What is another word for down?
Synonyms for down
This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word down.
English Synonyms and Antonyms
To defeat an enemy is to gain an advantage for the time; to vanquish is to win a signal victory; to conquer is to overcome so effectually that the victory is regarded as final. Conquer, in many cases, carries the idea of possession; as, to conquer respect, affection, peace, etc. A country is conquered when its armies are defeated and its territory is occupied by the enemy; it may be subjected to indemnity or to various disabilities; it is subjugated when it is held helplessly and continuously under military control; it is subdued when all resistance has died out. An army is defeated when forcibly driven back; it is routed when it is converted into a mob of fugitives. Compare BEAT.
beat, checkmate, conquer, crush, defeat, discomfit, humble, master, overcome, overmaster, overmatch, overpower, overthrow, prevail over, put down, reduce, rout, subdue, subject, subjugate, surmount, vanquish, win, worstAntonyms:
capitulate, cede, fail, fall, fly, forfeit, lose, resign, retire, retreat, submit, succumb, surrender, yield
Princeton's WordNet
down, down feathernoun
soft fine feathers
down feather, pileAntonyms:
leading, raised, high, skyward, upbound, heavenward, rising, upward, aweigh, in the lead, dormy, dormie, safe(p), sprouted, imperfect, ahead(p), up, operative, elated, risen, ascending(a), upfield, upwards, upwardlydownnoun
(American football) a complete play to advance the football
"you have four downs to gain ten yards"
down feather, pileAntonyms:
ascending(a), operative, aweigh, safe(p), imperfect, ahead(p), skyward, upbound, heavenward, up, risen, in the lead, rising, elated, upfield, high, dormy, upward, raised, dormie, leading, sprouted, upwards, upwardlyDown, John L. H. Downnoun
English physician who first described Down's syndrome (1828-1896)
down feather, pileAntonyms:
operative, in the lead, imperfect, heavenward, rising, ahead(p), elated, aweigh, high, upward, skyward, sprouted, upbound, upfield, safe(p), raised, risen, dormie, dormy, up, leading, ascending(a), upwardly, upwardsdownnoun
(usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil
down feather, pileAntonyms:
heavenward, risen, in the lead, dormie, high, ascending(a), rising, leading, upfield, imperfect, dormy, safe(p), operative, skyward, up, sprouted, upward, elated, raised, upbound, aweigh, ahead(p), upwards, upwardlydown, pileadjective
fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)
tidy sum, mound, peck, mint, nap, plenty, lot, spile, batch, raft, quite a little, passel, atomic reactor, spate, muckle, big money, pile, chain reactor, bundle, good deal, stack, mountain, sight, atomic pile, deal, piling, stilt, big bucks, voltaic pile, galvanic pile, megabucks, wad, flock, hatful, mickle, slew, heap, great deal, mess, mass, down feather, cumulus, cumulation, pot, agglomerateAntonyms:
risen, heavenward, high, aweigh, ascending(a), ahead(p), upfield, upward, imperfect, sprouted, upbound, in the lead, raised, operative, leading, rising, dormy, skyward, elated, up, safe(p), dormie, upwardly, upwardsdownadjective
being or moving lower in position or less in some value
"lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run"; "down by a pawn"; "the stock market is down today"
down(a), mastered, dispirited, low-spirited, downhearted, grim, gloomy, down in the mouth, downward(a), downcast, depressed, down pat(p), down(p), low, blueAntonyms:
raised, up, risen, elated, upbound, dormie, aweigh, ahead(p), in the lead, dormy, upfield, operative, ascending(a), rising, leading, upward, skyward, high, sprouted, heavenward, imperfect, safe(p), upwardly, upwardsdown(a), downward(a)adjective
extending or moving from a higher to a lower place
"the down staircase"; "the downward course of the stream"
safe(p), high, leading, up, raised, upfield, ahead(p), imperfect, in the lead, aweigh, upbound, dormie, sprouted, risen, operative, upward, heavenward, elated, skyward, ascending(a), dormy, rising, upwards, upwardlydown(a)adjective
becoming progressively lower
"the down trend in the real estate market"
rising, operative, up, ascending(a), imperfect, upbound, elated, dormy, in the lead, dormie, raised, upward, risen, sprouted, ahead(p), high, leading, upfield, skyward, safe(p), aweigh, heavenward, upwardly, upwardsdown(p)adjective
being put out by a strikeout
"two down in the bottom of the ninth"
elated, upfield, risen, ascending(a), raised, heavenward, operative, skyward, high, leading, dormie, sprouted, safe(p), imperfect, ahead(p), in the lead, aweigh, dormy, rising, upbound, upward, up, upwardly, upwardsdown, down pat(p), masteredadjective
understood perfectly
"had his algebra problems down"
ahead(p), heavenward, in the lead, elated, upbound, up, raised, upward, leading, sprouted, dormie, rising, ascending(a), imperfect, upfield, high, skyward, risen, aweigh, operative, dormy, safe(p), upwardly, upwardsdepressed, down(p)adjective
lower than previously
"the market is depressed"; "prices are down"
high, dormie, in the lead, up, leading, upfield, ahead(p), safe(p), raised, heavenward, upbound, elated, dormy, operative, sprouted, risen, skyward, imperfect, ascending(a), rising, aweigh, upward, upwards, upwardlydownadjective
"the shades were down"
down(a), mastered, dispirited, low-spirited, downhearted, grim, gloomy, down in the mouth, downward(a), downcast, depressed, down pat(p), down(p), low, blueAntonyms:
raised, up, in the lead, ascending(a), aweigh, operative, sprouted, imperfect, safe(p), skyward, leading, ahead(p), upbound, risen, rising, elated, dormie, upfield, upward, heavenward, high, dormy, upwards, upwardlydownadjective
not functioning (temporarily or permanently)
"we can't work because the computer is down"
down(a), mastered, dispirited, low-spirited, downhearted, grim, gloomy, down in the mouth, downward(a), downcast, depressed, down pat(p), down(p), low, blueAntonyms:
high, up, ascending(a), dormy, skyward, raised, aweigh, elated, in the lead, imperfect, ahead(p), upfield, dormie, leading, risen, sprouted, operative, safe(p), upward, rising, upbound, heavenward, upwardly, upwardsgloomy, grim, blue, depressed, dispirited, down(p), downcast, downhearted, down in the mouth, low, low-spiritedverb
filled with melancholy and despondency
"gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"; "gloomy predictions"; "a gloomy silence"; "took a grim view of the economy"; "the darkening mood"; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted"
dormy, skyward, elated, upbound, heavenward, leading, in the lead, raised, safe(p), upfield, aweigh, imperfect, sprouted, rising, up, risen, ascending(a), upward, high, operative, dormie, ahead(p), upwardly, upwardstoss off, pop, bolt down, belt down, pour down, down, drink down, killverb
drink down entirely
"He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"; "They popped a few beer after work"
land, start, fling off, vote down, pull down, pop up, push down, kill, go through, crop up, dash off, belt down, drink down, defeat, shoot down, cut down, pop out, scratch off, obliterate, toss off, bug out, stamp out, pour down, bolt down, wipe out, shovel in, refine, garbage down, gobble up, bulge, bulge out, pop, knock off, devour, fine-tune, knock down, protrude, come out, consume, vote out, polishAntonyms:
dormie, upbound, in the lead, dormy, ascending(a), sprouted, raised, imperfect, elated, aweigh, skyward, up, upward, heavenward, risen, rising, leading, ahead(p), safe(p), upfield, operative, high, upwards, upwardlydevour, down, consume, go throughverb
eat immoderately
"Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal"
land, take in, eat up, pull down, exhaust, ware, put through, eat, pass, push down, kill, go through, follow out, take, have, belt down, waste, use up, drink down, see, shoot down, cut down, ingest, go across, run through, toss off, pour down, follow up, follow through, squander, guttle, wipe out, carry out, bolt down, refine, raven, experience, pop, work through, devour, fine-tune, knock down, consume, pig, implement, deplete, polishAntonyms:
rising, imperfect, sprouted, safe(p), dormie, upfield, aweigh, skyward, in the lead, dormy, elated, upbound, ahead(p), heavenward, high, operative, risen, ascending(a), leading, raised, upward, up, upwardly, upwardsdownverb
bring down or defeat (an opponent)
refine, pour down, drink down, toss off, knock down, shoot down, fine-tune, polish, go through, kill, bolt down, pop, push down, belt down, land, consume, pull down, devour, cut downAntonyms:
rising, in the lead, sprouted, upbound, risen, up, high, dormie, ascending(a), elated, aweigh, ahead(p), safe(p), leading, skyward, heavenward, imperfect, raised, upfield, upward, dormy, operative, upwards, upwardlydown, shoot down, landverb
shoot at and force to come down
"the enemy landed several of our aircraft"
vote out, refine, pour down, bring down, drink down, toss off, knock down, shoot down, fine-tune, polish, set down, buck, go through, put down, kill, bring, bolt down, pop, push down, belt down, tear, land, consume, pull down, charge, vote down, defeat, shoot, set ashore, devour, cut down, shoreAntonyms:
aweigh, skyward, imperfect, safe(p), operative, elated, heavenward, raised, sprouted, upfield, in the lead, dormy, ahead(p), dormie, upward, rising, risen, high, ascending(a), upbound, leading, up, upwards, upwardlydown, knock down, cut down, push down, pull downverb
cause to come or go down
"The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet"
land, push down, bring down, pull down, coldcock, mow, raze, trim down, slash, tear down, deck, take down, go through, cut out, dismantle, cut, belt down, trim back, trim, floor, fell, fine-tune, shoot down, cut down, kill, reduce, toss off, pour down, level, bolt down, drink down, cut back, strike down, refine, drop, pop, devour, dump, knock down, consume, rase, polish, blastAntonyms:
dormie, skyward, heavenward, upfield, safe(p), imperfect, leading, ascending(a), rising, upward, ahead(p), raised, high, risen, elated, up, dormy, in the lead, upbound, sprouted, operative, aweigh, upwardly, upwardspolish, refine, fine-tune, downadverb
improve or perfect by pruning or polishing
"refine one's style of writing"
land, push down, pull down, polish up, round off, go through, elaborate, belt down, rarify, drink down, round, shoot down, cut down, complicate, kill, toss off, smoothen, calibrate, bolt down, rectify, shine, brush up, graduate, tweak, pour down, smooth, pop, devour, fine-tune, knock down, consume, polish, refineAntonyms:
upbound, elated, dormy, rising, sprouted, raised, heavenward, ahead(p), aweigh, imperfect, risen, leading, upward, ascending(a), upfield, high, operative, dormie, in the lead, skyward, safe(p), up, upwardly, upwardsdown, downwards, downward, downwardlyadverb
spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position
"don't fall down"; "rode the lift up and skied down"; "prices plunged downward"
downwardly, downward, downwardsAntonyms:
imperfect, high, operative, raised, in the lead, upfield, safe(p), up, elated, upbound, ahead(p), heavenward, risen, ascending(a), aweigh, rising, dormie, sprouted, skyward, dormy, leading, upward, upwards, upwardlydownadverb
away from a more central or a more northerly place
"was sent down to work at the regional office"; "worked down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to Florida"
downwardly, downward, downwardsAntonyms:
upward, upbound, heavenward, ascending(a), rising, risen, elated, sprouted, up, imperfect, safe(p), leading, aweigh, dormie, skyward, high, upfield, ahead(p), operative, raised, dormy, in the lead, upwardly, upwardsdownadverb
paid in cash at time of purchase
"put ten dollars down on the necklace"
downwardly, downward, downwardsAntonyms:
high, upbound, upward, operative, sprouted, aweigh, ascending(a), skyward, in the lead, up, imperfect, heavenward, risen, raised, safe(p), upfield, dormy, leading, rising, dormie, elated, ahead(p), upwardly, upwardsdownadverb
from an earlier time
"the story was passed down from father to son"
downwardly, downward, downwardsAntonyms:
dormy, raised, sprouted, heavenward, ahead(p), upward, safe(p), leading, rising, risen, operative, upfield, high, skyward, dormie, upbound, aweigh, imperfect, ascending(a), up, elated, in the lead, upwards, upwardlydownadverb
to a lower intensity
"he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely black"
downwardly, downward, downwardsAntonyms:
risen, upward, skyward, in the lead, leading, rising, ascending(a), dormy, ahead(p), sprouted, aweigh, upfield, high, safe(p), up, upbound, raised, imperfect, dormie, operative, elated, heavenward, upwardly, upwardsdownadverb
in an inactive or inoperative state
"the factory went down during the strike"; "the computer went down again"
downwardly, downward, downwardsAntonyms:
upward, elated, ascending(a), upfield, raised, safe(p), sprouted, aweigh, rising, ahead(p), upbound, imperfect, skyward, leading, heavenward, operative, dormy, in the lead, risen, dormie, high, up, upwards, upwardly
Dictionary of English Synonymes
prep. from the top to the bottom ofdown
along the course ofdownadjective
downward, in a descending course, from a high to a low positiondownadjective
on the ground, the floor, &cdownadjective
from a thin to a dense state, into a denser consistence
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words
descending, sloping, downwarddownadverb
depression, abasementdownverb
Concise Medical Dictionary, by Joseph C Segen, MD
Suggested Resources
Song lyrics by down -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by down on the Lyrics.com website.
What does DOWN stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the DOWN acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.
Usage in printed sourcesFrom:
- [["1505","4"],["1507","12"],["1515","119"],["1520","6"],["1524","36"],["1525","2"],["1527","2"],["1541","2"],["1563","149"],["1564","14"],["1568","13"],["1572","35"],["1574","5"],["1575","35"],["1579","67"],["1581","235"],["1582","62"],["1584","15"],["1587","35"],["1588","1"],["1589","5"],["1590","152"],["1592","12"],["1593","3"],["1595","2"],["1598","6"],["1600","15"],["1602","3"],["1603","5"],["1606","3"],["1607","76"],["1611","28"],["1612","1"],["1618","25"],["1620","42"],["1621","70"],["1623","4"],["1624","61"],["1625","3"],["1626","12"],["1629","4"],["1630","3"],["1631","11"],["1632","17"],["1634","9"],["1635","33"],["1637","80"],["1638","13"],["1641","5"],["1642","38"],["1643","21"],["1644","148"],["1645","72"],["1646","6"],["1647","154"],["1648","106"],["1649","106"],["1650","52"],["1651","132"],["1652","66"],["1653","194"],["1654","18"],["1655","78"],["1656","180"],["1657","92"],["1658","274"],["1659","163"],["1660","54"],["1661","45"],["1662","51"],["1663","27"],["1664","184"],["1665","83"],["1666","38"],["1667","211"],["1668","298"],["1669","112"],["1670","255"],["1671","41"],["1672","107"],["1673","267"],["1674","75"],["1675","661"],["1676","714"],["1677","209"],["1678","912"],["1679","382"],["1680","334"],["1681","1030"],["1682","1985"],["1683","1792"],["1684","818"],["1685","1090"],["1686","478"],["1687","226"],["1688","758"],["1689","341"],["1690","284"],["1691","68"],["1692","518"],["1693","474"],["1694","799"],["1695","517"],["1696","329"],["1697","323"],["1698","1182"],["1699","961"],["1700","1037"],["1701","1399"],["1702","1792"],["1703","1594"],["1704","1853"],["1705","1738"],["1706","2164"],["1707","1924"],["1708","2310"],["1709","1203"],["1710","2319"],["1711","2135"],["1712","1305"],["1713","1953"],["1714","2772"],["1715","1768"],["1716","1390"],["1717","2338"],["1718","1891"],["1719","2495"],["1720","3915"],["1721","2979"],["1722","4499"],["1723","3123"],["1724","3011"],["1725","3350"],["1726","3798"],["1727","4888"],["1728","3763"],["1729","4907"],["1730","4327"],["1731","3943"],["1732","2974"],["1733","2205"],["1734","3833"],["1735","2764"],["1736","2568"],["1737","4698"],["1738","5064"],["1739","3872"],["1740","3413"],["1741","2640"],["1742","3455"],["1743","3661"],["1744","5753"],["1745","3780"],["1746","2448"],["1747","5036"],["1748","4630"],["1749","5374"],["1750","5374"],["1751","6737"],["1752","3891"],["1753","6244"],["1754","6774"],["1755","7600"],["1756","2577"],["1757","4030"],["1758","5094"],["1759","5987"],["1760","4777"],["1761","5009"],["1762","3060"],["1763","6321"],["1764","5646"],["1765","5398"],["1766","8569"],["1767","7669"],["1768","9405"],["1769","5243"],["1770","8463"],["1771","6497"],["1772","6723"],["1773","5515"],["1774","5831"],["1775","8150"],["1776","8428"],["1777","6721"],["1778","6031"],["1779","5553"],["1780","6879"],["1781","5716"],["1782","5497"],["1783","6191"],["1784","9333"],["1785","9148"],["1786","7605"],["1787","10968"],["1788","11883"],["1789","10751"],["1790","12905"],["1791","13136"],["1792","14357"],["1793","11801"],["1794","14679"],["1795","14039"],["1796","18473"],["1797","14017"],["1798","12834"],["1799","16057"],["1800","22266"],["1801","33578"],["1802","28533"],["1803","32181"],["1804","32291"],["1805","34287"],["1806","36432"],["1807","41314"],["1808","44928"],["1809","42678"],["1810","44996"],["1811","54760"],["1812","54058"],["1813","48382"],["1814","53982"],["1815","54499"],["1816","52210"],["1817","57240"],["1818","64313"],["1819","56636"],["1820","78444"],["1821","61162"],["1822","93269"],["1823","84839"],["1824","107894"],["1825","113892"],["1826","80740"],["1827","86892"],["1828","95725"],["1829","102811"],["1830","118496"],["1831","113342"],["1832","110499"],["1833","111037"],["1834","113039"],["1835","127676"],["1836","134390"],["1837","126127"],["1838","140939"],["1839","156621"],["1840","154650"],["1841","157610"],["1842","140035"],["1843","155770"],["1844","168102"],["1845","179398"],["1846","179792"],["1847","174579"],["1848","184986"],["1849","193024"],["1850","209499"],["1851","214822"],["1852","245781"],["1853","265922"],["1854","277218"],["1855","258190"],["1856","290162"],["1857","253849"],["1858","238554"],["1859","255281"],["1860","281057"],["1861","213427"],["1862","187625"],["1863","206525"],["1864","234346"],["1865","254703"],["1866","270496"],["1867","255158"],["1868","275421"],["1869","284455"],["1870","263561"],["1871","286382"],["1872","270969"],["1873","282662"],["1874","311868"],["1875","311848"],["1876","331536"],["1877","311776"],["1878","307128"],["1879","313960"],["1880","383992"],["1881","380828"],["1882","410264"],["1883","459783"],["1884","416916"],["1885","418045"],["1886","338697"],["1887","405629"],["1888","387327"],["1889","370089"],["1890","379538"],["1891","416086"],["1892","449780"],["1893","443268"],["1894","446933"],["1895","491821"],["1896","531978"],["1897","534665"],["1898","577820"],["1899","689486"],["1900","701038"],["1901","644416"],["1902","666614"],["1903","652905"],["1904","711498"],["1905","630130"],["1906","683337"],["1907","675008"],["1908","694663"],["1909","619954"],["1910","683362"],["1911","684137"],["1912","693133"],["1913","678907"],["1914","634344"],["1915","556381"],["1916","562404"],["1917","591855"],["1918","510259"],["1919","566558"],["1920","678266"],["1921","581853"],["1922","686433"],["1923","582338"],["1924","528481"],["1925","548313"],["1926","510974"],["1927","572355"],["1928","572649"],["1929","571119"],["1930","604348"],["1931","571253"],["1932","503144"],["1933","441888"],["1934","511965"],["1935","571056"],["1936","585499"],["1937","604809"],["1938","596625"],["1939","568418"],["1940","543740"],["1941","498718"],["1942","505632"],["1943","457752"],["1944","418402"],["1945","456568"],["1946","595156"],["1947","671560"],["1948","667154"],["1949","704544"],["1950","715501"],["1951","702322"],["1952","703225"],["1953","690501"],["1954","743869"],["1955","765519"],["1956","777873"],["1957","812687"],["1958","798497"],["1959","819974"],["1960","919157"],["1961","1007887"],["1962","1076203"],["1963","1115252"],["1964","1076855"],["1965","1191262"],["1966","1251013"],["1967","1334174"],["1968","1465304"],["1969","1444859"],["1970","1510536"],["1971","1433861"],["1972","1474627"],["1973","1432329"],["1974","1429643"],["1975","1441908"],["1976","1507069"],["1977","1563588"],["1978","1575230"],["1979","1620080"],["1980","1716222"],["1981","1721866"],["1982","1798822"],["1983","1891101"],["1984","2008613"],["1985","2086474"],["1986","2245317"],["1987","2373356"],["1988","2490057"],["1989","2648973"],["1990","2874390"],["1991","2889453"],["1992","3104444"],["1993","3112357"],["1994","3365750"],["1995","3415513"],["1996","3609695"],["1997","3739983"],["1998","3925482"],["1999","4260756"],["2000","5001355"],["2001","5162219"],["2002","5908933"],["2003","6624770"],["2004","7400675"],["2005","7191909"],["2006","7446167"],["2007","8359859"],["2008","11358000"]]
Words popularity by usage frequency
How to use down in a sentence?
Let's not get complacent, social distancing is working. ... That's why you see those numbers coming down.
I felt and heard a loud thud around 1:30 or so. I thought my neighbor dropped a large item like a piece of furniture, i only found out a bit later on Twitter that it was a gas explosion just down the road from me. I hope no one got hurt.
It makes you feel good about your game We know we can score and have a lot of skill and up down the lineup.
And it encourages me to slow down and speak louder.
The number one myth [about crowdfunding] is the word ‘crowd’ itself, you have to go out there really one-to-one. It comes back down to personal relationships -- the success of a campaign.
Translations for down
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- تحتArabic
- ўнізе, ўнізBelarusian
- юг, надолу, долу, мъх, пух, поBulgarian
- avall, intent, deprimit, moix, baixCatalan, Valencian
- ven, dolů, dole, chmýříCzech
- nede, ned, bane, lade falde, hælde ned, højdedrag, tabe, sluge, nedad, nedadgående, lav, langt nede, dun, aftagende, deprimeret, hen ad, ned adDanish
- runterkippen, Hügel, herunter, fallen lassen, schlucken, unten, versenken, runter, drinken, exen, Daune, downGerman
- κάτω, λοφάκι, πούπουλα, κάτω σεGreek
- trinkegi, malurben, malsupren, suben, suden, suba, lanugo, malsupra, [[sub]] [[-n]]Esperanto
- abajo, porSpanish
- پایین, میدانPersian
- pussittaa, alaspäin, kaataa, alas, kumota, untuva, allapäin, alakuloinenFinnish
- raFijian
- descends, couché, faire cul sec, à bas, descendez, laisser tomber, en bas, sud, duvet, vers le basFrench
- delWestern Frisian
- suas, síos, thíosIrish
- deas, a-nuas, a-mach, shìos, sìos, a-bhàn, a-bhuas, clòimh, clòimhteach, leScottish Gaelic
- penuxeGalician
- מטהHebrew
- नीचेHindi
- felhajt, lehajt, le, piheHungarian
- աղվամազArmenian
- giù, abbasso, piuminoItalian
- 下, 下り, 南, 綿毛, ダウンJapanese
- qivioqKalaallisut, Greenlandic
- ចុះKhmer
- 아래Korean
- daketin, daxistin, dahatin, dahanînKurdish
- manbluvCornish
- deorsumLatin
- ລົງLao
- lejā, leju, lejupLatvian
- huneMāori
- југ, надолу, долу, ритче, пие на екс, потиштен, тажен, мов, паперје, намаленMacedonian
- teguk, sedih, murungMalay
- baxx, isfelMaltese
- neer, laten, baan, kwart, zuipen, heuvel, down, atten, af, beneden, droppen, drinken, uit, vallen, potten, veld, ronde, laag, dons, depri, depressiefDutch
- ned, nede, dunNorwegian
- na dół, w dół, na dole, puchPolish
- embaixo, abaixo, colina, fora, para baixo, engolir, juso, penugem, triste, deprimido, baixo, [[através]] [[de]], porPortuguese
- jos, în jos, spre-n jos, la sud, deprimat, căzutRomanian
- книзу, урони́ть, город, холм, сбить, вниз, юг, внизу, свали́ть, ниже, [[вы́пить]] [[залп, [[безлесый, пух, снижающийся, печальный, подавленный, пушок, вдоль, поRussian
- dolu, doleSlovak
- spodaj, pogoltniti, južno, puh, dôlSlovene
- ned, ner, dunSwedish
- chiniSwahili
- ต่ำ, ลงThai
- вниз, донизу, внизуUkrainian
- نیچےUrdu
- xuốngVietnamese
- daunVolapük
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