What are some opposite words for roll?

Antonyms for roll

This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term roll.

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. roll

    A memorial is any object, whether a writing, a monument, or other permanent thing that is designed or adapted to keep something in remembrance. Record is a word of wide signification, applying to any writing, mark, or trace that serves as a memorial giving enduring attestation of an event or fact; an extended account, chronicle, or history is a record; so, too, may be a brief inventory or memorandum; the inscription on a tombstone is a record of the dead; the striæ on a rock-surface are the record of a glacier's passage. A register is a formal or official written record, especially a series of entries made for preservation or reference; as, a register of births and deaths. Archives, in the sense here considered, are documents or records, often legal records, preserved in a public or official depository; the word archives is also applied to the place where such documents are regularly deposited and preserved. Muniments (Latin munio, fortify) are records that enable one to defend his title. Compare HISTORY; STORY.

    account, archive, catalogue, chronicle, document, enrolment, entry, enumeration, history, inscription, instrument, inventory, memorandum, memorial, muniment, record, register, schedule, scroll

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rollverb

    revolve, wheel, rotate, turn over and over, rock, trundle wallow

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. axial rotation, axial motion, rollnoun

    rotary motion of an object around its own axis

    "wheels in axial rotation"

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  2. roll, rosternoun

    a list of names

    "his name was struck off the rolls"

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  3. roller, roll, rolling wavenoun

    a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, cast, coil, paradiddle, drum roll, curler, crimper, axial rotation, tumbler, peal, hair curler, tumbler pigeon, ringlet, roster, bowl, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  4. rollnoun

    photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  5. coil, whorl, roll, curl, curlicue, ringlet, gyre, scrollnoun

    a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)

    curl, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, cast, helix, coil, paradiddle, rolling wave, drum roll, peal, ringlet butterfly, axial rotation, volute, spiral, ringlet, roster, bowl, squiggle, lock, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  6. bankroll, rollnoun

    a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.)

    "he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nag"

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  7. bun, rollnoun

    small rounded bread either plain or sweet

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  8. peal, pealing, roll, rollingnoun

    a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, wheeling, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  9. paradiddle, roll, drum rollnoun

    the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  10. scroll, rollnoun

    a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)

    curl, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, coil, paradiddle, rolling wave, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, roster, bowl, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  11. rollnoun

    anything rolled up in cylindrical form

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  12. cast, rollnoun

    the act of throwing dice

    plaster cast, scroll, form, bankroll, axial rotation, curl, mould, coil, axial motion, rolling wave, cast, plaster bandage, drum roll, shape, mold, peal, cast of characters, ringlet, roster, bowl, dramatis personae, stamp, hurl, whorl, paradiddle, gyre, rolling, casting, pealing, roller, curlicue, bun

  13. rollnoun

    walking with a swaying gait

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  14. rollnoun

    a flight maneuver; aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, paradiddle, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, peal, ringlet, coil, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun

  15. roll, bowlverb

    the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)

    rolling wave, scroll, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, curl, bowling ball, arena, trough, paradiddle, bowlful, cast, drum roll, axial rotation, stadium, peal, ringlet, coil, sports stadium, bowl, roster, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, pipe bowl, bun

  16. roll, turn oververb

    move by turning over or rotating

    "The child rolled down the hill"; "turn over on your left side"

    turn, vagabond, consider, wind, ramble, dig, debate, flip, wrap, pass on, seethe, stray, rove, reach, wave, twine, cast, flap, tump over, moot, wander, hustle, give, deliberate, cut into, overturn, bowl over, revolve, delve, pass, pluck, tip over, roll up, swan, roll out, upset, tramp, flip over, turn over, undulate, wheel, drift, knock over, roam, hand, range

  17. wheel, rollverb

    move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle

    "The President's convoy rolled past the crowds"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, stray, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wheel, wind, flap, swan, wander, cycle, wheel around, drift, roll out, seethe, pedal, undulate, twine, tramp, bicycle, roam, vagabond, roll up, bike

  18. roll, undulateverb

    occur in soft rounded shapes

    "The hills rolled past"

    ripple, wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wind, roll up, flap, swan, wander, stray, roam, drift, roll out, seethe, ruffle, twine, tramp, cockle, riffle, vagabond, undulate

  19. roll out, rollverb

    flatten or spread with a roller

    "roll out the paper"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, vagabond, wind, straighten, swan, wander, stray, roam, flap, roll out, seethe, twine, tramp, revolve, drift, roll up, undulate

  20. rollverb

    emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound

    "The thunder rolled"; "rolling drums"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wind, roll up, flap, swan, wander, stray, roam, drift, roll out, seethe, twine, tramp, vagabond, undulate

  21. wind, wrap, roll, twineverb

    arrange or or coil around

    "roll your hair around your finger"; "Twine the thread around the spool"; "She wrapped her arms around the child"

    vagabond, intertwine, wind, meander, nose, hoist, thread, wrap, twist, range, interlace, stray, rove, wave, swan, lift, twine, scent, wind up, flap, enfold, wander, hustle, entwine, wrap up, cast, enwrap, curve, distort, lace, pluck, revolve, roll up, envelop, roll out, wreathe, turn over, tramp, undulate, ramble, drift, weave, seethe, enclose, enlace, roam, wheel

  22. rollverb

    begin operating or running

    "The cameras were rolling"; "The presses are already rolling"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wind, roll up, flap, swan, wander, stray, roam, drift, roll out, seethe, twine, tramp, vagabond, undulate

  23. rollverb

    shape by rolling

    "roll a cigarette"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wind, roll up, flap, swan, wander, stray, roam, drift, roll out, seethe, twine, tramp, vagabond, undulate

  24. rollverb

    execute a roll, in tumbling

    "The gymnasts rolled and jumped"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wind, roll up, flap, swan, wander, stray, roam, drift, roll out, seethe, twine, tramp, vagabond, undulate

  25. hustle, pluck, rollverb

    sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity

    vagabond, hook, wind, ramble, cull, wrap, range, rob, pick, stray, rove, wave, pluck, deplumate, twine, surcharge, soak, overcharge, pull off, cast, flap, pull, wander, gazump, hustle, plunk, plume, bustle about, revolve, roll up, swan, deplume, roll out, pick off, tramp, turn over, bustle, undulate, tear, drift, tweak, seethe, displume, fleece, roam, wheel

  26. roll, undulate, flap, waveverb

    move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion

    "The curtains undulated"; "the waves rolled towards the beach"

    vagabond, wind, ramble, pother, wrap, seethe, beat, stray, rove, wave, twine, cast, flap, beckon, ruffle, wander, riffle, hustle, cockle, brandish, pluck, revolve, roll up, swan, roll out, tramp, turn over, flourish, dither, undulate, ripple, drift, curl, roam, wheel, range

  27. roll, wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabondverb

    move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment

    "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"

    roam, project, hustle, wrap, verify, spue, redact, affirm, drift, draw, cast off, wave, array, assert, wander, cheat on, mold, float, cast, put, twine, slog, turn over, avow, cheat, throw away, frame, place, roll up, seethe, pasture, crop, vomit up, browse, chuck, mould, throw up, contrive, retch, purge, rate, betray, tramp, disgorge, swear, plod, meander, flap, blow, lay out, pad, shed, wheel, shake off, barf, graze, weave, stray, wind, range, vagabond, swan, rank, grade, couch, thread, pluck, freewheel, rove, be adrift, ramble, regurgitate, cuckold, throw off, straddle, throw, cat, vomit, ramble on, revolve, order, hurtle, spew, honk, roll out, regorge, drop, set out, aver, run, jog, hurl, trudge, err, upchuck, footslog, be sick, undulate, digress, sick, divagate, puke

  28. rollverb

    move, rock, or sway from side to side

    "The ship rolled on the heavy seas"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wind, roll up, flap, swan, wander, stray, roam, drift, roll out, seethe, twine, tramp, vagabond, undulate

  29. roll, revolveverb

    cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis

    "She rolled the ball"; "They rolled their eyes at his words"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, rotate, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wind, roll up, flap, swan, wander, stray, roam, drift, roll out, seethe, go around, orbit, orb, twine, tramp, vagabond, undulate

  30. rollverb

    pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/

    "She rolls her r's"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wind, roll up, flap, swan, wander, stray, roam, drift, roll out, seethe, twine, tramp, vagabond, undulate

  31. seethe, rollverb

    boil vigorously

    "The liquid was seething"; "The water rolled"

    boil, wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, flap, stray, ramble, hum, cast, pluck, wheel, wind, revolve, swan, buzz, wander, seethe, roam, drift, roll out, twine, tramp, turn over, vagabond, roll up, undulate

  32. rollverb

    take the shape of a roll or cylinder

    "the carpet rolled out"; "Yarn rolls well"

    wave, wrap, rove, hustle, range, turn over, wheel, ramble, cast, pluck, revolve, wind, roll up, flap, swan, wander, stray, roam, drift, roll out, seethe, twine, tramp, vagabond, undulate

  33. roll, roll upverb

    show certain properties when being rolled

    "The carpet rolls unevenly"; "dried-out tobacco rolls badly"

    pile up, vagabond, wind, ramble, bundle up, furl, wrap, seethe, amass, stray, rove, wave, bundle, twine, cast, flap, accumulate, wander, compile, wrap up, hoard, pluck, revolve, roll up, swan, roll out, tramp, turn over, undulate, drift, hustle, collect, roam, wheel, range

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rollnoun

    scroll, roster, record, convolution, trundle, coil

  2. rollverb

    wheel, whirl, revolve, rotate, turn, gyrate, spin, trundle, circumgyrate, inwrap, infold, convolve, wallow, welter, rock, sway, lurch, titubate, fluctuate

How to use roll in a sentence?

  1. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka:

    We know that COVID-19 threatens to roll back even the limited and hard won gains that women have made.

  2. Rudyard Kipling:

    When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your gawd like a soldier.

  3. Jon Feal:

    The grass-roots activism is over. But now they got to take this bill to, which is in infant stages and watch it mature because this bill is going to help a lot of people, these VSOs [Veteran Service Organizations] are going to have to look over this bill to make sure it’s being run right, and men and women are being taken care at the VA. And that's when the real work starts. That's when you roll up your sleeves.

  4. Ramon Fernandez:

    In France there's no room for four operators ... This is an industry that needs a lot of capital, you need to invest a lot to roll out next generation networks.

  5. Kevin Lewis:

    Well see if Curiosity makes it up there, or if we get pieces of that upper unit that roll down the mountain, but we may have to do a bit more exploring to find such a transition.

How to pronounce roll?

How to say roll in sign language?

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