What is another word for make?

Synonyms for make

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word make.

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. make

    Make is essentially causative; to the idea of cause all its various senses may be traced (compare synonyms for CAUSE). To make is to cause to exist, or to cause to exist in a certain form or in certain relations; the word thus includes the idea of create, as in Gen. i, 31, "And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." Make includes also the idea of compose, constitute; as, the parts make up the whole. Similarly, to cause a voluntary agent to do a certain act is to make him do it, or compel him to do it, compel fixing the attention more on the process, make on the accomplished fact. Compare COMPEL; DO; INFLUENCE; (make better) AMEND; (make haste) QUICKEN; (make known) ANNOUNCE; AVOW; CONFESS; (make prisoner) ARREST; (make up) ADD; (make void) CANCEL.

    See synonyms for ABOLISH; BREAK; DEMOLISH.

    become, bring about, bring into being, bring to pass, cause, compel, compose, constitute, constrain, construct, create, do, effect, establish, execute, fabricate, fashion, force, frame, get, make out, make up, manufacture, occasion, perform, reach, render, require, shape

    Make of, out of, or from certain materials, into a certain form, for a certain purpose or person; made with hands, by hand; made by a prisoner, with a jack-knife.

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. brand, makenoun

    a recognizable kind

    "there's a new brand of hero in the movies now"; "what make of car is that?"

    stigma, shuffle, brand, marque, trade name, brand name, firebrand, steel, shuffling, blade, stain, mark, sword

    unmake, undo, break

  2. shuffle, shuffling, makeverb

    the act of mixing cards haphazardly

    shuffling, brand, shambling, shamble, shuffle

    break, undo, unmake

  3. make, doverb

    engage in

    "make love, not war"; "make an effort"; "do research"; "do nothing"; "make revolution"

    wee-wee, take, micturate, suffice, construct, draw, cook, have, lay down, piddle, hold, piss, act, constitute, do, reach, earn, make believe, get to, shit, defecate, get along, arrange, name, pass water, practice, execute, stimulate, behave, progress to, create, crap, practise, take a shit, pretend, make water, gain, dress, ready, serve, establish, realize, make out, coiffure, make up, give, attain, pull in, set, induce, form, pee, wee, ca-ca, get, prepare, coiffe, perform, score, build, coif, throw, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, take in, puddle, take a crap, clear, hit, produce, exercise, answer, nominate, come, bring in, take a leak, cause, urinate, fare, manage, work, fix, realise, stool, seduce

    unmake, break, undo

  4. make, getverb

    give certain properties to something

    "get someone mad"; "She made us look silly"; "He made a fool of himself at the meeting"; "Don't make this into a big deal"; "This invention will make you a millionaire"; "Make yourself clear"

    bring forth, wee-wee, take, micturate, bring in, construct, mystify, experience, develop, draw, cook, stupefy, have, piddle, hold, become, sustain, piss, receive, constitute, scram, commence, do, reach, go, make believe, sire, drive, engender, get to, shit, defecate, lay down, name, pass water, stick, stimulate, set about, progress to, create, crap, father, take a shit, pretend, make water, incur, gain, contract, ready, grow, pay back, attain, dumbfound, beat, start, set out, establish, realize, make up, give, bring, bewilder, pull in, mother, induce, form, buzz off, catch, pee, let, obtain, beget, puzzle, flummox, wee, ca-ca, get, generate, prepare, find, amaze, take in, vex, score, start out, convey, build, capture, aim, throw, perplex, arrive at, arrest, pee-pee, gravel, begin, relieve oneself, fetch, spend a penny, suffer, get under one's skin, puddle, get down, take a crap, arrive, clear, hit, produce, earn, nominate, acquire, come, take a leak, pay off, pose, bugger off, cause, urinate, work, fix, realise, nonplus, stool, seduce, baffle

    unmake, undo, break

  5. make, createverb

    make or cause to be or to become

    "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    break, unmake, undo

  6. induce, stimulate, cause, have, get, makeverb

    cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner

    "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa"

    pee-pee, take, hit, bring in, construct, mystify, experience, provoke, draw, stool, stupefy, have, lay down, piddle, hold, become, sustain, ready, pose, piss, receive, constitute, crap, scram, pass water, do, consume, go, stimulate, sire, drive, engender, get to, hasten, shit, fix, pay back, suffer, spend a penny, stick, seduce, make water, set about, bring forth, get down, arrive, name, pretend, cook, incur, deliver, wee-wee, gain, make up, contract, excite, grow, induct, attain, dumbfound, beat, start, set out, birth, micturate, realize, create, arrest, accept, develop, shake, give, bring, bewilder, pull in, perk up, induce, form, reach, buzz off, catch, defecate, pee, let, feature, obtain, beget, rush, flummox, wee, ca-ca, arouse, get, generate, prepare, capture, have got, find, amaze, mother, baffle, take a shit, score, start out, convey, build, vex, give birth, aim, throw, perplex, arrive at, bring on, make believe, gravel, begin, relieve oneself, fetch, stir, father, bear, get under one's skin, energise, energize, puddle, take a crap, puzzle, clear, produce, earn, establish, own, nominate, acquire, come, progress to, take a leak, pay off, brace, possess, bugger off, cause, urinate, ingest, take in, work, shake up, realise, nonplus, commence

    unmake, undo, break

  7. cause, do, makeverb

    give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally

    "cause a commotion"; "make a stir"; "cause an accident"

    wee-wee, take, hit, bring in, construct, draw, stool, have, lay down, piddle, hold, piss, act, constitute, do, earn, reach, answer, make believe, micturate, get to, make water, shit, defecate, get along, arrange, name, pass water, practice, execute, stimulate, behave, progress to, create, crap, practise, take a shit, pretend, cook, gain, dress, ready, serve, establish, suffice, realize, make out, coiffure, make up, perform, give, attain, pull in, set, induce, form, pee, wee, ca-ca, get, prepare, coiffe, take in, score, build, coif, throw, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, puddle, take a crap, clear, produce, exercise, nominate, come, take a leak, cause, urinate, fare, manage, work, fix, realise, seduce

    unmake, undo, break

  8. produce, make, createverb

    create or manufacture a man-made product

    "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, get, progress to, attain, bring out, stool, make up, pull in, arrive at, cook, cause, fix, establish, seduce, bring on, urinate, work, wee, hit, reach, acquire, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, farm, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, puddle, realise, defecate, do, give, crap, give rise, induce, grow, develop, hold, take a leak, raise, clear, make water, prepare, piss, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, bring forth, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, bring about, make believe, constitute, take, realize, piddle, spend a penny, ca-ca, build

    unmake, break, undo

  9. draw, makeverb

    make, formulate, or derive in the mind

    "I draw a line here"; "draw a conclusion"; "draw parallels"; "make an estimate"; "What do you make of his remarks?"

    wee-wee, take, hit, bring in, withdraw, run, construct, ca-ca, draw, stool, have, piddle, hold, suck, piss, absorb, constitute, cast, do, reach, earn, stimulate, pull, draw and quarter, reap, draw in, get to, shit, defecate, lay down, name, pass water, make water, get out, pull back, disembowel, crap, take a shit, pretend, cook, take up, gain, ready, attain, establish, realize, sop up, create, make up, take out, eviscerate, give, delineate, quarter, pull in, induce, form, pee, wee, pull out, get, describe, puff, prepare, thread, micturate, soak up, drag, take in, attract, score, force, build, make believe, trace, imbibe, throw, tie, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, draw off, pass, puddle, take a crap, clear, line, produce, nominate, suck up, progress to, take a leak, string, guide, depict, cause, urinate, work, fix, realise, seduce

    undo, break, unmake

  10. makeverb

    compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way

    "People cannot be made to integrate just by passing a law!"; "Heat makes you sweat"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, unmake, break

  11. create, makeverb

    create by artistic means

    "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, undo, break

  12. gain, take in, clear, make, earn, realize, realise, pull in, bring inverb

    earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages

    "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"

    wee-wee, cause, receive, bring in, attract, arrive at, top, light up, recognise, draw, stool, have, solve, piddle, hold, overhear, draw in, sack, cod, unclutter, absorb, agnize, clear up, invite, garner, do, consume, earn, stimulate, pull, actualize, exculpate, assimilate, sort out, defecate, lay down, bring, make water, crystalise, name, pass water, actualise, exonerate, gull, make headway, crystalize, create, crap, collect, get to, pretend, cook, fool, suck, gain, build, authorize, assoil, adopt, gather, understand, crystallise, straighten out, establish, pee, discharge, realize, sop up, constitute, make up, introduce, take up, give, attain, see, pull in, urinate, take, form, derive, catch, befool, benefit, net, acquit, substantiate, wee, ca-ca, pull ahead, get, recognize, prepare, suck in, micturate, soak up, agnise, watch, throw, advance, profit, reach, take a shit, get ahead, illuminate, score, view, piss, sack up, make believe, induce, dupe, ingest, brighten, put on, pee-pee, ready, shit, relieve oneself, fetch, spend a penny, elucidate, take in, gather in, enlighten, puddle, take a crap, clear, hit, produce, slang, gain ground, crystallize, acquire, suck up, move in, progress to, take a leak, authorise, get in, win, put one across, pass, put one over, nominate, shed light on, work, fix, realise, imbibe, seduce, construct

    unmake, break, undo

  13. do, makeverb

    create or design, often in a certain way

    "Do my room in blue"; "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest"

    wee-wee, take, hit, bring in, construct, draw, stool, have, lay down, piddle, hold, piss, act, constitute, do, earn, reach, answer, make believe, micturate, get to, make water, shit, fix, get along, arrange, name, pass water, practice, execute, stimulate, behave, progress to, create, crap, practise, take a shit, pretend, cook, gain, dress, ready, defecate, serve, establish, suffice, realize, make out, coiffure, make up, perform, give, attain, pull in, set, induce, form, pee, wee, ca-ca, get, prepare, coiffe, take in, score, build, coif, throw, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, puddle, take a crap, clear, produce, exercise, nominate, come, take a leak, cause, urinate, fare, manage, work, realise, seduce

    unmake, break, undo

  14. form, constitute, makeverb

    to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting"

    "The branches made a roof"; "This makes a fine introduction"

    wee-wee, take, hit, bring in, organise, institute, draw, cook, have, piddle, hold, mold, piss, constitute, do, reach, earn, stimulate, get to, shit, defecate, spring, lay down, name, pass water, comprise, mould, progress to, create, crap, take a shit, pretend, make water, gain, ready, found, imprint, establish, be, realize, make up, give, attain, pull in, induce, form, pee, wee, plant, ca-ca, get, take shape, prepare, micturate, shape, take in, score, build, make believe, forge, throw, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, represent, puddle, take a crap, clear, appoint, produce, nominate, organize, take a leak, take form, cause, urinate, work, fix, realise, stool, seduce, construct

    unmake, undo, break

  15. reach, make, get to, progress toverb

    reach a goal, e.g., "make the first team"

    "We made it!"; "She may not make the grade"

    wee-wee, take, micturate, bring in, construct, draw, stool, cook, have, piddle, hold, piss, constitute, get at, do, reach, earn, make believe, contact, devil, get to, shit, hand, defecate, lay down, annoy, name, pass water, stimulate, progress to, create, crap, take a shit, pretend, make water, gain, ready, strive, nark, establish, extend to, rag, realize, make up, get through, accomplish, give, attain, relieve oneself, nettle, pull in, wee, induce, form, pee, strain, ca-ca, get, prepare, take in, score, build, vex, turn over, throw, arrive at, bother, pee-pee, gravel, reach out, spend a penny, pass, puddle, irritate, take a crap, clear, hit, produce, nominate, achieve, rile, take a leak, touch, get hold of, cause, urinate, chafe, work, fix, realise, seduce, pass on

    undo, unmake, break

  16. makeverb

    be or be capable of being changed or made into

    "He makes a great host"; "He will make a fine father"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, break, undo

  17. makeverb

    make by shaping or bringing together constituents

    "make a dress"; "make a cake"; "make a wall of stones"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, undo, break

  18. makeverb

    perform or carry out

    "make a decision"; "make a move"; "make advances"; "make a phone call"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, break, unmake

  19. construct, build, makeverb

    make by combining materials and parts

    "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, piddle, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, build up, hit, arrive at, cook, cause, attain, fix, establish, seduce, ramp up, urinate, progress, puddle, reach, fabricate, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, pee, get to, construct, throw, retrace, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, reconstruct, realise, work, do, give, crap, manufacture, induce, take a leak, hold, work up, make water, ca-ca, spend a penny, wee, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, make believe, take a crap, draw, bring in, defecate, clear, constitute, take, realize, stimulate, make up, build

    undo, unmake, break

  20. makeverb

    change from one form into another

    "make water into wine"; "make lead into gold"; "make clay into bricks"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, break, undo

  21. makeverb

    act in a certain way so as to acquire

    "make friends"; "make enemies"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, unmake, break

  22. name, nominate, makeverb

    charge with a function; charge to be

    "She was named Head of the Committee"; "She was made president of the club"

    wee-wee, take, hit, bring in, key out, refer, construct, draw, cook, have, piddle, hold, distinguish, piss, constitute, discover, do, reach, earn, make believe, get to, diagnose, shit, defecate, lay down, make water, name, pass water, stimulate, progress to, create, crap, bring up, take a shit, pretend, advert, gain, ready, establish, realize, list, make up, propose, give, attain, pull in, induce, form, pee, wee, ca-ca, get, describe, prepare, micturate, identify, take in, score, put forward, build, throw, arrive at, pee-pee, cite, relieve oneself, spend a penny, mention, puddle, take a crap, clear, appoint, produce, nominate, put up, call, take a leak, key, cause, urinate, work, fix, realise, stool, seduce

    undo, break, unmake

  23. have, get, makeverb

    achieve a point or goal

    "Nicklaus had a 70"; "The Brazilian team got 4 goals"; "She made 29 points that day"

    wee-wee, take, hit, bring in, construct, mystify, experience, develop, draw, stool, have, lay down, piddle, hold, become, sustain, ready, piss, receive, constitute, crap, scram, do, consume, go, stimulate, sire, drive, engender, get to, make believe, shit, fix, pay back, stick, suffer, pass water, beat, seduce, make water, set about, progress to, get down, arrive, name, pretend, cook, incur, deliver, gain, make up, contract, bring forth, grow, attain, dumbfound, stupefy, start, birth, micturate, realize, create, arrest, accept, give, bring, bewilder, pull in, mother, induce, form, buzz off, catch, defecate, pee, let, feature, obtain, beget, flummox, wee, ca-ca, reach, get, generate, prepare, capture, have got, find, amaze, take a shit, baffle, produce, score, start out, pose, build, vex, give birth, aim, throw, perplex, arrive at, pee-pee, gravel, begin, relieve oneself, fetch, spend a penny, father, bear, get under one's skin, puddle, take a crap, puzzle, clear, set out, earn, establish, convey, own, nominate, acquire, come, take a leak, pay off, possess, bugger off, cause, urinate, ingest, take in, work, realise, nonplus, commence

    undo, unmake, break

  24. reach, make, attain, hit, arrive at, gainverb

    reach a destination, either real or abstract

    "We hit Detroit by noon"; "The water reached the doorstep"; "We barely made it to the finish line"; "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"

    wee-wee, take, put on, micturate, bring in, construct, chance on, come upon, draw, stool, cook, have, piddle, hold, chance upon, piss, polish off, constitute, run into, remove, discover, light upon, do, reach, earn, make believe, contact, collide with, get to, shit, hand, defecate, lay down, name, pass water, off, stimulate, make headway, progress to, create, crap, derive, take a shit, pretend, make water, gain, ready, gather, strive, establish, extend to, realize, make up, strike, get through, dispatch, accomplish, give, attain, relieve oneself, pull in, wee, induce, form, pee, benefit, strain, ca-ca, pull ahead, get, prepare, bump off, murder, advance, profit, take in, come across, get ahead, score, stumble, build, shoot, turn over, throw, slay, arrive at, pee-pee, tally, impinge on, reach out, spend a penny, pip, fall upon, pass, puddle, take a crap, rack up, clear, hit, produce, gain ground, nominate, acquire, achieve, come to, take a leak, touch, win, happen upon, get hold of, cause, urinate, work, fix, realise, seduce, pass on

    unmake, break, undo

  25. lay down, establish, makeverb

    institute, enact, or establish

    "make laws"

    wee-wee, take, hit, bring in, construct, demonstrate, draw, cook, have, piddle, launch, plant, piss, constitute, do, stool, earn, make believe, get to, hold, shit, defecate, lay down, institute, name, install, set up, stimulate, progress to, create, crap, take a shit, pretend, make water, gain, ready, found, establish, realize, make up, shew, give, attain, pull in, induce, form, pee, show, wee, ca-ca, get, prepare, base, micturate, ground, reach, prove, build, throw, pass water, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, instal, spend a penny, take in, puddle, take a crap, clear, produce, nominate, take a leak, score, cause, urinate, work, fix, realise, seduce

    unmake, undo, break

  26. makeverb

    carry out or commit

    "make a mistake"; "commit a faux-pas"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, break, undo

  27. makeverb

    form by assembling individuals or constituents

    "Make a quorum"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, undo, break

  28. hold, throw, have, make, giveverb

    organize or be responsible for

    "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course"

    render, realize, move over, cast, hold in, restrain, afford, experience, dedicate, get to, devote, cave in, name, confuse, accommodate, defy, shake off, produce, sacrifice, maintain, earn, progress to, entertain, make up, work, take, confine, take a crap, feature, drop, create, contain, deliver, shit, possess, pass water, hit, book, cook, arrive at, cause, wee-wee, do, consume, spend a penny, shed, thrust, stool, moderate, give birth, build, construct, induce, birth, founder, present, concur, open, pee, keep, guard, bind, wee, hold back, constitute, yield, bedevil, lay down, reach, establish, check, piddle, generate, draw, return, pull in, pee-pee, hurl, project, pay, throw off, keep back, go for, fuddle, form, ingest, gift, ease up, receive, prepare, attain, own, kick in, crap, support, accept, pretend, harbor, break, impart, realise, apply, bring in, contrive, fall in, obtain, hold, take for, fox, have got, confound, hold up, agree, concord, pass on, cast off, make believe, declare, ca-ca, adjudge, feed, piss, nurse, grant, let, withstand, get, score, hand, bemuse, urinate, oblige, bear, puddle, admit, defend, arrest, harbour, give way, contribute, deem, befuddle, take a shit, chip in, switch, ready, defecate, micturate, make water, fix, throw, take in, view as, flip, clear, retain, reserve, have, halt, turn over, carry, collapse, obligate, discombobulate, suffer, stimulate, sustain, commit, take a leak, give, seduce, pass, gain, consecrate, relieve oneself, bewilder, prevail, control, nominate, throw away, leave, take hold, curb

    break, unmake, undo

  29. make, make upverb

    put in order or neaten

    "make the bed"; "make up a room"

    wee-wee, take, micturate, bring in, catch up with, construct, draw, cook, have, piddle, hold, even out, even off, piss, constitute, do, reach, earn, make believe, reconcile, get to, shit, defecate, lay down, name, pass water, comprise, pay, progress to, create, crap, take a shit, pretend, make water, gain, ready, stimulate, establish, be, realize, make up, compensate, correct, give, attain, pull in, urinate, induce, form, pee, patch up, fabricate, wee, ca-ca, get, prepare, hit, score, build, throw, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, even up, represent, take in, puddle, take a crap, cook up, clear, invent, produce, nominate, take a leak, pay off, cause, manufacture, settle, counterbalance, work, conciliate, fix, realise, stool, seduce

    break, unmake, undo

  30. take, makeverb

    head into a specified direction

    "The escaped convict took to the hills"; "We made for the mountains"

    require, take, read, hit, occupy, subscribe to, withdraw, construct, lead, ingest, take on, carry, draw, assume, have, piddle, hold, choose, reach, study, learn, fill, piss, pull in, necessitate, prepare, do, consume, earn, stimulate, drive, hire, micturate, get to, shit, defecate, lay down, consider, need, rent, name, attain, score, pick out, make water, progress to, create, crap, take a shit, pretend, cook, wee-wee, gain, contract, deal, adopt, film, remove, demand, establish, lease, realize, take aim, make up, take up, give, train, strike, use up, select, induce, form, engage, pee, claim, wee, ca-ca, get, get hold of, exact, take away, pack, throw, call for, take in, bring, submit, convey, build, shoot, aim, direct, make believe, charter, arrive at, constitute, pee-pee, ready, relieve oneself, contain, spend a penny, stool, urinate, subscribe, puddle, take a crap, clear, produce, involve, acquire, look at, postulate, bring in, take a leak, accept, guide, admit, cause, nominate, pass water, work, ask, fix, realise, conduct, seduce

    undo, break, unmake

  31. stool, defecate, shit, take a shit, take a crap, ca-ca, crap, makeverb

    have a bowel movement

    "The dog had made in the flower beds"

    urinate, earn, betray, take in, pass water, micturate, relieve oneself, score, stag, pull in, progress to, bring in, get, stool, make up, attain, arrive at, cook, cause, fix, tiller, gain, defecate, spend a penny, take a shit, wee, hit, reach, take, have, pee-pee, seduce, snitch, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, shit, give away, grass, make water, realise, work, do, give, crap, shop, create, induce, take a leak, hold, puddle, clear, lay down, prepare, produce, nominate, wee-wee, establish, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, denounce, make believe, constitute, tell on, realize, piddle, pretend, ca-ca, rat, build

    undo, unmake, break

  32. makeverb

    undergo fabrication or creation

    "This wool makes into a nice sweater"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    break, unmake, undo

  33. makeverb

    be suitable for

    "Wood makes good furniture"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, unmake, break

  34. makeverb

    add up to

    "four and four make eight"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, break, unmake

  35. makeverb

    amount to

    "This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    break, undo, unmake

  36. makeverb

    constitute the essence of

    "Clothes make the man"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, unmake, break

  37. makeverb

    appear to begin an activity

    "He made to speak but said nothing in the end"; "She made as if to say hello to us"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, break, undo

  38. make, workverb

    proceed along a path

    "work one's way through the crowd"; "make one's way into the forest"

    wee-wee, wreak, take, micturate, bring in, run, construct, draw, operate, have, lay down, solve, piddle, hold, function, mold, piss, act, constitute, do, earn, reach, go, make believe, act upon, get to, shit, defecate, crop, do work, bring, name, pass water, process, mould, stimulate, progress to, create, crap, take a shit, pretend, make water, gain, ready, ferment, establish, knead, realize, play, make up, give, attain, pull in, induce, form, exploit, pee, wee, cultivate, ca-ca, get, prepare, figure out, shape, work out, lick, hit, produce, score, turn, build, influence, forge, throw, put to work, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, puzzle out, take in, puddle, take a crap, clear, cook, work on, exercise, nominate, sour, take a leak, cause, urinate, make for, work, fix, realise, stool, seduce

    undo, unmake, break

  39. makeverb

    reach in time

    "We barely made the plane"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, break, undo

  40. makeverb

    gather and light the materials for

    "make a fire"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, break, undo

  41. cook, fix, ready, make, prepareverb

    prepare for eating by applying heat

    "Cook me dinner, please"; "can you make me an omelette?"; "fix breakfast for the guests, please"

    wee-wee, take, hit, bring in, desexualise, restore, construct, doctor, draw, stool, have, lay down, mend, piddle, hold, desex, piss, constitute, fudge, do, reach, earn, stimulate, get to, shit, fix, pay back, posit, name, falsify, fixate, define, make water, progress to, create, crap, take a shit, pretend, cook, gain, ready, defecate, establish, pee, realize, train, make up, specify, bushel, develop, sterilise, give, unsex, attain, relieve oneself, pull in, set, wee, induce, form, spend a penny, touch on, gear up, limit, fake, prepare, micturate, deposit, furbish up, take in, machinate, organise, repair, score, get, secure, build, situate, make believe, throw, pass water, arrive at, pee-pee, sterilize, set up, ca-ca, devise, misrepresent, determine, puddle, take a crap, clear, produce, nominate, groom, educate, manipulate, organize, take a leak, fasten, pay off, desexualize, cause, urinate, get up, wangle, work, realise, seduce

    unmake, undo, break

  42. seduce, score, makeverb

    induce to have sex

    "Harry finally seduced Sally"; "Did you score last night?"; "Harry made Sally"

    urinate, earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, lay down, pull in, progress to, attain, get, stool, make up, hit, rack up, cook, cause, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, shit, take a shit, wee, nock, reach, take, have, pee-pee, arrive at, score, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, grade, throw, form, gain, micturate, mark, spend a penny, realise, work, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, puddle, clear, make water, prepare, piss, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, tally, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, pretend, ca-ca, build

    unmake, break, undo

  43. makeverb

    assure the success of

    "A good review by this critic will make your play!"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    break, undo, unmake

  44. make, pretend, make believeverb

    represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like

    "She makes like an actress"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, dissemble, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, act, throw, hazard, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, venture, cause, realise, do, give, crap, affect, take a leak, sham, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, guess, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, feign, realize, piddle, profess, ca-ca, build

    undo, unmake, break

  45. makeverb

    consider as being

    "It wasn't the problem some people made it"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, break, unmake

  46. makeverb

    calculate as being

    "I make the height about 100 feet"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    break, undo, unmake

  47. makeverb

    cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable

    "make my day"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, break, unmake

  48. makeverb

    favor the development of

    "Practice makes the winner"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    break, unmake, undo

  49. makeverb

    develop into

    "He will make a splendid father!"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, unmake, break

  50. makeverb

    behave in a certain way

    "make merry"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, hold, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, ca-ca, build

    undo, break, unmake

  51. make, urinate, piddle, puddle, micturate, piss, pee, pee-pee, make water, relieve oneself, take a leak, spend a penny, wee, wee-wee, pass waterverb

    eliminate urine

    "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"

    earn, create, take in, pass water, relieve oneself, score, lay down, pull in, progress to, prepare, get, stool, make up, hit, arrive at, cook, addle, attain, fix, establish, seduce, defecate, urinate, work, wee, puddle, reach, take, have, pee-pee, pretend, shit, wanton, stimulate, pee, get to, construct, throw, form, gain, micturate, take a shit, trifle, cause, realise, do, give, crap, take a leak, induce, piddle away, hold, wanton away, clear, make water, spend a penny, produce, nominate, wee-wee, ready, piss, name, take a crap, draw, bring in, make believe, constitute, realize, piddle, muddle, ca-ca, build

    unmake, undo, break

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. makeverb

    create, bring into being

  2. makeverb

    frame, fashion, mould, shape, form, figure

  3. makeverb

    produce, effect, be productive of

  4. makeverb

    constitute, compose

  5. makeverb

    perform, do, execute, practise

  6. makeverb

    secure, gain, acquire, get

  7. makeverb

    compel, constrain, force

  8. makeverb

    represent, show

  9. makeverb

    proceed, go, travel, journey, tend, move

  10. makeverb

    contribute, conduce, operate, have effect

  11. makenoun

    structure, construction, texture, constitution

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. makenoun

    construction, shape, form, structure, conformation

  2. makeverb

    force, compel, coerce, constrain, require, necessitate, occasion, oblige, create, construct, fabricate manufacture, compose, invent, prepare, concoct, shape, form, forge

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How to use make in a sentence?

  1. Todd Stern:

    The commitment of both leaders to addressing this global challenge is clear and I expect under their leadership North America will make significant progress this year.

  2. Donald Trump:

    Richard Grenell's using that to make a deal with North Korea ? And I don't blame Kim Jong Un for what Kim Jong said after that, and Kim Jong wanted nothing to do with John Bolton. And that's not a question of being tough. That's a question of being not smart to say something like that.

  3. Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

    I did not seek this office to be the first anything, but I ran to make Arkansas first in everything.

  4. unknown:

    You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.

  5. John Kerry:

    We hope to go to Sharm el-Sheikh with a clear roadmap of what has been accomplished with respect to those promises made, and what has been done to raise the level of ambition and commitment from those who haven't yet done that, that's our current target, with this effort here. We're currently gearing up to try to make sure that we can get done all the things I just described.

Translations for make

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • maak, vorm, produseer, doenAfrikaans
  • መስራትAmharic
  • صنع, فعلArabic
  • зрабі́ць, рабі́цьBelarusian
  • ferCatalan, Valencian
  • udělat, ustlat, tvořit, vyrábět, přimět, značka, donutit, stavět, činit, stlát, vytvářet, dělat, přinutitCzech
  • gorfodi, creu, cynhyrchu, awgrymu, dehongliWelsh
  • gøre, fremstille, fabrikat, udføre, mærke, lave, få til, skabeDanish
  • machen, zwingen, interpretieren, bringen, Fabrikat, lassen, Marke, produzieren, bauenGerman
  • μάρκα, καταλαβαίνω, κατασκευάζω, φτιάχνω, κάνω, καταφέρνωGreek
  • markoEsperanto
  • hacer, producir, marca, obligar, formarSpanish
  • ساختنPersian
  • merkki, tulkita, tehdä, luoda, tunnistaa, tuottaa, teettää, rakentaa, saada, pakottaa, ajatella, malli, ollaFinnish
  • gagner, marque, faire, rendreFrench
  • tinke, meitsje, dwaan litte, grutmeitsje, fertsjinje, foarmjeWestern Frisian
  • tabhair ar, déanIrish
  • dèan, càirichScottish Gaelic
  • facerGalician
  • גרם, בנה, הכריח, עשהHebrew
  • बनानाHindi
  • készít, csinálHungarian
  • դարձնել, մեկնաբանել, ստեղծել, հարկադրել, պատրաստել, շինել, -եցն-, -ցն-, կազմել, մակնիշ, սարքել, անել, -ացն-, հասկանալ, լինել, դրդել, արտադրել, ստիպելArmenian
  • marca, fare, rendereItalian
  • 製, させる, 作る, メーク, 解釈, 成し遂げる, 創造, 推測, 製造, 構成, 成す, 創る, 強制, 生産, 銘柄, 引き起こす, 建設, [[原因]]に[[なる]]Japanese
  • 만들다, 하다Korean
  • distingo, facio, ago, struo, creo, cogo, compello, producoLatin
  • hangaMāori
  • maken, doen, brengen, denken, vormen, merk, interpreterenDutch
  • czynić, tworzyć, zmuszać, konstruować, sprawiać, robić, markaPolish
  • marca, interpretar, fazer, construirPortuguese
  • faceRomanian
  • де́лать, изгото́вить, прину́дить, создава́ть, изгота́вливать, ма́рка, созда́ть, изготовля́ть, принужда́ть, сде́лать, заставля́ть, заста́витьRussian
  • nareditiSlovene
  • märke, göraSwedish
  • виготовля́ти, роби́ти, вигото́вити, зроби́тиUkrainian
  • بناناUrdu
  • làmVietnamese
  • 製作Chinese

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