What is another word for solid?

Synonyms for solid
ˈsɒl ɪdsol·id

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word solid.

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. solidnoun

    matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure

    solid state, solidness

    vaporous, fistular, vasiform, vapourish, aerosolized, vapourous, aerosolised, gaseous, semiliquid, hollow, unrespectable, vaporish, volatilized, gasified, unsound, clear, tubular, vapourised, airlike, two-dimensional, fistulate, aeriform, runny, broken, liquefied, diversified, heterogeneous, soft, linear, watery, one-dimensional, planar, tubelike, fistulous, liquifiable, recessed, liquified, liquefiable, liquid, sunken, fluid, evaporated, vaporized, tube-shaped, bad, vapourific, volatilised, heterogenous, frivolous, cavernous, cannular, deep-set, gassy, vaporific, unwholesome

  2. solid, solidness, solid statenoun

    the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape

    solid state, substantialness, solidness, substantiality, solidity

    vapourish, heterogenous, vapourised, cannular, unrespectable, fistulate, tube-shaped, aeriform, vaporish, two-dimensional, tubular, linear, liquified, vapourous, bad, unwholesome, runny, vaporized, evaporated, diversified, hollow, aerosolised, gaseous, gassy, fluid, liquefiable, recessed, heterogeneous, volatilised, unsound, fistulous, volatilized, semiliquid, fistular, vasiform, airlike, gasified, deep-set, watery, vaporific, aerosolized, planar, frivolous, liquefied, tubelike, liquid, broken, vapourific, soft, cavernous, one-dimensional, sunken, liquifiable, vaporous, clear

  3. solidadjective

    a three-dimensional shape

    solid state, solidness

    sunken, deep-set, fistular, fistulate, cannular, fistulous, unsound, diversified, tube-shaped, tubular, gasified, tubelike, liquified, unrespectable, one-dimensional, aerosolized, evaporated, runny, liquifiable, planar, vapourish, unwholesome, vaporous, clear, volatilized, liquid, semiliquid, frivolous, aeriform, soft, vaporized, linear, two-dimensional, vapourific, broken, vapourous, vapourised, hollow, fluid, gassy, airlike, recessed, vaporish, heterogeneous, heterogenous, aerosolised, cavernous, bad, vaporific, volatilised, gaseous, watery, liquefiable, vasiform, liquefied

  4. solidadjective

    characterized by good substantial quality

    "solid comfort"; "a solid base hit"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    gaseous, tubular, cannular, heterogenous, airlike, tubelike, vapourific, cavernous, unrespectable, hollow, volatilized, liquefied, liquid, unsound, vaporish, fistulous, watery, two-dimensional, vapourish, recessed, bad, volatilised, vaporous, fistulate, liquifiable, vasiform, tube-shaped, semiliquid, liquefiable, diversified, planar, aerosolized, aeriform, vaporized, sunken, evaporated, aerosolised, soft, deep-set, liquified, heterogeneous, gasified, clear, fluid, one-dimensional, fistular, vapourised, broken, frivolous, gassy, vaporific, runny, vapourous, linear, unwholesome

  5. solidadjective

    of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous

    "ice is water in the solid state"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    airlike, gassy, tube-shaped, fistulate, recessed, vapourific, evaporated, vaporized, unsound, heterogeneous, two-dimensional, frivolous, vapourish, gasified, fistular, broken, unrespectable, runny, cavernous, aeriform, soft, aerosolised, watery, volatilised, fistulous, liquefied, vaporous, vaporish, unwholesome, vaporific, heterogenous, liquefiable, bad, tubular, volatilized, sunken, one-dimensional, fluid, liquid, vasiform, vapourised, cannular, planar, aerosolized, clear, vapourous, gaseous, linear, liquifiable, tubelike, hollow, liquified, deep-set, diversified, semiliquid

  6. solidadjective

    entirely of one substance with no holes inside

    "a solid block of wood"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    watery, gasified, aerosolized, heterogenous, fluid, frivolous, semiliquid, vapourised, recessed, liquefied, two-dimensional, liquified, vapourific, volatilised, aerosolised, fistular, heterogeneous, cavernous, deep-set, vaporific, runny, unwholesome, tubular, vaporish, volatilized, liquid, vaporous, sunken, liquefiable, unrespectable, linear, fistulate, tube-shaped, hollow, vapourish, diversified, soft, bad, evaporated, unsound, gassy, liquifiable, vasiform, clear, broken, tubelike, vaporized, planar, fistulous, airlike, aeriform, vapourous, one-dimensional, cannular, gaseous

  7. solidadjective

    of one substance or character throughout

    "solid gold"; "carved out of solid rock"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    volatilised, recessed, clear, one-dimensional, cavernous, liquified, fistulate, diversified, linear, airlike, vaporized, vasiform, deep-set, volatilized, tubular, gasified, unwholesome, watery, vaporous, liquefied, aeriform, planar, vapourific, unsound, liquid, liquefiable, bad, broken, aerosolised, semiliquid, evaporated, tube-shaped, two-dimensional, unrespectable, frivolous, tubelike, aerosolized, soft, vapourous, vapourish, fluid, heterogenous, fistulous, heterogeneous, vapourised, cannular, gassy, hollow, sunken, vaporific, runny, gaseous, liquifiable, fistular, vaporish

  8. solidadjective

    uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks

    "a solid line across the page"; "solid sheets of water"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    hollow, vaporific, unrespectable, liquefied, liquified, vapourous, deep-set, vapourised, recessed, frivolous, heterogenous, vaporized, heterogeneous, unsound, fistulous, watery, two-dimensional, gassy, evaporated, runny, fistular, vasiform, fluid, liquefiable, gaseous, diversified, sunken, semiliquid, unwholesome, fistulate, bad, vaporous, airlike, liquid, liquifiable, aerosolized, linear, vaporish, one-dimensional, volatilized, aeriform, vapourish, broken, clear, cannular, planar, tubular, volatilised, tubelike, soft, vapourific, tube-shaped, aerosolised, cavernous, gasified

  9. hearty, satisfying, solid, square, substantialadjective

    providing abundant nourishment

    "a hearty meal"; "good solid food"; "ate a substantial breakfast"; "four square meals a day"

    self-colored, whole, straight, red-blooded, substantial, self-coloured, unanimous, upstanding, significant, square(a), hearty, comforting, satisfying, full-blooded, real, substantive, cheering, material, square, firm, square(p), strong, straightforward, lusty

    heterogeneous, fluid, vapourous, vasiform, soft, hollow, liquified, vapourish, unsound, diversified, volatilized, runny, liquefied, volatilised, heterogenous, vaporific, gassy, unrespectable, liquefiable, deep-set, broken, two-dimensional, aerosolized, sunken, one-dimensional, airlike, recessed, tubular, bad, vaporous, unwholesome, watery, gaseous, semiliquid, clear, vapourised, linear, aerosolised, vaporized, tubelike, vapourific, cannular, vaporish, liquifiable, gasified, fistulous, frivolous, liquid, fistular, cavernous, fistulate, evaporated, aeriform, tube-shaped, planar

  10. solid, strong, substantialadjective

    of good quality and condition; solidly built

    "a solid foundation"; "several substantial timber buildings"

    self-colored, whole, potent, inviolable, unanimous, self-coloured, substantial, stiff, material, upstanding, significant, hearty, warm, satisfying, hard, real, substantive, unassailable, square, firm, strong, unattackable, impregnable, secure

    vapourised, tubular, diversified, bad, cavernous, liquified, liquid, clear, one-dimensional, vasiform, vaporized, vaporous, gassy, unsound, evaporated, fistulate, recessed, gaseous, vaporific, watery, vapourous, liquifiable, vaporish, fluid, gasified, frivolous, heterogenous, aerosolised, aeriform, aerosolized, tube-shaped, cannular, sunken, fistulous, volatilised, liquefied, broken, runny, liquefiable, heterogeneous, two-dimensional, planar, vapourific, deep-set, semiliquid, unrespectable, hollow, tubelike, linear, fistular, unwholesome, soft, vapourish, volatilized, airlike

  11. firm, solidadjective

    not soft or yielding to pressure

    "a firm mattress"; "the snow was firm underfoot"; "solid ground"

    self-colored, whole, loyal, unanimous, self-coloured, upstanding, fast(a), substantial, stiff, unfluctuating, fast, unshakable, unfaltering, hearty, truehearted, satisfying, unbendable, steadfast, unwavering, steady, firm, immobile, square, strong

    cannular, unwholesome, vaporous, aerosolized, cavernous, planar, two-dimensional, clear, unsound, heterogenous, vapourous, semiliquid, fistular, vasiform, heterogeneous, liquefiable, volatilised, runny, vaporific, soft, volatilized, deep-set, aeriform, vapourific, tubelike, liquifiable, liquid, vaporish, recessed, unrespectable, tube-shaped, evaporated, sunken, fistulous, gasified, vapourish, watery, linear, fistulate, liquified, bad, fluid, frivolous, diversified, gaseous, one-dimensional, vaporized, gassy, broken, hollow, aerosolised, liquefied, vapourised, airlike, tubular

  12. solidadjective

    having three dimensions

    "a solid object"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    vaporific, heterogenous, liquefiable, unsound, bad, hollow, evaporated, cannular, clear, heterogeneous, liquid, aerosolised, gasified, runny, vaporous, watery, vapourised, vapourish, diversified, vasiform, aeriform, planar, semiliquid, tubelike, vapourific, one-dimensional, unrespectable, vaporized, deep-set, two-dimensional, fistulate, fluid, tube-shaped, liquifiable, unwholesome, broken, volatilized, gaseous, volatilised, soft, frivolous, airlike, aerosolized, tubular, sunken, fistulous, gassy, fistular, vapourous, vaporish, recessed, liquefied, liquified, cavernous, linear

  13. solidadjective

    impenetrable for the eye

    "solid blackness"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    aeriform, heterogenous, heterogeneous, frivolous, liquid, broken, deep-set, diversified, bad, semiliquid, fistular, airlike, two-dimensional, vaporific, soft, volatilized, planar, one-dimensional, tube-shaped, liquified, vaporized, fluid, clear, evaporated, volatilised, vapourised, gasified, aerosolized, linear, fistulous, liquifiable, sunken, hollow, vaporish, vapourous, cannular, vapourific, unsound, vaporous, fistulate, tubelike, unwholesome, gassy, recessed, liquefied, liquefiable, vapourish, watery, aerosolised, cavernous, runny, vasiform, unrespectable, gaseous, tubular

  14. solidadjective

    financially sound

    "the bank is solid and will survive this attack"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    liquid, aerosolised, liquifiable, recessed, heterogeneous, unsound, clear, liquefied, gasified, vaporous, aerosolized, fistulous, fistular, two-dimensional, vapourised, fluid, vapourific, soft, linear, aeriform, vapourish, diversified, heterogenous, tube-shaped, liquified, tubular, broken, vaporized, hollow, vaporish, planar, vapourous, gaseous, cannular, vasiform, semiliquid, vaporific, volatilised, liquefiable, watery, bad, unwholesome, fistulate, volatilized, unrespectable, deep-set, evaporated, cavernous, runny, sunken, frivolous, tubelike, airlike, gassy, one-dimensional

  15. solidadjective

    of a substantial character and not frivolous or superficial

    "work of solid scholarship"; "based on solid facts"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    aerosolized, diversified, vaporous, heterogeneous, linear, runny, unsound, bad, tubelike, vapourised, sunken, tubular, gassy, vaporish, volatilised, tube-shaped, vaporific, unwholesome, evaporated, gaseous, liquified, hollow, one-dimensional, fistular, semiliquid, cavernous, clear, vasiform, volatilized, vapourific, soft, liquifiable, fistulous, liquefied, airlike, aeriform, cannular, recessed, deep-set, fluid, vapourish, two-dimensional, vaporized, watery, planar, unrespectable, fistulate, heterogenous, broken, aerosolised, liquefiable, gasified, liquid, vapourous, frivolous

  16. upstanding, solidadjective

    meriting respect or esteem

    "an upstanding member of the community"

    substantial, upstanding, hearty, unanimous, square, strong, self-colored, whole, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    liquified, evaporated, planar, vapourific, volatilised, vapourised, vaporific, clear, aeriform, fluid, liquefied, vapourish, unsound, tubular, watery, unwholesome, heterogeneous, frivolous, gaseous, liquefiable, gasified, aerosolized, two-dimensional, deep-set, bad, tubelike, unrespectable, vaporized, runny, gassy, linear, vapourous, heterogenous, vaporous, aerosolised, one-dimensional, hollow, fistulous, airlike, broken, vasiform, diversified, semiliquid, volatilized, vaporish, fistular, soft, liquid, liquifiable, cavernous, recessed, sunken, fistulate, cannular, tube-shaped

  17. solid, self-colored, self-colouredadjective

    of the same color throughout

    "solid color"

    substantial, whole, upstanding, unanimous, hearty, square, strong, self-colored, firm, satisfying, self-coloured

    fistular, unrespectable, semiliquid, aerosolized, vapourous, fluid, fistulous, cavernous, liquefied, heterogeneous, evaporated, vapourish, gasified, vaporish, frivolous, airlike, volatilized, tubelike, two-dimensional, linear, fistulate, broken, vasiform, watery, volatilised, liquefiable, vaporous, vapourific, deep-set, tube-shaped, unwholesome, heterogenous, vaporific, recessed, soft, cannular, gaseous, liquified, runny, vapourised, aeriform, liquifiable, diversified, unsound, aerosolised, planar, gassy, liquid, vaporized, tubular, clear, sunken, one-dimensional, bad, hollow

  18. solid, unanimous, wholeadjective

    acting together as a single undiversified whole

    "a solid voting bloc"

    self-colored, whole, unhurt, hale, unharmed, consentient, consentaneous, self-coloured, substantial, unanimous, upstanding, hearty, satisfying, square, firm, strong, unscathed

    vapourific, heterogenous, heterogeneous, sunken, unrespectable, volatilised, linear, vasiform, cannular, liquefiable, fistulate, volatilized, aerosolized, gassy, unsound, vaporific, deep-set, planar, vaporous, fistular, tubelike, aerosolised, diversified, two-dimensional, vapourised, hollow, tube-shaped, watery, tubular, bad, cavernous, frivolous, fistulous, broken, semiliquid, liquid, one-dimensional, unwholesome, gasified, airlike, vaporized, clear, liquefied, liquified, vapourish, liquifiable, vaporish, aeriform, fluid, recessed, soft, evaporated, vapourous, gaseous, runny

Matched Categories

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. solidadjective

    hard, firm, not fluid, not liquid

  2. solidadjective

    dense, compact, not hollow

  3. solidadjective

    strong, substantial, stable, sound, stout

  4. solidadjective

    real, true, valid, just, weighty, important, grave, not frivolous, not fallacious

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. solidadjective

    dense, compact, hard, impenetrable, firm, unyielding, imporous, concrete, substantial, unanimous, united, undivided

    porous, incompact, hollow, spongy, soft, plastic, unstable, fallacious

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How to use solid in a sentence?

  1. C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves:

    Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.

  2. Arjilli Dasu:

    The government must help fishermen like me to build safe pucca (solid) houses ... to make our city smart so that we do not suffer if a cyclone hits again.

  3. Bill Stone:

    You are in a place where the U.S. economy is a little softer, at least the data we are getting. I would argue it is still on solid footing, it is just we are in a bit of an ebb and the market is kind of ebbing with it a little bit.

  4. Jose Cil:

    The single biggest highlight at Popeyes is a solid, continued performance that our chicken sandwich is driving for the business, with the success of the Popeyes chicken sandwich, the team is motivated to continue the long-term menu innovation pipeline.

  5. Greg Rosenbaum:

    My concern about the long-term health of the U.S.-Israel relationship and the rock-solid bipartisanship it needs is that the more that Israel does that calls into question the support of this cohort of younger voters, the less it is going to be able to rely on this reservoir of good will.

Translations for solid

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • صُلبArabic
  • sòlidCatalan, Valencian
  • solidní, pevný, stabilní, tuhýCzech
  • grundig, fast, tæt, kompakt, grundfæstet, stof, solid, massivDanish
  • Festkörper, einfarbig, massiv, fest, kompakt, solide, deftig, Körper, zusammengeschrieben, robust, bündigGerman
  • στερεό, γερός, στερεός, συμπαγής, ατόφιοςGreek
  • sólido, masivo, cuerpoSpanish
  • جامد, صلبPersian
  • kiinteä, kiinteä aine, kiintoaine, täyttävä, vankka, tukeva, jyhkeä, jykevä, tanakka, vakaa, eheä, massiivinen, kappale, yhteenkirjoitettu, pitävä, täysi, aukoton, yksivärinenFinnish
  • solide, plein, pleine, massifFrench
  • soladach, soladIrish
  • מוצק, אטוםHebrew
  • ठोसHindi
  • szilárdHungarian
  • կարծր, պինդ, երկրաչափական մարմինArmenian
  • padat, kokohIndonesian
  • storkuhamurIcelandic
  • massiccio, solido, compatto, tinta unita, tinta unicaItalian
  • 固体, 堅実な, 詰まった, 確実な, ソリッドなJapanese
  • អង្គធាតុរឹងKhmer
  • 틀림없다, 굳다, 고체, 固体, 굳세다, 단단하다, 입체, 立体Korean
  • cietsLatvian
  • totoka, tūmārōMāori
  • pejal, kukuh, pepejalMalay
  • solide, egaal, massief, vast, zwaar, effen, gegrond, stevig, aaneengeschreven, steekhoudendDutch
  • solid, kompakt, kraftig, massiv, fastNorwegian
  • solidny, ciało stałe, masywny, rzetelny, sycący, stały, bryłaPolish
  • sólido, sólidaPortuguese
  • qaqaQuechua
  • solid, plin, temeinic, masiv, compactRomanian
  • сытный, массивный, твёрдый, твёрдое тело, сплошной, солидный, крупный, цельный, крепкий, пишущийся слитно, монолитный, тело, прочный, геометрическое тело, одноцветныйRussian
  • krupno, čvrsto, kršno, tvrdoSerbo-Croatian
  • pevný, pevná látka, telesoSlovak
  • gedigen, solid, massiv, kropp, fast, mättande, fast form, fast ämneSwedish
  • పేద్ద, దిట్టము, ఘన పదార్ధం, ఘనTelugu
  • katıTurkish
  • 固體Chinese

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    An antonym for "pesky"
    A pestilent
    B agreeable
    C plaguey
    D pettish

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