What is another word for thin?
Synonyms for thin
This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word thin.
Having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite.
To become thin or thinner
Having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt.
thin person
Of low viscosity or low specific gravity, e.g., as is water compared to honey.
English Synonyms and Antonyms
Fine (Latin finis, end) denotes that which has been brought to a full end, finished. From this root-sense many derived meanings branch out, causing words quite remote from each other to be alike synonyms of fine. That which is truly finished, brought to an ideal end, is excellent of its kind, and beautiful, if a thing that admits of beauty; as, a fine house, fine trees, a fine woman, a fine morning; if a thing that admits of the removal of impurities, it is not finished till these are removed, and hence fine signifies clarified, clear, pure, refined; as, fine gold. That which is finished is apt to be polished, smooth to the touch, minutely exact in outline; hence fine comes to be a synonym for all words like dainty, delicate, exquisite; as, fine manners, a fine touch, fine perceptions. As that which is delicate is apt to be small, by an easy extension of meaning fine becomes a synonym for slender, slight, minute, comminuted; as, a fine thread, fine sand; or for filmy, tenuous, thin; as, a fine lace, fine wire; and as a thin edge is keen, sharp, fine becomes also a synonym for these words; as, a fine point, a fine edge. Compare BEAUTIFUL; MINUTE.
beautiful, clarified, clear, comminuted, dainty, delicate, elegant, excellent, exquisite, fine, gauzy, handsome, keen, minute, nice, polished, pure, refined, sensitive, sharp, slender, slight, small, smooth, splendid, subtile, subtle, tenuousAntonyms:
big, blunt, clumsy, coarse, great, heavy, huge, immense, large, rude, stout, thick
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
slim, slender, flimsy, attenuated, diluted, watery, meager, unsubstantial, lean
Princeton's WordNet
of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section
"thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint"
slender, fragile, flimsy, tenuous, sparse, lean, slightAntonyms:
roly-poly, important, embonpoint, syrupy, porcine, clotted, stentorian, paunchy, fat, pear-shaped, soupy, grumbling, tubby, rotund, blubbery, gelatinlike, stout, potbellied, heavy, wide, buxom, sonorous, coagulated, viscous, overweight, rich, full, impenetrable, significant, clogged, jellylike, two-ply, thickened, round, zaftig, thick, rumbling, grumous, gelatinous, weighty, dumpy, gross, deep, curdled, abdominous, four-ply, pudgy, stringy, obese, deep-chested, creamy, fattish, broad, three-ply, podgy, thready, grumose, ropey, portly, jowly, zoftig, concentrated, chubby, coagulable, double-chinned, quilted, sounding, plangent, spirited, booming, fleshy, ropy, dense, plump, coagulate, corpulent, loose-jowled, orotund, thicken, inspissatethin, leanadjective
lacking excess flesh
"you can't be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare
slender, sparse, slight, tenuous, fragile, lean, flimsy, skimpyAntonyms:
plangent, fat, buxom, pudgy, blubbery, quilted, podgy, gelatinlike, weighty, gross, important, zaftig, gelatinous, orotund, rumbling, booming, creamy, heavy, impenetrable, three-ply, fleshy, significant, syrupy, portly, fattish, rotund, curdled, roly-poly, sonorous, concentrated, clotted, round, embonpoint, thick, zoftig, sounding, corpulent, two-ply, coagulable, clogged, obese, grumose, deep-chested, rich, porcine, stringy, loose-jowled, grumbling, stout, dumpy, overweight, thickened, viscous, grumous, dense, jellylike, double-chinned, four-ply, plump, potbellied, abdominous, spirited, jowly, soupy, full, stentorian, coagulate, thready, chubby, broad, pear-shaped, ropy, wide, coagulated, deep, paunchy, ropey, tubby, thicken, inspissateslender, thinadjective
very narrow
"a thin line across the page"
slender, sparse, lithesome, slight, flimsy, lissom, tenuous, sylphlike, lithe, supple, lean, fragile, slim, svelte, lissomeAntonyms:
curdled, overweight, thickened, pear-shaped, fleshy, three-ply, thick, fat, corpulent, zoftig, two-ply, ropy, jowly, four-ply, grumose, jellylike, paunchy, sounding, deep-chested, quilted, tubby, gelatinous, roly-poly, podgy, grumous, obese, important, gross, grumbling, heavy, dense, wide, round, blubbery, deep, syrupy, zaftig, viscous, booming, rotund, rumbling, coagulable, impenetrable, loose-jowled, chubby, plump, coagulate, weighty, spirited, concentrated, creamy, pudgy, clogged, gelatinlike, broad, coagulated, buxom, porcine, double-chinned, abdominous, stringy, thready, dumpy, plangent, rich, portly, potbellied, soupy, stout, embonpoint, stentorian, full, orotund, fattish, clotted, sonorous, ropey, significant, inspissate, thickensparse, thinadjective
not dense
"a thin beard"; "trees were sparse"
slender, sparse, slight, tenuous, fragile, lean, flimsyAntonyms:
three-ply, dense, gelatinlike, porcine, fleshy, concentrated, jellylike, gross, tubby, dumpy, zaftig, plump, orotund, viscous, ropey, roly-poly, buxom, four-ply, round, ropy, paunchy, fat, creamy, double-chinned, thickened, corpulent, full, soupy, spirited, significant, chubby, potbellied, rumbling, obese, zoftig, abdominous, jowly, stout, clogged, impenetrable, loose-jowled, blubbery, stringy, fattish, thready, stentorian, podgy, coagulate, grumose, coagulated, syrupy, booming, thick, broad, heavy, rich, plangent, weighty, sonorous, gelatinous, deep-chested, quilted, rotund, grumbling, two-ply, grumous, pudgy, sounding, pear-shaped, embonpoint, coagulable, wide, important, clotted, deep, overweight, curdled, portly, inspissate, thickenthinadjective
relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous
"air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"; "thin oil"
slender, fragile, flimsy, tenuous, sparse, lean, slightAntonyms:
rich, ropy, jowly, gelatinlike, syrupy, blubbery, three-ply, viscous, fat, thick, clotted, obese, rumbling, impenetrable, sonorous, soupy, paunchy, curdled, buxom, full, quilted, loose-jowled, embonpoint, coagulated, podgy, zoftig, portly, thready, plump, important, weighty, stout, heavy, chubby, clogged, roly-poly, two-ply, deep-chested, four-ply, fattish, coagulable, spirited, gross, stringy, gelatinous, wide, concentrated, zaftig, dumpy, ropey, grumous, thickened, significant, rotund, dense, tubby, jellylike, fleshy, grumose, creamy, double-chinned, round, plangent, abdominous, broad, corpulent, deep, booming, sounding, potbellied, overweight, coagulate, pudgy, grumbling, orotund, pear-shaped, porcine, stentorian, inspissate, thickenthinadjective
(of sound) lacking resonance or volume
"a thin feeble cry"
slender, fragile, flimsy, tenuous, sparse, lean, slightAntonyms:
gelatinlike, thick, soupy, rumbling, chubby, thickened, zaftig, tubby, double-chinned, heavy, clogged, important, corpulent, fattish, zoftig, coagulate, pudgy, grumous, ropey, coagulated, plump, gross, rich, sounding, deep, blubbery, podgy, quilted, rotund, roly-poly, fat, potbellied, weighty, round, stout, coagulable, abdominous, full, ropy, jellylike, overweight, fleshy, plangent, deep-chested, booming, concentrated, jowly, buxom, viscous, thready, stringy, orotund, significant, three-ply, creamy, pear-shaped, impenetrable, portly, two-ply, stentorian, curdled, embonpoint, porcine, clotted, loose-jowled, obese, wide, grumose, grumbling, sonorous, gelatinous, broad, spirited, dense, four-ply, syrupy, paunchy, dumpy, inspissate, thickenthinadjective
lacking spirit or sincere effort
"a thin smile"
slender, fragile, flimsy, tenuous, sparse, lean, slightAntonyms:
plangent, embonpoint, sonorous, porcine, round, chubby, overweight, heavy, grumbling, potbellied, sounding, ropey, coagulated, clogged, important, rich, thickened, broad, gelatinlike, obese, abdominous, podgy, stentorian, full, impenetrable, rumbling, stout, fattish, concentrated, curdled, thick, grumose, deep-chested, significant, rotund, fat, pear-shaped, three-ply, corpulent, thready, ropy, coagulable, zoftig, coagulate, loose-jowled, fleshy, wide, creamy, stringy, plump, portly, dense, jowly, quilted, two-ply, spirited, orotund, jellylike, gross, pudgy, soupy, weighty, grumous, buxom, four-ply, dumpy, paunchy, blubbery, zaftig, deep, double-chinned, gelatinous, booming, tubby, clotted, viscous, roly-poly, syrupy, thicken, inspissateflimsy, fragile, slight, tenuous, thinverb
lacking substance or significance
"slight evidence"; "a tenuous argument"; "a thin plot"; a fragile claim to fame"
slender, delicate, slight, sparse, slim, tenuous, fragile, lean, frail, flimsy, little(a), svelte, unconvincingAntonyms:
coagulable, orotund, portly, wide, potbellied, tubby, grumose, clotted, thick, gelatinlike, jowly, heavy, podgy, rotund, sonorous, coagulated, double-chinned, gross, gelatinous, zaftig, spirited, blubbery, clogged, deep, buxom, plangent, porcine, thickened, booming, viscous, ropey, rich, dumpy, thready, embonpoint, four-ply, stringy, rumbling, round, fleshy, soupy, zoftig, quilted, chubby, concentrated, three-ply, pear-shaped, impenetrable, coagulate, significant, plump, full, creamy, abdominous, jellylike, loose-jowled, deep-chested, curdled, paunchy, fat, broad, syrupy, important, dense, sounding, fattish, roly-poly, corpulent, stout, grumbling, obese, weighty, grumous, two-ply, ropy, overweight, pudgy, stentorian, inspissate, thickenthinverb
lose thickness; become thin or thinner
slim, melt off, lose weight, dilute, cut, slenderize, slim down, reduce, thin outAntonyms:
fleshy, sounding, syrupy, orotund, fat, stout, heavy, soupy, double-chinned, clogged, abdominous, pear-shaped, impenetrable, plangent, loose-jowled, gross, stentorian, zoftig, two-ply, paunchy, jowly, sonorous, thickened, corpulent, ropey, embonpoint, thick, round, porcine, wide, curdled, coagulable, concentrated, rich, portly, important, plump, deep-chested, full, rotund, grumous, coagulate, thready, creamy, zaftig, clotted, tubby, coagulated, rumbling, fattish, grumose, significant, spirited, three-ply, gelatinous, jellylike, gelatinlike, weighty, dumpy, ropy, grumbling, podgy, broad, overweight, chubby, stringy, dense, deep, four-ply, roly-poly, buxom, pudgy, potbellied, quilted, obese, blubbery, viscous, booming, thicken, inspissatethinverb
make thin or thinner
"Thin the solution"
slim, melt off, lose weight, dilute, cut, slenderize, slim down, reduce, thin outAntonyms:
thickened, round, ropy, sounding, clogged, porcine, double-chinned, three-ply, embonpoint, syrupy, thick, rotund, sonorous, roly-poly, heavy, loose-jowled, paunchy, tubby, coagulate, spirited, soupy, abdominous, clotted, grumous, jowly, grumbling, blubbery, ropey, significant, obese, viscous, gross, zaftig, fat, important, rich, full, potbellied, gelatinous, curdled, booming, deep, jellylike, coagulated, overweight, pear-shaped, chubby, podgy, wide, rumbling, creamy, gelatinlike, pudgy, zoftig, dumpy, weighty, stringy, broad, dense, fleshy, thready, four-ply, concentrated, stout, orotund, two-ply, stentorian, buxom, portly, coagulable, fattish, deep-chested, grumose, corpulent, plump, quilted, plangent, impenetrable, inspissate, thickendilute, thin, thin out, reduce, cutverb
lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
"cut bourbon"
veer, bring down, decoct, sheer, slim down, turn off, quash, turn out, boil down, burn, foreshorten, shorten, hack, trim down, slim, prune, edit, snub, debase, cut, rationalize, load, curve, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, cut back, write out, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, skip, abridge, reduce, make out, adulterate, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, switch off, concentrate, stretch, deoxidize, come down, dilute, geld, rationalise, slew, disregard, tailor, cut off, slenderize, edit out, slue, issue, deoxidise, abbreviate, trend, keep down, lose weight, repress, tightenAntonyms:
pudgy, stringy, viscous, ropy, gross, jellylike, heavy, fattish, stout, portly, coagulate, three-ply, stentorian, loose-jowled, ropey, soupy, booming, rumbling, plump, roly-poly, two-ply, syrupy, overweight, pear-shaped, rich, thickened, plangent, buxom, full, deep, wide, abdominous, sonorous, podgy, obese, rotund, grumous, porcine, thick, concentrated, chubby, jowly, coagulable, sounding, round, tubby, double-chinned, fat, zaftig, coagulated, creamy, impenetrable, orotund, quilted, dumpy, broad, potbellied, four-ply, spirited, fleshy, zoftig, gelatinlike, grumose, thready, clotted, weighty, dense, gelatinous, paunchy, important, deep-chested, curdled, corpulent, significant, grumbling, blubbery, clogged, embonpoint, thicken, inspissatereduce, melt off, lose weight, slim, slenderize, thin, slim downadverb
take off weight
bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, slenderise, reduce, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tightenAntonyms:
four-ply, deep-chested, sounding, booming, clotted, roly-poly, chubby, dumpy, quilted, blubbery, grumous, heavy, coagulable, corpulent, viscous, thick, gelatinlike, rumbling, gross, broad, deep, coagulate, porcine, fat, orotund, significant, concentrated, full, rotund, paunchy, podgy, jellylike, pudgy, thready, double-chinned, grumose, pear-shaped, fleshy, wide, dense, zaftig, sonorous, thickened, impenetrable, plump, obese, coagulated, abdominous, loose-jowled, gelatinous, three-ply, clogged, buxom, zoftig, overweight, fattish, tubby, curdled, stout, embonpoint, stringy, important, round, creamy, syrupy, portly, ropy, two-ply, soupy, weighty, jowly, spirited, grumbling, rich, stentorian, potbellied, plangent, ropey, inspissate, thickenthinly, thinadverb
without viscosity
"the blood was flowing thin"
heavy, wide, sounding, plump, viscous, rumbling, grumous, gross, coagulated, impenetrable, full, fat, gelatinlike, corpulent, abdominous, clogged, thick, two-ply, ropey, grumose, thickened, important, zaftig, buxom, stout, fattish, three-ply, roly-poly, porcine, tubby, rotund, podgy, creamy, coagulable, potbellied, double-chinned, deep-chested, four-ply, rich, soupy, dense, thready, fleshy, plangent, sonorous, dumpy, curdled, loose-jowled, broad, gelatinous, stringy, obese, stentorian, chubby, overweight, pear-shaped, paunchy, portly, coagulate, ropy, zoftig, clotted, orotund, spirited, quilted, significant, grumbling, deep, blubbery, pudgy, round, concentrated, weighty, syrupy, jellylike, booming, embonpoint, jowly, inspissate, thicken
Matched Categories
Editors Contribution
opposite (antonym) of 'viscous'
gas bubbles rise faster through inviscid fluids
Submitted by dwspurpose on August 4, 2023
Dictionary of English Synonymes
not thick (in measure)thinadjective
slender, slim, meagre, lean, poor, gaunt, SCRAWNY, scraggy, skinny, lank, shrunk, emaciated, fallen awaythinadjective
rare, subtile, attenuated, dilute, not dense, not gross, not thick (in consistence)thinadjective
sparse, scanty, not close, not compact, not crowded, not abundantthinadjective
make thinthinverb
rarefy, attenuate, dilute, make less dense
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words
emaciated, slender, poor, wasted, peaked, gaunt, scrawny, lank, spare, meager, haggard, scraggy, tenuous, delicate, fine, incompact, dilute, rare, rarefied, subtile, attenuated, sheer, flimsy, sleazy, unsubstantial, gossamery, gauzy, diaphanous, transparent, sparse, scanty, inadequate, insufficient, superficialthinverb
dilute, reduce, attenuate, rarefy, diminish, subtilize
Usage in printed sourcesFrom:
- 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,["1943","47855"],["1944","46255"],["1945","49553"],["1946","62960"],["1947","75157"],["1948","77711"],["1949","86487"],["1950","83058"],["1951","81377"],["1952","80361"],["1953","77861"],["1954","84135"],["1955","84487"],["1956","83092"],["1957","92078"],["1958","91407"],["1959","97125"],["1960","108379"],["1961","113477"],["1962","122975"],["1963","130457"],["1964","128132"],["1965","142879"],["1966","144316"],["1967","151040"],["1968","163550"],["1969","158032"],["1970","158006"],["1971","161093"],["1972","169456"],["1973","156557"],["1974","165759"],["1975","171833"],["1976","172034"],["1977","170199"],["1978","176106"],["1979","182144"],["1980","194305"],["1981","193666"],["1982","203081"],["1983","212971"],["1984","226642"],["1985","224156"],["1986","237762"],["1987","238580"],["1988","253808"],["1989","275061"],["1990","298070"],["1991","280144"],["1992","321992"],["1993","298747"],["1994","310715"],["1995","322357"],["1996","327242"],["1997","344828"],["1998","354518"],["1999","365564"],["2000","422925"],["2001","426939"],["2002","461504"],["2003","516473"],["2004","560853"],["2005","548777"],["2006","562518"],["2007","627880"],["2008","793743"]]
Words popularity by usage frequency
How to use thin in a sentence?
It was another very thin trading day.
Im in for the fight of my life but I will not quit. I will not fold. I will not bend. I will not bear false witness against the president, i intend to fight because this indictment is fabricated. This indictment is thin as can be.
She was a fatherless child, her birth father would not marry her mother … He allowed [ Sophia ] to use his last name, but everyone in town knew she was illegitimate. She was made fun of for that. And growing up, she saw war all around her house. She had very, very little food. When air raids would strike the town, she and her family would run for over and had to go in hiding … There was disease, rodents … Because they had such scarcity of food, she was very, very thin. That’s how she gained her nickname in school, Toothpick.
Mahatma Gandi was what wives wish their husbands were: thin, tan and moral.
It's just too broad, they wanted to please lots of people and ... when you try to please everybody you end up pleasing nobody, because you spread it too thin.
Translations for thin
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- رقيق, رفيعArabic
- нәҙек, йоҡа, шыйыҡ, һирәк, ябыҡBashkir
- то́нкіBelarusian
- тъ̀нъкBulgarian
- aprimar-se, aprimarCatalan, Valencian
- řídký, tenkýCzech
- tenauWelsh
- fortyndeDanish
- dünn, schlankGerman
- ψιλός, λεπτός, αραιός, αδύνατος, σπάνιοςGreek
- maldikaEsperanto
- entresacar, flaco, fino, adelgazar, delgado, diluirSpanish
- نازک, لاغر, رقیق, تنک, باریک, شلPersian
- laimentua, ohut, hoikka, laimentaa, vähälukuinen, solakka, niukka, oheta, harva, laiha, ohentua, harventaa, ohentaaFinnish
- smalur, tunnur, mjáur, klænurFaroese
- mince, maigreFrench
- caol, tanaí, séimhighIrish
- lomScottish Gaelic
- thanney, feiosagh, shang, keyl, goanManx
- רָזֶהHebrew
- पतलाHindi
- híg, vékonyHungarian
- նոսր, նիհար, բարակ, ջրիկArmenian
- dineskar, dinaIdo
- mjór, mjókka, þynna, þunnurIcelandic
- emaciato, sottile, magro, consuntoItalian
- 薄い, 稀な, 痩せる, 薄める, 削る, 細い, シャンクしたJapanese
- თხელი, გამხდარი, წვრილიGeorgian
- ស្ដើងKhmer
- 얇다, 가늘다Korean
- شلKurdish
- tenuis, subtīlisLatin
- dënnLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- ບາງLao
- slaids, tievs, plānsLatvian
- ослабува, истенчува, разредува, редок, се истенчува, се тенчи, слабее, тенчи, те́нокMacedonian
- നേർത്തMalayalam
- nipis, kurusMalay
- ပါး, ကျဲBurmese
- tynn, smal, slankNorwegian
- rozcieńczyć, cienki, chudy, przerzedzić, rzadki, wąski, rozrzedzićPolish
- ډنګر, نریPashto, Pushto
- diluir, fino, tênue, afinar, adelgaçar, ralo, magro, esparso, afilarPortuguese
- slab, subțireRomanian
- то́нкий, жи́дкий, то́щий, ре́дкий, разрежённый, худо́йRussian
- танак, tanakSerbo-Croatian
- tenkýSlovak
- tanekSlovene
- tunn, spädaSwedish
- పలుచన చేయు, సాగగొట్టు, అరుదు, సన్నబడుTelugu
- บาง, บางๆ, ผอมบางThai
- тонки́йUkrainian
- پتلاUrdu
- mảnh, mỏngVietnamese
- maigue, claire, clair, tene, mwinreWalloon
- 瘦Chinese
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