What is another word for large?

Synonyms for large

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word large.

Wiktionary5.0 / 1 vote

  1. largeadjective

    gigantic, huge, giant, largeish, stour, mickle, great, enormous, big

    small, tiny, minuscule

  2. largeadjective

    Of considerable or relatively great size or extent.

    gigantic, enormous, mickle, largeish, stour, big, great, huge, giant

    tiny, minuscule, small

English Synonyms and Antonyms2.0 / 1 vote

  1. large

    Large denotes extension in more than one direction, and beyond the average of the class to which the object belongs; we speak of a large surface or a large solid, but of a long line; a large field, a large room, a large apple, etc. A large man is a man of more than ordinary size; a great man is a man of remarkable mental power. Big is a more emphatic word than large, but of less dignity. We do not say that George Washington was a big man.

    abundant, ample, big, broad, bulky, capacious, coarse, colossal, commodious, considerable, enormous, extensive, gigantic, grand, great, huge, immense, long, massive, spacious, vast, wide

    brief, diminutive, inconsiderable, infinitesimal, insignificant, limited, little, mean, microscopic, minute, narrow, paltry, petty, scanty, short, slender, slight, small, tiny, trifling, trivial

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. large

    big, bulky, extensive, abundant, capacious, ample, liberal, comprehensive, enlightened, catholic, great, vast, wide

    small, mean, narrow, circumscribed, contracted, scanty, illiberal, niggardly, bigoted, petty, sordid

Princeton's WordNet1.0 / 3 votes

  1. largeadjective

    a garment size for a large person

    teentsy, insignificant, microscopical, elflike, unimportant, tiny, smallish, pocket-size, littler, diminutive, inconspicuous, little, teeny, invisible, minute, puny, ungenerous, nonpregnant, olive-sized, dinky, bantam, teensy, smaller, slim, half-size, midget, lesser, micro, minuscule, bittie, microscopic, incomprehensive, itsy-bitsy, shrimpy, noncomprehensive, unrhetorical, small-scale, infinitesimal, elfin, itty-bitty, pocketable, undersized, subatomic, miniature, lilliputian, small, meanspirited, bitty, flyspeck, teeny-weeny, pocket-sized, wee, runty, gnomish, undersize, weensy, slender, atomic, miniscule, dwarfish, teensy-weensy, petite, weeny

  2. large, bigadjective

    above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

    "a large city"; "set out for the big city"; "a large sum"; "a big (or large) barn"; "a large family"; "big businesses"; "a big expenditure"; "a large number of newspapers"; "a big group of scientists"; "large areas of the world"

    bountiful, magnanimous, full-grown, prominent, big, grownup, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, heavy(p), giving, bombastic, turgid, grown, large(p), enceinte, tumid, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, bighearted, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), expectant, heavy(a), great(p), bragging(a), bad, freehanded, with child(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, openhanded, declamatory, adult, orotund, gravid, big(p), crowing

    teensy-weensy, inconspicuous, infinitesimal, half-size, minute, runty, atomic, itsy-bitsy, wee, pocket-sized, lesser, microscopical, gnomish, micro, dinky, meanspirited, nonpregnant, midget, slender, smaller, tiny, noncomprehensive, weeny, teeny-weeny, flyspeck, elflike, olive-sized, petite, miniscule, littler, undersized, small-scale, bantam, unrhetorical, teensy, lilliputian, smallish, itty-bitty, bitty, puny, slim, small, incomprehensive, pocketable, teeny, elfin, teentsy, microscopic, shrimpy, subatomic, diminutive, undersize, miniature, pocket-size, ungenerous, bittie, weensy, dwarfish, invisible, insignificant, minuscule, little, unimportant

  3. largeadjective

    fairly large or important in effect; influential

    "played a large role in the negotiations"

    great(p), turgid, tumid, heavy(p), prominent, declamatory, large(p), orotund, enceinte, big(p), with child(p), expectant, gravid, magnanimous, bombastic, big

    teensy, teeny-weeny, diminutive, pocketable, undersized, shrimpy, small, insignificant, infinitesimal, weensy, teeny, half-size, microscopical, itty-bitty, elfin, petite, teensy-weensy, inconspicuous, ungenerous, flyspeck, littler, puny, dinky, bitty, miniature, smaller, microscopic, noncomprehensive, slender, smallish, olive-sized, atomic, small-scale, itsy-bitsy, nonpregnant, minute, unimportant, gnomish, wee, bantam, midget, subatomic, incomprehensive, lesser, meanspirited, teentsy, pocket-sized, elflike, lilliputian, slim, micro, bittie, weeny, minuscule, miniscule, pocket-size, undersize, tiny, unrhetorical, little, invisible, runty, dwarfish

  4. bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund, tumid, turgidadjective

    ostentatiously lofty in style

    "a man given to large talk"; "tumid political prose"

    pear-shaped, gravid, big, tumid, orotund, rotund, great(p), bombastic, enceinte, expectant, heavy(p), round, with child(p), big(p), prominent, intumescent, large(p), tumescent, turgid, magnanimous, puffy, erect, declamatory

    minuscule, littler, small-scale, petite, invisible, bittie, noncomprehensive, olive-sized, elflike, small, lilliputian, minute, dinky, pocket-sized, tiny, infinitesimal, microscopical, flyspeck, microscopic, undersized, miniscule, bitty, weensy, little, dwarfish, unimportant, atomic, itsy-bitsy, incomprehensive, pocket-size, pocketable, meanspirited, slim, bantam, inconspicuous, diminutive, elfin, nonpregnant, miniature, teensy, ungenerous, teeny-weeny, shrimpy, subatomic, itty-bitty, midget, half-size, insignificant, lesser, undersize, weeny, puny, micro, unrhetorical, smallish, runty, teeny, gnomish, slender, teentsy, smaller, teensy-weensy, wee

  5. big, large, magnanimousadjective

    generous and understanding and tolerant

    "a heart big enough to hold no grudges"; "that's very big of you to be so forgiving"; "a large and generous spirit"; "a large heart"; "magnanimous toward his enemies"

    magnanimous, bountiful, prominent, big, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), giving, bombastic, greathearted, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, tumid, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), bragging(a), bad, freehanded, turgid, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, declamatory, adult, orotund, gravid, big(p), crowing

    midget, tiny, wee, nonpregnant, olive-sized, inconspicuous, teeny, dinky, slender, bantam, pocket-sized, microscopical, weeny, smaller, meanspirited, puny, smallish, half-size, small-scale, minuscule, infinitesimal, atomic, elflike, pocket-size, pocketable, littler, subatomic, diminutive, unrhetorical, noncomprehensive, teentsy, unimportant, microscopic, itsy-bitsy, shrimpy, ungenerous, invisible, undersize, dwarfish, runty, teensy, elfin, incomprehensive, weensy, miniature, undersized, insignificant, micro, minute, lesser, small, slim, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, bitty, little, petite, gnomish, lilliputian, itty-bitty, flyspeck, miniscule, bittie

  6. big, large, prominentadjective

    conspicuous in position or importance

    "a big figure in the movement"; "big man on campus"; "he's very large in financial circles"; "a prominent citizen"

    magnanimous, spectacular, bountiful, prominent, big, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), striking, giving, bombastic, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, tumid, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), bragging(a), bad, freehanded, turgid, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, salient, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, declamatory, adult, orotund, gravid, big(p), crowing, outstanding

    diminutive, weeny, microscopical, undersize, miniature, petite, shrimpy, littler, gnomish, teentsy, nonpregnant, slim, lilliputian, minute, invisible, ungenerous, bantam, microscopic, dinky, lesser, smallish, small, midget, wee, undersized, bitty, unimportant, elflike, atomic, teensy-weensy, tiny, incomprehensive, unrhetorical, itsy-bitsy, pocketable, elfin, itty-bitty, puny, teensy, runty, pocket-size, pocket-sized, half-size, dwarfish, slender, small-scale, infinitesimal, inconspicuous, smaller, little, weensy, olive-sized, teeny, miniscule, subatomic, teeny-weeny, noncomprehensive, meanspirited, bittie, flyspeck, minuscule, insignificant, micro

  7. largeadjective

    having broad power and range and scope

    "taking the large view"; "a large effect"; "a large sympathy"

    great(p), turgid, tumid, heavy(p), prominent, declamatory, large(p), orotund, enceinte, big(p), with child(p), expectant, gravid, magnanimous, bombastic, big

    itsy-bitsy, lilliputian, weensy, miniscule, slender, teensy, pocket-sized, atomic, unrhetorical, small, nonpregnant, smallish, runty, littler, half-size, pocketable, teeny-weeny, lesser, insignificant, smaller, teentsy, ungenerous, microscopic, undersize, bittie, micro, undersized, olive-sized, puny, little, incomprehensive, subatomic, tiny, shrimpy, unimportant, invisible, flyspeck, weeny, bitty, slim, elfin, inconspicuous, petite, teeny, dwarfish, minuscule, noncomprehensive, midget, itty-bitty, small-scale, elflike, infinitesimal, teensy-weensy, bantam, gnomish, wee, diminutive, pocket-size, meanspirited, miniature, minute, microscopical, dinky

  8. big(p), enceinte, expectant, gravid, great(p), large(p), heavy(p), with child(p)adverb

    in an advanced stage of pregnancy

    "was big with child"; "was great with child"

    undersize, microscopical, lesser, small-scale, noncomprehensive, insignificant, bantam, teeny-weeny, pocketable, unimportant, ungenerous, teensy-weensy, bittie, minute, wee, elfin, undersized, gnomish, miniature, microscopic, subatomic, itty-bitty, petite, micro, midget, teeny, half-size, dwarfish, pocket-sized, elflike, teentsy, flyspeck, slender, lilliputian, runty, itsy-bitsy, meanspirited, invisible, shrimpy, minuscule, atomic, diminutive, unrhetorical, smallish, incomprehensive, bitty, weensy, pocket-size, smaller, infinitesimal, teensy, small, inconspicuous, little, dinky, slim, nonpregnant, miniscule, littler, olive-sized, puny, weeny, tiny

  9. largeadverb

    at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)

    vauntingly, boastfully, big

    meanspirited, pocketable, nonpregnant, undersize, smallish, lesser, littler, teeny-weeny, pocket-sized, pocket-size, small-scale, little, microscopical, itty-bitty, puny, teeny, incomprehensive, subatomic, itsy-bitsy, minute, runty, dinky, miniscule, noncomprehensive, slender, bantam, wee, slim, tiny, shrimpy, inconspicuous, elflike, bittie, dwarfish, petite, invisible, flyspeck, unimportant, insignificant, ungenerous, micro, weensy, miniature, midget, teensy-weensy, undersized, bitty, atomic, unrhetorical, half-size, minuscule, microscopic, teensy, teentsy, infinitesimal, smaller, gnomish, diminutive, elfin, small, olive-sized, lilliputian, weeny

  10. largeadverb

    with the wind abaft the beam

    "a ship sailing large"

    vauntingly, boastfully, big

    noncomprehensive, pocket-size, diminutive, teeny, undersize, microscopic, tiny, teensy-weensy, inconspicuous, miniscule, microscopical, minute, micro, meanspirited, dinky, itty-bitty, miniature, runty, smallish, subatomic, minuscule, atomic, shrimpy, unrhetorical, smaller, elflike, teeny-weeny, small-scale, bitty, half-size, puny, gnomish, olive-sized, insignificant, unimportant, nonpregnant, weeny, bantam, little, undersized, lilliputian, teensy, bittie, small, infinitesimal, wee, incomprehensive, weensy, littler, teentsy, petite, itsy-bitsy, ungenerous, slim, lesser, pocket-sized, invisible, midget, slender, flyspeck, elfin, dwarfish, pocketable

  11. boastfully, vauntingly, big, largeadverb

    in a boastful manner

    "he talked big all evening"

    vauntingly, boastfully, big

    gnomish, pocket-sized, itty-bitty, shrimpy, teensy, undersized, minute, miniature, weensy, lilliputian, pocket-size, bittie, itsy-bitsy, infinitesimal, nonpregnant, diminutive, wee, bitty, inconspicuous, smallish, insignificant, small-scale, dwarfish, slim, unimportant, invisible, teentsy, midget, lesser, bantam, slender, puny, subatomic, teeny, smaller, elfin, atomic, minuscule, little, dinky, teeny-weeny, micro, flyspeck, microscopic, olive-sized, weeny, runty, tiny, elflike, miniscule, meanspirited, ungenerous, microscopical, noncomprehensive, petite, unrhetorical, incomprehensive, teensy-weensy, small, pocketable, undersize, littler, half-size

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. largeadjective

    big, great, bulky, huge, immense, vast, of great size

  2. largeadjective

    extensive, expanded, spacious, broad, wide

  3. largeadjective

    abundant, plentiful, ample, full, copious, liberal

  4. largeadjective

    capacious, comprehensive

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. largeadjective

    big, extensive, huge, unwieldy, vast, massive, immense, colossal, gigantic, bulky, ample, copious, liberal, unstinted, generous, liberal, munificent, princely, hypertrophied, spacious, commodious, capacious

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  1. large

    Song lyrics by large -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by large on the Lyrics.com website.

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How to use large in a sentence?

  1. Gabriela Kennedy:

    (The Chinese) are very successful in what they're doing in some large companies, but if you look beyond that they're not particularly innovative, but I don't think it's going to take them long.

  2. President Donald Trump:

    We... have a large team working on what the next steps will be once the medical community gives a region the OK. Meaning the OK to get going, to get back, let's go to work, our country wasn't built to be shut down. This is not a country that was built for this.

  3. Wu Zunyou:

    Only by doing dynamic zero-COVID can we eliminate the hidden dangers of the epidemic, avoid the run on medical resources that may be caused by large-scale infections and prevent a large number of possible deaths of the elderly or those with underlying diseases.

  4. Anne McTiernan:

    The study strengths included the large sample size, including both women and men, and a lifetime history of alcohol use.

  5. Vladimir Chuprov from Greenpeace:

    This is a large spill, and the problem is of a systemic nature, unless oil companies start paying in full, they don't have the motivation to prevent spills.

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