What is another word for dirty?

Synonyms for dirty
ˈdɜr tidirty

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word dirty.

Wiktionary3.0 / 1 vote

  1. dirtyadjective

    unwashed, soiled, filthy, unclean, sordid


  2. dirtyadjective


  3. dirtyadjective

    dishonest, filthy, unethical, lousy, mean, vile, base, sordid, dishonorable, despicable

  4. dirtyverb

    lewd, raunchy, indecent, salacious, obscene

  5. dirtyadverb

    soil, taint

  6. dirtyverb

    To make (something) dirty.

    Despite a walk in the rain, my shoes weren't too dirty.

    underhandedly, dirtily, deceptively, indecently

  7. dirtyadjective

    That makes one unclean; corrupting, infecting.

    Don't put that in your mouth, dear, it's dirty.


  8. dirtyadjective

    Dishonourable; violating accepted standards or rules.

    He might have scored, but it was a dirty trick that won him the penalty.

    unsportsmanlike, unsporting, cheating, foul


  9. dirtyadjective

    Of color, discolored by impurities.

    The old flag was a dirty white.

    dingy, muddy, muddied, dullish

    bright, pure

English Synonyms and Antonyms3.0 / 1 vote

  1. dirty

    disorderly, dowdy, negligent, rough, rude, slouchy, slovenly, soiled, uncared for, unkempt, untidy

    clean, cleanly, dapper, natty, neat, nice, orderly, prim, spruce, tidy, trim

Princeton's WordNet5.0 / 1 vote

  1. dirty, soiled, uncleanadjective

    soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime

    "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves"

    soiled, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, dingy, filthy, cheating(a), impure, unclean, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, foul, contaminating, sordid, muddy, muddied

    spick-and-span, pure, legal, unused, calm, washed, antiseptic, clean, incorrupt, dry-cleaned, immaculate, amicable, speckless, unobjectionable, pristine, spic-and-span, spotless, unsullied, fair, just, cleanable, nice, spick, unsoiled, legible, cleanly, scrubbed, fresh, uncontaminating, unspotted, water-washed, spic, unstained, make clean

  2. dirtyadjective

    (of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency

    "dirty words"; "a dirty old man"; "dirty books and movies"; "boys telling dirty jokes"; "has a dirty mouth"

    unsportsmanlike, unsporting, marked-up, soiled, sordid, muddy, muddied, ill-gotten, unclean, filthy, foul, cheating(a), lousy, dingy, pestiferous, contaminating

    scrubbed, clean, dry-cleaned, pure, speckless, legal, unused, amicable, water-washed, immaculate, cleanly, unsullied, nice, antiseptic, fair, spotless, spic-and-span, spick-and-span, washed, unstained, fresh, cleanable, uncontaminating, unsoiled, spick, spic, incorrupt, unspotted, calm, unobjectionable, pristine, just, legible, make clean

  3. dirty, filthy, lousyadjective

    vile; despicable

    "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor"

    soiled, cruddy, smutty, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, stinky, dingy, crappy, filthy, cheating(a), nasty, stinking, unclean, rotten, shitty, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, foul, contaminating, sordid, icky, muddy, muddied

    pure, spic, water-washed, scrubbed, unsullied, spick, unsoiled, clean, incorrupt, spic-and-span, antiseptic, speckless, legible, nice, amicable, calm, pristine, fair, unstained, just, unused, fresh, dry-cleaned, immaculate, legal, cleanly, spick-and-span, unobjectionable, cleanable, spotless, uncontaminating, unspotted, washed, make clean

  4. dirty, contaminatingadjective

    spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination

    "the air near the foundry was always dirty"; "a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout"

    soiled, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, corrupting, dingy, filthy, cheating(a), unclean, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, foul, contaminating, sordid, muddy, muddied

    calm, dry-cleaned, pure, spic-and-span, incorrupt, spick, immaculate, legible, unstained, antiseptic, cleanable, water-washed, unobjectionable, just, cleanly, washed, fair, legal, spotless, speckless, unsullied, unused, clean, spic, uncontaminating, pristine, unsoiled, spick-and-span, amicable, scrubbed, unspotted, nice, fresh, make clean

  5. dirty, pestiferousadjective

    contaminated with infecting organisms

    "dirty wounds"; "obliged to go into infected rooms"- Jane Austen

    vexatious, soiled, pestilent, unsporting, irritating, unsportsmanlike, lousy, dingy, vexing, filthy, teasing, galling, cheating(a), plaguy, bothersome, unclean, plaguey, corruptive, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, pesky, pestering, foul, contaminating, nettlesome, annoying, sordid, pestilential, perversive, muddy, muddied

    water-washed, dry-cleaned, antiseptic, clean, unspotted, nice, spick, spotless, pristine, calm, immaculate, spic-and-span, scrubbed, fair, unstained, just, unused, unsoiled, fresh, amicable, washed, pure, uncontaminating, unsullied, spic, legal, unobjectionable, legible, speckless, incorrupt, cleanable, spick-and-span, cleanly, make clean

  6. dirty, dingy, muddied, muddyadjective

    (of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear

    "dirty" is often used in combination; "a dirty (or dingy) white"; "the muddied grey of the sea"; "muddy colors"; "dirty-green walls"; "dirty-blonde hair"

    filthy, raunchy, marked-up, sloughy, foul, lousy, sordid, sloppy, dismal, soiled, disconsolate, turbid, grungy, pestiferous, marshy, begrimed, gloomy, blue, muddied, cheating(a), swampy, unclean, mucky, boggy, grimy, dark, grim, miry, soggy, ill-gotten, unsportsmanlike, grubby, unsporting, contaminating, squashy, cloudy, sorry, muddy, murky, drab, mirky, dingy, waterlogged, dreary, drear, quaggy

    unsoiled, speckless, amicable, incorrupt, antiseptic, clean, fair, legible, spic, pure, washed, spic-and-span, unspotted, scrubbed, dry-cleaned, unused, nice, cleanly, calm, unstained, immaculate, cleanable, fresh, spick-and-span, spotless, water-washed, unsullied, legal, spick, unobjectionable, just, uncontaminating, pristine, make clean

  7. dirty, foul, marked-upadjective

    (of a manuscript) defaced with changes

    "foul (or dirty) copy"

    filthy, noisome, fetid, revolting, marked-up, foul, lousy, sordid, ill-scented, distasteful, soiled, cruddy, smelly, foetid, pestiferous, disgustful, loathly, disgusting, afoul(ip), muddied, cheating(a), unclean, foul-smelling, loathsome, ill-gotten, yucky, wicked, unsportsmanlike, skanky, nasty, unsporting, contaminating, funky, smutty, stinking, repelling, muddy, repellent, fouled, dingy, repellant

    dry-cleaned, unstained, speckless, incorrupt, unsullied, antiseptic, unsoiled, just, nice, clean, legal, spotless, scrubbed, pristine, immaculate, spick-and-span, fresh, spic-and-span, spic, unobjectionable, water-washed, amicable, legible, calm, uncontaminating, cleanly, spick, unused, unspotted, washed, pure, cleanable, fair, make clean

  8. dirty, ill-gottenadjective

    obtained illegally or by improper means

    "dirty money"; "ill-gotten gains"

    soiled, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, dingy, filthy, cheating(a), unclean, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, foul, contaminating, sordid, muddy, muddied

    fresh, clean, spick, speckless, spick-and-span, unobjectionable, water-washed, antiseptic, just, cleanable, dry-cleaned, spic, spic-and-span, nice, calm, unused, incorrupt, legal, scrubbed, washed, legible, unspotted, spotless, fair, cleanly, uncontaminating, pristine, unstained, amicable, immaculate, unsullied, pure, unsoiled, make clean

  9. dirtyadjective

    expressing or revealing hostility or dislike

    "dirty looks"

    unsportsmanlike, unsporting, marked-up, soiled, sordid, muddy, muddied, ill-gotten, unclean, filthy, foul, cheating(a), lousy, dingy, pestiferous, contaminating

    unobjectionable, uncontaminating, spick-and-span, clean, spic, just, antiseptic, spotless, legible, unsoiled, dry-cleaned, unspotted, unsullied, fair, spic-and-span, amicable, unused, spick, fresh, speckless, calm, nice, incorrupt, immaculate, scrubbed, cleanable, water-washed, washed, pure, unstained, cleanly, legal, pristine, make clean

  10. cheating(a), dirty, foul, unsporting, unsportsmanlikeadjective

    violating accepted standards or rules

    "a dirty fighter"; "used foul means to gain power"; "a nasty unsporting serve"; "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior"

    antiseptic, spick-and-span, fair, spic-and-span, clean, nice, water-washed, unobjectionable, spotless, spick, unsullied, unstained, legal, legible, scrubbed, incorrupt, unused, cleanable, speckless, washed, spic, calm, immaculate, pure, fresh, unspotted, just, amicable, pristine, unsoiled, uncontaminating, cleanly, dry-cleaned, make clean

  11. dirty, sordidadjective

    unethical or dishonest

    "dirty police officers"; "a sordid political campaign"

    soiled, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, dingy, seamy, filthy, squalid, cheating(a), unclean, flyblown, sleazy, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, seedy, foul, contaminating, sordid, muddy, muddied

    unused, dry-cleaned, speckless, clean, unspotted, unobjectionable, unsoiled, spick, cleanly, unstained, antiseptic, pristine, amicable, spic-and-span, spic, spick-and-span, fair, calm, spotless, washed, incorrupt, just, immaculate, uncontaminating, fresh, pure, water-washed, legible, cleanable, unsullied, scrubbed, nice, legal, make clean

  12. dirtyverb

    unpleasantly stormy

    "there's dirty weather in the offing"

    unsportsmanlike, unsporting, marked-up, soiled, sordid, muddy, muddied, ill-gotten, unclean, filthy, foul, cheating(a), lousy, dingy, pestiferous, contaminating

    unspotted, fair, unsullied, clean, scrubbed, calm, dry-cleaned, speckless, cleanly, spick, legal, just, nice, pure, unused, amicable, immaculate, legible, fresh, spic, antiseptic, cleanable, unstained, washed, uncontaminating, unsoiled, pristine, unobjectionable, spic-and-span, water-washed, incorrupt, spick-and-span, spotless, make clean

  13. dirty, soil, begrime, grime, colly, bemireverb

    make soiled, filthy, or dirty

    "don't soil your clothes when you play outside!"

    begrime, bemire, colly, grime, soil

    spic, cleanly, legal, water-washed, spick-and-span, amicable, spotless, spic-and-span, legible, fresh, immaculate, spick, unobjectionable, unsoiled, speckless, calm, clean, antiseptic, scrubbed, just, uncontaminating, washed, cleanable, nice, unused, pure, unsullied, unspotted, pristine, unstained, incorrupt, fair, dry-cleaned, make clean

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. bolly

    where there isn't any character

    bollywood cinema background comprise of bolly deeds

    Submitted by anonymous on June 18, 2020  
  2. pretty grossadjective

    the dog was interested in pretty gross flowers

    Submitted by rinat on May 31, 2023  

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dirtyadjective

    unclean, foul, filthy, nasty, soiled, begrimed

  2. dirtyadjective

    clouded, cloudy, dark, sullied

  3. dirtyadjective

    mean, base, vile, low, grovelling, sneaking, pitiful, paltry, beggarly, scurvy, shabby, despicable, contemptible

  4. dirtyverb

    foul, befoul, soil, defile, draggle, daggle

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dirtyadjective

    defiled, unclean, foul, nasty, filthy, soiled, begrimed, grimy, squalid, uncleanly, loathsome, bedraggled, daggletailed, besmeared, sullied, sordid, groveling, despicable, vile, contemptible, abject

  2. dirtyverb

    soil, befoul, begrime, besmirch, sully, tarnish, besmear, defile

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How to use dirty in a sentence?

  1. Moshe Kantor:

    This, combined with poor levels of security at a host of nuclear research centers in the former Soviet Union mean the threat of a possible ‘dirty-bomb’ attack on a Western capital is high.

  2. Matthew Knight:

    We have tried to avoid putting it in one of those boxes and prefer to call it more generically an 'object,' in simple terms, asteroids are rocky and devoid of ices, while comets are a mixture of rock and ice, so-called 'dirty snowballs,'.

  3. Stephen Lynch:

    This president is a good and decent man, he is an honorable man. And your efforts to dirty him up and dust him up are reprehensible.

  4. Joey Jackson.He:

    If Prince Andrew proceeds to trial, now the dirty laundry is aired, prince Andrew has every right to say' I didn't do this, I don't remember who you are, I don't remember the picture I took with you.' She, of course, will say,' yes, you do, and here is what happened.'.

  5. Matthew Bogdanos:

    Tessa Majors is struggling now up the stairs. Tessa Majors has minutes left to live. Tessa Majors does not realize at this point why Tessa Majors is light-headed or why Tessa Majors's dizzy or why Tessa Majors can't walk or why Tessa Majors can't stand or why Tessa Majors's about to fall, and Tessa Majors will get to this lamp pole and collapse. And Tessa Majors will die -- face down -- on a dirty New York City street at the hands of the defendant and two others.

Translations for dirty

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • vuil, vaalAfrikaans
  • قذر, وسخArabic
  • çirkliAzerbaijani
  • брудныBelarusian
  • нечестен, циничен, изцапан, неприличен, мръсенBulgarian
  • নোংরাBengali
  • lousaatBreton
  • embrutar, brutCatalan, Valencian
  • špinavě, špinavý, sprostýCzech
  • grumset, beskidt, urenDanish
  • verdreckt, schmutzig, verdrecken, dreckig, vulgär, obszön, beschmutzenGerman
  • βρώμικος, βρωμερός, βρωμιά, ακάθαρτος, ακαθαρσία, λερωμένοςGreek
  • malpuraEsperanto
  • ensuciar, enturbiar, descolorido, sucio, turbio, obscenamente, guarro, verde, manchar, degradar, ensuciarseSpanish
  • räpaneEstonian
  • کثیفPersian
  • rivosti, likainen, rumasti, tuhma, törkyinen, liata, tahrata, säädytön, rivo, ruma, likaisesti, hävytön, epäreilusti, törkeä, epäpuhdas, tuhmasti, ryvettää, halpamainen, ryvettyäFinnish
  • cochon, sale, salir, se salir, salement, salissant, avilirFrench
  • gruzich, smoarchWestern Frisian
  • gáirsiúil, salachIrish
  • cacaScottish Gaelic
  • מלוכלך, הכתים, לכלך, מלכלךHebrew
  • गंदा, मैलाHindi
  • koszos, piszkos, mocskosHungarian
  • կեղտոտArmenian
  • polluerInterlingua
  • kotorIndonesian
  • óhreinnIcelandic
  • lurido, sporco, lercio, sudicio, insudiciare, lordare, sporca, sudicia, sporcare, sporcarsiItalian
  • 汚いJapanese
  • ბინძურიGeorgian
  • лас, батпақты, кірKazakh
  • កខ្វក់, ក្រខ្វក់Khmer
  • 더러운, 더럽다Korean
  • lewitî, pîs, qirêjî, پیس, rêvin, herrimîKurdish
  • баткак, кирKyrgyz
  • inquinō, sordidus, impuratusLatin
  • ເປື້ອນLao
  • nepadorus, nešvankus, purvinas, bjaurus, nešvarusLithuanian
  • nosmērēt, nešķīsts, netīrs, neķītrsLatvian
  • валканMacedonian
  • бохирMongolian
  • kotorMalay
  • maħmuġMaltese
  • ညစ်Burmese
  • oneerlijk, smerig, vuil, grof, obsceen, schunnig, vulgair, vies, bevuilenDutch
  • skittenNorwegian
  • niłhin, chin bąąhNavajo, Navaho
  • nieprzyzwoity, brudzący, świński, brudzić, sprośny, haniebny, brudnyPolish
  • سخا, خيرنPashto, Pushto
  • suja, sujo, sujarPortuguese
  • murdar, murdări, spurcaRomanian
  • грязный, пачкать, пятнать, пачкаться, испачканный, подло, сальный, загрязнять, запятнать, загрязняться, подлый, скабрёзныйRussian
  • nečist, нечист, prljav, прљавSerbo-Croatian
  • කිලිටිSinhala, Sinhalese
  • špinavýSlovak
  • umazan, umazati, umazati seSlovene
  • ndyrëAlbanian
  • oren, fläcka, smutsa ner, grumlig, snuskig, smutsig, smutsigt, ojuste, osnygg, ful, skitig, orättmätig, fult, osnyggt, orena, skita nerSwedish
  • మురికి, మురికిగాTelugu
  • касиф, лойолуд, чиркин, пурлойTajik
  • สกปรกThai
  • kirliTurkmen
  • madumi, marumiTagalog
  • pis pis, pisletmek, müstehcen, lekelemek, kirli, pis, kirletmekTurkish
  • бруднийUkrainian
  • گندا, گندہUrdu
  • kirUzbek
  • không, xấu xa, [[bất]] [[hợp pháp]], bẩn thỉu, dơ, bẩn, tục tĩu, xấu, bậy, trái luật, bậy bạVietnamese
  • miotikVolapük
  • mannete, mannet, måssîte, måssî, anichter, manniWalloon
  • גראָבYiddish
  • Chinese

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