What is another word for vacate?
Synonyms for vacate
ˈveɪ keɪt; esp. Brit. vəˈkeɪt, veɪ-va·cate
This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word vacate.
English Synonyms and Antonyms
Abandon is a word of wide signification, applying to persons or things of any kind; abdicate and resign apply to office, authority, or power; cede to territorial possessions; surrender especially to military force, and more generally to any demand, claim, passion, etc. Quit carries an idea of suddenness or abruptness not necessarily implied in abandon, and may not have the same suggestion of finality. The king abdicates his throne, cedes his territory, deserts his followers, renounces his religion, relinquishes his titles, abandons his designs. A cowardly officer deserts his ship; the helpless passengers abandon it. We quit business, give up property, resign office, abandon a habit or a trust. Relinquish commonly implies reluctance; the fainting hand relinquishes its grasp; the creditor relinquishes his claim. Abandon implies previous association with responsibility for or control of; forsake implies previous association with inclination or attachment, real or assumed; a man may abandon or forsake house or friends; he abandons an enterprise; forsakes God. Abandon is applied to both good and evil action; a thief abandons his designs, a man his principles. Forsake, like abandon, may be used either in the favorable or unfavorable sense; desert is always unfavorable, involving a breach of duty, except when used of mere localities; as, "the Deserted Village." While a monarch abdicates, a president or other elected or appointed officer resigns. It was held that James II. abdicated his throne by deserting it.
abandon, abdicate, abjure, cast off, cease, cede, depart from, desert, discontinue, forego, forsake, forswear, give up, leave, quit, recant, relinquish, renounce, repudiate, resign, retire from, retract, surrender, withdraw fromAntonyms:
adopt, advocate, assert, cherish, claim, court, defend, favor, haunt, hold, keep, maintain, occupy, prosecute, protect, pursue, retain, seek, support, undertake, uphold, vindicate
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
resign, surrender, annul, invalidate, abrogate, neutralizeAntonyms:
hold, retain, fill, occupy, substantiate
Princeton's WordNet
vacate, resign, renounce, give upverb
leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily
"She vacated the position when she got pregnant"; "The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds"
empty, allow, abandon, forfeit, abdicate, cede, annul, release, resign, forgo, spare, kick, throw in, lift, surrender, stop, fall by the wayside, rescind, lay off, waive, throw overboard, reconcile, disown, throw in the towel, give up, overturn, repeal, leave office, repudiate, relinquish, step down, deliver, cease, chuck up the sponge, renounce, reverse, discontinue, revoke, drop out, free, submit, part with, forego, quit, dispense with, countermand, foreswear, drop by the waysidevacate, empty, abandonverb
leave behind empty; move out of
"You must vacate your office by tonight"
overturn, abandon, lift, annul, rescind, countermand, discharge, evacuate, reverse, renounce, desolate, give up, resign, desert, revoke, empty, forsake, void, repealrevoke, annul, lift, countermand, reverse, repeal, overturn, rescind, vacateverb
cancel officially
"He revoked the ban on smoking"; "lift an embargo"; "vacate a death sentence"
nullify, cabbage, revolutionise, hook, bring down, rise, wind, avoid, quash, hoist, annul, elevate, uprise, resign, empty, abandon, overrule, lift, turn over, nobble, go up, pinch, overthrow, plagiarize, arise, invert, abstract, rescind, bowl over, come up, turn back, bring up, plagiarise, pilfer, filch, change by reversal, give up, purloin, snarf, subvert, overturn, repeal, invalidate, override, raise, revolutionize, renounce, sneak, tip over, get up, upset, move up, swipe, reverse, airlift, revoke, rear, tump over, turn, face-lift, knock over, rustle, void, countermand
Dictionary of English Synonymes
make vacant, leave empty, quit possession ofvacateverb
annul, disannul, nullify, rescind, cancel, quash, invalidate, abrogate, abolish, overrule, make void, set aside, do away
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words
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Vacate vs. Evacuate -- In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Vacate and Evacuate.
Usage in printed sourcesFrom:
- [["1600","2"],["1607","2"],["1658","2"],["1659","2"],["1669","1"],["1676","1"],["1681","3"],["1684","1"],["1687","2"],["1689","1"],["1690","1"],["1692","2"],["1694","1"],["1698","2"],["1700","4"],["1703","2"],["1705","4"],["1706","1"],["1707","5"],["1709","5"],["1710","18"],["1711","7"],["1713","1"],["1714","2"],["1715","1"],["1716","4"],["1717","4"],["1718","2"],["1719","5"],["1720","8"],["1721","5"],["1722","5"],["1723","7"],["1724","10"],["1725","3"],["1726","12"],["1727","10"],["1728","3"],["1729","5"],["1730","3"],["1731","8"],["1732","8"],["1733","7"],["1734","7"],["1735","2"],["1736","6"],["1737","7"],["1738","7"],["1739","24"],["1740","6"],["1741","4"],["1742","5"],["1743","2"],["1744","6"],["1745","1"],["1746","5"],["1747","13"],["1748","7"],["1749","2"],["1750","6"],["1751","2"],["1752","9"],["1753","8"],["1754","3"],["1755","17"],["1756","6"],["1757","3"],["1758","11"],["1759","8"],["1760","4"],["1761","3"],["1762","3"],["1763","17"],["1764","8"],["1765","10"],["1766","10"],["1767","13"],["1768","11"],["1769","15"],["1770","14"],["1771","38"],["1772","11"],["1773","12"],["1774","8"],["1775","18"],["1776","7"],["1777","3"],["1778","9"],["1779","3"],["1780","21"],["1781","16"],["1782","6"],["1783","34"],["1784","10"],["1785","2"],["1786","6"],["1787","27"],["1788","10"],["1789","9"],["1790","6"],["1791","15"],["1792","40"],["1793","35"],["1794","28"],["1795","39"],["1796","45"],["1797","38"],["1798","11"],["1799","24"],["1800","45"],["1801","40"],["1802","79"],["1803","24"],["1804","23"],["1805","71"],["1806","66"],["1807","75"],["1808","73"],["1809","95"],["1810","95"],["1811","51"],["1812","127"],["1813","89"],["1814","85"],["1815","64"],["1816","92"],["1817","104"],["1818","181"],["1819","87"],["1820","141"],["1821","154"],["1822","150"],["1823","161"],["1824","187"],["1825","140"],["1826","135"],["1827","170"],["1828","86"],["1829","195"],["1830","175"],["1831","135"],["1832","163"],["1833","298"],["1834","206"],["1835","155"],["1836","198"],["1837","264"],["1838","196"],["1839","217"],["1840","290"],["1841","177"],["1842","226"],["1843","240"],["1844","227"],["1845","245"],["1846","310"],["1847","301"],["1848","303"],["1849","253"],["1850","301"],["1851","386"],["1852","322"],["1853","337"],["1854","399"],["1855","504"],["1856","427"],["1857","440"],["1858","427"],["1859","591"],["1860","442"],["1861","487"],["1862","360"],["1863","377"],["1864","299"],["1865","398"],["1866","429"],["1867","428"],["1868","470"],["1869","603"],["1870","446"],["1871","568"],["1872","735"],["1873","515"],["1874","586"],["1875","499"],["1876","470"],["1877","625"],["1878","523"],["1879","626"],["1880","662"],["1881","697"],["1882","587"],["1883","582"],["1884","1134"],["1885","922"],["1886","1055"],["1887","959"],["1888","819"],["1889","743"],["1890","715"],["1891","740"],["1892","991"],["1893","801"],["1894","822"],["1895","1025"],["1896","812"],["1897","999"],["1898","1068"],["1899","961"],["1900","1460"],["1901","1004"],["1902","1018"],["1903","1315"],["1904","1170"],["1905","1165"],["1906","1220"],["1907","1392"],["1908","1088"],["1909","1153"],["1910","1165"],["1911","1267"],["1912","1407"],["1913","1017"],["1914","1442"],["1915","1104"],["1916","876"],["1917","953"],["1918","926"],["1919","1040"],["1920","1434"],["1921","1348"],["1922","1584"],["1923","979"],["1924","691"],["1925","732"],["1926","694"],["1927","861"],["1928","900"],["1929","805"],["1930","1098"],["1931","723"],["1932","771"],["1933","610"],["1934","612"],["1935","747"],["1936","834"],["1937","848"],["1938","874"],["1939","953"],["1940","858"],["1941","1039"],["1942","620"],["1943","510"],["1944","361"],["1945","544"],["1946","948"],["1947","850"],["1948","1085"],["1949","1051"],["1950","1962"],["1951","1850"],["1952","1162"],["1953","1225"],["1954","1387"],["1955","1097"],["1956","1624"],["1957","1474"],["1958","1747"],["1959","1508"],["1960","1629"],["1961","1877"],["1962","2043"],["1963","2554"],["1964","2448"],["1965","2929"],["1966","2966"],["1967","3274"],["1968","3654"],["1969","3207"],["1970","4038"],["1971","3575"],["1972","3192"],["1973","3526"],["1974","3681"],["1975","3083"],["1976","3006"],["1977","3624"],["1978","3895"],["1979","3446"],["1980","3035"],["1981","3445"],["1982","3602"],["1983","3402"],["1984","4213"],["1985","4589"],["1986","4388"],["1987","4805"],["1988","4192"],["1989","4910"],["1990","5369"],["1991","5401"],["1992","5667"],["1993","5557"],["1994","6123"],["1995","5346"],["1996","6628"],["1997","6914"],["1998","7540"],["1999","9210"],["2000","8505"],["2001","10553"],["2002","10939"],["2003","10777"],["2004","11330"],["2005","11984"],["2006","12570"],["2007","12519"],["2008","14740"]]
Words popularity by usage frequency
How to use vacate in a sentence?
The WBO World Championship Committee is allowed no other alternative but to cease to recognize Mr. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. as the WBO Welterweight Champion of the World and vacate his title, for failing to comply with our WBO Regulations of World Championship Contests.
We have to remember everything in the House and everything in Congress is about checks and balances, we have two houses of Congress for that reason. We have three branches of government for that reason, and one of the reasons that every board has the freedom to vacate (the chair).
The White House is cooperating with the National Archives and the Department of Justice regarding the discovery of what appear to be Obama-Biden Administration records, including a small number of documents with classified markings, the documents were discovered when the President’s personal attorneys were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C. The President periodically used this space from mid-2017 until the start of the 2020 campaign. On the day of this discovery, November 2, 2022, the White House Counsel’s Office notified the National Archives. The Archives took possession of the materials the following morning.
This is directed at that knucklehead who, when asked by a courteous person to vacate a seat, refuses to do so.
I've never said anything about going in July of this year, i do feel that now is a time in which momentous events are taking place and there are great issues to be resolved and in those circumstances, it doesn't seem to me sensible to vacate the chair.
Translations for vacate
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- خلىArabic
- vykliditCzech
- fraflytteDanish
- räumenGerman
- εκκενώGreek
- evacuar, desalojar, desocuparSpanish
- تخلیه کردنPersian
- tyhjentää, muuttaa, mitätöidä, lähteä, jättää virka, erota, evakko, poisFinnish
- quitterFrench
- खाली, ख़ाली करनाHindi
- szabaddá teszHungarian
- mengosongkanIndonesian
- vakuigarIdo
- liberareItalian
- לְפַנוֹתHebrew
- 退くJapanese
- 비우다Korean
- liberam relinquere paroecialemLatin
- verlatenDutch
- forlateNorwegian
- zwalniaćPolish
- vacar, vagar, desocuparPortuguese
- părăsiRomanian
- освобождать, освобо, освободитьRussian
- utrymmaSwedish
- காலிTamil
- ఖాళీచేసిTelugu
- ยกเลิกThai
- boşaltmakTurkish
- ЗвільнитисяUkrainian
- خالیUrdu
- Bỏ điVietnamese
- ווייקייטYiddish
- 空出Chinese
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- Dansk (Danish)
- Suomi (Finnish)
- فارسی (Persian)
- ייִדיש (Yiddish)
- հայերեն (Armenian)
- Norsk (Norwegian)
- English (English)
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"vacate." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 13 Feb. 2025. <https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/vacate>.
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