What is another word for block?

Synonyms for block

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word block.

Wiktionary0.0 / 0 votes

  1. blocknoun

    roof, stuff, wall

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. block

    To hinder is to keep from action, progress, motion, or growth, or to make such action, progress, motion, or growth later in beginning or completion than it would otherwise have been. An action is prevented by anything that comes in before it to make it impossible; it is hindered by anything that keeps it from either beginning or ending so soon as it otherwise would, or as expected or intended. It is more common, however, to say that the start is delayed, the progress hindered. An action that is hindered does not take place at the appointed or appropriate time; that which is prevented does not take place at all; to hinder a thing long enough may amount to preventing it. A railroad-train may be hindered by a snow-storm from arriving on time; it may by special order be prevented from starting. To retard is simply to make slow by any means whatever. To obstruct is to hinder, or possibly to prevent advance or passage by putting something in the way; to oppose or resist is to hinder, or possibly to prevent by directly contrary or hostile action, resist being the stronger term and having more suggestion of physical force; obstructed roads hinder the march of an enemy, tho there may be no force strong enough to oppose it; one opposes a measure, a motion, an amendment, or the like; it is a criminal offense to resist an officer in the discharge of his duty; the physical system may resist the attack of disease or the action of a remedy. Compare CONQUER; IMPEDIMENT; OBSTRUCT.

    See synonyms for QUICKEN.

    baffle, balk, bar, check, clog, counteract, delay, embarrass, encumber, foil, frustrate, hamper, hinder, impede, interrupt, obstruct, oppose, prevent, resist, retard, stay, stop, thwart

    Hinder one in his progress; from acting promptly; by opposition.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. block

    stop, arrest, fill, obstruct

    free, liberate, open, pave

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. blocknoun

    a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides)

    "the pyramids were built with large stone blocks"

    stop, stoppage, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    free, unfreeze, release, unblock

  2. block, city blocknoun

    a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings

    "he lives in the next block"

    stop, stoppage, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    unblock, unfreeze, release, free

  3. block, cubenoun

    a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides

    auction block, pulley-block, mental block, third power, city block, square block, cylinder block, stoppage, pulley, blockage, occlusion, cube, pulley block, stop, blocking, engine block, regular hexahedron, closure

    unfreeze, free, unblock, release

  4. blocknoun

    a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit

    "he reserved a large block of seats"; "he held a large block of the company's stock"

    stop, stoppage, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    unfreeze, unblock, free, release

  5. blocknoun

    housing in a large building that is divided into separate units

    "there is a block of classrooms in the west wing"

    stop, stoppage, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    unblock, free, release, unfreeze

  6. blocknoun

    (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted

    "since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably"

    stop, stoppage, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    release, unblock, free, unfreeze

  7. block, mental blocknoun

    an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension

    "I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block"

    stop, stoppage, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    unblock, unfreeze, release, free

  8. pulley, pulley-block, pulley block, blocknoun

    a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope

    stop, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, stoppage, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    free, release, unblock, unfreeze

  9. engine block, cylinder block, blocknoun

    a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine

    "the engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked"

    stop, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, stoppage, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    unfreeze, unblock, free, release

  10. blockage, block, closure, occlusion, stop, stoppagenoun

    an obstruction in a pipe or tube

    "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"

    hitch, cube, blocking, full stop, stoppage, layover, cloture, law of closure, halt, plosive, gag law, diaphragm, pulley-block, pulley, arrest, closing, point, closedown, plosive speech sound, occlusion, cylinder block, check, occluded front, obstruction, mental block, engine block, full point, blockage, stop consonant, stopover, shutdown, stop, occlusive, city block, auction block, resolution, period, stay, pulley block, catch, plosive consonant, gag rule, closure, settlement

    release, unfreeze, unblock, free

  11. auction block, blocknoun

    a platform from which an auctioneer sells

    "they put their paintings on the block"

    stop, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, stoppage, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    free, unblock, unfreeze, release

  12. blocking, blockverb

    the act of obstructing or deflecting someone's movements

    stop, closure, city block, mental block, pulley-block, stoppage, occlusion, auction block, cube, cylinder block, pulley block, blockage, blocking, engine block, pulley

    unfreeze, unblock, free, release

  13. barricade, block, blockade, stop, block off, block up, barverb

    render unsuitable for passage

    "block the way"; "barricade the streets"; "stop the busy road"

    debar, block up, banish, lug, cease, immobilize, seal off, relegate, obturate, hold on, give up, jam, arrest, block off, close up, end, blank out, freeze, finish, obstruct, terminate, deflect, parry, embarrass, hold back, kibosh, lay off, draw a blank, stop over, hinder, break, impede, shut off, forget, exclude, stop, stuff, stymy, break off, turn back, blockade, immobilise, bar, occlude, barricade, discontinue, halt, contain, close off, barricado, choke up, intercept, stymie, quit, check

    unfreeze, unblock, free, release

  14. obstruct, blockade, block, hinder, stymie, stymy, embarrassverb

    hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

    "His brother blocked him at every turn"

    block up, lug, immobilize, seal off, obturate, handicap, jam, block off, close up, blank out, freeze, abash, obstruct, deflect, parry, embarrass, kibosh, draw a blank, hamper, hinder, impede, forget, stop, stuff, stymy, blockade, immobilise, bar, occlude, barricade, halt, choke up, stymie

    unfreeze, release, free, unblock

  15. stop, halt, block, kiboshverb

    stop from happening or developing

    "Block his election"; "Halt the process"

    staunch, close up, block up, lug, halt, draw a blank, immobilise, obturate, jam, arrest, block off, intercept, end, blank out, stanch, finish, obstruct, deflect, impede, embarrass, hold back, lay off, turn back, stop over, break off, break, stymie, give up, forget, immobilize, stop, stuff, occlude, stymy, freeze, blockade, hold on, bar, cease, barricade, hinder, stem, discontinue, contain, parry, kibosh, choke up, terminate, hold, quit, check

    unfreeze, unblock, free, release

  16. jam, blockverb

    interfere with or prevent the reception of signals

    "Jam the Voice of America"; "block the signals emitted by this station"

    immobilize, block up, crush, lug, halt, ram, obturate, jam, pile, pack, block off, close up, blank out, mob, freeze, obstruct, deflect, parry, stop, embarrass, kibosh, draw a blank, hinder, impede, forget, chock up, throng, stuff, stymy, blockade, immobilise, bar, occlude, barricade, cram, wad, choke up, jampack, stymie

    free, release, unblock, unfreeze

  17. blockverb

    run on a block system

    "block trains"

    stuff, kibosh, blockade, immobilise, hinder, freeze, block off, stymie, stop, blank out, draw a blank, lug, barricade, close up, occlude, stymy, impede, obstruct, bar, halt, block up, forget, parry, obturate, embarrass, deflect, immobilize, jam, choke up

    release, unfreeze, free, unblock

  18. blockverb

    interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia

    "block a nerve"; "block a muscle"

    stuff, kibosh, blockade, immobilise, hinder, freeze, block off, stymie, stop, blank out, draw a blank, lug, barricade, close up, occlude, stymy, impede, obstruct, bar, halt, block up, forget, parry, obturate, embarrass, deflect, immobilize, jam, choke up

    unfreeze, release, unblock, free

  19. obstruct, blockverb

    shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight

    "The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage"; "The trees obstruct my view of the mountains"

    stuff, kibosh, choke up, blockade, immobilise, hinder, freeze, block off, stymie, obturate, blank out, close up, lug, barricade, stymy, impede, obstruct, bar, halt, block up, forget, draw a blank, parry, stop, deflect, embarrass, immobilize, jam, occlude

    unfreeze, release, unblock, free

  20. blockverb

    stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block

    "block the book cover"

    stuff, kibosh, blockade, immobilise, hinder, freeze, block off, stymie, stop, blank out, draw a blank, lug, barricade, close up, occlude, stymy, impede, obstruct, bar, halt, block up, forget, parry, obturate, embarrass, deflect, immobilize, jam, choke up

    release, unblock, unfreeze, free

  21. stuff, lug, choke up, blockverb


    "My nose is all stuffed"; "Her arteries are blocked"

    tug, block up, scarf out, lug, halt, obturate, overindulge, binge, jam, block off, close up, thrust, blank out, freeze, gormandize, obstruct, deflect, gormandise, embarrass, glut, draw a blank, engorge, gourmandize, hinder, pig out, ingurgitate, impede, overeat, forget, tote, immobilize, stop, stuff, stymy, squeeze, blockade, immobilise, bar, occlude, barricade, satiate, englut, shove, parry, kibosh, choke up, stymie, farce, overgorge, gorge

    free, release, unfreeze, unblock

  22. obstruct, obturate, impede, occlude, jam, block, close upverb

    block passage through

    "obstruct the path"

    immobilize, close, button up, fold, block up, crush, lug, halt, ram, obturate, jam, pile, pack, block off, close up, blank out, mob, freeze, obstruct, deflect, parry, stop, embarrass, shut up, kibosh, draw a blank, hinder, impede, clam up, forget, chock up, throng, stuff, stymy, blockade, immobilise, bar, be quiet, occlude, barricade, dummy up, cram, wad, keep mum, choke up, jampack, stymie, shut down, belt up, close down

    unblock, release, unfreeze, free

  23. blockverb

    support, secure, or raise with a block

    "block a plate for printing"; "block the wheels of a car"

    stuff, kibosh, blockade, immobilise, hinder, freeze, block off, stymie, stop, blank out, draw a blank, lug, barricade, close up, occlude, stymy, impede, obstruct, bar, halt, block up, forget, parry, obturate, embarrass, deflect, immobilize, jam, choke up

    release, unblock, free, unfreeze

  24. parry, block, deflectverb

    impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball)

    "block an attack"

    ward off, debar, circumvent, evade, block up, lug, halt, sidestep, obturate, jam, stuff, fend off, block off, close up, blank out, freeze, bend, head off, obstruct, avert, deflect, impede, dodge, embarrass, kibosh, draw a blank, duck, hinder, avoid, forget, hedge, immobilize, stop, put off, stymy, fudge, blockade, immobilise, turn away, bar, occlude, barricade, obviate, elude, forefend, parry, choke up, forfend, stymie, stave off, distract, skirt

    release, free, unfreeze, unblock

  25. forget, block, blank out, draw a blankverb

    be unable to remember

    "I'm drawing a blank"; "You are blocking the name of your first wife!"

    stuff, stop, bury, blockade, immobilise, hinder, freeze, block off, stymie, obturate, close up, blank out, draw a blank, lug, barricade, occlude, stymy, impede, obstruct, bar, halt, kibosh, block up, forget, parry, leave, embarrass, deflect, immobilize, jam, choke up

    unblock, release, free, unfreeze

  26. blockverb

    shape by using a block

    "Block a hat"; "block a garment"

    stuff, kibosh, blockade, immobilise, hinder, freeze, block off, stymie, stop, blank out, draw a blank, lug, barricade, close up, occlude, stymy, impede, obstruct, bar, halt, block up, forget, parry, obturate, embarrass, deflect, immobilize, jam, choke up

    free, unblock, unfreeze, release

  27. blockverb

    shape into a block or blocks

    "block the graphs so one can see the results clearly"

    stuff, kibosh, blockade, immobilise, hinder, freeze, block off, stymie, stop, blank out, draw a blank, lug, barricade, close up, occlude, stymy, impede, obstruct, bar, halt, block up, forget, parry, obturate, embarrass, deflect, immobilize, jam, choke up

    release, unfreeze, unblock, free

  28. freeze, block, immobilize, immobiliseverb

    prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)

    "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government"

    pin, block up, lug, trap, halt, obturate, suspend, jam, block off, close up, blank out, freeze, obstruct, deflect, parry, embarrass, kibosh, draw a blank, freeze down, hinder, impede, forget, freeze out, immobilize, stop, stuff, stymy, stop dead, blockade, immobilise, bar, occlude, barricade, choke up, stymie

    unfreeze, free, release, unblock

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. stand in the way

    obstruction progress or passage

    your biases block your good decisions your biases stand in the way of your good decisions

    Submitted by JP03 on October 23, 2014  

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. blockverb

    obstruct, close, BLOCKADE, shut up, stop up, block up

  2. blocknoun

    thick and heavy piece (as of wood or stone)

  3. blocknoun

    wooden mould (on which hats are made)

  4. blocknoun

    simpleton, fool, blockhead, DUNCE

  5. blocknoun

    [U. S.] mass of houses (in a square or a continuous row)

  6. blocknoun

    (Naut.) pulley

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. blocknoun

    obstruction, obstacle, barrier

  2. blockverb

    obstruct, blockade

Nicknames0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of known nicknames for "Block":


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  1. block

    Song lyrics by block -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by block on the Lyrics.com website.

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How to use block in a sentence?

  1. Jennifer McCormick:

    They didn't talk to anybody, even on the block, we've lived here over 20 years. They moved here in 2014 and been up and down this block so many times. And we would see them and never even say, hi, don't even like catch your eye.

  2. Heidi Kujawa:

    From the very beginning, we knew we wanted to be as carbon neutral as possible. So our block, our systems and our manufacturing process is an all electric, no emissions process today.

  3. John Olson:

    It's a three step process, in which we in step one take any conventional two dimensional image and convert it to 3D data. Once that data has been converted, we send it to a machine that sculpts the data out of a block of substrate. It gives that image length, width, depth and texture. And once that's been sculpted it goes through a printing process where we lay the image back down on top of the relief in perfect registration. So what you end up with is a three dimensional print that has length, width, depth and texture.

  4. Volodymyr Knyr:

    Not time, but the clock, that's what you can block.

  5. Andrea Barber:

    I really want New Kids on the Block on the show, i ’m lobbying hard for New Kids. Any New Kid on the Block, preferably all five. That ’d be great if New Kids could come on and sing a little ‘ Step by Step.'.

Translations for block

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • منعArabic
  • пречка, задръстване, пън, каре, блок, блокирам, препречвам, блокче, скицник, цепеница, дръвник, квартал, преграждам, пресечка, препятствамBulgarian
  • blocar, bloquejar, illa, cub, bloc, bloqueigCatalan, Valencian
  • blokCzech
  • karre, spærre, blokereDanish
  • Verstopfung, Häuserblock, Block, blockieren, abblocken, Klotz, verstopfenGerman
  • manzana, cuadra, bloquear, block, obstruir, atorar, bloque, impedirSpanish
  • بلوکPersian
  • tukkia, kortteli, ehkäistä, polla, vihko, pylpyrä, torjunta, este, ploki, kimpale, saarto, möhkäle, lohkare, järkäle, pölkky, estää, asuintalo, korttelinväli, nuppi, blokkaus, tukos, neliö, sulku, halko, murikkaFinnish
  • húsablokkur, húsasamstøða, húsaleingjaFaroese
  • blocage, immeuble, rue, boucher, tronche, bloc, billot, pâté de maison, tête, bloquer, contrer, ciboulot, obstructionFrench
  • ceap, sgonnScottish Gaelic
  • גוש, חסם, מחסום, חסימה, סתם, סינןHebrew
  • रोकनाHindi
  • verricello, ingorgo, blocco, cubo, isolato, bloccare, quartina, bozzello, ceppo, blocchetto, stoppareItalian
  • The English word "block" can be translated to Japanese as "ブロック" (burokku) when referring to a physical block such as a building block. If you mean it in a different context, please provide more details so I can offer a more accurate translation!Japanese
  • ម្ដុំ, ប្លុកKhmer
  • گه‌ڕه‌کKurdish
  • айыл, тос, квартал, маалеKyrgyz
  • claudōLatin
  • bloķētLatvian
  • poraka, tāngutu, tūporoMāori
  • တုံးBurmese
  • blok, kop, versperren, verstopping, verhinderen, verstoppen, blokkeren, tegenhoudenDutch
  • blokkNorwegian
  • blokować, blokPolish
  • impedir, obstruir, bloco, quadra, bloqueio, resma, entupir, bloquearPortuguese
  • блок, чурба́н, преграда, блокировать, коло́да, кварта́лRussian
  • zapreka, blok, četvrt, notes, zaprjeka, blokada, klada, blokirati, glava, risankaSerbo-Croatian
  • kvarter, blockera, förhindra, knopp, block, kloss, hinder, huggkubbe, skalle, blockering, stopp, kubbeSwedish
  • Chinese

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"block." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 15 Feb. 2025. <https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/block>.

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    A Tale
    B Silence
    C Rumoured
    D Command

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