, rickety, feeble, watery, light, weakly, imperfect, frail, fallible, infirm, decrepit

    skilled, brawny, beardown(a), ironlike, fortified, severe, reinforced, undiluted, irregular, industrial-strength, robust, strong, well-knit, bullocky, beefed-up, hard, up, nonhuman, smart, strengthened, powerful, muscular, vehement, well-set, knockout, stressed, infallible, sinewy, accented, unperceivable, hefty, noticeable, stiff, knock-down(a), bullnecked, virile, weapons-grade, imperceptible

  7. decrepit, debile, feeble, infirm, rickety, sapless, weak, weaklyadjective

    lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality

    "a feeble old woman"; "her body looked sapless"

    watery, infirm, unaccented, washy, shaky, weakly, debile, rickety, woebegone, lame, rachitic, nerveless, run-down, wonky, imperfect, creaky, faint, frail, decrepit, light, fallible, flea-bitten, wobbly, feeble, derelict, sapless

    knock-down(a), muscular, sinewy, irregular, infallible, powerful, stiff, strengthened, beefed-up, well-knit, imperceptible, unperceivable, brawny, nonhuman, accented, bullnecked, noticeable, stressed, reinforced, vehement, skilled, severe, smart, beardown(a), bullocky, hefty, robust, hard, industrial-strength, up, strong, well-set, ironlike, weapons-grade, knockout, fortified, virile, undiluted

  8. weakadjective

    (used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection

    faint, debile, sapless, unaccented, washy, rickety, feeble, watery, light, weakly, imperfect, frail, fallible, infirm, decrepit

    robust, hefty, noticeable, powerful, virile, stiff, well-knit, bullocky, beefed-up, vehement, strengthened, fortified, unperceivable, weapons-grade, smart, reinforced, industrial-strength, bullnecked, ironlike, irregular, stressed, undiluted, hard, up, imperceptible, skilled, beardown(a), knockout, brawny, muscular, severe, strong, knock-down(a), accented, nonhuman, well-set, sinewy, infallible

  9. weakadjective

    not having authority, political strength, or governing power

    "a weak president"

    faint, debile, sapless, unaccented, washy, rickety, feeble, watery, light, weakly, imperfect, frail, fallible, infirm, decrepit

    sinewy, accented, fortified, ironlike, robust, vehement, powerful, severe, beefed-up, knock-down(a), skilled, beardown(a), well-set, industrial-strength, strong, stressed, hard, bullnecked, knockout, stiff, smart, bullocky, imperceptible, undiluted, muscular, brawny, virile, noticeable, infallible, strengthened, well-knit, irregular, weapons-grade, nonhuman, up, unperceivable, reinforced, hefty

  10. faint, weakadjective

    deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc

    "a faint outline"; "the wan sun cast faint shadows"; "the faint light of a distant candle"; "weak colors"; "a faint hissing sound"; "a faint aroma"; "a weak pulse"

    watery, dim, unaccented, weakly, swooning, faint, rickety, debile, vague, faint-hearted, fainthearted, washy, timid, light-headed, lightheaded, decrepit, wispy, light, shadowy, fallible, frail, feeble, imperfect, infirm, sapless

    skilled, stressed, knock-down(a), muscular, nonhuman, weapons-grade, powerful, beardown(a), virile, imperceptible, strengthened, ironlike, vehement, bullnecked, sinewy, noticeable, robust, unperceivable, up, knockout, smart, accented, infallible, undiluted, strong, hard, severe, irregular, stiff, beefed-up, industrial-strength, hefty, well-set, reinforced, fortified, bullocky, well-knit, brawny

  11. weakadjective

    likely to fail under stress or pressure

    "the weak link in the chain"

    faint, debile, sapless, unaccented, washy, rickety, feeble, watery, light, weakly, imperfect, frail, fallible, infirm, decrepit

    strengthened, weapons-grade, reinforced, muscular, powerful, undiluted, industrial-strength, stiff, unperceivable, noticeable, beardown(a), fortified, hefty, virile, vehement, well-knit, robust, brawny, ironlike, knock-down(a), stressed, nonhuman, bullnecked, irregular, well-set, infallible, severe, skilled, strong, up, beefed-up, knockout, sinewy, bullocky, hard, accented, smart, imperceptible

  12. weakadjective

    deficient in intelligence or mental power

    "a weak mind"

    faint, debile, sapless, unaccented, washy, rickety, feeble, watery, light, weakly, imperfect, frail, fallible, infirm, decrepit

    fortified, noticeable, undiluted, hefty, beefed-up, stiff, accented, smart, powerful, up, well-knit, virile, weapons-grade, robust, knockout, brawny, nonhuman, muscular, knock-down(a), industrial-strength, imperceptible, strengthened, sinewy, stressed, skilled, hard, ironlike, unperceivable, reinforced, severe, bullocky, bullnecked, strong, vehement, infallible, well-set, beardown(a), irregular

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Editors Contribution2.0 / 1 vote

  1. unempowered

    a lack of: ability, capacity, authority.

    paul was made powerless by his boss's refusal to sign the letter of authorisation.

    Submitted by rinat on February 22, 2016  

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. weakadjective

    feeble, languid, weakly, not strong, not vigorous

  2. weakadjective

    sickly, debilitated, unhealthy, unsound, infirm, frail, delicate, tender, valetudinary, valetudinarian, invalid

  3. weakadjective

    defenceless, unguarded, exposed, unprotected

  4. weakadjective

    lax, soft, pliant, imperfect

  5. weakadjective

    pliable, pusillanimous, easily influenced, without any backbone, dough-faced

  6. weakadjective

    shallow, simple, silly, senseless, witless, stupid, foolish, DAFT, childish, inept

  7. weakadjective

    unwise, injudicious, foolish, indiscreet, erring, peccable

  8. weakadjective

    low, faint, small, inconsiderable

  9. weakadjective

    thin, watery, diluted, waterish

  10. weakadjective

    10. sleazy, flimsy, slight, poor

  11. weakadjective

    poor, inconclusive, unconvincing, unsatisfactory, lame, not forcible, not cogent

Suggested Resources

  1. weak

    Song lyrics by weak -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by weak on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. WEAK

    What does WEAK stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the WEAK acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

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How to use weak in a sentence?

  1. Michael Milshtein:

    I think that right now the PA is in a very fragile and very weak status, every punishment or economic punishment, will actually undermine and damage more the stability of the PA, although the PA causes a lot of problems to Israel… we have much more profits from the existence of the PA than from its vanishing.

  2. Phaedrus:

    It is destruction to the weak man to attempt to imitate the powerful.

  3. Police Zach Farley:

    It has a lot to do with weak leadership, whether its upper level leadership in law enforcement agencies or the local politics and mayors and county judges or even some governors, over the last couple of years, it's almost like there's no enforcement of the laws, especially the lower level stuff.

  4. Hillary Clinton:

    No president would be a tougher negotiator on behalf of American workers, either with our trade partners or Republicans on Capitol Hill than I would be, in order to get a deal that meets these high standards, the President should listen to and work with his allies in Congress, starting with Nancy Pelosi, who have expressed their concerns about the impact that a weak agreement would have on our workers, to make sure we get the best, strongest deal possible.

  5. Gerry Connolly:

    This weekend, all I hear at home is when are House Democrats going to get tough ? we are looking weak.

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