いくつかの代替単語は何ですか 減少?

同義語 減少

このシソーラスページはすべての可能な同義語、その用語と同等の、同じ意味および類似の単語です、 減少.

Japanese WordNet / Princeton WordNet

  1. 減少verb


    「学期の終わりに向かって減少する宿題の量」; 「客室の与圧は劇的に下った」; 「彼女の体重が100ポンド未満に落ちた」; 「彼は声をひそめた」

    decrease in size, extent, or range

    "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper"



    wear off or die down

    "The pain subsided"



    become smaller or lose substance

    "Her savings dwindled down"

    カットして減らす; 減少させる

    「毎日の脂肪摂取量を減少させてください」; 「雇用者は医療補助を削減したい」

    cut down on; make a reduction in

    "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"



    grow smaller

    "Interest in the project waned"



    make smaller

    "He decreased his staff"

    Hyponym: かいつまむ, かみ殺す, しぼむ, たゆむ, つづめる, スピードダウン, スローダウン, ダウン, デクレッシェンド, デスカレート, デスカレート, 下がる, 下げる, 下向く, 下落, 下降, 乾からびる, 乾びる, 乾涸びる, 低まる, 低める, 低下, 低減, 先細り, 凋む, 凋落, 切り上げる, 切り下げる, 切り詰める, 切り詰める, 切上げる, 切削, 刪削, 刪削, 制限, 削ぐ, 削る, 削る, 削減, 削減, 収縮, 収縮させる, 和らぐ, 和らぐ, 失せる, 干からびる, 干涸びる, 式微, 引き下げる, 引下げる, 弛む, 弛む, 弱まる, 弱る, 徐行, 抑える, 抑える, 摘果, 最小化, 梳る, 極小化, 殺ぐ, 消える, 消去, 消和, 涸びる, 減じる, 減じる, 減す, 減ずる, 減ずる, 減ずる, 減らす, 減らす, 減らす, 減る, 減る, 減る, 減損, 減殺, 減衰, 減軽, 減退, 減速, 減額, 漸減, 炒る, 無くなる, 煎じ詰める, 煎りつく, 煎る, 煮出す, 熬る, 狭める, 狭める, 略す, 略する, 略筆, 疎抜く, 省略, 省約, 省除, 短縮, 短縮, 窄む, 端折る, 端折る, 節する, 節倹, 節減, 節略, 節略, 節約, 約す, 約す, 約する, 約する, 約める, 約める, 緩む, 緩む, 縮まる, 縮まる, 縮む, 縮む, 縮む, 縮める, 縮める, 縮める, 縮める, 縮る, 縮小, 縮小, 縮小, 縮減, 縮約, 膨張, 萎々する, 萎える, 萎え萎えする, 萎びる, 萎む, 萎れる, 萎萎する, 落す, 落ちこむ, 落ちる, 落ち込む, 落つ, 落とす, 落る, 薄める, 薄らぐ, 薄れる, 虚抜く, 衰える, 衰える, 衰微, 衰耗, 衰萎, 衰退, 衰頽, 要略, 言いおとす, 言い落す, 言い貶す, 言落す, 言落とす, 言貶す, 詰まる, 詰める, 貶する, 蹙る, 軽減, 軽減, 透かす, 透す, 鎮まる, 間びく, 間伐, 間引, 間引き, 間引く, 限る, 限定, 静まる, 音を低くする, 音を小さくする, abate, abate, abbreviate, abridge, belittle, boil down, boil down, break, break, bring down, circumscribe, concentrate, concentrate, confine, contract, contract, cut, cut, cut, cut back, cut down, de-escalate, de-escalate, decelerate, decline, decoct, decrescendo, deflate, deflate, depreciate, detract, devaluate, devalue, die away, diminish, dip, downsize, drop, drop off, dwindle, dwindle away, dwindle down, ease off, ease up, flag, fly, foreshorten, go down, inflate, knock off, let up, limit, lour, lower, minimise, minimize, mitigate, pare, pare down, quench, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, relax, remit, retard, retrench, shave, shorten, shorten, shorten, shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink, shrivel, shrivel, shrivel up, slack, slack, slack, slack off, slack up, slacken, slacken off, slake, slash, slow, slow down, slow up, spill, step down, subtract, suppress, take away, taper, thin, thin out, thin out, trim, trim back, trim down, turn down, undervalue, vanish, vaporize, wane, wane, wane, weaken, weaken, wear on, wither

    Synonym(s): 下がる, 下伸, 下伸び, 下向く, 下落, 下降, 低まる, 低下, 低下, 低減, 低減, 低減, 低落, 先ぼそる, 先細り, 凋落, 凋落, 切削, 刪削, 削ぐ, 削る, 削減, 和らぐ, 式微, 弱る, 殺ぐ, 治まる, 減じる, 減じる, 減じる, 減じる, 減す, 減す, 減ずる, 減ずる, 減ずる, 減ずる, 減ずる, 減らす, 減らす, 減る, 減る, 減る, 減る, 減損, 減損, 減殺, 減殺, 減殺, 減衰, 減軽, 減退, 減退, 減量, 減額, 漸減, 省除, 短縮, 窄む, 節する, 節倹, 節減, 節略, 節約, 約す, 約する, 約める, 累減, 緩和, 縮む, 縮小, 縮小, 縮小, 縮減, 落ちこむ, 落ちる, 落ち込む, 衰える, 衰微, 衰耗, 衰萎, 衰退, 衰頽, 軽減, 退潮, 鎮まる, 鎮もる, 静まる, 静もる, bring down, cut, cut back, cut down, decline, decrease, decrease, diminish, dwindle, dwindle away, dwindle down, fall, go down, lessen, lessen, lessen, minify, reduce, subside, trim, trim back, trim down, wane

    Hypernym(s): スイッチ, チェンジ, 下がる, 下がる, 下伸, 下伸, 下伸び, 下伸び, 下向く, 下向く, 下落, 下落, 下降, 下降, 付替える, 低下, 低下, 低減, 低減, 低減, 低落, 低落, 修整, 修正, 先ぼそる, 先ぼそる, 入れかえる, 入れ代える, 入れ換える, 入れ替える, 入換える, 入替える, 凋落, 凋落, 切り変える, 切り換える, 切り替える, 切換える, 切替える, 刷新, 動かす, 変える, 変化, 変形, 変換, 変換える, 変更, 変造, 変革, 奪胎, 崩す, 手直し, 挿げかえる, 挿げ替える, 換える, 改む, 改める, 改変, 改定, 改易, 改正, 改築, 改造, 模様替, 模様替え, 決めなおす, 決め直す, 決直す, 減じる, 減じる, 減じる, 減す, 減ずる, 減ずる, 減ずる, 減らす, 減る, 減る, 減損, 減殺, 減殺, 減殺, 減退, 減退, 減量, 減量, 異ならす, 異らす, 直す, 累減, 縮小, 繰りかえる, 置きかえる, 脱胎, 落ちこむ, 落ちこむ, 落ちる, 落ちる, 落ち込む, 落ち込む, 退潮, 退潮, 違える, alter, change, change magnitude, decrease, decrease, decrease, diminish, diminish, fall, fall, lessen, lessen, lessen, minify, modify, weaken

  2. 減少noun


    the act of reducing complexity


    the act of decreasing or reducing something



    the act of reducing the amount or number

    "the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget"


    「ダウ・ジョーンズ平均株価指数の57ポイントの急落」; 「肺動脈に圧力の低下があった」; 「価格の低下」; 「それが明らかとなったとき、彼らの株の価格は大暴落し始めた」

    a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity

    "a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index"; "there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery"; "a dip in prices"; "when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall"


    「熱が引いて、彼の体温が下がった」; 「売り上げの急な減少があった」

    a change downward

    "there was a decrease in his temperature as the fever subsided"; "there was a sharp drop-off in sales"



    a sudden decline in strength or number or importance

    "the fall of the House of Hapsburg"



    an appreciable consequence (especially a lessening)

    "it made a dent in my bank account"


    change toward something smaller or lower


    a process of becoming smaller or shorter


    「体重の減少」; 「取引上の重大な損失」

    gradual decline in amount or activity

    "weight loss"; "a serious loss of business"

    Hyponym: あっ化, お負け, ウェイン, カット, カットバック, サービス, ディスカウント, デスカレーション, デバリュエーション, プライスダウン, 下がり, 下り坂, 下坂, 下方への傾き, 下落, 下落, 下降, 中庸, 中道, 予算削減, 仮借, 低下, 低下, 低減, 低落, 値下げ, 値引, 値引き, 値引き, 傷害, 償却, 償還, 削減, 削減, 割り引き, 割引, 収縮, 収縮, 変質, 天引き, 差し引き, 差引, 平価切り下げ, 平価切下げ, 引き下げ, 弱体化, 御負け, 急降下, 悪化, 慰め, 扣除, 控除, 損減, 摩擦, 改悪, 最小化, 株式併合, 消耗, , 減俸, 減給, 減退, 減退, 減額, 漸減, 漸減, 狭小化, 短縮, 短縮, 税額控除, 節制, 節度, 給与カット, 緊縮, 緩和, 緩和, 縮み, 縮み, 縮小, 縮小, 脱感作, 腐敗, 腐朽, 落込み, 賃下げ, 軽減, 退廃, 電圧降下, 頃合, 頃合い, 頽廃, alleviation, amortisation, amortization, anticlimax, attrition, budget cut, casualty, contraction, correction, cost cutting, cut, cutback, de-escalation, decay, declassification, declension, decline, decline, decline in quality, deduction, deduction, deflation, depletion, depreciation, desensitisation, desensitization, deterioration, detumescence, devaluation, devitalisation, devitalization, diminution, discount, dwindling, dwindling away, easement, easing, ebb, ebbing, epilation, erosion, extenuation, loss, lowering, minimisation, minimization, mitigation, mitigation, moderation, narrowing, nosedive, palliation, pay cut, price cut, price cutting, price reduction, reducing, relief, reverse split, reverse stock split, rollback, salary cut, schematisation, schematization, shelter, shortening, shrinkage, shrinking, shrinking, sinking, sinking spell, slippage, slippage, spending cut, split down, subtraction, tax credit, tax cut, tax shelter, voltage drop, wane, waning, wastage, weakening, worsening

    Hypernym(s): うつり変わり, プロセス, 下がり, 下り坂, 下坂, 下方への傾き, 下落, 下降, 仕儀, 低下, 低減, 低落, 作用, 効果, 変り, 変わり, 変わりよう, 変わり様, 変動, 変化, 変型, 変容, 変形, 変態, 変成, 変換, 変換え, 変改, 変改, 変易, 変易, 変更, 変更, 変替, 変替え, 変様, 変相, 変移, 変調, 変質, 変転, 変遷, 変革, 始末, 弱まり, 弱り, 弱化, 影響, 径路, 成り行き, 成果, 成行き, 損減, 損減, 改変, , 模様替, 模様替え, 減り, 減少量, 減損, 減段, 漸減, 異変, 移い, 移り変り, 移り変わり, 移ろい, 経過, 結末, 結果, 縮小, 縮小, 縮減, 至り, 落込み, , 衰え, 転変, 転遷, 逕路, 過程, 遷り変り, 遷り変わり, 遷移, 首尾, alteration, change, change, change of magnitude, consequence, decline, decrease, decrease, decrease, decrement, decrement, diminution, diminution, effect, event, issue, modification, outcome, physical process, process, reduction, result, step-down, upshot, weakening

    Synonym(s): カット, フォール, リダクション, 下がり, 下がり, 下り坂, 下坂, 下方への傾き, 下落, 下落, 下落, 下落, 下降, 不良化, 低下, 低下, 低下, 低減, 低減, 低減, 低減, 低減, 低落, 低落, 値下げ, 凋落, 切り詰め, 削減, 削減, 失陥, 引き下げ, 引き下げ, 損減, 損減, 損減, 没落, , , 減り, 減反, 減損, 減損, 減数, 減段, 減段, 減退, 減退, 減量, 減額, 滅亡, 漸減, 短縮, 破滅, 節減, 簡素化, 累減, 縮小, 縮小, 縮小, 縮小, 縮減, 落し, 落下, 落込み, 衰亡, 転落, 還元, 降下, 顛落, cut, decline, decrease, decrease, decrease, decrement, dent, diminution, diminution, dip, downfall, drop, drop-off, fall, fall, free fall, lessening, loss, reduction, reduction, simplification, step-down




"減少." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 28 Apr. 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/jsynonym/%E6%B8%9B%E5%B0%91>.

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Are you a human thesaurus?

Which of the following terms is not a synonym for "Tolerable"?
A passable
B fair to middling
C constructive
D adequate


別の検索オプションの 減少: