What is another word for plain?

Synonyms for plain

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word plain.

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. plain

    Clear (Latin clarus, bright, brilliant) primarily refers to that which shines, and impresses the mind through the eye with a sense of luster or splendor. A substance is said to be clear that offers no impediment to vision — is not dim, dark, or obscure. Transparent refers to the medium through which a substance is seen, clear to the substance itself, without reference to anything to be seen through it; we speak of a stream as clear when we think of the water itself; we speak of it as transparent with reference to the ease with which we see the pebbles at the bottom. Clear is also said of that which comes to the senses without dimness, dulness, obstruction, or obscurity, so that there is no uncertainty as to its exact form, character, or meaning, with something of the brightness or brilliancy implied in the primary meaning of the word clear; as, the outlines of the ship were clear against the sky; a clear view; a clear note; "clear as a bell;" a clear, frosty air; a clear sky; a clear statement; hence, the word is used for that which is free from any kind of obstruction; as, a clear field. Lucid and pellucid refer to a shining clearness, as of crystal. A transparent body allows the forms and colors of objects beyond to be seen through it; a translucent body allows light to pass through, but may not permit forms and colors to be distinguished; plate glass is transparent, ground glass is translucent. Limpid refers to a liquid clearness, or that which suggests it; as, limpid streams. That which is distinct is well defined, especially in outline, each part or object standing or seeming apart from any other, not confused, indefinite, or blurred; distinct enunciation enables the hearer to catch every word or vocal sound without perplexity or confusion; a distinct statement is free from indefiniteness or ambiguity; a distinct apprehension of a thought leaves the mind in no doubt or uncertainty regarding it. That is plain, in the sense here considered, which is, as it were, level to the thought, so that one goes straight on without difficulty or hindrance; as, plain language; a plain statement; a clear explanation. Perspicuous is often equivalent to plain, but plain never wholly loses the meaning of unadorned, so that we can say the style is perspicuous tho highly ornate, when we could not call it at once ornate and plain. Compare EVIDENT.

    apparent, clear, diaphanous, distinct, evident, explicit, intelligible, limpid, lucid, manifest, obvious, pellucid, perspicuous, straightforward, translucent, transparent, unadorned, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable

    ambiguous, cloudy, dim, dubious, foggy, indistinct, mysterious, obscure, opaque, turbid, unintelligible, vague

    Clear to the mind; clear in argument; clear of or from annoyances.

Princeton's WordNet3.0 / 1 vote

  1. plain, field, champaignnoun

    extensive tract of level open land

    "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain"; "he longed for the fields of his youth"

    plain stitch, sphere, field of study, champaign, knit stitch, battlefield, flying field, subject area, study, playing area, area, force field, subject, theater of operations, field of operation, knit, theatre of operations, field of honor, bailiwick, field of view, theatre, battleground, subject field, airfield, playing field, theater, field of force, athletic field, discipline, landing field, field of operations, domain, line of business, arena, field, field of battle, orbit

    venose, violet-streaked, stripy, speckled, patched, purple-spotted, pointillist, vermiculated, elaborate, brinded, attractive, yellow-marked, slashed, mottled, indirect, fussy, dressy, veined, black-marked, castled, red-striped, streaked, stippled, white-streaked, damascene, tabby, freckled, pointillistic, banded, brownish-striped, striped, dappled, baroque, burled, yellow-banded, flamboyant, battlemented, fantastic, floral, lentiginose, brindled, moire, streaky, brown-speckled, fancy, brindle, impure, sprigged, busy, aureate, maroon-spotted, puff, spotted, tessellated, cross-banded, marbleised, checked, marbleized, red-streaked, laced, adorned, lacy, blotchy, embattled, blotched, chequered, checkered, yellow-spotted, watered, reddish-striped, dark-spotted, black-barred, flecked, marbled, white-blotched, florid, churrigueresque, dotted, brownish-speckled, brown-striped, black-and-tan, veinlike, figured, decorated, lentiginous, vermicular, unobvious, flowered, specked, spotty, patterned, purple-veined, churrigueresco, damask, castellated, tiger-striped, ringed, crackle, yellow-striped, puffed, luxuriant, fanciful, pinstriped, white-ribbed, rococo, vermiculate, lacelike, splotched

  2. knit, knit stitch, plain, plain stitchadjective

    a basic knitting stitch

    plain stitch, champaign, knit, field, knitting, knit stitch, knitwork

    fanciful, vermiculated, baroque, patterned, impure, flamboyant, battlemented, decorated, ringed, vermiculate, fussy, checked, brown-speckled, checkered, venose, maroon-spotted, florid, brown-striped, dotted, damascene, streaky, busy, marbleised, stippled, aureate, floral, puff, reddish-striped, spotty, purple-spotted, slashed, crackle, burled, brownish-speckled, marbled, puffed, black-barred, patched, flowered, specked, elaborate, yellow-banded, white-streaked, streaked, spotted, unobvious, adorned, black-marked, yellow-striped, banded, speckled, rococo, lentiginose, sprigged, yellow-spotted, chequered, pointillist, flecked, dappled, mottled, veinlike, marbleized, brindle, white-blotched, purple-veined, red-streaked, yellow-marked, pointillistic, splotched, fantastic, moire, fancy, churrigueresco, churrigueresque, brindled, castled, damask, embattled, pinstriped, lentiginous, indirect, tabby, attractive, castellated, dressy, lacy, watered, veined, freckled, stripy, luxuriant, brownish-striped, tessellated, cross-banded, blotchy, white-ribbed, brinded, red-striped, blotched, striped, vermicular, laced, figured, black-and-tan, tiger-striped, dark-spotted, violet-streaked, lacelike

  3. apparent, evident, manifest, patent, plain, unmistakableadjective

    clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

    "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields"; "evident hostility"; "manifest disapproval"; "patent advantages"; "made his meaning plain"; "it is plain that he is no reactionary"; "in plain view"

    unembellished, observable, apparent, ostensible, spare, apparent(a), unornamented, patent, sheer, homely, unmistakable, discernible, unmingled, manifest, unvarnished, unmixed, evident, unpatterned, bare, seeming(a)

    venose, laced, elaborate, dressy, pointillistic, castellated, brinded, marbleized, veinlike, fussy, white-blotched, black-and-tan, tessellated, flamboyant, embattled, florid, dappled, tabby, brownish-striped, fancy, indirect, maroon-spotted, watered, blotchy, lentiginose, spotty, mottled, cross-banded, purple-spotted, black-barred, blotched, splotched, damascene, violet-streaked, chequered, damask, purple-veined, marbled, lentiginous, battlemented, vermiculate, rococo, flecked, tiger-striped, yellow-striped, puff, brownish-speckled, dark-spotted, stripy, checkered, black-marked, brown-speckled, veined, white-ribbed, busy, moire, vermiculated, lacy, pinstriped, attractive, patterned, brindle, baroque, checked, brindled, patched, stippled, spotted, churrigueresco, burled, fantastic, red-striped, dotted, flowered, figured, freckled, crackle, reddish-striped, castled, marbleised, banded, decorated, aureate, yellow-banded, adorned, pointillist, white-streaked, yellow-spotted, lacelike, streaky, yellow-marked, red-streaked, puffed, floral, sprigged, specked, churrigueresque, speckled, striped, streaked, impure, vermicular, fanciful, ringed, luxuriant, slashed, unobvious, brown-striped

  4. plainadjective

    not elaborate or elaborated; simple

    "plain food"; "stuck to the plain facts"; "a plain blue suit"; "a plain rectangular brick building"

    unornamented, evident, unvarnished, sheer, homely, bare, unmixed, unembellished, unmingled, manifest, unmistakable, spare, patent, apparent, unpatterned

    impure, flamboyant, tabby, white-blotched, white-ribbed, florid, brownish-striped, flecked, mottled, laced, red-striped, aureate, tiger-striped, patched, stippled, dark-spotted, dappled, streaked, vermiculate, banded, blotchy, chequered, striped, luxuriant, attractive, figured, violet-streaked, white-streaked, dotted, decorated, burled, patterned, brindle, purple-veined, lentiginous, vermicular, cross-banded, unobvious, ringed, purple-spotted, damascene, black-marked, crackle, black-barred, churrigueresque, freckled, fanciful, veinlike, fantastic, yellow-spotted, castellated, brownish-speckled, reddish-striped, streaky, castled, yellow-marked, splotched, baroque, lentiginose, spotted, flowered, marbled, checkered, veined, stripy, churrigueresco, moire, floral, marbleized, dressy, checked, specked, yellow-striped, lacy, brindled, yellow-banded, black-and-tan, damask, vermiculated, brown-striped, indirect, watered, tessellated, adorned, fancy, red-streaked, sprigged, pinstriped, venose, fussy, blotched, puffed, pointillist, battlemented, maroon-spotted, brinded, embattled, elaborate, marbleised, slashed, rococo, brown-speckled, speckled, spotty, busy, pointillistic, puff, lacelike

  5. plain, unpatternedadjective

    lacking patterns especially in color

    unornamented, evident, unvarnished, sheer, homely, bare, unmixed, unembellished, unmingled, manifest, unmistakable, spare, patent, apparent, unpatterned

    lentiginose, marbled, tessellated, sprigged, yellow-marked, yellow-striped, yellow-spotted, impure, busy, purple-veined, brownish-striped, red-striped, striped, tabby, battlemented, cross-banded, veinlike, freckled, checked, stippled, streaked, damask, puffed, red-streaked, churrigueresco, lacy, patterned, brindle, rococo, burled, veined, flowered, lentiginous, yellow-banded, fantastic, aureate, white-blotched, pointillist, streaky, lacelike, mottled, black-barred, floral, spotty, splotched, brown-striped, castled, pointillistic, elaborate, black-marked, specked, florid, reddish-striped, dressy, checkered, dotted, venose, attractive, decorated, blotchy, fussy, moire, black-and-tan, stripy, adorned, vermicular, castellated, brindled, blotched, patched, fanciful, tiger-striped, churrigueresque, chequered, vermiculate, vermiculated, white-ribbed, marbleized, dark-spotted, damascene, flecked, crackle, spotted, watered, white-streaked, brown-speckled, fancy, laced, indirect, dappled, luxuriant, marbleised, pinstriped, embattled, flamboyant, unobvious, banded, brinded, baroque, brownish-speckled, purple-spotted, maroon-spotted, speckled, ringed, slashed, puff, figured, violet-streaked

  6. plain, sheer, unmingled, unmixedadjective

    not mixed with extraneous elements

    "plain water"; "sheer wine"; "not an unmixed blessing"

    evident, bare, spare, gauzy, downright, unpatterned, uncompounded, cobwebby, unmixed, unornamented, vapourous, right-down, out-and-out(a), manifest, patent, absolute, vaporous, homely, see-through, unmingled, unvarnished, rank(a), gossamer, bluff, sheer(a), diaphanous, sheer, apparent, bold, filmy, gauze-like, unembellished, transparent, unmistakable

    brinded, blotched, veinlike, venose, fantastic, tessellated, crackle, yellow-striped, ringed, flecked, black-marked, patterned, splotched, vermicular, dappled, burled, streaky, indirect, veined, dressy, stripy, luxuriant, marbleised, floral, white-streaked, yellow-marked, busy, maroon-spotted, stippled, banded, lentiginose, vermiculate, castled, churrigueresque, pointillist, puff, cross-banded, purple-veined, black-barred, aureate, brindle, flowered, battlemented, puffed, checkered, white-blotched, brownish-speckled, lacelike, blotchy, brown-speckled, brownish-striped, sprigged, tabby, dotted, yellow-spotted, damascene, dark-spotted, unobvious, mottled, laced, watered, fancy, vermiculated, yellow-banded, black-and-tan, speckled, slashed, decorated, pointillistic, marbleized, baroque, checked, rococo, lentiginous, damask, striped, brown-striped, attractive, violet-streaked, embattled, lacy, impure, castellated, marbled, brindled, white-ribbed, red-streaked, streaked, spotty, moire, pinstriped, churrigueresco, patched, spotted, freckled, fanciful, fussy, florid, figured, red-striped, flamboyant, purple-spotted, adorned, chequered, elaborate, tiger-striped, reddish-striped, specked

  7. plain, unvarnishedadjective

    free from any effort to soften to disguise

    "the plain and unvarnished truth"; "the unvarnished candor of old people and children"

    evident, unstained, apparent, spare, unornamented, patent, sheer, homely, bare, unmistakable, unmingled, manifest, unvarnished, unmixed, unpatterned, unembellished

    maroon-spotted, brown-striped, marbled, attractive, splotched, damascene, white-ribbed, lentiginous, laced, mottled, speckled, lacelike, moire, rococo, aureate, venose, patterned, tiger-striped, embattled, patched, brinded, red-streaked, lacy, stripy, puff, marbleised, black-and-tan, fancy, flamboyant, dotted, brindle, ringed, indirect, damask, black-barred, dark-spotted, elaborate, yellow-spotted, freckled, impure, figured, flecked, streaked, churrigueresco, tessellated, cross-banded, crackle, burled, puffed, specked, watered, veinlike, yellow-striped, chequered, yellow-marked, decorated, stippled, brownish-speckled, vermiculated, churrigueresque, veined, adorned, baroque, striped, checkered, brown-speckled, slashed, pinstriped, checked, yellow-banded, banded, white-blotched, marbleized, streaky, lentiginose, unobvious, spotted, brindled, red-striped, pointillist, fantastic, vermiculate, spotty, black-marked, flowered, floral, busy, fussy, fanciful, blotched, tabby, reddish-striped, violet-streaked, pointillistic, florid, dappled, vermicular, luxuriant, purple-spotted, castled, battlemented, brownish-striped, sprigged, white-streaked, dressy, purple-veined, castellated, blotchy

  8. plain, bare, spare, unembellished, unornamentedadjective

    lacking embellishment or ornamentation

    "a plain hair style"; "unembellished white walls"; "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete"

    evident, spare, bare(a), unpatterned, supernumerary, unmixed, bleak, redundant, unornamented, superfluous, free, au naturel(p), bare, patent, surplus, stark, excess, simple(a), homely, trim, unmingled, stripped, desolate, supererogatory, mere(a), unvarnished, extra, sheer, apparent, nude, unsheathed, unfinished, barren, manifest, scanty, naked, marginal, unembellished, unmistakable

    striped, busy, battlemented, aureate, fantastic, stippled, brindle, burled, flowered, blotched, puffed, churrigueresque, watered, spotted, moire, damask, banded, rococo, brown-striped, speckled, patterned, brindled, laced, pointillist, yellow-striped, marbleised, marbleized, decorated, purple-veined, white-streaked, sprigged, pinstriped, yellow-marked, slashed, checked, vermicular, brownish-striped, cross-banded, tiger-striped, dressy, lacelike, mottled, crackle, floral, fussy, castellated, figured, black-and-tan, dark-spotted, vermiculated, purple-spotted, castled, flamboyant, streaked, dappled, indirect, brinded, tessellated, adorned, pointillistic, puff, marbled, white-ribbed, ringed, blotchy, yellow-banded, white-blotched, unobvious, florid, black-barred, elaborate, lentiginous, patched, damascene, fanciful, embattled, spotty, chequered, veinlike, red-striped, freckled, black-marked, flecked, checkered, luxuriant, attractive, stripy, maroon-spotted, reddish-striped, venose, tabby, vermiculate, veined, violet-streaked, churrigueresco, fancy, red-streaked, impure, baroque, dotted, streaky, brown-speckled, splotched, brownish-speckled, lentiginose, specked, lacy, yellow-spotted

  9. homely, plainverb

    lacking in physical beauty or proportion

    "a homely child"; "several of the buildings were downright homely"; "a plain girl with a freckled face"

    unembellished, evident, apparent, homy, homey, spare, unornamented, patent, sheer, homely, unmistakable, unmingled, manifest, unvarnished, unmixed, homelike, unpatterned, bare

    brinded, yellow-spotted, fantastic, venose, brindled, lentiginose, freckled, dotted, lentiginous, vermicular, puff, indirect, damask, striped, busy, fussy, stripy, marbleized, patterned, purple-spotted, patched, spotty, white-blotched, brownish-speckled, speckled, watered, flecked, marbleised, brownish-striped, lacelike, vermiculate, violet-streaked, attractive, battlemented, checkered, pointillist, churrigueresco, decorated, red-striped, splotched, yellow-marked, banded, unobvious, figured, chequered, white-streaked, fancy, burled, spotted, fanciful, streaky, vermiculated, flamboyant, cross-banded, specked, flowered, veinlike, castled, moire, puffed, pointillistic, mottled, white-ribbed, lacy, tabby, elaborate, yellow-banded, luxuriant, yellow-striped, pinstriped, black-barred, maroon-spotted, dappled, black-marked, black-and-tan, baroque, floral, florid, churrigueresque, sprigged, reddish-striped, crackle, laced, marbled, brown-striped, brown-speckled, ringed, tessellated, adorned, slashed, blotched, embattled, tiger-striped, stippled, streaked, impure, dark-spotted, purple-veined, damascene, aureate, red-streaked, dressy, blotchy, checked, rococo, veined, brindle, castellated

  10. complain, kick, plain, sound off, quetch, kvetchadverb

    express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness

    "My mother complains all day"; "She has a lot to kick about"

    recoil, kvetch, quetch, give up, kick, strike up, kick back, animadvert, complain, speak out, sound off, opine, speak up

    slashed, maroon-spotted, churrigueresque, tiger-striped, fancy, banded, busy, impure, violet-streaked, tessellated, adorned, damascene, white-ribbed, pointillist, specked, churrigueresco, black-marked, mottled, lacelike, streaked, splotched, black-barred, spotty, brownish-speckled, yellow-striped, unobvious, embattled, red-streaked, floral, cross-banded, purple-veined, marbleized, brown-striped, elaborate, white-blotched, flecked, pinstriped, florid, checkered, veinlike, yellow-banded, chequered, indirect, damask, marbled, purple-spotted, vermiculate, white-streaked, fantastic, castled, dark-spotted, battlemented, laced, figured, puff, moire, luxuriant, vermiculated, tabby, brindle, sprigged, watered, brindled, lacy, venose, dappled, pointillistic, veined, marbleised, brown-speckled, lentiginous, flowered, stripy, blotched, blotchy, dressy, dotted, black-and-tan, red-striped, patterned, checked, vermicular, castellated, decorated, aureate, stippled, fussy, attractive, streaky, yellow-marked, baroque, burled, brinded, ringed, flamboyant, crackle, spotted, reddish-striped, freckled, speckled, brownish-striped, lentiginose, puffed, rococo, patched, striped, yellow-spotted, fanciful

  11. obviously, evidently, manifestly, patently, apparently, plainly, plainadverb

    unmistakably (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly')

    "the answer is obviously wrong"; "she was in bed and evidently in great pain"; "he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list"; "it is all patently nonsense"; "she has apparently been living here for some time"; "I thought he owned the property, but apparently not"; "You are plainly wrong"; "he is plain stubborn"

    ostensibly, manifestly, plainly, patently, simply, seemingly, on the face of it, evidently, apparently, obviously

    spotted, black-and-tan, pointillist, lacelike, brindle, streaky, baroque, vermicular, lentiginose, checkered, elaborate, violet-streaked, stripy, slashed, dark-spotted, cross-banded, castled, mottled, pointillistic, sprigged, churrigueresco, dotted, blotched, adorned, stippled, marbleized, marbled, spotty, white-blotched, marbleised, watered, maroon-spotted, brinded, streaked, florid, blotchy, embattled, flamboyant, red-striped, rococo, battlemented, fancy, decorated, veined, figured, aureate, vermiculate, moire, brown-speckled, specked, unobvious, crackle, reddish-striped, yellow-banded, ringed, lacy, tessellated, impure, brownish-speckled, patched, fussy, floral, freckled, tabby, damask, dappled, yellow-spotted, venose, black-marked, flowered, lentiginous, speckled, striped, attractive, burled, purple-spotted, indirect, puffed, chequered, castellated, splotched, brownish-striped, purple-veined, brindled, vermiculated, dressy, tiger-striped, veinlike, red-streaked, brown-striped, luxuriant, fantastic, checked, busy, laced, churrigueresque, white-ribbed, black-barred, puff, pinstriped, fanciful, flecked, patterned, damascene, white-streaked, yellow-marked, banded, yellow-striped

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Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. unremarkableadjective

    does not stand out in any way among the rest

    Submitted by anonymous on March 21, 2022  
  2. hall

    Submitted by nour.belloumi on September 5, 2022  

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How to use plain in a sentence?

  1. Corey Lewandowski:

    I had to repeat on multiple occasions that there was no collusion, cooperation or coordination because the Democrats couldn't understand my plain English way of speaking.

  2. Gerard Cassidy:

    These are portfolios of a bygone era that were very, very painful for the banks, america Corp executives are not plain vanilla portfolios, which means America Corp executives are more costly to manage. It may just not be worth the headache.

  3. Evelyn Waugh:

    Manners are especially the need of the plain. The pretty can get away with anything.

  4. Henry David Thoreau:

    Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain.

  5. Justice Joseph Story:

    This provision (the 4th Amendment) speaks for itself. Its plain object is to secure the perfect enjoyment of that great right of the common law, that a man's house shall be his own castle, privileged against all civil and military intrusion.

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