What is another word for tight?
Synonyms for tight
This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word tight.
well, firmly, fast, soundly, securely, intimate, polished, tension, cool, narrow, precise, rad, close, slick, serried, tense, close-knit, fab, ace, tight-fitting, tautAntonyms:
badly, fitfully, loosely, rubbish, relaxed, spacious, saggy, roomy, capacious, wide, open, loose, baggy, pathetic, naff, sagging, sloppy, broad, slack, crap, slapdashtightadjective
Miserly or frugal.
He's a bit tight with his money
cool, intimate, polished, tight-fitting, tense, ace, fab, serried, narrow, slick, close-knit, tension, close, taut, precise, radAntonyms:
slapdash, roomy, naff, spacious, broad, baggy, sloppy, crap, rubbish, sagging, pathetic, saggy, wide, open, loose, relaxed, capacious, slacktightadjective
Scarce, hard to come by.
I grew up in a poor neighborhood; money was very tight, but we made do.
tense, intimate, cool, slick, close, fab, serried, precise, narrow, tension, rad, close-knit, tight-fitting, taut, ace, polishedAntonyms:
rubbish, relaxed, capacious, crap, naff, broad, wide, spacious, baggy, sagging, open, saggy, slapdash, pathetic, roomy, slack, loose, sloppytightadjective
A player who plays very few hands
rad, taut, narrow, tension, polished, slick, serried, cool, ace, close, fab, close-knit, tense, precise, intimate, tight-fittingAntonyms:
broad, loose, wide, crap, rubbish, baggy, sagging, spacious, pathetic, relaxed, capacious, naff, roomy, open, slapdash, slack, saggy, sloppytightadverb
A strategy which involves playing very few hands
slick, tension, polished, serried, rad, narrow, intimate, close-knit, close, tense, precise, cool, ace, fab, tight-fitting, tautAntonyms:
naff, saggy, spacious, sagging, roomy, loose, baggy, slack, broad, wide, relaxed, capacious, slapdash, sloppy, pathetic, crap, rubbish, opentightadverb
Pushed or pulled together.
My socks are too tight.
well, firmly, fast, soundly, securely, precise, cool, serried, intimate, polished, ace, taut, narrow, tight-fitting, close-knit, tense, rad, tension, slick, close, fabAntonyms:
badly, fitfully, loosely, broad, baggy, crap, wide, sagging, roomy, sloppy, capacious, slack, rubbish, relaxed, naff, open, saggy, slapdash, loose, pathetic, spacioustightadjective
Of a space, etc, narrow, so that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it.
Good night, sleep tight.
soundly, firmly, securely, fast, well, narrow, intimate, cool, precise, tension, slick, tense, serried, ace, polished, taut, close-knit, close, tight-fitting, rad, fabAntonyms:
fitfully, loosely, badly, baggy, saggy, spacious, naff, broad, open, wide, sloppy, sagging, slapdash, pathetic, crap, rubbish, slack, relaxed, loose, roomy, capacioustightadjective
Of a turn, sharp, so that the timeframe for making it is narrow and following it is difficult.
The mountain pass was made dangerous by its many tight corners.
cool, fab, narrow, intimate, close, slick, close-knit, ace, precise, polished, tension, taut, tense, tight-fitting, rad, serriedAntonyms:
capacious, roomy, broad, baggy, pathetic, slack, saggy, naff, spacious, loose, wide, sloppy, sagging, rubbish, crap, slapdash, open, relaxedtightadjective
Under high tension.
Make sure to pull the rope tight.
taut, tight-fitting, precise, polished, cool, tense, fab, close, ace, slick, narrow, tension, serried, intimate, rad, close-knitAntonyms:
pathetic, broad, crap, open, roomy, loose, wide, baggy, slack, slapdash, relaxed, saggy, naff, capacious, sagging, spacious, sloppy, rubbishtightadjective
Well-rehearsed and accurate in execution.
Their marching band is extremely tight.
cool, narrow, intimate, slick, polished, tension, tense, precise, close, rad, ace, taut, fab, close-knit, serried, tight-fittingAntonyms:
sagging, crap, relaxed, rubbish, pathetic, roomy, spacious, slack, naff, baggy, saggy, slapdash, sloppy, loose, capacious, open, broad, widetightadjective
Intoxicated; drunk or acting like being drunk.
We went drinking and got tight.
close-knit, tight-fitting, tense, cool, slick, tension, rad, intimate, fab, narrow, taut, precise, serried, close, ace, polishedAntonyms:
broad, naff, baggy, wide, pathetic, relaxed, sloppy, crap, saggy, slack, spacious, slapdash, open, rubbish, roomy, capacious, sagging, loosetightadjective
Intimately friendly.
We've grown tighter over the years.
close, taut, narrow, tense, fab, ace, cool, polished, slick, serried, rad, precise, close-knit, intimate, tension, tight-fittingAntonyms:
loose, slack, sloppy, capacious, rubbish, relaxed, baggy, broad, wide, spacious, saggy, crap, open, sagging, pathetic, naff, slapdash, roomytightadjective
Extraordinarily great or special.
That is one tight bicycle!
close, taut, tight-fitting, fab, ace, close-knit, tension, tense, narrow, intimate, serried, precise, polished, slick, cool, radAntonyms:
broad, slapdash, capacious, sloppy, crap, roomy, wide, loose, spacious, slack, pathetic, baggy, saggy, sagging, relaxed, naff, rubbish, opentightadjective
Unfair; unkind.
Don't do that. That's tight.
intimate, polished, tense, tight-fitting, precise, close-knit, narrow, tension, slick, serried, ace, rad, close, taut, cool, fabAntonyms:
slapdash, sloppy, rubbish, pathetic, slack, sagging, broad, loose, capacious, crap, saggy, spacious, wide, roomy, open, naff, baggy, relaxed
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
Princeton's WordNet
closely constrained or constricted or constricting
"tight skirts"; "he hated tight starched collars"; "fingers closed in a tight fist"; "a tight feeling in his chest"
fuddled, squiffy, crocked, plastered, mean, mingy, smashed, wet, stiff, miserly, compressed, cockeyed, taut, nasty, soaked, close, besotted, slopped, loaded, pie-eyed, stringent, blotto, rigorous, pissed, blind drunk, sloshed, sozzled, soused, pixilatedAntonyms:
opened, oozy, leaky, vulnerable, loose, unequal, easy, holey, insecure, sober, seeping, sloppy, oozing, coarse, draughty, harsh, abundant, baggy, loose-fitting, drafty, porous, drippy, generous, flyaway, undemanding, open, laxtaut, tightadjective
pulled or drawn tight
"taut sails"; "a tight drumhead"; "a tight rope"
fuddled, squiffy, crocked, plastered, mean, mingy, smashed, wet, stiff, miserly, compressed, cockeyed, taut, nasty, soaked, close, besotted, slopped, loaded, pie-eyed, stringent, blotto, rigorous, pissed, blind drunk, sloshed, sozzled, soused, pixilatedAntonyms:
sloppy, unequal, porous, lax, drippy, seeping, vulnerable, undemanding, loose-fitting, loose, opened, holey, coarse, oozy, open, drafty, flyaway, insecure, draughty, harsh, leaky, baggy, sober, abundant, easy, generous, oozingtightadjective
set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration
"in tight formation"; "a tight blockade"
fuddled, squiffy, crocked, plastered, mean, mingy, smashed, wet, stiff, miserly, compressed, cockeyed, taut, nasty, soaked, close, besotted, slopped, loaded, pie-eyed, stringent, blotto, rigorous, pissed, blind drunk, sloshed, sozzled, soused, pixilatedAntonyms:
harsh, loose, generous, porous, sober, seeping, abundant, drippy, holey, drafty, oozing, lax, undemanding, leaky, oozy, easy, baggy, draughty, unequal, coarse, loose-fitting, flyaway, vulnerable, insecure, opened, sloppy, opencompressed, tightadjective
pressed tightly together
"with lips compressed"
fuddled, squiffy, crocked, plastered, mean, mingy, smashed, wet, stiff, miserly, compressed, cockeyed, taut, nasty, soaked, close, besotted, slopped, loaded, pie-eyed, stringent, blotto, rigorous, flat, blind drunk, pissed, sloshed, sozzled, soused, pixilatedAntonyms:
abundant, oozing, sloppy, undemanding, loose, lax, baggy, sober, harsh, draughty, drippy, porous, oozy, coarse, vulnerable, insecure, flyaway, seeping, holey, opened, unequal, loose-fitting, drafty, leaky, easy, generous, openmean, mingy, miserly, tightadjective
(used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity
"a mean person"; "he left a miserly tip"
close, pissed, blind drunk, base, mean(a), besotted, slopped, rigorous, mingy, blotto, average, squiffy, pixilated, hateful, cockeyed, crocked, fuddled, soused, compressed, meanspirited, sozzled, taut, nasty, plastered, miserly, stiff, stringent, pie-eyed, bastardly, sloshed, smashed, mean, soaked, loaded, wet, beggarlyAntonyms:
flyaway, seeping, coarse, sober, loose, drippy, holey, draughty, drafty, harsh, baggy, easy, unequal, porous, opened, sloppy, oozing, generous, abundant, insecure, undemanding, loose-fitting, oozy, vulnerable, lax, open, leakytightadjective
affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow
"tight money"; "a tight market"
fuddled, squiffy, crocked, plastered, mean, mingy, smashed, wet, stiff, miserly, compressed, cockeyed, taut, nasty, soaked, close, besotted, slopped, loaded, pie-eyed, stringent, blotto, rigorous, pissed, blind drunk, sloshed, sozzled, soused, pixilatedAntonyms:
draughty, sloppy, unequal, open, oozy, porous, opened, insecure, abundant, loose, leaky, holey, lax, harsh, easy, generous, flyaway, sober, baggy, drafty, oozing, undemanding, coarse, vulnerable, loose-fitting, drippy, seepingtightadjective
of such close construction as to be impermeable
"a tight roof"; "warm in our tight little house"
fuddled, squiffy, crocked, plastered, mean, mingy, smashed, wet, stiff, miserly, compressed, cockeyed, taut, nasty, soaked, close, besotted, slopped, loaded, pie-eyed, stringent, blotto, rigorous, pissed, blind drunk, sloshed, sozzled, soused, pixilatedAntonyms:
porous, open, undemanding, vulnerable, coarse, oozy, loose, flyaway, baggy, generous, harsh, leaky, loose-fitting, unequal, drafty, seeping, opened, oozing, lax, draughty, drippy, easy, holey, abundant, sober, sloppy, insecureclose, tightadjective
of textiles
"a close weave"; "smooth percale with a very tight weave"
close, pissed, cheeseparing, blind drunk, close-fitting, besotted, rigorous, slopped, nigh, soused, mingy, blotto, faithful, squiffy, pixilated, cockeyed, secretive, tightlipped, crocked, fuddled, snug, stiff, airless, skinny, mean, compressed, sozzled, closemouthed, taut, nasty, plastered, miserly, closelipped, sloshed, stringent, stuffy, pie-eyed, unaired, smashed, soaked, penny-pinching, wet, loaded, near, confiningAntonyms:
open, opened, abundant, oozy, seeping, vulnerable, porous, insecure, loose-fitting, harsh, generous, sloppy, drafty, lax, sober, unequal, loose, undemanding, oozing, flyaway, baggy, drippy, easy, holey, draughty, leaky, coarsetightadjective
securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid
"the bolts are tight"
fuddled, squiffy, crocked, plastered, mean, mingy, smashed, wet, stiff, miserly, compressed, cockeyed, taut, nasty, soaked, close, besotted, slopped, loaded, pie-eyed, stringent, blotto, rigorous, pissed, blind drunk, sloshed, sozzled, soused, pixilatedAntonyms:
seeping, sloppy, opened, loose, harsh, draughty, easy, oozing, loose-fitting, leaky, abundant, sober, holey, open, oozy, undemanding, insecure, coarse, drafty, flyaway, lax, porous, generous, unequal, drippy, baggy, vulnerableclose, tightadjective
(of a contest or contestants) evenly matched
"a close contest"; "a close election"; "a tight game"
close, pissed, cheeseparing, blind drunk, close-fitting, besotted, rigorous, slopped, nigh, soused, mingy, blotto, faithful, squiffy, pixilated, cockeyed, secretive, tightlipped, crocked, fuddled, snug, stiff, airless, skinny, mean, compressed, sozzled, closemouthed, taut, nasty, plastered, miserly, closelipped, sloshed, stringent, stuffy, pie-eyed, unaired, smashed, soaked, penny-pinching, wet, loaded, near, confiningAntonyms:
open, loose, drafty, leaky, insecure, generous, oozing, coarse, porous, oozy, loose-fitting, seeping, sloppy, sober, baggy, abundant, vulnerable, draughty, flyaway, undemanding, drippy, lax, harsh, easy, holey, unequal, openedbesotted, blind drunk, blotto, crocked, cockeyed, fuddled, loaded, pie-eyed, pissed, pixilated, plastered, slopped, sloshed, smashed, soaked, soused, sozzled, squiffy, stiff, tight, wetadjective
very drunk
stiff, affluent, stringent, rigorous, fuddled, skew-whiff, flush, laughable, ladened, plastered, smashed, steamed, ludicrous, blotto, firm, unbendable, blind drunk, unwavering, impish, roiled, soaked, miffed, loaded, riled, steady, buckram, nasty, strong, pie-eyed, crocked, irritated, cockeyed, derisory, potent, puckish, slopped, wet, close, nonsensical, wealthy, sealed, awry(p), prankish, soused, unshakable, pixilated, wicked, pissed, peeved, askew, sozzled, wonky, mean, implike, miserly, besotted, squiffy, slicked, compressed, idiotic, nettled, laden, stung, taut, arch, ridiculous, starchy, mischievous, steadfast, absurd, preposterous, pissed off, sloshed, rigid, annoyed, moneyed, lopsided, mingy, lactating, unfalteringAntonyms:
loose, abundant, sloppy, harsh, holey, open, sober, generous, insecure, drippy, baggy, seeping, oozy, coarse, undemanding, oozing, flyaway, easy, vulnerable, draughty, drafty, leaky, lax, unequal, porous, loose-fitting, openednasty, tightadjective
exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent
"a nasty problem"; "a good man to have on your side in a tight situation"
filthy, close, pissed, blind drunk, besotted, awful, slopped, rigorous, mingy, blotto, squiffy, foul, pixilated, cockeyed, crocked, fuddled, soused, compressed, cruddy, sozzled, taut, nasty, plastered, miserly, smutty, stiff, stringent, pie-eyed, sloshed, smashed, mean, soaked, loaded, wetAntonyms:
undemanding, easy, seeping, insecure, generous, draughty, leaky, harsh, vulnerable, sober, flyaway, loose-fitting, opened, unequal, porous, drafty, baggy, loose, open, drippy, oozy, sloppy, oozing, holey, abundant, coarse, laxrigorous, stringent, tightadjective
demanding strict attention to rules and procedures
"rigorous discipline"; "tight security"; "stringent safety measures"
fuddled, nasty, squiffy, crocked, plastered, mean, mingy, smashed, wet, strict, miserly, compressed, cockeyed, taut, sozzled, soaked, close, stiff, besotted, slopped, pie-eyed, stringent, blotto, loaded, blind drunk, pissed, sloshed, rigorous, soused, pixilatedAntonyms:
opened, draughty, drippy, harsh, lax, undemanding, seeping, abundant, insecure, sober, oozing, drafty, loose, holey, unequal, porous, easy, generous, flyaway, oozy, loose-fitting, open, baggy, sloppy, leaky, coarse, vulnerabletightadverb
packed closely together
"they stood in a tight little group"; "hair in tight curls"; "the pub was packed tight"
fuddled, squiffy, crocked, plastered, mean, mingy, smashed, wet, stiff, miserly, compressed, cockeyed, taut, nasty, soaked, close, besotted, slopped, loaded, pie-eyed, stringent, blotto, rigorous, pissed, blind drunk, sloshed, sozzled, soused, pixilatedAntonyms:
vulnerable, unequal, easy, sloppy, oozing, seeping, lax, loose, harsh, porous, insecure, open, coarse, undemanding, leaky, baggy, drippy, abundant, sober, holey, oozy, loose-fitting, draughty, opened, drafty, flyaway, generousfast, tightadverb
firmly or closely
"held fast to the rope"; "her foot was stuck fast"; "held tight"
insecure, unequal, loose, baggy, abundant, seeping, drippy, lax, harsh, coarse, undemanding, holey, draughty, porous, leaky, loose-fitting, sober, flyaway, vulnerable, oozy, drafty, oozing, opened, easy, open, generous, sloppyclose, closely, tightadverb
in an attentive manner
"he remained close on his guard"
nigh, fast, close, nearly, near, intimately, closelyAntonyms:
baggy, undemanding, generous, draughty, drafty, porous, loose, opened, sloppy, oozy, loose-fitting, seeping, insecure, flyaway, sober, open, drippy, oozing, coarse, lax, easy, vulnerable, abundant, harsh, unequal, holey, leaky
Matched Categories
Dictionary of English Synonymes
close-fitting, not loosetightadjective
[Colloquial.] fuddled, boozy, disguised, drunk, maudlin, mellow, in liquor, SLEWED, GROGGY, high, in one's cups, HALF SEAS OVER, somewhat intoxicated, THREE SHEETS IN THE WINDtightadjective
[colloquial, U. S.] stringent (as the money market)tightadjective
[colloquial, U. S.] parsimonious, stingy, penurious, hard, close-fisted
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words
taut, tense, snug, close-fitting, close, penurious, stingy, parsimonious, stringent, (Slang) tipsy, boozy, fuddled, intoxicated, drunk
Usage in printed sourcesFrom:
- 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How to use tight in a sentence?
IPOs have locked money up in the market, causing tight liquidity.
We women all want to feel good in our skin, in the sport of gymnastics it gets harder and harder as you grow out of your child's body. As a little girl I didn't see the tight gym outfits as such a big deal. But when puberty began, when my period came, I began feeling increasingly uncomfortable.
Pretty much everyone who said they were going to show up, is showing up, we are following a very tight protocol of insisting that everyone who enters the space get vaccinated and recently tested, including staff, vendors and caterers.
I was just trying to help, really, we had a run and we kept pushing. Apparently his car was tight. I was doing the same thing with (Martin Truex, Jr.) all night, and it was working.
As a result of higher mortgage rates, purchase demand has modestly waned in advance of the spring homebuying season, however, supply remains near historically tight levels and home prices remain high, keeping the market competitive.
Translations for tight
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- مشدودArabic
- ныҡ тартылған, тығыҙBashkir
- těsnýCzech
- fest, tight, engGerman
- σφιχτόςGreek
- streĉaEsperanto
- ajustado, tensionado, apretado, tenso, tensadoSpanish
- تنگPersian
- tiukka, timmi, kireäFinnish
- tendue, bien, serré, tenduFrench
- պինդ, ձիգ, նեղArmenian
- ketatIndonesian
- þrengdur, þéttur, rótt, þröngur, þéttIcelandic
- stretto, nitido, tesa, aderente, teso, tiratoItalian
- הדוקHebrew
- ಬಿಗಿಯಾದKannada
- 단단한Korean
- cieši, ciešsLatvian
- ကျပ်Burmese
- ciasnyPolish
- justo, apertadoPortuguese
- strânsRomanian
- тесный, тугойRussian
- tajtSwedish
- sıkıTurkish
- тугоUkrainian
- 紧的Chinese
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"tight." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 7 Feb. 2025. <https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/tight>.
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