What is another word for renounce?
Synonyms for renounce
This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word renounce.
English Synonyms and Antonyms
Abjure, discard, forswear, recall, recant, renounce, retract, and revoke, like abandon, imply some previous connection. Renounce (Latin re, back, and nuntio, bear a message) is to declare against and give up formally and definitively; as, to renounce the pomps and vanities of the world. Recant (Latin re, back, and canto, sing) is to take back or deny formally and publicly, as a belief that one has held or professed. Retract (Latin re, back, and traho, draw) is to take back something that one has said as not true or as what one is not ready to maintain; as, to retract a charge or accusation; one recants what was especially his own, he retracts what was directed against another. Repudiate (Latin re, back, or away, and pudeo, feel shame) is primarily to renounce as shameful, hence to divorce, as a wife; thus in general to put away with emphatic and determined repulsion; as, to repudiate a debt. To deny is to affirm to be not true or not binding; as, to deny a statement or a relationship; or to refuse to grant as something requested; as, his mother could not deny him what he desired. To discard is to cast away as useless or worthless; thus, one discards a worn garment; a coquette discards a lover. Revoke (Latin re, back, and voco, call), etymologically the exact equivalent of the English recall, is to take back something given or granted; as, to revoke a command, a will, or a grant; recall may be used in the exact sense of revoke, but is often applied to persons, as revoke is not; we recall a messenger and revoke the order with which he was charged. Abjure (Latin ab, away, and juro, swear) is etymologically the exact equivalent of the Saxon forswear, signifying to put away formally and under oath, as an error, heresy, or evil practise, or a condemned and detested person. A man abjures his religion, recants his belief, abjures or renounces his allegiance, repudiates another's claim, renounces his own, retracts a false statement. A person may deny, disavow, disclaim, disown what has been truly or falsely imputed to him or supposed to be his. He may deny his signature, disavow the act of his agent, disown his child; he may repudiate a just claim or a base suggestion. A native of the United States can not abjure or renounce allegiance to the Queen of England, but will promptly deny or repudiate it. Compare ABANDON.
abandon, abjure, deny, disavow, discard, disclaim, disown, forswear, recall, recant, refuse, reject, repudiate, retract, revokeAntonyms:
acknowledge, advocate, assert, avow, cherish, claim, defend, hold, maintain, own, proclaim, retain, uphold, vindicate
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
Princeton's WordNet
abdicate, renounceverb
give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations
"The King abdicated when he married a divorcee"
give up, resign, quit, repudiate, foreswear, vacate, relinquish, disown, abdicatevacate, resign, renounce, give upverb
leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily
"She vacated the position when she got pregnant"; "The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds"
empty, allow, abandon, forfeit, abdicate, cede, annul, release, resign, forgo, spare, kick, throw in, lift, surrender, stop, fall by the wayside, rescind, lay off, waive, throw overboard, reconcile, disown, throw in the towel, give up, overturn, repeal, leave office, repudiate, relinquish, step down, deliver, cease, chuck up the sponge, reverse, discontinue, revoke, drop out, free, submit, part with, vacate, forego, quit, dispense with, countermand, foreswear, drop by the waysideforeswear, renounce, quit, relinquishverb
turn away from; give up
"I am foreswearing women forever"
drop by the wayside, discontinue, foreswear, throw in, disown, chuck up the sponge, leave office, fall by the wayside, cease, vacate, let go of, lay off, dispense with, drop out, step down, take leave, forego, give up, waive, let go, release, resign, forgo, depart, free, relinquish, stop, throw in the towel, abdicate, quit, repudiatedisown, renounce, repudiateverb
cast off
"She renounced her husband"; "The parents repudiated their son"
quit, give up, resign, repudiate, foreswear, vacate, disown, disinherit, relinquish, abdicate
Dictionary of English Synonymes
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words
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Denounce vs. Renounce -- In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Denounce and Renounce.
Usage in printed sourcesFrom:
- 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],["1963","10578"],["1964","10128"],["1965","11915"],["1966","12130"],["1967","12701"],["1968","14136"],["1969","13856"],["1970","14848"],["1971","13388"],["1972","13009"],["1973","11510"],["1974","11480"],["1975","11619"],["1976","11264"],["1977","11386"],["1978","11851"],["1979","11140"],["1980","10662"],["1981","10849"],["1982","10714"],["1983","10923"],["1984","11097"],["1985","11794"],["1986","12594"],["1987","13314"],["1988","13424"],["1989","13710"],["1990","14840"],["1991","14385"],["1992","15368"],["1993","15705"],["1994","16446"],["1995","17138"],["1996","17952"],["1997","18504"],["1998","18914"],["1999","20265"],["2000","23206"],["2001","22691"],["2002","23301"],["2003","28036"],["2004","31062"],["2005","28264"],["2006","34953"],["2007","37171"],["2008","58002"]]
Words popularity by usage frequency
ranking | word | |
#42 | free | |
#625 | release | |
#868 | submit | |
#1038 | stop | |
#1202 | allow | |
#2964 | empty | |
#3338 | deliver | |
#3815 | reverse | |
#4499 | lift | |
#5089 | kick | |
#5370 | recall | |
#6027 | quit | |
#6173 | spare | |
#7367 | refuse | |
#7851 | deny | |
#8574 | reject | |
#10105 | depart | |
#11444 | cease | |
#11564 | surrender | |
#14530 | abandon | |
#16588 | repeal | |
#17665 | discard | |
#18763 | waive | |
#19661 | resign | |
#22808 | discontinue | |
#22918 | revoke | |
#23024 | reconcile | |
#29516 | forfeit | |
#32840 | disclaim | |
#34999 | overturn | |
#36540 | vacate | |
#38092 | retract | |
#41807 | relinquish | |
#42606 | renounce | |
#45132 | rescind | |
#47832 | forsake | |
#49362 | forgo | |
#49931 | forego | |
#66067 | cede | |
#80071 | annul | |
#82810 | repudiate | |
#87973 | abdicate | |
#111844 | disown | |
#114534 | disavow | |
#128134 | recant | |
#212527 | abjure | |
#249199 | forswear | |
#295290 | countermand | |
#307996 | disinherit |
How to use renounce in a sentence?
To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man, to surrender the rights of humanity and even its duties. For he who renounces everything no indemnity is possible. Such a renunciation is incompatible with man's nature to remove all liberty from his will is to remove all morality from his acts.
So, rather than appear foolish afterward, I renounce seeming clever now.
If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of Almighty God, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave.
The purpose of #wealth is to #heal and not to #hoard. In your selfishness with your wealth you renounce your claim to it.
Kiss the hand of him who can renounce what he has publicly taught, when convicted of his error and who, with heartfelt joy, embraces the truth, though with the sacrifice of favorite opinions.
Translations for renounce
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- تنازلArabic
- vzdát seCzech
- malkonfesiEsperanto
- renunciaSpanish
- lahti ütlemaEstonian
- رد کنPersian
- hylätä, antaa periksi, luopua, kieltää, mitätöidä, luovuttaa, sakataFinnish
- àicheidhScottish Gaelic
- verzaken, opgevenDutch
- frasi, renonsere, fornekte, forsake, gi avkall, avsverge, oppgiNorwegian
- lepăda, abandona, renunțaRomanian
- отвергать, отказываться, отказаться, отречься, сдаться, отступаться, отрекаться, сдаваться, отступиться, отвергнутьRussian
- otkazati, napustiti, odustati, predati se, dići rukeSerbo-Croatian
- رجوع کریںUrdu
- từ bỏVietnamese
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"renounce." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 8 Feb. 2025. <https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/renounce>.
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