What is another word for active?

Synonyms for active
ˈæk tɪvac·tive

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word active.

Wiktionary1.0 / 1 vote

  1. activeadjective

    inert, tranquil, dormant, lethargic, sedentary, slow, dull, extinct, bottom, quiescent, theoretical, sluggish, passive, speculative, indolent

  2. activeadjective

    sluggish, extinct, indolent, dormant, passive, sedentary, inert, theoretical, speculative, slow, dull, quiescent, tranquil, lethargic, bottom

  3. activeadjective

    inert, quiescent, dormant, tranquil, bottom, passive, sluggish, sedentary, theoretical, slow, dull, indolent, lethargic, extinct, speculative

  4. activenoun

    dormant, lethargic, slow, passive, inert, tranquil, theoretical, dull, speculative, indolent, sedentary, extinct, sluggish, bottom, quiescent

  5. activeadjective

    Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting; opposed to passive, that receives; as, certain active principles; the powers of the mind.

    bottom, dormant, sluggish, slow, quiescent, dull, lethargic, inert, sedentary, speculative, theoretical, passive, tranquil, extinct, indolent

  6. activeadjective

    extinct, inert, passive, quiescent, bottom, sluggish, dormant, lethargic, speculative, slow, indolent, theoretical, dull, tranquil, sedentary

  7. activeadjective

    slow, tranquil, speculative, bottom, dormant, sluggish, sedentary, quiescent, inert, passive, extinct, dull, indolent, theoretical, lethargic

  8. activeadjective

    quiescent, extinct, dull, indolent, lethargic, inert, slow, sluggish, theoretical, passive, bottom, sedentary, dormant, speculative, tranquil

  9. activeadjective

    lethargic, theoretical, sedentary, bottom, indolent, dormant, inert, speculative, tranquil, dull, sluggish, quiescent, passive, slow, extinct

  10. activeadjective

    speculative, dull, extinct, slow, bottom, sedentary, inert, tranquil, quiescent, sluggish, lethargic, indolent, passive, dormant, theoretical

  11. activeadjective

    dull, dormant, indolent, sedentary, slow, sluggish, inert, tranquil, bottom, theoretical, lethargic, passive, speculative, extinct, quiescent

  12. activeadjective

    passive, dull, sluggish, quiescent, extinct, bottom, speculative, theoretical, lethargic, slow, sedentary, indolent, inert, dormant, tranquil

  13. activeadjective

    inert, passive, sluggish, indolent, extinct, quiescent, tranquil, bottom, theoretical, dull, dormant, sedentary, slow, lethargic, speculative

English Synonyms and Antonyms2.0 / 1 vote

  1. active

    Active refers to both quickness and constancy of action; in the former sense it is allied with agile, alert, brisk, etc.; in the latter, with busy, diligent, industrious. The active love employment, the busy are actually employed, the diligent and the industrious are habitually busy. The restless are active from inability to keep quiet; their activity may be without purpose, or out of all proportion to the purpose contemplated. The officious are undesirably active in the affairs of others. Compare ALERT; ALIVE; MEDDLESOME.

    agile, alert, brisk, bustling, busy, diligent, energetic, expeditious, industrious, lively, mobile, nimble, officious, prompt, quick, ready, restless, sprightly, spry, supple, vigorous, wide awake

    dull, heavy, idle, inactive, indolent, inert, lazy, quiescent, quiet, slow, sluggish, stupid

    Active in work, in a cause; for an object, as for justice; with persons or instrumentalities; about something, as about other people's business.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms3.0 / 2 votes

  1. active

    nimble, agile, lively, sprightly, brisk, quick, expert, dexterous, supple, wide-awake, prompt, busy, industrial, diligent

    slow, inactive, indolent, sluggish, heavy

Princeton's WordNet3.5 / 2 votes

  1. active agent, activenoun

    chemical agent capable of activity

    active voice, active agent

    passive, quiescent, inactive, slow, sluggish, unresisting, torpid, dead-end, dull, dormant, flat, desk-bound, dead, hypoactive, supine, extinct, nonoperational, retired, sedentary, underactive, soggy, indolent, latent, unused, deskbound, nonexistent, inert, quiet, strikebound, dark, stative, off, abeyant, uninvolved, idle, hands-off, resistless

  2. active voice, activenoun

    the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb

    "`The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice"

    active voice, active agent

    sluggish, flat, dead-end, extinct, quiescent, slow, indolent, inert, inactive, underactive, nonoperational, unused, hypoactive, passive, soggy, quiet, abeyant, nonexistent, dull, torpid, retired, uninvolved, dormant, supine, strikebound, resistless, dead, deskbound, dark, sedentary, stative, latent, hands-off, off, unresisting, idle, desk-bound

  3. activeadjective

    a person who is a participating member of an organization

    "the club issues a list of members, both the actives and the retirees"

    active voice, active agent

    inert, hands-off, supine, quiescent, torpid, deskbound, inactive, dormant, passive, soggy, desk-bound, dark, resistless, underactive, hypoactive, unused, nonoperational, stative, extinct, indolent, strikebound, sedentary, off, slow, sluggish, uninvolved, latent, dead-end, retired, dead, quiet, unresisting, abeyant, idle, nonexistent, flat, dull

  4. activeadjective

    tending to become more severe or wider in scope

    "active tuberculosis"

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    unused, sedentary, inactive, nonoperational, sluggish, nonexistent, passive, hypoactive, slow, dead, dark, desk-bound, stative, deskbound, dead-end, dormant, idle, inert, resistless, strikebound, latent, torpid, off, hands-off, soggy, quiescent, dull, uninvolved, indolent, quiet, unresisting, retired, flat, extinct, underactive, abeyant, supine

  5. active, combat-ready, fighting(a)adjective

    engaged in or ready for military or naval operations

    "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces"

    strikebound, hypoactive, desk-bound, quiescent, underactive, inactive, indolent, passive, sluggish, flat, idle, quiet, soggy, extinct, dull, dormant, dead, hands-off, unused, nonoperational, resistless, slow, stative, sedentary, deskbound, supine, off, dark, torpid, unresisting, uninvolved, dead-end, latent, abeyant, retired, nonexistent, inert

  6. activeadjective

    disposed to take action or effectuate change

    "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations"; "an active antagonism"; "he was active in drawing attention to their grievances"

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    quiet, resistless, dull, nonexistent, nonoperational, hands-off, strikebound, hypoactive, inactive, dark, desk-bound, slow, soggy, off, sluggish, inert, dead, unresisting, idle, retired, passive, dead-end, quiescent, unused, extinct, latent, abeyant, stative, supine, flat, dormant, indolent, uninvolved, torpid, sedentary, deskbound, underactive

  7. active, participatingadjective

    taking part in an activity

    "an active member of the club"; "he was politically active"; "the participating organizations"

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    passive, indolent, idle, unresisting, hands-off, dead-end, latent, inactive, hypoactive, resistless, underactive, sluggish, retired, off, extinct, sedentary, flat, quiet, stative, soggy, dormant, desk-bound, quiescent, abeyant, unused, deskbound, uninvolved, nonexistent, supine, dead, dull, torpid, inert, nonoperational, dark, strikebound, slow

  8. activeadjective

    characterized by energetic activity

    "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action"

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    inactive, nonexistent, dormant, quiescent, sluggish, strikebound, dark, deskbound, passive, abeyant, hands-off, unresisting, desk-bound, off, unused, stative, retired, sedentary, nonoperational, hypoactive, dead-end, supine, flat, resistless, inert, dull, latent, underactive, idle, extinct, slow, indolent, dead, soggy, torpid, uninvolved, quiet

  9. activeadjective

    exerting influence or producing a change or effect

    "an active ingredient"

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    desk-bound, inactive, sluggish, abeyant, dead, dormant, dull, extinct, nonexistent, slow, hands-off, quiescent, quiet, supine, dead-end, resistless, dark, strikebound, hypoactive, unused, torpid, latent, flat, unresisting, nonoperational, passive, sedentary, soggy, uninvolved, underactive, indolent, idle, deskbound, stative, inert, off, retired

  10. activeadjective

    full of activity or engaged in continuous activity

    "an active seaport"; "an active bond market"; "an active account"

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    flat, unused, inactive, hypoactive, sluggish, slow, deskbound, dark, uninvolved, quiescent, desk-bound, off, unresisting, strikebound, extinct, passive, dormant, torpid, resistless, soggy, sedentary, dull, dead-end, supine, abeyant, nonoperational, underactive, nonexistent, indolent, latent, inert, idle, quiet, hands-off, stative, retired, dead

  11. active, alive(p)adjective

    in operation

    "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition"

    dormant, stative, extinct, passive, resistless, dead, strikebound, desk-bound, sluggish, dull, nonexistent, off, unused, quiescent, deskbound, indolent, torpid, soggy, flat, inactive, hands-off, slow, latent, sedentary, hypoactive, dead-end, uninvolved, idle, inert, retired, quiet, unresisting, abeyant, underactive, nonoperational, supine, dark

  12. activeadjective

    (of the sun) characterized by an increased occurrence of sunspots and flares and radio emissions

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    quiescent, inactive, soggy, abeyant, supine, slow, dead-end, dormant, dull, nonoperational, idle, sluggish, dark, dead, unused, desk-bound, deskbound, extinct, nonexistent, unresisting, resistless, inert, off, sedentary, underactive, indolent, hands-off, torpid, hypoactive, uninvolved, latent, strikebound, passive, retired, stative, quiet, flat

  13. activeadjective

    expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions"

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    extinct, quiescent, uninvolved, dead, desk-bound, underactive, hypoactive, quiet, inactive, dormant, inert, flat, dull, passive, sedentary, deskbound, hands-off, abeyant, torpid, unresisting, slow, strikebound, nonoperational, nonexistent, indolent, resistless, soggy, unused, stative, idle, off, dead-end, sluggish, retired, dark, supine, latent

  14. active, dynamicadjective

    (used of verbs (e.g. `to run') and participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water')) expressing action rather than a state of being

    dynamic, dynamical, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    inactive, deskbound, dead-end, unused, quiescent, torpid, latent, dead, strikebound, hands-off, supine, nonoperational, passive, quiet, resistless, hypoactive, stative, unresisting, inert, idle, sluggish, dormant, retired, off, desk-bound, dark, sedentary, dull, nonexistent, extinct, flat, soggy, underactive, indolent, slow, abeyant, uninvolved

  15. activeadjective

    (of e.g. volcanos) capable of erupting

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    passive, underactive, uninvolved, extinct, inactive, slow, latent, quiescent, resistless, dead-end, dark, nonoperational, abeyant, strikebound, dead, deskbound, desk-bound, unresisting, dormant, flat, dull, quiet, unused, hands-off, soggy, sedentary, stative, idle, nonexistent, sluggish, retired, hypoactive, torpid, supine, inert, off, indolent

  16. activeadjective

    (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt

    "active volcanos"

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    uninvolved, latent, unused, soggy, dead, inactive, dark, passive, extinct, deskbound, flat, inert, dead-end, slow, retired, abeyant, off, sedentary, desk-bound, quiescent, quiet, unresisting, torpid, nonexistent, resistless, idle, indolent, dormant, strikebound, hands-off, hypoactive, underactive, supine, nonoperational, sluggish, stative, dull

  17. activeadjective

    engaged in full-time work

    "active duty"; "though past retirement age he is still active in his profession"

    dynamic, fighting(a), alive(p), participating, combat-ready

    slow, unresisting, dormant, quiescent, off, inactive, sedentary, desk-bound, inert, stative, passive, nonoperational, dead, hypoactive, flat, strikebound, deskbound, sluggish, underactive, dead-end, dark, indolent, dull, uninvolved, supine, latent, soggy, quiet, nonexistent, resistless, hands-off, extinct, retired, abeyant, idle, torpid, unused

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hyper

    Submitted by christiand.08029 on May 16, 2023  
  2. lazy

    when your lazy, you're like a couch potato, when you're active, you can be all tired of exercise, work and more!

    she's very active, but her little brother is very lazy.

    Submitted by xnrtd on January 16, 2021  
  3. round character

    they have a lot of things to do

    Submitted by rinat on August 20, 2019  

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. activeadjective

    practical, operative, living, vigorous, in action, in operation

  2. activeadjective

    busy, diligent, assiduous, industrious, indefatigable, unremitting, laborious, sedulous, notable, at work, hard at work, diligently employed, busily engaged

  3. activeadjective

    alert, nimble, agile, supple, brisk, dapper, stirring, SPRY, smart, quick, prompt, ready, lively, sprightly, spirited

  4. activeadjective

    enterprising, energetic, strong, efficient, in earnest

  5. activeadjective

    drastic (as medicine), powerful, efficacious

  6. activeadjective

    (Gram.) transitive

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words2.0 / 1 vote

  1. activeadjective

    brisk, nimble, agile, sprightly, spirited, strenuous, diligent, enterprising, operative, efficacious, drastic, effective, transitive

    inactive, passive, latent, quiescent, sedentary

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How to use active in a sentence?

  1. Doug Kass:

    More and more money is going to passive products and strategies and away from active managers - who have failed to meet the returns of the indices, passive products are by definition not as energetic - it is a strategy that trades less actively - compared to active managers.

  2. David Frei:

    She saw a picture of the dog doing exactly what it was bred to do, it was built perfectly, has an active, easy gait, and is elegant in the way that Sir Walter Scott had in mind when Sir Walter Scott called the Deerhound the most perfect creature.

  3. Andy Brennan:

    We received intelligence suggesting that somebody who hadn't been identified at that point was active in these areas. That would have been August 2014.

  4. Alon Gorodetsky:

    We've developed stickers for use as a thin, flexible layer of camo with the potential to take on a pattern that will better match the soldiers' infrared reflectance to their background and hide them from active infrared visualization.

  5. Pope Francis:

    Without doubt, even moments of great difficulty, of tormented decisions of Christian and human prudence, that to some could have seemed like reticence, were instead attempts, humanly very difficult, to keep the light of humanitarian initiatives, of hidden but active diplomacy lit, in periods of greatest darkness and cruelty, in the hope of a possible opening of hearts.

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