What is another word for cut?

Synonyms for cut

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word cut.

English Synonyms and Antonyms4.0 / 1 vote

  1. cut

    A blow is a sudden impact, as of a fist or a club; a stroke is a sweeping movement; as, the stroke of a sword, of an oar, of the arm in swimming. A shock is the sudden encounter with some heavy body; as, colliding railway-trains meet with a shock; the shock of battle. A slap is given with the open hand, a lash with a whip, thong, or the like; we speak also of the cut of a whip. A buffet or cuff is given only with the hand; a blow either with hand or weapon. A cuff is a somewhat sidelong blow, generally with the open hand; as, a cuff or box on the ear. A stripe is the effect or mark of a stroke. In the metaphorical sense, blow is used for sudden, stunning, staggering calamity or sorrow; stroke for sweeping disaster, and also for sweeping achievement and success. We say a stroke of paralysis, or a stroke of genius. We speak of the buffets of adverse fortune. Shock is used of that which is at once sudden, violent, and prostrating; we speak of a shock of electricity, the shock of an amputation, a shock of surprise. Compare BEAT.

    blow, box, buffet, calamity, concussion, cuff, disaster, knock, lash, misfortune, rap, shock, stripe, stroke, thump

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cut

    sever, slice, sunder, cleave, shear, carve, chop, gash, avoid, elude

    unite, splice, accost, approach, court, address, salute

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cutnoun

    a share of the profits

    "everyone got a cut of the earnings"

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    undiluted, unsheared, unpierced, uncut, uncastrated, unabridged, rough, imperforate, increased

  2. cutnoun

    (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next

    "the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt"

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    unabridged, uncut, undiluted, unsheared, uncastrated, imperforate, increased, unpierced, rough

  3. cut, gashnoun

    a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    unabridged, uncastrated, rough, unpierced, increased, uncut, undiluted, imperforate, unsheared

  4. cutnoun

    a step on some scale

    "he is a cut above the rest"

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    undiluted, increased, rough, unpierced, uncut, imperforate, unabridged, uncastrated, unsheared

  5. cut, gash, slash, slicenoun

    a wound made by cutting

    "he put a bandage over the cut"

    gash, solidus, stroke, cold shoulder, cutting, fade, slash, swing, deletion, cutting off, virgule, excision, diagonal, piece, baseball swing, track, undercut, cut of meat, slicing, snub, separatrix, slice, stinger

    uncastrated, uncut, undiluted, increased, imperforate, unpierced, unabridged, rough, unsheared

  6. cut, cut of meatnoun

    a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    uncut, unsheared, rough, undiluted, increased, unabridged, imperforate, unpierced, uncastrated

  7. stinger, cutnoun

    a remark capable of wounding mentally

    "the unkindest cut of all"

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    uncastrated, undiluted, uncut, unabridged, unpierced, rough, increased, unsheared, imperforate

  8. cut, tracknoun

    a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc

    "he played the first cut on the cd"; "the title track of the album"

    path, gash, data track, rail, cold shoulder, runway, cutting, caterpillar tread, raceway, rails, slash, cart track, caterpillar track, racetrack, lead, swing, deletion, cutting off, excision, running, trail, baseball swing, track, undercut, cut of meat, cartroad, snub, slice, course, racecourse, stinger

    undiluted, uncut, increased, unpierced, uncastrated, unsheared, unabridged, imperforate, rough

  9. deletion, excision, cutnoun

    the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage

    "an editor's deletions frequently upset young authors"; "both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause"

    gash, cutting out, cold shoulder, cutting, deracination, slash, extirpation, swing, excommunication, cutting off, snub, excision, baseball swing, track, undercut, cut of meat, omission, deletion, slice, ablation, stinger

    unpierced, increased, uncut, undiluted, unsheared, imperforate, unabridged, uncastrated, rough

  10. cutnoun

    the style in which a garment is cut

    "a dress of traditional cut"

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    increased, uncut, unabridged, rough, unpierced, imperforate, uncastrated, undiluted, unsheared

  11. cutnoun

    a canal made by erosion or excavation

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    uncastrated, uncut, undiluted, unpierced, imperforate, unsheared, unabridged, rough, increased

  12. snub, cut, cold shouldernoun

    a refusal to recognize someone you know

    "the snub was clearly intentional"

    gash, cold shoulder, cutting, rebuff, slash, swing, deletion, repulse, cutting off, excision, baseball swing, track, undercut, cut of meat, snub, slice, stinger

    unpierced, uncastrated, uncut, unabridged, imperforate, rough, unsheared, undiluted, increased

  13. baseball swing, swing, cutnoun

    in baseball; a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball

    "he took a vicious cut at the ball"

    jive, cold shoulder, slice, cutting, golf shot, slash, gash, swing, vacillation, cutting off, snub, excision, lilt, golf stroke, swinging, track, undercut, cut of meat, deletion, swing music, baseball swing, stinger

    uncut, undiluted, unpierced, uncastrated, unsheared, imperforate, unabridged, increased, rough

  14. cut, undercutnoun

    (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball

    "cuts do not bother a good tennis player"

    gash, cold shoulder, tenderloin, cutting, slash, swing, deletion, cutting off, excision, baseball swing, track, undercut, cut of meat, snub, slice, stinger

    increased, unsheared, rough, unpierced, uncut, imperforate, unabridged, uncastrated, undiluted

  15. cut, cuttingnoun

    the division of a deck of cards before dealing

    "he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal"; "the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual"

    gash, press clipping, clipping, cold shoulder, press cutting, slip, cutting, film editing, slash, newspaper clipping, swing, deletion, carving, thinning, cutting off, excision, baseball swing, track, undercut, cut of meat, snub, slice, stinger

    uncastrated, imperforate, unsheared, unpierced, increased, uncut, rough, unabridged, undiluted

  16. cut, cuttingnoun

    the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge

    "his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels"

    gash, press clipping, clipping, cold shoulder, press cutting, slip, cutting, film editing, slash, newspaper clipping, swing, deletion, carving, thinning, cutting off, excision, baseball swing, track, undercut, cut of meat, snub, slice, stinger

    unsheared, uncut, rough, unabridged, imperforate, increased, undiluted, unpierced, uncastrated

  17. cut, cuttingnoun

    the act of cutting something into parts

    "his cuts were skillful"; "his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess"

    gash, press clipping, clipping, cold shoulder, press cutting, slip, cutting, film editing, slash, newspaper clipping, swing, deletion, carving, thinning, cutting off, excision, baseball swing, track, undercut, cut of meat, snub, slice, stinger

    unsheared, increased, undiluted, uncut, rough, unabridged, unpierced, uncastrated, imperforate

  18. cut, cutting, cutting offnoun

    the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends

    "the barber gave him a good cut"

    gash, abscission, press clipping, clipping, cold shoulder, press cutting, slip, cutting, film editing, slash, newspaper clipping, swing, deletion, carving, thinning, cutting off, excision, baseball swing, track, undercut, cut of meat, snub, slice, stinger

    increased, undiluted, unpierced, unsheared, imperforate, uncut, rough, unabridged, uncastrated

  19. cutnoun

    the act of reducing the amount or number

    "the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget"

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    uncut, unpierced, uncastrated, unsheared, unabridged, imperforate, undiluted, increased, rough

  20. cutadjective

    an unexcused absence from class

    "he was punished for taking too many cuts in his math class"

    gash, snub, slice, excision, swing, cutting off, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, deletion, track, cutting, slash, undercut, stinger

    imperforate, unabridged, rough, undiluted, unsheared, unpierced, uncastrated, uncut, increased

  21. cutadjective

    separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument

    "the cut surface was mottled"; "cut tobacco"; "blood from his cut forehead"; "bandages on her cut wrists"

    mown, trimmed, emasculated, weakened, gelded, thinned, slashed, shortened

    unsheared, rough, imperforate, undiluted, increased, unpierced, uncut, unabridged, uncastrated

  22. cutadjective

    fashioned or shaped by cutting

    "a well-cut suit"; "cut diamonds"; "cut velvet"

    mown, trimmed, emasculated, weakened, gelded, thinned, slashed, shortened

    uncut, uncastrated, unabridged, unsheared, increased, rough, imperforate, undiluted, unpierced

  23. cut, shortenedadjective

    with parts removed

    "the drastically cut film"

    telescoped, mown, sawn-off, trimmed, emasculated, truncated, sawed-off, abbreviated, weakened, gelded, thinned, slashed, shortened

    undiluted, increased, unpierced, uncut, imperforate, uncastrated, unsheared, rough, unabridged

  24. trimmed, cutadjective

    made neat and tidy by trimming

    "his neatly trimmed hair"

    mown, trimmed, emasculated, weakened, gelded, thinned, slashed, shortened

    uncut, undiluted, imperforate, unpierced, unsheared, unabridged, uncastrated, rough, increased

  25. mown, cutadjective

    (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine

    "the smell of newly mown hay"

    mown, trimmed, emasculated, weakened, gelded, thinned, slashed, shortened

    unsheared, unabridged, imperforate, uncut, uncastrated, undiluted, unpierced, rough, increased

  26. cutadjective

    (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit

    "the cut pages of the book"

    mown, trimmed, emasculated, weakened, gelded, thinned, slashed, shortened

    unabridged, rough, unsheared, increased, undiluted, uncut, uncastrated, imperforate, unpierced

  27. cut, emasculated, geldedadjective

    (of a male animal) having the testicles removed

    "a cut horse"

    mown, trimmed, emasculated, weakened, gelded, thinned, slashed, shortened

    unabridged, uncastrated, undiluted, rough, uncut, unsheared, unpierced, increased, imperforate

  28. cut, slashedadjective

    (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply

    "the slashed prices attracted buyers"

    mown, trimmed, emasculated, weakened, gelded, thinned, slashed, shortened

    unsheared, uncut, rough, unpierced, undiluted, unabridged, uncastrated, imperforate, increased

  29. cut, thinned, weakenedverb

    mixed with water

    "sold cut whiskey"; "a cup of thinned soup"

    hurt, vitiated, mown, lessened, trimmed, emasculated, attenuated, faded, diminished, weakened, gelded, thinned, attenuate, slashed, shortened

    imperforate, increased, uncut, unpierced, undiluted, uncastrated, unabridged, unsheared, rough

  30. cutverb

    separate with or as if with an instrument

    "Cut the rope"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncut, uncastrated, undiluted, increased, unpierced, imperforate, unsheared, unabridged, rough

  31. reduce, cut down, cut back, trim, trim down, trim back, cut, bring downverb

    cut down on; make a reduction in

    "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"

    clip, cut out, skip, strike down, ignore, cut off, put down, lop, knock down, reduce, curtail, turn off, fell, trim, tailor, visit, shave, quash, overthrow, cut back, mow, land, turn out, lose weight, shrink, slew, rationalise, switch off, prune, melt off, trim down, snip, contract, dress, shorten, thin, make out, geld, rationalize, disregard, down, snub, push down, inflict, subvert, slim down, concentrate, garnish, slue, tighten, abbreviate, bring down, pull down, restrict, keep down, hack, impose, flash back, subdue, cut down, deoxidise, burn, subjugate, curb, issue, edit, edit out, come down, repress, let down, foreshorten, dilute, write out, thin out, curve, swerve, get down, scale down, crop, drop, take down, boil down, pare, slenderize, trend, lower, abridge, deoxidize, sheer, slash, veer, overturn, decoct, slim, trim back

    uncut, unsheared, increased, unabridged, imperforate, rough, unpierced, uncastrated, undiluted

  32. swerve, sheer, curve, trend, veer, slue, slew, cutverb

    turn sharply; change direction abruptly

    "The car cut to the left at the intersection"; "The motorbike veered to the right"

    foreshorten, veer, bring down, wind, turn off, edit out, arch, twist, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, kink, rationalize, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, crook, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, arc, contract, burn, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, disregard, tailor, cut off, turn out, snub, slue, slide, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend, curl, slip, skid

    increased, imperforate, uncut, unabridged, rough, unpierced, unsheared, undiluted, uncastrated

  33. cutverb

    make an incision or separation

    "cut along the dotted line"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncut, increased, uncastrated, rough, unpierced, unsheared, unabridged, imperforate, undiluted

  34. cutverb

    discharge from a group

    "The coach cut two players from the team"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    undiluted, uncut, imperforate, unsheared, increased, unabridged, rough, uncastrated, unpierced

  35. cutverb

    form by probing, penetrating, or digging

    "cut a hole"; "cut trenches"; "The sweat cut little rivulets into her face"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    unsheared, uncastrated, increased, uncut, undiluted, unabridged, rough, unpierced, imperforate

  36. cut, tailorverb

    style and tailor in a certain fashion

    "cut a dress"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, sew, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, orient, tailor-make, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    increased, uncut, unpierced, unsheared, undiluted, unabridged, rough, uncastrated, imperforate

  37. cutverb

    hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction

    "cut a Ping-Pong ball"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    undiluted, rough, unsheared, uncastrated, uncut, unpierced, imperforate, increased, unabridged

  38. write out, issue, make out, cutverb

    make out and issue

    "write out a check"; "cut a ticket"; "Please make the check out to me"

    discern, bang, shorten, cut off, ignore, screw, recognise, deal, grapple, distinguish, reduce, hack, make love, go forth, prune, do, jazz, geld, spot, roll in the hay, turn off, be intimate, cut back, egress, write up, get along, turn out, release, pick out, slew, eff, switch off, bring out, make do, trim down, tell apart, contract, bed, do it, come out, trim back, rationalise, put out, have intercourse, rationalize, disregard, make out, abridge, manage, have sex, publish, trend, neck, fill out, bring down, fill in, slue, thin, emerge, abbreviate, have it away, sleep with, cut down, come forth, burn, contend, issue, love, edit, hump, get laid, edit out, have it off, skip, sleep together, get by, foreshorten, dilute, write out, tailor, cope, curve, recognize, swerve, supply, bonk, know, thin out, snub, come, get it on, trim, sheer, complete, veer, fare, lie with, have a go at it

    rough, uncut, undiluted, uncastrated, unpierced, increased, imperforate, unsheared, unabridged

  39. edit, cut, edit outverb

    cut and assemble the components of

    "edit film"; "cut recording tape"

    foreshorten, veer, bring down, snub, turn off, delete, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, edit out, edit, redact, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, make out, contract, rationalise, blue-pencil, cut off, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, slew, geld, thin out, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncut, uncastrated, unabridged, imperforate, unsheared, increased, undiluted, rough, unpierced

  40. cut, skipverb

    intentionally fail to attend

    "cut class"

    veer, decamp, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, bound off, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, hop-skip, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, vamoose, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, pass over, slew, tailor, skim, skip over, turn out, jump, disregard, issue, cut back, hop, abbreviate, trend, skitter

    rough, uncastrated, unpierced, uncut, increased, unabridged, imperforate, unsheared, undiluted

  41. hack, cutverb

    be able to manage or manage successfully

    "I can't hack it anymore"; "she could not cut the long days in the office"

    foreshorten, veer, bring down, snub, turn off, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, edit, whoop, cut up, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, edit out, hack on, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, make out, contract, rationalise, cut off, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, slew, geld, chop, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend, thin

    unsheared, imperforate, rough, increased, uncastrated, undiluted, uncut, unabridged, unpierced

  42. cutverb

    give the appearance or impression of

    "cut a nice figure"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    unpierced, increased, unsheared, uncut, uncastrated, rough, unabridged, imperforate, undiluted

  43. cutverb

    move (one's fist)

    "his opponent cut upward toward his chin"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncut, unabridged, uncastrated, rough, unpierced, undiluted, unsheared, increased, imperforate

  44. cutverb

    pass directly and often in haste

    "We cut through the neighbor's yard to get home sooner"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    undiluted, uncastrated, increased, unpierced, unsheared, uncut, unabridged, rough, imperforate

  45. cutverb

    pass through or across

    "The boat cut the water"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    rough, unsheared, uncut, unpierced, unabridged, uncastrated, imperforate, undiluted, increased

  46. cutverb

    make an abrupt change of image or sound

    "cut from one scene to another"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    unpierced, uncastrated, increased, uncut, unabridged, unsheared, imperforate, undiluted, rough

  47. cutverb

    stop filming

    "cut a movie scene"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncut, undiluted, rough, unsheared, increased, imperforate, unabridged, uncastrated, unpierced

  48. cutverb

    make a recording of

    "cut the songs"; "She cut all of her major titles again"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncastrated, imperforate, increased, rough, unsheared, uncut, unpierced, unabridged, undiluted

  49. cutverb

    record a performance on (a medium)

    "cut a record"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncut, imperforate, unabridged, undiluted, unsheared, uncastrated, rough, increased, unpierced

  50. cut, burnverb

    create by duplicating data

    "cut a disk"; "burn a CD"

    veer, bring down, snub, bite, turn off, edit out, burn up, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, glow, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, combust, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, sting, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, burn down, cauterize, incinerate, turn out, fire, disregard, burn off, issue, cauterise, cut back, abbreviate, trend, sunburn

    undiluted, uncut, rough, unsheared, unabridged, unpierced, increased, imperforate, uncastrated

  51. cutverb

    form or shape by cutting or incising

    "cut paper dolls"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    undiluted, uncastrated, uncut, unabridged, rough, imperforate, unsheared, increased, unpierced

  52. cutverb

    perform or carry out

    "cut a caper"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    unsheared, unabridged, uncut, unpierced, increased, undiluted, rough, imperforate, uncastrated

  53. cutverb

    function as a cutting instrument

    "This knife cuts well"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    increased, uncut, undiluted, uncastrated, imperforate, unabridged, unsheared, unpierced, rough

  54. cutverb

    allow incision or separation

    "This bread cuts easily"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    unabridged, uncastrated, uncut, undiluted, imperforate, unsheared, rough, increased, unpierced

  55. cutverb

    divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult

    "Wayne cut"; "She cut the deck for a long time"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncut, undiluted, increased, rough, unabridged, imperforate, uncastrated, unsheared, unpierced

  56. switch off, cut, turn off, turn outverb

    cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch

    "Turn off the stereo, please"; "cut the engine"; "turn out the lights"

    get up, foreshorten, veer, rise, come out, bring down, rotate, snub, turn off, burn, rationalize, boot out, hack, trim down, uprise, write out, prune, thin, turf out, turn up, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, arise, edit out, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, make out, spread out, contract, rationalise, cut off, dilute, curve, put off, switch off, sheer, slew, geld, chuck out, prove, tailor, turn out, splay, disregard, issue, exclude, cut back, eject, abbreviate, trend, bear

    unsheared, uncut, imperforate, undiluted, unpierced, unabridged, uncastrated, increased, rough

  57. cutverb

    reap or harvest

    "cut grain"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    unabridged, uncut, unsheared, undiluted, uncastrated, imperforate, rough, increased, unpierced

  58. cutverb

    fell by sawing; hew

    "The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncastrated, increased, uncut, unabridged, unpierced, rough, imperforate, undiluted, unsheared

  59. cutverb

    penetrate injuriously

    "The glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncut, increased, uncastrated, unabridged, rough, unpierced, imperforate, unsheared, undiluted

  60. ignore, disregard, snub, cutverb

    refuse to acknowledge

    "She cut him dead at the meeting"

    foreshorten, veer, bring down, snub, turn off, burn, rationalize, hack, dismiss, write out, prune, thin, rebuff, repel, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, edit out, brush off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, neglect, abridge, reduce, rationalise, discount, cut off, push aside, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, contract, trim down, slew, tailor, turn out, dilute, brush aside, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend, geld

    uncut, unabridged, unpierced, increased, uncastrated, unsheared, imperforate, undiluted, rough

  61. cutverb

    shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of

    "cut my hair"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    unabridged, increased, uncut, unpierced, undiluted, imperforate, unsheared, rough, uncastrated

  62. cut, prune, rationalize, rationaliseverb

    weed out unwanted or unnecessary things

    "We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet"

    veer, bring down, justify, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, apologize, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, apologise, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, excuse, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, clip, crop, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend, snip, lop, dress

    imperforate, uncastrated, increased, unabridged, undiluted, rough, uncut, unsheared, unpierced

  63. cutverb

    dissolve by breaking down the fat of

    "soap cuts grease"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    undiluted, rough, increased, uncut, uncastrated, imperforate, unabridged, unpierced, unsheared

  64. cutverb

    have a reducing effect

    "This cuts into my earnings"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    unabridged, uncastrated, increased, imperforate, unpierced, undiluted, rough, unsheared, uncut

  65. cut, cut offverb

    cease, stop

    "cut the noise"; "We had to cut short the conversation"

    disrupt, veer, amputate, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, chip, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, cut out, slue, knap, lop off, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, break off, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, chop off, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, interrupt, disregard, issue, break up, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    uncut, increased, unsheared, uncastrated, unpierced, rough, imperforate, unabridged, undiluted

  66. abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduceverb

    reduce in scope while retaining essential elements

    "The manuscript must be shortened"

    sign on, expurgate, skip, foreshorten, ignore, cut off, bowdlerize, bowdlerise, sign, reduce, hack, compress, tailor, quash, disregard, cut back, sign up, turn out, lose weight, slew, rationalise, switch off, castrate, prune, melt off, trim down, scale down, contract, condense, shorten, compact, thin, slim down, geld, rationalize, make out, abridge, constrict, issue, narrow, take, squeeze, bring down, trim, slue, tighten, deoxidise, abbreviate, turn off, keep down, subdue, cut down, dilute, burn, subjugate, get, shrink, edit, edit out, come down, repress, press, write out, thin out, swerve, boil down, snub, slenderize, trend, curve, deoxidize, sheer, concentrate, undertake, veer, decoct, slim, trim back

    unpierced, uncut, rough, increased, undiluted, uncastrated, imperforate, unsheared, unabridged

  67. dilute, thin, thin out, reduce, cutverb

    lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture

    "cut bourbon"

    veer, bring down, decoct, sheer, slim down, turn off, quash, turn out, boil down, burn, foreshorten, shorten, hack, trim down, slim, prune, edit, snub, debase, rationalize, load, curve, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, cut back, write out, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, skip, abridge, reduce, make out, adulterate, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, switch off, concentrate, stretch, thin, deoxidize, come down, dilute, geld, rationalise, slew, disregard, tailor, cut off, slenderize, edit out, slue, issue, deoxidise, abbreviate, trend, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

    uncastrated, undiluted, imperforate, increased, uncut, unabridged, rough, unsheared, unpierced

  68. cutverb

    have grow through the gums

    "The baby cut a tooth"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    unabridged, unsheared, rough, uncut, undiluted, imperforate, unpierced, increased, uncastrated

  69. cutverb

    grow through the gums

    "The new tooth is cutting"

    veer, bring down, snub, turn off, edit out, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    rough, unpierced, uncut, uncastrated, increased, undiluted, unsheared, imperforate, unabridged

  70. geld, cutverb

    cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses)

    "the vet gelded the young horse"

    foreshorten, veer, bring down, snub, turn off, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, shorten, edit out, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, contract, cut off, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, turn out, disregard, issue, cut back, abbreviate, trend

    rough, uncut, undiluted, increased, uncastrated, unabridged, unpierced, imperforate, unsheared

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. speel

    Submitted by rinat on September 22, 2019  

Dictionary of English Synonymes5.0 / 1 vote

  1. cutverb

    divide or sever (by an edged tool), chop, make an incision in

  2. cutverb

    sculpture, carve, chisel

  3. cutverb

    cross, intersect

  4. cutverb

    wound, hurt, touch, move, pierce

  5. cutverb

    [Colloquial.] slight (by not recognizing), avoid recognizing

  6. cutnoun

    gash, incision

  7. cutnoun

    channel, passage

  8. cutnoun

    slice, piece

  9. cutnoun

    sarcasm, fling, taunt, cutting remark

  10. cutnoun

    fashion, style, form, shape

  11. cutnoun

    near path, short way

  12. cutnoun

    engraving, engraved picture

Concise Medical Dictionary, by Joseph C Segen, MD0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cut

    Slice, see there

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    The cut symbol -- In this Symbols.com article you will learn about the meaning of the cut symbol and its characteristic.

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    Song lyrics by cut -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by cut on the Lyrics.com website.

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    What does CUT stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the CUT acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

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How to use cut in a sentence?

  1. Mark Allen:

    The Bank of Canada's surprise cut to its overnight rate will help to buffer against the impact on employment, household incomes and mortgage serviceability in particular for Western Canada, the ensuing drop in the Canadian dollar should also provide a stimulus for the economy nationwide.

  2. Jason Rantz:

    If they cut down their hours to stay on those subsidies because the $15 per hour minimum wage didn’t actually help get them out of poverty, all you’ve done is put a burden on the business and given false hope to a lot of people.

  3. Gloria Mark:

    There’s no way that a person can just completely cut off from technology and work in today’s world, so let’s learn how to live with it in a way that maintains our positive well-being.

  4. John Kilduff:

    It's pretty clear from today's meeting that the Saudis don't want a cut and there's not going to be one.

  5. Guillermo Pereyra:

    They agreed a price cut of 7 percent on the barrel of crude oil, and thus a decrease of 5 percent on the price of fuel.

Translations for cut

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  • sny, gesnydeAfrikaans
  • መቁረጥAmharic
  • جَرَحَ, قَطَعَArabic
  • рэ́заць, рубі́ць, секчы́Belarusian
  • кройка, разрез, рязане, сека, режа, ре́жа, орязвам, разсичамBulgarian
  • কাটাBengali
  • retallar, tallarCatalan, Valencian
  • říznutí, řez, snímání, rozdělit, oddělit, tít, řezatCzech
  • mode, hug, snit, skramme, stykke, aftagning, udskæring, snitsår, nedsættelse, skære, tilhugge, snitte, snyde, slibe, pjække, udelukke, nedsætte, tilskære, beskære, krydse, udskære, slebetDanish
  • Schnitt, beschneiden, einschneiden, schneiden, schwänzen, klappe, trennen, geschnitten, geschliffenGerman
  • κομμάτι, κόψιμο, τομή, αποκοπή, [[κάνω]] [[κοπάνα]], κόβω, πηδάω, βγάζω, μειώνω, κομμένος, περιτετμημένοςGreek
  • tranĉiEsperanto
  • corte, faltar, cortar, incidir, colar, atravesar, retirar, recortar, tallar, cortado, circuncidado, talladoSpanish
  • بریدنPersian
  • sivallus, viilto, alennettu, leikkaus, haava, leikattu, viiltohaava, nosto, pala, koukata, leikata, nostaa, [[jakaa]] ([[kahtia]]), mutkitella, kiilata, hioa, etuilla, lintsata, heikennetty, vähennetty, kevennettyFinnish
  • coupe, entaille, baisse, diminution, coupure, couper, sécher, inciser, réduire, coupés, coupées, taillé, coupéeFrench
  • bainIrish
  • gearradh, geàrrScottish Gaelic
  • cortarGalician
  • חתיכה, חיתוך, חתך, הבריז, חתוךHebrew
  • काटनाHindi
  • csökkentHungarian
  • կտրատել, կտրելArmenian
  • skurður, afskurður, snið, troða, skera niður, skera, skipta, skrópa, draga, klippaIcelandic
  • taglia, sgravio, taglio, alzata, pezzo, incisione, riduzione, tagliare, alzare, saltare, incidere, ridotto, circonciso, potato, cesellato, accorciato, tagliato, ritagliato, scolpitoItalian
  • 横切る, 減らす, サボる, カット, 切る, 削減Japanese
  • កាត់Khmer
  • 끊다Korean
  • برینKurdish
  • seco, interseco, incido, inseco, curtoLatin
  • ຕັດLao
  • cirtiens, grieztLatvian
  • whakaihoMāori
  • ре́же, се́чеMacedonian
  • putus, terpotongMalay
  • ညှပ်Burmese
  • stykningsdel, stykkeNorwegian
  • snee, stuk, snit, snijden, knippen, slijpen, stoppen, schudden, scheiden, kappen, verdelen, spijbelen, verminderen, voorsteken, geslepenDutch
  • kuttNorwegian
  • talharOccitan
  • ciąćPolish
  • corte, redução, matar, remover, diminuir, cortar, faltar, reduzir, retirar, atravessar, talhar, incisar, furar, lapidado, reduzido, cortadoPortuguese
  • kuchuy, p'itiyQuechua
  • taglier, tagliar, taglerRomansh
  • incizie, tăietură, tăiere, tăia, diminua, reduce, tăiatRomanian
  • покро́й, разре́з, поре́з, ре́зание, ре́зать, разреза́́ть, уре́зать, поруби́ть, выреза́ть, выре́зать, уреза́ть, руби́ть, разре́зать, поре́зать, обре́заный, наре́заный, огранённый, ре́заный, уре́заный, разре́заный, поре́заныйRussian
  • secareSardinian
  • rezati, сјећи, seći, резати, сећи, sjećiSerbo-Croatian
  • ťať, rezaťSlovak
  • rezatiSlovene
  • skärning, skärsår, snitt, giv, klippa bort, utesluta, kupera, tränga, skära, klippa, klippt, skurenSwedish
  • kukataSwahili
  • ตัดThai
  • hiwaTagalog
  • kesme, kesik, kesmek, kesimTurkish
  • руба́ти, рі́затиUkrainian
  • کاٹناUrdu
  • cắtVietnamese

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