What is another word for superior?

Synonyms for superior
səˈpɪər i ər, sʊ-su·pe·ri·or

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word superior.

Wiktionary0.0 / 0 votes

  1. superiornoun


  2. superiornoun

    Higher in quality.

    Rebecca had always thought shorts were far superior to pants, as they didn't constantly make her legs itch.


  3. superioradjective

    Higher in rank.


  4. superioradjective


  5. superioradjective


Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. superior

    higher, upper, better, preferable, surpassing, loftier, excellent, remarkable, eminent, conspicuous

    inferior, lower, worse, subordinate, ordinary, common, unremarkable, average, mean, mediocre

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. superior, higher-up, superordinatenoun

    one of greater rank or station or quality

    superordinate word, hypernym, superordinate, victor, higher-up, master, superscript

    inferior, humble, woeful, execrable, third-rate, scrubby, cheapjack, second-rate, ropy, utility(a), shoddy, scrawny, tawdry, affected, low, ropey, mediocre, low-level, utility-grade, tinny, common, miserable, less, deplorable, chintzy, modest, bush-league, commercial, subordinate, middle-level, bad, lowly, outclassed, cheesy, second-class, stunted, junior, punk, base, low-grade, bush, bum, coarsened, sleazy, coarse, wretched, cheap, small, commercial-grade, crummy, indifferent

  2. superiornoun

    the head of a religious community

    master, superscript, higher-up, victor, superordinate

    inferior, low-level, modest, punk, ropy, cheapjack, sleazy, tawdry, bush-league, scrawny, bush, crummy, mediocre, third-rate, tinny, scrubby, outclassed, chintzy, indifferent, utility-grade, stunted, coarse, affected, cheesy, commercial, utility(a), cheap, humble, wretched, low, execrable, bad, base, bum, deplorable, subordinate, middle-level, second-rate, less, woeful, ropey, lowly, second-class, coarsened, miserable, small, common, low-grade, commercial-grade, junior, shoddy

  3. victor, master, superiornoun

    a combatant who is able to defeat rivals

    professional, master key, superscript, master copy, higher-up, schoolmaster, winner, original, passkey, superordinate, maestro, victor, master, overlord, passe-partout, sea captain, headmaster, captain, lord, skipper

    inferior, crummy, sleazy, utility-grade, ropey, modest, low, cheapjack, tawdry, small, punk, mediocre, low-level, tinny, deplorable, subordinate, middle-level, scrubby, base, bum, third-rate, coarse, ropy, chintzy, lowly, cheap, second-class, execrable, stunted, bush, common, bush-league, miserable, shoddy, cheesy, coarsened, bad, woeful, scrawny, outclassed, affected, less, low-grade, humble, commercial-grade, junior, utility(a), wretched, second-rate, indifferent, commercial

  4. Lake Superior, Superiornoun

    the largest freshwater lake in the world; the deepest of the Great Lakes

    master, superscript, higher-up, victor, superordinate

    inferior, deplorable, commercial, shoddy, ropey, third-rate, scrubby, low, miserable, commercial-grade, ropy, low-level, scrawny, utility-grade, base, humble, middle-level, bum, affected, cheapjack, coarse, lowly, cheesy, execrable, second-rate, modest, less, wretched, coarsened, sleazy, bush, common, outclassed, indifferent, subordinate, stunted, tawdry, woeful, mediocre, crummy, second-class, bad, bush-league, tinny, chintzy, utility(a), small, low-grade, junior, cheap, punk

  5. Superiornoun

    a town in northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior across from Duluth

    master, superscript, higher-up, victor, superordinate

    inferior, ropy, commercial, bush, middle-level, humble, low-level, junior, coarsened, bush-league, cheesy, common, miserable, scrubby, modest, third-rate, stunted, tinny, deplorable, ropey, outclassed, shoddy, bum, scrawny, lowly, cheapjack, second-class, utility(a), tawdry, bad, low-grade, commercial-grade, low, subordinate, wretched, cheap, small, less, chintzy, affected, indifferent, sleazy, crummy, punk, execrable, mediocre, woeful, second-rate, coarse, utility-grade, base

  6. superscript, superioradjective

    a character or symbol set or printed or written above and immediately to one side of another character

    master, superscript, higher-up, victor, superordinate

    inferior, common, execrable, third-rate, ropey, humble, bum, scrubby, affected, cheap, chintzy, tawdry, junior, less, bush-league, low-level, modest, shoddy, stunted, tinny, bad, second-class, utility-grade, miserable, scrawny, small, indifferent, cheesy, crummy, deplorable, coarsened, utility(a), commercial, outclassed, low-grade, bush, sleazy, second-rate, middle-level, cheapjack, punk, subordinate, woeful, mediocre, wretched, coarse, ropy, lowly, commercial-grade, low, base

  7. superioradjective

    of high or superior quality or performance

    "superior wisdom derived from experience"; "superior math students"

    higher-ranking, ranking(a), superscript, superior(p)

    inferior, ropy, indifferent, execrable, utility(a), less, second-rate, low, low-level, miserable, wretched, crummy, humble, base, ropey, commercial-grade, second-class, common, middle-level, scrubby, sleazy, scrawny, bush, cheesy, affected, bad, cheapjack, junior, lowly, third-rate, stunted, tawdry, chintzy, mediocre, tinny, shoddy, coarsened, outclassed, punk, bush-league, low-grade, woeful, utility-grade, cheap, bum, coarse, small, subordinate, deplorable, modest, commercial

  8. superioradjective

    of or characteristic of high rank or importance

    "a superior ruler"

    higher-ranking, ranking(a), superscript, superior(p)

    inferior, miserable, affected, junior, outclassed, stunted, second-class, common, wretched, shoddy, ropy, low-level, low-grade, commercial-grade, subordinate, small, lowly, tawdry, woeful, punk, base, humble, scrubby, indifferent, coarsened, deplorable, modest, bush-league, low, mediocre, tinny, utility(a), cheap, middle-level, cheesy, coarse, scrawny, utility-grade, third-rate, cheapjack, ropey, less, commercial, second-rate, crummy, sleazy, execrable, bum, bad, bush, chintzy

  9. superioradjective

    (sometimes followed by `to') not subject to or influenced by

    "overcome by a superior opponent"; "trust magnates who felt themselves superior to law"

    higher-ranking, ranking(a), superscript, superior(p)

    inferior, cheapjack, bush, chintzy, sleazy, bad, modest, indifferent, small, punk, ropey, bum, low-level, utility-grade, second-rate, third-rate, low, shoddy, scrubby, outclassed, bush-league, low-grade, miserable, less, common, lowly, affected, junior, commercial-grade, commercial, coarsened, tawdry, subordinate, cheesy, humble, deplorable, mediocre, crummy, tinny, execrable, scrawny, stunted, woeful, second-class, cheap, middle-level, base, coarse, utility(a), wretched, ropy

  10. superscript, superioradjective

    written or printed above and to one side of another character

    higher-ranking, ranking(a), superscript, superior(p)

    inferior, punk, common, outclassed, bad, cheap, bush, second-rate, ropy, utility-grade, wretched, execrable, middle-level, crummy, indifferent, humble, sleazy, less, coarsened, coarse, junior, miserable, low-grade, cheesy, lowly, third-rate, small, shoddy, low, cheapjack, bum, utility(a), low-level, scrubby, commercial, modest, subordinate, woeful, ropey, commercial-grade, scrawny, bush-league, tinny, stunted, chintzy, affected, second-class, base, tawdry, mediocre, deplorable

  11. superioradjective

    having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earth's orbit

    "Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the superior planets"

    higher-ranking, ranking(a), superscript, superior(p)

    inferior, coarse, deplorable, scrawny, small, mediocre, tinny, execrable, lowly, coarsened, ropy, third-rate, scrubby, modest, bad, low, tawdry, low-level, chintzy, subordinate, base, ropey, second-class, humble, miserable, bush, middle-level, utility(a), less, low-grade, stunted, bum, commercial-grade, indifferent, bush-league, wretched, cheap, junior, punk, affected, crummy, second-rate, outclassed, common, shoddy, commercial, cheesy, utility-grade, cheapjack, woeful, sleazy

  12. ranking(a), superior, higher-rankingadjective

    having a higher rank

    "superior officer"

    inferior, junior, wretched, subordinate, utility-grade, low-level, utility(a), second-class, execrable, chintzy, low-grade, bad, tawdry, commercial-grade, cheapjack, punk, shoddy, modest, stunted, cheesy, bum, outclassed, bush-league, sleazy, indifferent, deplorable, affected, tinny, base, middle-level, small, common, ropey, cheap, miserable, mediocre, low, humble, scrawny, woeful, ropy, commercial, second-rate, scrubby, less, crummy, third-rate, lowly, bush, coarsened, coarse

  13. superior(p)adjective

    (often followed by `to') above being affected or influenced by

    "he is superior to fear"; "an ignited firework proceeds superior to circumstances until its blazing vitality fades"

    inferior, bush, low-level, utility-grade, small, deplorable, mediocre, second-rate, bad, wretched, tinny, scrubby, outclassed, commercial-grade, punk, shoddy, chintzy, miserable, ropy, second-class, tawdry, middle-level, humble, subordinate, bush-league, execrable, coarsened, lowly, coarse, sleazy, low, base, low-grade, common, cheesy, third-rate, ropey, utility(a), stunted, modest, woeful, cheapjack, cheap, bum, crummy, less, indifferent, scrawny, junior, commercial, affected

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. mejor

    siempre estas sobre el nivel del otro.

    siempre te supero en el juego.

    Submitted by anonymous on October 26, 2020  
  2. the bestadjective

    above and/or beyond the average joe.

    Submitted by rinat on May 31, 2023  

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. superioradjective

    high, higher, upper, paramount, more elevated

  2. superioradjective

    of higher rank, more exalted, more dignified

  3. superioradjective

    surpassing, noble, more eminent, more excellent

  4. superioradjective

    predominant, prevalent

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. superioradjective

    more excellent, surpassing, paramount, predominant

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  1. superior

    Song lyrics by superior -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by superior on the Lyrics.com website.

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How to use superior in a sentence?

  1. Mark Twain:

    We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men every day who don't know anything and can't read.

  2. Dimitris Melas:

    Superior economic growth has resulted in positive market returns historically, low correlation within emerging markets and across asset classes has provided diversification benefits, and relative scarcity of information has created opportunities for active portfolio management.

  3. Lindsey Graham:

    When it comes to foreign policy, Lindsey Graham offers a very clear and different path, the foundation of my foreign policy is superior capability, overwhelming capacity and most important of all, determined will.

  4. Alyson Stoner:

    What I love is that their approach is not a common western individualistic approach which is 'we are the solution for your problem.' It’s not a superior helping an inferior, it’s really dropping all of our differences and working alongside another human being asking how they are doing and doing life with them. Developing relationships that are consistent—and not a onetime handout –that is when you see the transformation.

  5. Bill Maher:

    I think you can claim the moral high ground if you’re anti, i feel like that’s the Achilles heel of the left right now. They identify issues mostly by what they can feel superior to another person for.

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"superior." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 16 Feb. 2025. <https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/superior>.

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