What is another word for caustic?
Synonyms for caustic
ˈkɔ stɪkcaus·tic
This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word caustic.
acidic, mordacious, bitchy, burning, biting, sharp, nasty, corrosive, catty, spiteful, searingcausticadjective
Capable of burning, corroding or destroying organic tissue
biting, spiteful, catty, acidic, burning, sharp, searing, mordacious, nasty, bitchy, corrosivecausticnoun
The envelope of reflected or refracted rays of light for a given surface or object.
bitchy, acidic, searing, corrosive, spiteful, burning, nasty, catty, mordacious, biting, sharp
English Synonyms and Antonyms
Acid, sour, and bitter agree in being contrasted with sweet, but the two former are sharply distinguished from the latter. Acid or sour is the taste of vinegar or lemon-juice; bitter that of quassia, quinine, or strychnine. Acrid is nearly allied to bitter. Pungent suggests the effect of pepper or snuff on the organs of taste or smell; as, a pungent odor. Caustic indicates the corroding effect of some strong chemical, as nitrate of silver. In a figurative sense, as applied to language or character, these words are very closely allied. We say a sour face, sharp words, bitter complaints, caustic wit, cutting irony, biting sarcasm, a stinging taunt, harsh judgment, a tart reply. Harsh carries the idea of intentional and severe unkindness, bitter of a severity that arises from real or supposed ill treatment. The bitter speech springs from the sore heart. Tart and sharp utterances may not proceed from an intention to wound, but merely from a wit recklessly keen; cutting, stinging, and biting speech indicates more or less of hostile intent, the latter being the more deeply malicious. The caustic utterance is meant to burn, perhaps wholesomely, as in the satire of Juvenal or Cervantes. Compare MOROSE.
acerb, acetous, acid, acidulated, acidulous, acrid, acrimonious, biting, bitter, cutting, harsh, irate, pungent, savage, sharp, sour, stinging, tart, vinegarish, virulentAntonyms:
dulcet, honeyed, luscious, nectared, saccharine, sweet
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
Princeton's WordNet
any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue
pleasant, constructiveacerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolicadjective
harsh or corrosive in tone
"an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic critique"
virulent, blistering, red-hot, vitriolic, hot, blistery, acerbic, stifling, sulphurous, acidic, acrimonious, mordant, acidulous, venomous, astringent, sulfurous, acrid, deadly, acid, corrosive, pungent, biting, bitter, sultry, acidulent, acerb, erosiveAntonyms:
constructive, pleasantcaustic, corrosive, erosive, vitriolic, mordantadjective
of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
acrid, mordant, blistering, sulphurous, sulfurous, grim, corrosive, acid, erosive, bitter, virulent, acerbic, vitriolic, black, acerbAntonyms:
pleasant, constructive
Dictionary of English Synonymes
corrosive, corroding, CATHERETIC, consuming, acrid, virulent, eating awaycausticadjective
severe, sarcastic, satirical, bitter, stinging, sharp, cutting
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words
burning, virulent, acrid, catheretic, mordacious, cutting, satirical
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Usage in printed sourcesFrom:
- [["1607","1"],["1643","1"],["1682","52"],["1693","1"],["1715","4"],["1724","3"],["1725","11"],["1730","22"],["1731","2"],["1732","6"],["1734","9"],["1735","1"],["1737","4"],["1738","14"],["1739","15"],["1740","4"],["1741","10"],["1742","57"],["1743","3"],["1744","19"],["1745","8"],["1746","20"],["1747","19"],["1748","7"],["1749","4"],["1750","28"],["1751","29"],["1752","17"],["1753","13"],["1754","13"],["1755","23"],["1756","22"],["1757","2"],["1758","45"],["1759","7"],["1760","7"],["1761","17"],["1762","5"],["1763","13"],["1764","93"],["1765","13"],["1766","73"],["1767","111"],["1768","42"],["1769","35"],["1770","54"],["1771","16"],["1772","59"],["1773","80"],["1774","59"],["1775","41"],["1776","200"],["1777","237"],["1778","21"],["1779","157"],["1780","105"],["1781","73"],["1782","21"],["1783","72"],["1784","500"],["1785","149"],["1786","426"],["1787","105"],["1788","531"],["1789","128"],["1790","499"],["1791","276"],["1792","61"],["1793","346"],["1794","260"],["1795","229"],["1796","780"],["1797","33"],["1798","123"],["1799","277"],["1800","503"],["1801","832"],["1802","340"],["1803","759"],["1804","961"],["1805","907"],["1806","151"],["1807","2063"],["1808","337"],["1809","407"],["1810","787"],["1811","506"],["1812","282"],["1813","502"],["1814","593"],["1815","532"],["1816","583"],["1817","709"],["1818","761"],["1819","1165"],["1820","710"],["1821","953"],["1822","868"],["1823","859"],["1824","997"],["1825","1242"],["1826","773"],["1827","744"],["1828","792"],["1829","653"],["1830","1741"],["1831","2153"],["1832","1495"],["1833","1081"],["1834","897"],["1835","1345"],["1836","1608"],["1837","1019"],["1838","1044"],["1839","1601"],["1840","1442"],["1841","1390"],["1842","1974"],["1843","2560"],["1844","1666"],["1845","2078"],["1846","2319"],["1847","1853"],["1848","2567"],["1849","3087"],["1850","3051"],["1851","2864"],["1852","3034"],["1853","3618"],["1854","3329"],["1855","3360"],["1856","3149"],["1857","3366"],["1858","3199"],["1859","3499"],["1860","4907"],["1861","2588"],["1862","1637"],["1863","3543"],["1864","3893"],["1865","3232"],["1866","2345"],["1867","3463"],["1868","3390"],["1869","3528"],["1870","2979"],["1871","3460"],["1872","4169"],["1873","3159"],["1874","3941"],["1875","2898"],["1876","3509"],["1877","3976"],["1878","3576"],["1879","4395"],["1880","6390"],["1881","5869"],["1882","5846"],["1883","5493"],["1884","5293"],["1885","5811"],["1886","5227"],["1887","4585"],["1888","4878"],["1889","4322"],["1890","4147"],["1891","5085"],["1892","4140"],["1893","6477"],["1894","6005"],["1895","8106"],["1896","7307"],["1897","6069"],["1898","8757"],["1899","4928"],["1900","7681"],["1901","8726"],["1902","8421"],["1903","7184"],["1904","8996"],["1905","8678"],["1906","9503"],["1907","10998"],["1908","8377"],["1909","7910"],["1910","7623"],["1911","10208"],["1912","9835"],["1913","11305"],["1914","8845"],["1915","6332"],["1916","7691"],["1917","6894"],["1918","6957"],["1919","6751"],["1920","11311"],["1921","8589"],["1922","6010"],["1923","7686"],["1924","6983"],["1925","5894"],["1926","6098"],["1927","6147"],["1928","6475"],["1929","4489"],["1930","5653"],["1931","4095"],["1932","4023"],["1933","3666"],["1934","3146"],["1935","4454"],["1936","4767"],["1937","5441"],["1938","5379"],["1939","5507"],["1940","4557"],["1941","4455"],["1942","6009"],["1943","4050"],["1944","3265"],["1945","4808"],["1946","4853"],["1947","6690"],["1948","6573"],["1949","7896"],["1950","6190"],["1951","7800"],["1952","6500"],["1953","6523"],["1954","7413"],["1955","6057"],["1956","5839"],["1957","6131"],["1958","5798"],["1959","6327"],["1960","5851"],["1961","7528"],["1962","9205"],["1963","9680"],["1964","6619"],["1965","8037"],["1966","8117"],["1967","9910"],["1968","8384"],["1969","8416"],["1970","7822"],["1971","8857"],["1972","7881"],["1973","7570"],["1974","7870"],["1975","7311"],["1976","7199"],["1977","7356"],["1978","8681"],["1979","8460"],["1980","8562"],["1981","9078"],["1982","8261"],["1983","9319"],["1984","8873"],["1985","9812"],["1986","9790"],["1987","8639"],["1988","8556"],["1989","9295"],["1990","10996"],["1991","11074"],["1992","11833"],["1993","10514"],["1994","10726"],["1995","12230"],["1996","11514"],["1997","12351"],["1998","13142"],["1999","12552"],["2000","13670"],["2001","14269"],["2002","14701"],["2003","15517"],["2004","16508"],["2005","17911"],["2006","18633"],["2007","21466"],["2008","37109"]]
Words popularity by usage frequency
ranking | word | |
#271 | black | |
#487 | hot | |
#2570 | acid | |
#3091 | sharp | |
#3717 | cutting | |
#3964 | severe | |
#4429 | burning | |
#5801 | pointed | |
#7683 | nasty | |
#9200 | deadly | |
#9792 | savage | |
#10079 | bitter | |
#11437 | harsh | |
#12027 | sour | |
#14856 | grim | |
#18316 | biting | |
#21938 | tart | |
#23129 | abrasive | |
#23970 | irritating | |
#24020 | acidic | |
#29440 | corrosive | |
#29779 | sarcastic | |
#35779 | caustic | |
#40176 | stinging | |
#40186 | sultry | |
#40699 | blistering | |
#43797 | virulent | |
#46872 | searing | |
#50552 | pungent | |
#51207 | stifling | |
#51420 | venomous | |
#58225 | irate | |
#61123 | bitchy | |
#72228 | astringent | |
#73762 | spiteful | |
#88964 | erosive | |
#95393 | catty | |
#96542 | acerbic | |
#96952 | acrid | |
#100013 | vitriolic | |
#101677 | trenchant | |
#103017 | acrimonious | |
#117416 | mordant | |
#194842 | sulfurous | |
#206618 | sulphurous |
How to use caustic in a sentence?
Republican Michigan Rep. Todd Courser:
I can say nothing prepared me for the caustic nature of the Lansing mafia, the entirety of the state House and state government is controlled and manipulated for the political advantage and to the benefit of the establishment powers.
Who is your all time favorite television character and why? "Scrooge McDuck. A greedy, caustic duck who does what he wants and doesn't listen to anyone, followed around by three young nephews who are always getting into trouble? Clearly, the inspiration for House MD. Also, the guy freaking swam in money. Literally.
There is a strong probability that someone who finally found the courage to contact the suicide hotline couldn’t get through due to Jarrar’s caustic misdirection.
The satirist who writes nothing but satire should write but little -- or it will seem that his satire springs rather from his own caustic nature than from the sins of the world in which he lives.
It is also the first electric vehicle with an entirely environmentally stable and inert battery chemistry, there are no heavy metals or caustic materials used in the manufacturing of the BYD iron-phosphate battery.
Translations for caustic
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- язвителен, разяждащ, хапливBulgarian
- càusticCatalan, Valencian
- žíravina, sžíravý, žíravýCzech
- ätzendGerman
- καυστικό, καυστικόςGreek
- cáusticoSpanish
- سوزناکPersian
- pureva, ivallinen, syövyttäväFinnish
- loisgeachScottish Gaelic
- maróHungarian
- caustica, causticoItalian
- schamper, scherp, streng, corrosief, bijtendDutch
- żrącyPolish
- causticRomanian
- едкийRussian
- 尖刻Chinese
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"caustic." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 10 Feb. 2025. <https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/caustic>.
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