What is another word for spring?
Synonyms for spring
This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word spring.
fount, bounciness, impetus, bounce, resilience, impulse, springiness, elasticity, sourceAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
The source of an action
fount, springiness, bounce, resilience, chubby, elasticity, stiffy, source, woody, impetus, hard-on, bounciness, boner, impulseAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
To jump or leap.
He sprang up from his seat.
boner, stiffy, woody, impulse, chubby, hard-on, source, resilience, bounce, springiness, bounciness, fount, impetus, elasticity, jump, bound, leapAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
To produce or disclose unexpectedly, especially of surprises, traps, etc.
boner, impulse, fount, bounciness, source, springiness, elasticity, impetus, woody, bounce, stiffy, chubby, hard-on, resilienceAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
To release or set free, especially from prison.
chubby, impetus, woody, elasticity, boner, resilience, bounce, hard-on, bounciness, stiffy, impulse, fount, springiness, source, spring loose, release, let out, freeAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
Spring tide; a tide of greater-than-average range, that is, around the first or third quarter of a lunar month, or around the times of the new or full moon.
impetus, chubby, boner, source, springiness, fount, resilience, hard-on, woody, bounce, bounciness, stiffy, impulse, elasticityAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
A place where water emerges from the ground.
This water is bottled from the spring of the river.
resilience, boner, woody, stiffy, chubby, impetus, bounce, bounciness, elasticity, hard-on, source, fount, springiness, impulseAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
The property of a body of springing to its original form after being compressed, stretched, etc.
impetus, bounciness, chubby, elasticity, boner, stiffy, impulse, bounce, resilience, woody, fount, hard-on, source, springinessAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
A mechanical device made of flexible or coiled material that exerts force when it is bent, compressed or stretched.
We jumped so hard the bed springs broke.
source, resilience, springiness, stiffy, elasticity, boner, bounciness, fount, hard-on, bounce, impulse, woody, impetus, chubbyAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
A rope attaching the bow of a vessel to the stern-side of the jetty, or vice versa, to stop the vessel from surging.
You should put a couple of springs onto the jetty to stop the boat moving so much.
woody, hard-on, source, impetus, springiness, impulse, chubby, stiffy, boner, bounce, resilience, elasticity, bounciness, fountAntonyms:
neap tidespringnoun
An erection of the penis.
hard-on, chubby, impulse, springiness, woody, elasticity, bounce, stiffy, fount, source, impetus, bounciness, resilience, bonerAntonyms:
neap tide
English Synonyms and Antonyms
The Latin commencement is more formal than the Saxon beginning, as the verb commence, is more formal than begin. Commencement is for the most part restricted to some form of action, while beginning has no restriction, but may be applied to action, state, material, extent, enumeration, or to whatever else may be conceived of as having a first part, point, degree, etc. The letter A is at the beginning (not the commencement) of every alphabet. If we were to speak of the commencement of the Pacific Railroad, we should be understood to refer to the enterprise and its initiatory act; if we were to refer to the roadway we should say "Here is the beginning of the Pacific Railroad." In the great majority of cases begin and beginning are preferable to commence and commencement as the simple, idiomatic English words, always accurate and expressive. "In the beginning was the word," John i, 1. An origin is the point from which something starts or sets out, often involving, and always suggesting causal connection; as, the origin of evil; the origin of a nation, a government, or a family. A source is that which furnishes a first and continuous supply, that which flows forth freely or may be readily recurred to; as, the source of a river; a source of knowledge; a source of inspiration; fertile land is a source (not an origin) of wealth. A rise is thought of as in an action; we say that a lake is the source of a certain river, or that the river takes its rise from the lake. Motley wrote of "The Rise of the Dutch Republic." Fount, fountain, and spring, in their figurative senses, keep close to their literal meaning. Compare CAUSE.
See synonyms for END.
arising, beginning, commencement, fount, fountain, inauguration, inception, initiation, opening, origin, outset, rise, source, start
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
Princeton's WordNet
spring, springtimenoun
the season of growth
"the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring"; "he will hold office until the spring of next year"
natural spring, give, springtime, bounce, saltation, bound, leaping, springiness, fountain, outflow, leap, outpouringspringnoun
a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed
"the spring was broken"
natural spring, give, springtime, bounce, saltation, bound, leaping, springiness, fountain, outflow, leap, outpouringspring, fountain, outflow, outpouring, natural springnoun
a natural flow of ground water
leakage, run, leak, fountain, escape, onslaught, give, bound, discharge, springiness, springtime, efflux, leap, flood, fount, gush, saltation, bounce, barrage, jet, natural spring, bombardment, overflow, leaping, outpouring, effluence, flush, outflowspringnoun
a point at which water issues forth
natural spring, give, springtime, bounce, saltation, bound, leaping, springiness, fountain, outflow, leap, outpouringgive, spring, springinessnoun
the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
natural spring, bound, give, outpouring, bounce, saltation, springtime, leaping, springiness, fountain, outflow, leapleap, leaping, spring, saltation, bound, bounceverb
a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
dancing, bounciness, dance, fountain, bounds, edge, terpsichore, give, bound, springiness, springtime, leap, saltation, bounce, natural spring, boundary, leaping, bouncing, outpouring, limit, outflow, jumpjump, leap, bound, springverb
move forward by leaps and bounds
"The horse bounded across the meadow"; "The child leapt across the puddle"; "Can you jump over the fence?"
start, jumpstart, rise, jump out, jump off, throttle, climb up, restrict, stick out, trammel, stand out, take form, alternate, derail, form, jump-start, ricochet, border, skip, recoil, reverberate, startle, rebound, parachute, confine, pass over, leap, restrain, skip over, jump, take a hop, chute, bounce, resile, bound, limit, leap out, take shapeform, take form, take shape, springverb
develop into a distinctive entity
"our plans began to take shape"
rebound, constitute, recoil, mould, imprint, form, bound, take form, work, leap, mold, ricochet, bounce, take a hop, take shape, organize, forge, resile, shape, reverberate, make, organise, jumpbounce, resile, take a hop, spring, bound, rebound, recoil, reverberate, ricochetverb
spring back; spring away from an impact
"The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
forswear, rally, throttle, echo, quail, restrict, funk, ring, abjure, trammel, retract, take form, backfire, flinch, form, wince, ricochet, shrink, recoil, border, resound, cringe, rebound, reflect, backlash, confine, leap, restrain, squinch, reverberate, jump, take a hop, kick back, bounce, resile, bound, limit, kick, take shape, jounce, recantspringverb
develop suddenly
"The tire sprang a leak"
recoil, rebound, take shape, form, take form, bounce, bound, ricochet, take a hop, jump, leap, reverberate, resilespringverb
produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly
"He sprang these news on me just as I was leaving"
recoil, rebound, take shape, form, take form, bounce, bound, ricochet, take a hop, jump, leap, reverberate, resile
Dictionary of English Synonymes
rise, start, come forthspringverb
arise, proceed, issue, put forth, shoot forth, make its appearancespringverb
originate, emanate, flow, take its rise, have its originspringverb
elasticity, resiliency, springiness, elastic forcespringnoun
fountain, well, FOUNT, fountain-headspringnoun
vernal season
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words
leap, bound, saltation, vault, jump, resilience, elasticity, springiness, fount, fountain, source, cause, origin, motive, source, springtime, vernal seasonspringnoun
Associated words:
dart, shoot, bound, leap, jump, hop, vault, emerge, rise, arise, rebound, recoil, fly back, bend, warp, issue, emanate, originate, flow, arise
Suggested Resources
The spring symbol -- In this Symbols.com article you will learn about the meaning of the spring symbol and its characteristic.
Song lyrics by spring -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by spring on the Lyrics.com website.
Usage in printed sourcesFrom:
- 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["1929","86310"],["1930","92024"],["1931","87342"],["1932","77433"],["1933","66763"],["1934","72356"],["1935","85114"],["1936","89235"],["1937","94624"],["1938","90562"],["1939","92122"],["1940","97319"],["1941","87070"],["1942","85798"],["1943","73413"],["1944","72127"],["1945","68741"],["1946","89396"],["1947","103026"],["1948","110041"],["1949","122500"],["1950","119233"],["1951","121237"],["1952","117174"],["1953","112016"],["1954","115826"],["1955","132493"],["1956","119826"],["1957","129530"],["1958","125630"],["1959","131515"],["1960","141658"],["1961","154057"],["1962","170739"],["1963","172440"],["1964","164342"],["1965","185441"],["1966","196440"],["1967","208006"],["1968","218609"],["1969","214897"],["1970","213434"],["1971","218708"],["1972","216719"],["1973","212669"],["1974","205912"],["1975","213111"],["1976","212968"],["1977","215204"],["1978","222096"],["1979","217385"],["1980","227377"],["1981","221922"],["1982","231058"],["1983","240926"],["1984","249106"],["1985","257169"],["1986","270589"],["1987","279342"],["1988","296044"],["1989","307554"],["1990","325248"],["1991","316279"],["1992","340002"],["1993","342797"],["1994","366587"],["1995","375472"],["1996","396369"],["1997","407655"],["1998","428221"],["1999","449099"],["2000","497766"],["2001","511694"],["2002","545982"],["2003","609411"],["2004","672038"],["2005","619456"],["2006","661645"],["2007","734672"],["2008","1061186"]]
Words popularity by usage frequency
How to use spring in a sentence?
Would that I were a dry well, and that the people tossed stones into me, for that would be easier than to be a spring of flowing water that the thirsty pass by, and from which they avoid drinking.
The 6th of March, the 7th of March is when you can expect the spring influx to rise ... we have until that time to find solutions that mostly involve the Greek-Turkish influx, the border there, if that doesn't lead to lower numbers, we'll have to find other measures and we'll have to do more contingency planning ... That's a very crucial date to see to what extent we succeed in lowering the influx towards Europe as a whole, or we have to take other measures.
As we wait for our next helping of ‘Succession,’ apparently coming in spring 2023, ‘The Bear’ provided us with a similarly addictive dose of vividly memorable characters, family drama and eye-popping surprises, albeit on the opposite end of the class spectrum, but is it a comedy or a drama?
My life is music. And in some vague, mysterious, and subconscious way, I have always been driven by a taut inner spring which has propelled me to almost compulsively reach for perfection in music, often--in fact, mostly--at the expense of everything else in my life.
I invite the PKK to attend an extraordinary congress in the spring months in order to make the strategic and historic decision to abandon the armed struggle.
Translations for spring
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- ааԥынра, ааҧын, ааҧынра, аиҵас, ааԥынAbkhaz
- bron, lente, veerAfrikaans
- ምንጭAmharic
- عين, ربيعArabic
- yaz, yavlak, baharAzerbaijani
- шишмә, яҙBashkir
- ўве́сну, вясна́Belarusian
- про́лет, пружи́на, извор, скачамBulgarian
- বসন্তBengali
- དཔྱིདTibetan Standard
- andon, eienenn, mammenn, gwinterell, nevezamzerBreton
- primavera, molla, ressort, saltarCatalan, Valencian
- бӏаьсте̄, ӏадChechen
- pramen, jaro, pružina, skočitCzech
- веснаOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
- ҫуркуннеChuvash
- ffynnon, gwanwynWelsh
- fjeder, forår, vår, kilde, springe, hoppeDanish
- Lenz, Springflut, Feder, Quelle, Frühling, Sprungfeder, Frühjahr, springenGerman
- ελατήριο, άνοιξη, σούστα, έαρ, πηγή, ελαστικότητα, ξεπετάγομαι, πετάγομαι, αναπηδώGreek
- printempo, fonto, risortoEsperanto
- fuente, muelle, primavera, origen, manantial, resorte, saltarSpanish
- allikas, vedru, kevad, läte, veesilmEstonian
- Malguki, iturri, udaberri, saltatuBasque
- بهار, چشمه, فنرPersian
- lähde, joustavuus, kevät, koitto, jousto, springi, jousi, vieteri, tulvavuoksi, loikka, joustin, halkeama, loikata, vapauttaa, hypätä, ponnahtaaFinnish
- fjøður, vár, hoppa, støkka, leypa, springaFaroese
- printemps, source, ressort, sauterFrench
- fear, welle, maaitiid, maitiid, foarjier, springeWestern Frisian
- earrach, foinseIrish
- earrach, fuaran, leumScottish Gaelic
- primavera, fonte, resorte, manancial, saltarGalician
- arapotyGuaraní
- બસંતGujarati
- אביב, מעיין, קפיץHebrew
- बहार, बसन्तHindi
- rugó, tavasz, forrásHungarian
- աղբյուր, ակունք, զսպանակ, գարուն, ակArmenian
- primavera, resorto, fonteInterlingua
- per, pegas, lompatIndonesian
- printempoIdo
- vorIcelandic
- molla, primavera, fonte, sorgente, saltareItalian
- 泉, 春, 温泉, ばねJapanese
- ზამბარა, გაზაფხული, წყაროGeorgian
- көктемKazakh
- ឧតុរាជKhmer
- ವಸಂತKannada
- 샘, 용수철, 한사리, 봄Korean
- kanî, biharKurdish
- жазKyrgyz
- vēr, fons, circumsilioLatin
- Fréijoer, sprangenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- ວະສັນຕະຣະດູ, ນ້ຳພຸ, ວະສັນ, ວະສັນຕະLao
- šaltinis, pavasaris, versmė, verdenė, spyruoklėLithuanian
- avots, pavasaris, atspereLatvian
- kōanga, puna, piringi, arawhiti, peke, turupanaMāori
- федер, вруток, пружина, пролет, извор, отскокнува, скокнуваMacedonian
- വസന്തംMalayalam
- хаварMongolian
- बसन्तMarathi
- mata air, pegas, per, musim semi, musim bunga, springMalay
- rebbiegħa, nixxiegħa, għajn, molla, qabżaMaltese
- နွေဦးပေါက်Burmese
- fjærNorwegian
- veer, voorjaar, wel, lente, springtij, bron, springenDutch
- fjørNorwegian Nynorsk
- vårNorwegian
- daanNavajo, Navaho
- primaOccitan
- уалдзӕгOssetian, Ossetic
- ਬਸੰਤPanjabi, Punjabi
- wiosna, źródło, sprężynaPolish
- پسرلۍPashto, Pushto
- origem, primavera, fonte, manancial, mola, saltarPortuguese
- pukyuQuechua
- primavairaRomansh
- izvor, arc, primăvarăRomanian
- эласти́чность, скачо́к, шпринг, исто́чник, пружи́на, весна́, ключ, упру́гость, причи́на, рессо́ра, родни́к, моти́в, прыжо́к, прили́в, вска́кивать, пры́гать, скака́ть, веснаRussian
- कुसुमाकरःSanskrit
- baranu, benau, beranu, veranu, banauSardinian
- بہارSindhi
- giđđaNorthern Sami
- proljeće, proleće, опруга, федер, opruga, feder, proliće, prolitje, пролеће, прољећеSerbo-Croatian
- වසන්ත ඍතුවSinhala, Sinhalese
- jarSlovak
- pomlád, izvír, peró, vzmétSlovene
- gu’Somali
- pranverëAlbanian
- vår, källa, fjäder, hoppaSwedish
- majira ya chipuko, kipindi cha demani, kisima, masika, kosaSwahili
- வசந்த காலம்Tamil
- వసంత ఋతువు, పుష్పసమయముTelugu
- баҳорTajik
- ฤดูใบไม้ผลิThai
- ýazTurkmen
- tagsibol, tumalonTagalog
- ilkbahar, bahar, kaynak, zemberek, yay, sıçramak, fırlamakTurkish
- язTatar
- весна́Ukrainian
- بسنت, بہارUrdu
- bahorUzbek
- 春, lò xo, mùa xuân, 務春, xuânVietnamese
- florüpVolapük
- bontins, prétinsWalloon
- noorWolof
- intwasahloboXhosa
- פרילינג, קוואַל, ספּרענזשינעסYiddish
- 彈簧Chinese
- intwasahloboZulu
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- Čeština (Czech)
- Polski (Polish)
- Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
- Românește (Romanian)
- Nederlands (Dutch)
- Ελληνικά (Greek)
- Latinum (Latin)
- Svenska (Swedish)
- Dansk (Danish)
- Suomi (Finnish)
- فارسی (Persian)
- ייִדיש (Yiddish)
- հայերեն (Armenian)
- Norsk (Norwegian)
- English (English)
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"spring." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 20 Sep. 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/spring>.
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