いくつかの代替単語は何ですか 障害?

同義語 障害

このシソーラスページはすべての可能な同義語、その用語と同等の、同じ意味および類似の単語です、 障害.

Japanese WordNet / Princeton WordNet

  1. 障害noun


    「私は多くの苦労をした」; 「彼は楽に勝った」; 「歩行が困難だった」; 「非常に苦労してやっと試験を終えた」

    an effort that is inconvenient

    "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"


    the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding



    an obstruction in a pipe or tube

    "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"


    any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome


    an obstruction that stands in the way (and must be removed or surmounted or circumvented)


    any structure that makes progress difficult


    any obstacle or impediment



    a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result

    "serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent"


    「想像力の欠如はその人の進歩の妨げとなる」; 「その地域の貧困はよい教育の支障となっている」; 「彼らの計画を成功させるのに、議事妨害が主な障害であった」

    something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted

    "lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement"; "the poverty of a district is an obstacle to good education"; "the filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan"


    「『distress(苦悩)』と言う用語は、いくらかの狼狽や感情的な動揺の程度を暗示する」; 「彼は騒動の元を見回した」; 「神経器官に障害があった」

    activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption

    "the term 'distress' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset"; "he looked around for the source of the disturbance"; "there was a disturbance of neural function"


    「医師はその疾患に対して薬をいくつか処方した」; 「誰でも時々胃の調子がおかしくなる」

    a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning

    "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder"; "everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time"


    「視覚障害」; 「この装置で肺の障害の検出が可能である」

    an imperfection in a bodily system

    "visual defects"; "this device permits detection of defects in the lungs"


    「欠陥により水晶は粉砕した」; 「もし欠陥があれば、製造業者にそれを送り返すべきである」

    an imperfection in an object or machine

    "a flaw caused the crystal to shatter"; "if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer"


    「読書不能」; 「聴覚障害」

    the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness

    "reading disability"; "hearing impairment"

    Hyponym: X脚, いさくさ, いざこざ, お荷物, お邪魔, こんぐらかり, ごたくさ, ごたごた, さし支え, さし障り, さ障, さ障り, もつれ, もめ事, もやくや, ウォータージャンプ, スタイミー, スプルー, タンブラー, チョーキング, トラブル, ハザード, ハードル, バグ, バリア, バリア, バリアー, バリアー, バリヤ, バリヤー, バー, ブリスター, メン, ヴェイパーロック現象, 不全, 不正咬合, 予防, 先天性欠損, 内反脚, 切断, 口だし, 口出し, 口角炎, 問題, 嚥下障害, 困難, 埋伏歯, 墻壁, , , 妨げ, 妨げ, 妨害, 妨害, 妨害, 妨碍, 妨碍, , , 崩壊, 嵌入, 差しさわり, 差しつかえ, 差し合い, 差し支え, 差し障り, 差支, 差支え, 差支え, 差障, 差障り, 干渉, 御荷物, 心血管疾患, 悶着, 慢性的な軽い病気, 手出し, 手足まとい, 手足纏, 手足纏い, 拮抗作用, 挫折させること, 排尿障害, , 揉め, 揉め事, 揉事, 摂食障害, 支障, 故障, 故障, , 横やり, 横槍, 機能障害, 欠陥, 止めること, 気泡, 沮止, 波乱, 波瀾, 活動亢進, 牆壁, 疾患, 疾病, , 病気, , , , 睡眠障害, 磁気嵐, 神経障害, , 精神的疾患, 紛争, 紛擾, 縺れ, 聴覚障害者, 胆汁鬱帯, 胎盤早期剥離, 脱出症, 腺疾患, , 荷厄介, 荷物, 落とし穴, 葛藤, 複雑化, 視力障害, 言語障害, 課題, 足かせ, 足まとい, 足手まとい, 足手纏, 足手纏い, 足手纒い, 足枷, 足纏, 足纏い, 遊底, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔もの, 邪魔もの, 邪魔もの, 邪魔物, 邪魔物, 邪魔物, 邪魔立て, 邪魔者, 重荷, 錯綜, 錯雑, 閉塞, 閉鎖, 関所, 関門, 防止, 阻止, 障り, 障壁, 障壁, 障害物, 障害物, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍物, 障碍物, 障礙, 障礙, 雑音, 難儀, 面倒, 風波, 首枷, 騒ぎ, 騒動, 魔障, abocclusion, abruptio placentae, achlorhydria, acholia, achylia, achylia gastrica, acute brain disorder, acute organic brain syndrome, adenosis, ailment, amputation, anorgasmia, antagonism, astasia, balk, bandy leg, bandy legs, bandyleg, bar, bar, barrier, barrier, baulk, birth defect, bladder disorder, blister, block, blockade, blockage, booby trap, bother, bow leg, bow leg, bow legs, bowleg, breech closer, breechblock, bug, cardiovascular disease, celiac disease, check, cheilosis, choking, cholestasis, clog, closure, colpoxerosis, complaint, complication, congenital abnormality, congenital anomaly, congenital defect, congenital disorder, defect of speech, degenerative disorder, descensus, deterrence, deterrent, disability of walking, disintegration, disturbance, dysaphia, dysomia, dysosmia, dysphagia, dysphasia, dysuria, eating disorder, encumbrance, facer, failure, fantods, foiling, folie, frustration, functional disorder, fuss, genu valgum, genu varum, gland disease, glandular disease, glandular disorder, glitch, haematocolpometra, haematocolpos, handicap, hang-up, hassle, hazard, hearing disorder, hearing impairment, hematocolpometra, hematocolpos, hinderance, hinderance, hindrance, hindrance, hitch, hitch, hole, hurdle, hydrocele, hyperactivity, hypesthesia, hypoesthesia, idiopathic disease, idiopathic disorder, idiopathy, ill, immunological disorder, impacted tooth, impaction, impaction, impediment, incumbrance, interference, killer, kink, knock-knee, learning disability, learning disorder, magnetic storm, malocclusion, mental disorder, mental disturbance, metabolic disorder, myelatelia, nervous disorder, neurological disease, neurological disorder, obstacle, obstruction, occlusion, olfactory impairment, organic disorder, parosamia, perleche, pigeon toes, pisser, pitfall, plug, preventative, prevention, preventive, problem, prolapse, prolapsus, psilosis, psychological disorder, roadblock, rub, sleep disorder, snag, snorter, speech defect, speech disorder, speed bump, sprue, stop, stoppage, stopper, stopple, strangulation, stumbling block, stymie, stymy, the devil, thwarting, tibia valga, tibia vara, tropical sprue, trouble, trouble, tsuris, tumbler, vapor lock, vapour lock, vision defect, visual defect, visual disorder, visual impairment, water jump, wrinkle

    Synonym(s): いさくさ, いざこざ, お手数, お荷物, お邪魔, きず, ごたくさ, ごたごた, ご苦労, ご迷惑, ご造作, ご雑作, ご面倒, さし支え, さし支え, さし障り, さし障り, さ障, さ障, さ障り, さ障り, めんどう, もめ事, もやくや, やっかい, トラブル, 不備, 不具, 不具合, 不調, 不都合, 厄介, 厄介さ, 厄介事, 厄介事, 口だし, 口出し, 問題, 困り者, 困者, 困難, 困難, , , 妨げ, 妨げ, 妨げ, 妨害, 妨害, 妨害, 妨害, 妨害, 妨害, 妨害行為, 妨碍, 妨碍, 妨碍, 妨碍, , 差しさわり, 差しさわり, 差しつかえ, 差しつかえ, 差し合い, 差し支え, 差し支え, 差し支え, 差し構い, 差し障り, 差し障り, 差支, 差支, 差支え, 差支え, 差支え, 差構, 差構い, 差障, 差障, 差障り, 差障り, 干渉, 御苦労, 御荷物, 御迷惑, 御面倒, 悶着, 手出し, 手抜かり, 手数, 手落ち, 手足まとい, 手足まとい, 手足纏, 手足纏, 手足纏い, 手足纏い, 揉め事, 揉事, 支障, 支障, 支障, 支障, 故障, 故障, 横やり, 横やり, 横槍, 横槍, 欠損, 欠点, 欠陥, 欠陥, 沮止, 波乱, 波瀾, , 災い, 災害, 煩い, 煩しさ, 煩わしさ, 煩労, 煩慮, 煩雑, 異常, , 病み患い, 病み煩い, 病患, , , 短所, , 禍災, 紛争, 紛擾, 繁雑, , 荷厄介, 荷物, 落ち度, 誤り, 足かせ, 足まとい, 足まとい, 足手まとい, 足手まとい, 足手纏, 足手纏, 足手纏い, 足手纏い, 足手纒い, 足手纒い, 足枷, 足纏, 足纏, 足纏い, 足纏い, 身体障害, 迷惑, 過失, 違和, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔もの, 邪魔もの, 邪魔もの, 邪魔もの, 邪魔物, 邪魔物, 邪魔物, 邪魔物, 邪魔立て, 邪魔立て, 邪魔者, 重荷, 閉塞, 閉鎖, 阻害, 阻止, 障え, 障り, 障り, 障り, 障害物, 障害物, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍, 障碍物, 障碍物, 障碍物, 障礙, 障礙, 障礙, 障礙, 障礙, 障礙, 障礙, 障礙, 雑音, 難事, 面倒, 風波, 首枷, 魔障, block, blockage, closure, defect, defect, difficulty, difficulty, disability, disablement, disorder, disturbance, encumbrance, fault, flaw, handicap, hinderance, hinderance, hindrance, hindrance, hitch, impairment, impediment, impedimenta, incumbrance, interference, interference, obstacle, obstacle, obstructer, obstruction, obstruction, obstructor, occlusion, perturbation, preventative, preventive, stop, stoppage, stumbling block, trouble, upset

    Hypernym(s): アクティビティ, アクティビティー, アクティヴィティー, アクト, システム, ストラクチャ, ストラクチャー, メカニズム, 不備, 不備, 不十分さ, 不十分さ, 不完全さ, 不完全さ, 不足, 不足, 努力, , 労力, 労苦, 営み, 営為, 営造, 営造物, , 妨げ, 妨害, 妨害, 妨害, 妨碍, 妨碍, 妨碍, 尽力, 工作物, 差し支え, 差し支え, 差し支え, 差支え, 差支え, 差支え, 建物, 建築, 建築物, 建造物, 支障, 支障, 支障, 構築物, 構造体, 構造物, 機構, 活動, 活動, 結構, 苦労, , 行い, 行ない, 行動, 行為, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔, 邪魔もの, 邪魔物, 阻止, 阻止, 阻止, 障害物, 障碍, 障碍物, 障礙, 骨折, 骨折り, act, activity, balk, baulk, check, cognitive factor, construction, deed, deterrent, effort, elbow grease, exertion, handicap, hinderance, hindrance, human action, human activity, impediment, impediment, impediment, impediment, impedimenta, impedimenta, impedimenta, imperfection, imperfection, imperfectness, imperfectness, obstacle, obstructer, obstructer, obstructer, obstruction, obstruction, obstruction, obstructor, obstructor, obstructor, physical condition, physiological condition, physiological state, softness, structure, sweat, travail, unfitness




"障害." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 27 Apr. 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/jsynonym/%E9%9A%9C%E5%AE%B3>.

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Are you a human thesaurus?

Which of the following terms is not a synonym of "spread out"?
A circularise
B concentrated
C dissipate
D unfold


別の検索オプションの 障害: