What is another word for smooth?

Synonyms for smooth

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word smooth.

Wiktionary4.0 / 1 vote

  1. smoothadjective


    rough, uneven, bumpy

  2. smoothadjective

    Having a pleasantly rounded flavor; neither rough nor astringent.


    bumpy, uneven, rough

  3. smoothadjective

    Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain.


    rough, uneven, bumpy

  4. smoothadjective

    Lacking marked aspiration.


    rough, uneven, bumpy

  5. smoothadjective

    To make smooth.


    rough, bumpy, uneven

  6. smoothadjective

    To capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise.

    We hope for a smooth transition to the new system.


    bumpy, rough, uneven

  7. smoothadjective

    bland; glib


    bumpy, rough, uneven

  8. smoothadjective

    suave; sophisticated


    uneven, bumpy, rough

  9. smoothadjective

    natural; unconstrained


    rough, bumpy, uneven

  10. smoothadjective



    rough, bumpy, uneven

  11. smoothadjective

    placid, calm.


    bumpy, uneven, rough

  12. smoothadjective

    Lacking projections or indentations; not serrated.


    rough, uneven, bumpy

  13. smoothadjective

    Not grainy; having an even texture.


    bumpy, uneven, rough

English Synonyms and Antonyms5.0 / 1 vote

  1. smooth

    That is calm which is free from disturbance or agitation; in the physical sense, free from violent motion or action; in the mental or spiritual realm, free from excited or disturbing emotion or passion. We speak of a calm sea, a placid lake, a serene sky, a still night, a quiet day, a quiet home. We speak, also, of "still waters," "smooth sailing," which are different modes of expressing freedom from manifest agitation. Of mental conditions, one is calm who triumphs over a tendency to excitement; cool, if he scarcely feels the tendency. One may be calm by the very reaction from excitement, or by the oppression of overpowering emotion, as we speak of the calmness of despair. One is composed who has subdued excited feeling; he is collected when he has every thought, feeling, or perception awake and at command. Tranquil refers to a present state, placid, to a prevailing tendency. We speak of a tranquil mind, a placid disposition. The serene spirit dwells as if in the clear upper air, above all storm and shadow.

    The star of the unconquered will,
    He rises in my breast,
    Serene, and resolute, and still,
    And calm, and self-possessed.

    Longfellow Light of Stars st. 7.

    calm, collected, composed, cool, dispassionate, imperturbable, peaceful, placid, quiet, sedate, self-possessed, serene, still, tranquil, undisturbed, unruffled

    agitated, boisterous, disturbed, excited, fierce, frantic, frenzied, furious, heated, passionate, raging, roused, ruffled, stormy, turbulent, violent, wild, wrathful

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. smoothadjective

    even, plain, level, flat, polished, glossy, sleek, soft, unruffled, unobstructed, bland, oily, suave

    uneven, rough, rugged, abrupt, precipitous, unpolished, harsh, blunt

  2. smoothverb

    flatten, level, ease, soften, calm, allay, mitigate

Princeton's WordNet3.7 / 3 votes

  1. smoothadjective

    the act of smoothing

    "he gave his hair a quick smooth"

    lacerated, crushed, erose, scabrous, jolting, crenated, textured, emarginate, notched, rock-ribbed, bullate, rugose, leprose, difficult, shagged, undiplomatic, jolty, alligatored, denticulate, crispate, lacerate, verrucose, mountainous, sandpapery, lepidote, lined, jumpy, crenate, coarse-textured, rough, roughish, rough-textured, bouldery, cracked, rimose, pockmarked, toothed, chapped, nubby, barky, twilled, scalloped, wartlike, rugged, stormy, ciliated, pebbly, bouldered, dentate, unsmooth, rockbound, seamed, pocked, slubbed, hilly, tweedy, abrasive, biserrate, scratchy, scabby, pectinate, saw-like, bumpy, broken, hard, saw-toothed, costate, imbricate, serrated, corded, warty, crenulate, bidentate, shaggy, gravelly, squamulose, serrulate, cragged, fimbriate, roughened, potholed, stony, ciliate, jagged, crenulated, scurfy, imbricated, rocky, fringed, spinose, ribbed, awkward, shingly, scaly, laciniate, nubbly, homespun(p), craggy, jaggy, serrate, runcinate, roughen

  2. smoothadjective

    having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities

    "smooth skin"; "a smooth tabletop"; "smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a mirror"

    placid, liquid, bland, still, fluent, politic, tranquil, unruffled, legato, suave, quiet, fluid

    tweedy, denticulate, rough, scalloped, erose, coarse-textured, shagged, roughened, stormy, notched, leprose, fimbriate, sandpapery, imbricate, ciliate, difficult, rocky, awkward, toothed, crushed, scabrous, corded, crenulate, rugose, twilled, saw-toothed, scaly, homespun(p), crenulated, costate, textured, rockbound, mountainous, lacerate, pectinate, wartlike, craggy, rugged, dentate, undiplomatic, jumpy, ciliated, squamulose, lepidote, warty, rough-textured, jagged, shingly, pockmarked, crenate, serrated, emarginate, crenated, lacerated, cracked, biserrate, jolting, slubbed, rock-ribbed, potholed, pocked, serrulate, bullate, chapped, stony, bouldery, scurfy, runcinate, saw-like, crispate, hilly, pebbly, nubby, bumpy, scabby, abrasive, barky, bouldered, cragged, nubbly, rimose, alligatored, verrucose, imbricated, ribbed, hard, roughish, gravelly, shaggy, serrate, seamed, jolty, broken, scratchy, unsmooth, lined, bidentate, jaggy, fringed, laciniate, spinose, roughen

  3. politic, smooth, suave, blandadjective

    smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication

    "he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage"; "the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error"

    fluid, placid, savourless, insipid, tranquil, unruffled, still, quiet, flavorless, flavourless, suave, vapid, savorless, legato, debonair, debonnaire, bland, flat, debonaire, fluent, liquid, politic

    bumpy, nubbly, rock-ribbed, toothed, jumpy, lacerate, saw-toothed, jaggy, scalloped, bouldered, stormy, biserrate, scurfy, chapped, imbricated, wartlike, dentate, crushed, rockbound, slubbed, verrucose, cragged, lined, pocked, crenulate, mountainous, emarginate, notched, rough, potholed, stony, scabrous, warty, lepidote, pebbly, scratchy, serrulate, crenate, crispate, squamulose, spinose, rocky, serrated, broken, shagged, crenulated, ribbed, rugged, scabby, hard, craggy, pectinate, jagged, pockmarked, rough-textured, ciliated, shaggy, rugose, nubby, lacerated, shingly, jolting, homespun(p), fringed, saw-like, erose, cracked, difficult, alligatored, hilly, bullate, imbricate, serrate, denticulate, twilled, scaly, roughish, sandpapery, seamed, jolty, abrasive, corded, rimose, ciliate, awkward, laciniate, crenated, coarse-textured, undiplomatic, bidentate, bouldery, tweedy, fimbriate, textured, barky, unsmooth, costate, gravelly, runcinate, leprose, roughened, roughen

  4. smoothadjective

    of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth

    placid, liquid, bland, still, fluent, politic, tranquil, unruffled, legato, suave, quiet, fluid

    saw-like, rugose, lacerate, ciliate, rimose, potholed, gravelly, bumpy, ribbed, laciniate, jaggy, scurfy, seamed, stormy, serrulate, nubby, wartlike, slubbed, sandpapery, cracked, roughened, bouldery, scalloped, imbricate, barky, rocky, textured, pockmarked, serrated, awkward, serrate, broken, lacerated, jagged, mountainous, jumpy, craggy, lined, leprose, rough, erose, rugged, jolting, shaggy, difficult, fimbriate, fringed, chapped, scaly, scratchy, spinose, scabrous, toothed, verrucose, shagged, notched, unsmooth, denticulate, hard, crispate, crenulate, biserrate, jolty, pectinate, costate, runcinate, coarse-textured, homespun(p), tweedy, alligatored, bouldered, saw-toothed, abrasive, undiplomatic, corded, hilly, crenated, dentate, rockbound, crenate, shingly, warty, crushed, stony, crenulated, cragged, twilled, pebbly, rough-textured, ciliated, squamulose, pocked, emarginate, roughish, rock-ribbed, imbricated, bidentate, lepidote, bullate, scabby, nubbly, roughen

  5. fluent, fluid, liquid, smoothadjective

    smooth and unconstrained in movement

    "a long, smooth stride"; "the fluid motion of a cat"; "the liquid grace of a ballerina"

    tranquil, silver-tongued, eloquent, fluid, placid, silver, liquified, still, quiet, legato, unruffled, smooth-spoken, swimming, suave, runny, limpid, facile, melted, mobile, unstable, fluent, liquid, bland, politic

    emarginate, notched, jolting, ciliate, bumpy, crenated, jolty, denticulate, scalloped, jagged, corded, crenate, squamulose, sandpapery, dentate, ciliated, rocky, serrate, abrasive, barky, hilly, rugose, fringed, scaly, fimbriate, lacerated, saw-toothed, bidentate, scabrous, nubby, rugged, chapped, rimose, imbricate, seamed, rockbound, rough-textured, rough, serrated, jumpy, stony, lined, toothed, jaggy, cracked, scratchy, lacerate, hard, scabby, laciniate, nubbly, homespun(p), pectinate, crispate, shaggy, slubbed, crushed, costate, twilled, bouldered, crenulated, shingly, coarse-textured, scurfy, pocked, roughened, tweedy, spinose, runcinate, lepidote, warty, wartlike, serrulate, bouldery, broken, biserrate, pockmarked, crenulate, cragged, bullate, verrucose, roughish, mountainous, rock-ribbed, gravelly, undiplomatic, potholed, leprose, awkward, textured, stormy, saw-like, difficult, shagged, ribbed, erose, imbricated, pebbly, alligatored, craggy, unsmooth, roughen

  6. legato, smoothadjective

    (music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected

    "a legato passage"

    placid, liquid, bland, still, fluent, politic, unruffled, tranquil, legato, suave, quiet, fluid

    barky, denticulate, undiplomatic, twilled, rocky, bullate, slubbed, bumpy, imbricate, hilly, costate, runcinate, alligatored, ciliate, scabrous, rugose, jolty, rough, seamed, lacerate, saw-toothed, erose, crenated, shingly, leprose, roughened, rough-textured, stony, sandpapery, jagged, saw-like, unsmooth, squamulose, pocked, broken, gravelly, lacerated, jaggy, lepidote, cracked, potholed, nubbly, bouldered, notched, emarginate, dentate, serrated, pebbly, crushed, mountainous, tweedy, ciliated, bouldery, scurfy, wartlike, jolting, chapped, pectinate, lined, warty, scabby, toothed, awkward, textured, pockmarked, crenulate, crispate, jumpy, biserrate, corded, cragged, serrulate, shaggy, stormy, rock-ribbed, bidentate, roughish, laciniate, crenulated, nubby, scratchy, craggy, fringed, rimose, spinose, abrasive, rockbound, difficult, imbricated, homespun(p), serrate, scaly, fimbriate, crenate, scalloped, hard, verrucose, ribbed, coarse-textured, rugged, shagged, roughen

  7. smoothadjective

    of motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence

    "a smooth ride"

    placid, liquid, bland, still, fluent, politic, tranquil, unruffled, legato, suave, quiet, fluid

    jolting, rimose, rough, chapped, seamed, saw-toothed, notched, rugose, crenate, rock-ribbed, bumpy, wartlike, broken, shaggy, spinose, lepidote, toothed, bouldered, shingly, roughish, corded, emarginate, twilled, serrulate, cragged, cracked, craggy, homespun(p), coarse-textured, scalloped, bidentate, stormy, saw-like, tweedy, abrasive, ciliate, crenulated, denticulate, rough-textured, crenated, warty, nubbly, alligatored, gravelly, lined, pectinate, bullate, dentate, costate, scaly, mountainous, lacerated, scurfy, hard, jaggy, imbricated, potholed, scabrous, textured, leprose, roughened, serrated, jumpy, sandpapery, pockmarked, undiplomatic, difficult, rocky, verrucose, bouldery, hilly, shagged, stony, fringed, barky, nubby, rockbound, crushed, jagged, imbricate, fimbriate, ribbed, pocked, awkward, laciniate, jolty, crenulate, lacerate, pebbly, runcinate, scratchy, crispate, ciliated, biserrate, slubbed, rugged, squamulose, erose, serrate, unsmooth, scabby, roughen

  8. smoothadjective

    lacking obstructions or difficulties

    "the bill's path through the legislature was smooth and orderly"

    placid, liquid, bland, still, fluent, politic, tranquil, unruffled, legato, suave, quiet, fluid

    lacerated, imbricate, fimbriate, textured, mountainous, broken, jaggy, ribbed, twilled, nubby, ciliated, runcinate, pockmarked, rocky, nubbly, hard, notched, corded, saw-toothed, toothed, squamulose, scurfy, crenulated, scalloped, seamed, ciliate, pocked, rugose, wartlike, crushed, crenate, unsmooth, bullate, rugged, shingly, barky, alligatored, lacerate, awkward, scratchy, scaly, saw-like, dentate, bumpy, crenulate, jolting, crispate, rough, hilly, rough-textured, stony, spinose, verrucose, coarse-textured, imbricated, leprose, shagged, rockbound, rock-ribbed, homespun(p), tweedy, chapped, gravelly, emarginate, scabby, abrasive, slubbed, serrated, jagged, fringed, rimose, warty, cracked, scabrous, serrulate, lepidote, craggy, stormy, roughish, roughened, denticulate, potholed, lined, pectinate, biserrate, bouldered, serrate, pebbly, crenated, laciniate, bouldery, difficult, sandpapery, jolty, costate, erose, jumpy, cragged, shaggy, undiplomatic, bidentate, roughen

  9. placid, quiet, still, tranquil, smooth, unruffledverb

    (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves

    "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay"; "the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruffled water"

    inactive, motionless, suave, placid, good-tempered, fluid, restrained, serene, static, muted, tranquil, soundless, unruffled, still, unflustered, quiet, hushed, silent, unflurried, even-tempered, subdued, unagitated, fluent, calm, equable, unperturbed, bland, noneffervescent, liquid, legato, politic

    rough, bumpy, shaggy, denticulate, broken, laciniate, spinose, barky, difficult, homespun(p), jolting, mountainous, crenulated, lacerate, bidentate, ciliate, scabrous, notched, bouldery, tweedy, nubby, sandpapery, cragged, emarginate, leprose, jumpy, unsmooth, serrated, erose, seamed, crenated, toothed, craggy, awkward, pectinate, squamulose, bouldered, pocked, crispate, crenate, fimbriate, jagged, rugged, rugose, lacerated, imbricate, crushed, hilly, rockbound, biserrate, scabby, pockmarked, twilled, runcinate, verrucose, roughish, pebbly, hard, bullate, jaggy, saw-toothed, scaly, scalloped, costate, roughened, scratchy, dentate, nubbly, imbricated, jolty, lined, coarse-textured, rimose, serrate, wartlike, ribbed, potholed, abrasive, fringed, cracked, crenulate, serrulate, scurfy, rock-ribbed, stormy, stony, shagged, chapped, shingly, slubbed, ciliated, undiplomatic, gravelly, rocky, saw-like, rough-textured, warty, textured, corded, alligatored, lepidote, roughen

  10. smooth, smoothenverb

    make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing

    "smooth the surface of the wood"

    smooth out, shine, polish, smoothen

    bouldered, bouldery, cracked, rimose, squamulose, crenulate, bullate, warty, rugged, erose, pockmarked, rough, scabby, bumpy, roughened, rocky, barky, ciliate, tweedy, scabrous, abrasive, imbricate, pocked, laciniate, lepidote, awkward, runcinate, rough-textured, costate, pectinate, stony, chapped, hard, slubbed, corded, scratchy, crenated, leprose, sandpapery, rugose, coarse-textured, fringed, denticulate, hilly, serrate, imbricated, shaggy, shagged, shingly, serrulate, lacerate, notched, jagged, jolting, serrated, toothed, pebbly, fimbriate, jumpy, undiplomatic, gravelly, spinose, biserrate, textured, scaly, dentate, lined, twilled, craggy, roughish, unsmooth, bidentate, homespun(p), verrucose, scurfy, stormy, potholed, scalloped, rock-ribbed, nubbly, nubby, lacerated, wartlike, difficult, crenate, rockbound, crispate, cragged, ciliated, saw-like, broken, seamed, jaggy, ribbed, alligatored, crenulated, saw-toothed, mountainous, crushed, jolty, emarginate, roughen

  11. polish, smooth, smoothen, shineverb

    make (a surface) shine

    "shine the silver, please"; "polish my shoes"

    shine, polish up, smoothen, polish, strike, reflect, glow, gleam, down, beam, fine-tune, glitter, brush up, refine, radiate, glint, fall, glisten, smooth out, round, round off

    undiplomatic, bouldered, rocky, gravelly, scalloped, rough, nubbly, barky, ciliated, lined, roughened, difficult, rockbound, seamed, imbricate, laciniate, rimose, jaggy, jolty, jagged, jumpy, leprose, dentate, bumpy, shaggy, squamulose, unsmooth, notched, coarse-textured, toothed, tweedy, runcinate, scabby, broken, lacerated, serrulate, scabrous, serrate, lacerate, crenated, wartlike, slubbed, bouldery, roughish, cracked, mountainous, awkward, corded, abrasive, fringed, potholed, homespun(p), costate, warty, lepidote, rugged, crenulated, textured, erose, fimbriate, scratchy, pockmarked, crenate, bidentate, saw-like, rough-textured, pocked, scurfy, sandpapery, pebbly, ribbed, alligatored, stormy, rugose, cragged, emarginate, shingly, chapped, twilled, rock-ribbed, pectinate, nubby, crispate, crenulate, serrated, bullate, stony, crushed, jolting, verrucose, shagged, biserrate, hilly, imbricated, craggy, ciliate, spinose, hard, scaly, denticulate, saw-toothed, roughen

  12. smooth, smooth outverb

    free from obstructions

    "smooth the way towards peace negotiations"

    smooth out, shine, polish, smoothen

    roughish, imbricated, saw-toothed, jolting, ciliate, crenated, fringed, emarginate, squamulose, wartlike, chapped, erose, denticulate, difficult, twilled, pocked, bouldery, potholed, jaggy, lacerate, gravelly, crushed, abrasive, rocky, crispate, imbricate, stormy, laciniate, bumpy, scaly, stony, rimose, crenate, tweedy, lined, pockmarked, rugged, slubbed, warty, pebbly, scabrous, spinose, ciliated, undiplomatic, jumpy, scalloped, hilly, scurfy, verrucose, jagged, scabby, fimbriate, serrate, barky, bouldered, leprose, runcinate, lepidote, sandpapery, unsmooth, jolty, rough-textured, toothed, notched, alligatored, dentate, cracked, corded, nubbly, pectinate, crenulate, rugose, shaggy, serrated, bidentate, broken, crenulated, rough, biserrate, hard, serrulate, costate, seamed, saw-like, awkward, shingly, craggy, bullate, roughened, rock-ribbed, coarse-textured, mountainous, homespun(p), nubby, ribbed, textured, rockbound, lacerated, scratchy, cragged, shagged, roughen

Matched Categories

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. smooth

    even, level, plane, flat, not rough

  2. smooth

    sleek, glossy

  3. smooth

    unruffled, undisturbed

  4. smooth

    easy, voluble, fluent, not harsh

  5. smooth

    bland, mild, soothing, oily, flattering, adulatory, courtier-like, fair-spoken, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued

  6. smoothverb

    level, flatten, make smooth

  7. smoothverb

    ease, make easy

  8. smoothverb

    calm, allay, assuage, mollify, mitigate, alleviate

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. smoothadjective

    even, plain, flat, level, abraded, levigated, slippery, sleek, glary, unruffled, placid, voluble, fluent, suave, oily, bland, insinuating, flattering, smooth-tongued

    rough, abrupt

  2. smoothverb

    level, plane, sleek, flatten, planish, levigate, facilitate, pave

Nicknames0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of known nicknames for "Smooth":

    Needa S., Juanita Stokes, Luka Per, Marco Köller, Smooth Genestar, Tenonaki

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  1. smooth

    Song lyrics by smooth -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by smooth on the Lyrics.com website.

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How to use smooth in a sentence?

  1. Andrea Cicione:

    Any kind of market distortion by investors agreeing to cause the distortion goes against the smooth and transparent functioning of markets.

  2. Meghan McCain:

    I think that everyone knows this has not been a smooth road to motherhood. Its taken a lot of physical, mental, emotional strength to get here ... I sort of didnt know if I was ever going to be a mom.

  3. Andrew Horvat:

    What Abe has to do for smooth sailing is to say something his friends inside the Beltway can sell in Washington, the Murayama Statement is the 'gold standard' but we know that Abe, in his heart of hearts, doesn't want to say what the Murayama Statement said.

  4. Scott Perekslis:

    Ares eats its own cooking, holding significant risk and a material piece of the credit, which was an important part of the execution and why the syndication was remarkably smooth.

  5. John Boris:

    He is a logical succession and someone who will do a good job, it will be a very smooth passing of the torch.

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