What is another word for strike?
Synonyms for strike
This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word strike.
English Synonyms and Antonyms
Strike is the word for a single blow; to beat is to strike repeatedly, as a bird beats the air with its wings. Others of the above words describe the manner of beating, as bastinado, to beat on the soles of the feet; belabor, to inflict a comprehensive and exhaustive beating; cudgel, to beat with a stick; thrash, as wheat was beaten out with the old hand-flail; to pound (akin to Latin pondus, a weight) is to beat with a heavy, and pommel with a blunt, instrument. To batter and to bruise refer to the results of beating; that is battered which is broken or defaced by repeated blows on the surface (compare synonyms for SHATTER); that is bruised which has suffered even one severe contusion. The metaphorical sense of beat, however, so far preponderates that one may be very badly bruised and battered, and yet not be said to be beaten, unless he has got the worst of the beating. To beat a combatant is to disable or dishearten him for further fighting. Hence beat becomes the synonym for every word which implies getting the advantage of another. Compare CONQUER.
Almost all antonyms in this class are passive, and can be formed indefinitely from the conquering words by the use of the auxiliary be; as, be beaten, be defeated, be conquered, etc.
bastinado, batter, beat, belabor, bruise, castigate, chastise, conquer, cudgel, defeat, flog, overcome, pommel, pound, scourge, smite, spank, surpass, switch, thrash, vanquish, whip, worstAntonyms:
fail, fall, get the worst of, go down, go under, surrenderPreposition:
Beat with a stick over the head; beat by a trick; out of town; beat to the ground; into submission.
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
Princeton's WordNet
strike, work stoppagenoun
a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions
"the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled"
ten-strike, bang, smasher, work stoppage, hit, smash, rap, tapstrikenoun
an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective
"the strike was scheduled to begin at dawn"
ten-strike, bang, smasher, work stoppage, hit, smash, rap, taprap, strike, tapnoun
a gentle blow
dab, ten-strike, bang, water tap, smasher, rap, tap, belt, spigot, knock, work stoppage, hydrant, pat, whang, blame, hit, whack, rap music, hip-hop, water faucet, wiretap, smashstrike, ten-strikenoun
a score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ball
"he finished with three strikes in the tenth frame"
ten-strike, bang, smasher, work stoppage, hit, smash, rap, tapstrikenoun
(baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter's knees and shoulders
"this pitcher throws more strikes than balls"
ten-strike, bang, smasher, work stoppage, hit, smash, rap, taphit, smash, smasher, strike, bangverb
a conspicuous success
"that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career"; "that new Broadway show is a real smasher"; "the party went with a bang"
charge, hit, crash, belt, fringe, smash, beauty, knock, bam, ten-strike, striking, clap, lulu, stunner, kick, looker, eruption, boot, sweetheart, smasher, flush, thrill, collision, work stoppage, ravisher, hitting, rap, tap, bash, blast, rush, overhead, bang, peach, mantrap, smash-up, dish, knockoutstrikeverb
deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon
"The teacher struck the child"; "the opponent refused to strike"; "The boxer struck the attacker dead"
discover, chance on, chance upon, shine, expunge, take up, fall upon, coin, happen upon, run into, attain, come across, assume, affect, impinge on, light upon, scratch, impress, collide with, mint, strickle, fall, hit, take, move, come upon, walk out, come to, exciseaffect, impress, move, strikeverb
have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
"This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"
touch, chance upon, dissemble, incite, act, expunge, move, motivate, affect, strickle, imprint, attain, be active, come upon, chance on, propel, impress, impact, take, fall upon, involve, shanghai, ingrain, assume, displace, make a motion, excise, collide with, coin, yarn-dye, fall, proceed, walk out, impinge on, go, sham, run into, scratch, shine, hit, prompt, regard, touch on, take up, bear on, locomote, mint, instill, travel, happen upon, bear upon, pretend, come to, run, print, feign, actuate, light upon, come across, discoverhit, strike, impinge on, run into, collide withverb
hit against; come into sudden contact with
"The car hit a tree"; "He struck the table with his elbow"
chance upon, shoot, excise, dispatch, butt against, move, hit, arrive at, strickle, attain, chance on, reach, take, fall upon, meet, score, knock against, make, off, polish off, pip, assume, mint, collide with, coin, gain, encounter, fall, walk out, impinge on, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, stumble, slay, run across, shine, jar against, murder, rack up, tally, impress, bump into, come across, take up, come to, expunge, come upon, light upon, see, discover, bump off, removestrike, hitverb
make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target
"The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939"; "We must strike the enemy's oil fields"; "in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2"
chance upon, shoot, excise, dispatch, move, hit, arrive at, attain, chance on, off, reach, take, fall upon, score, rack up, make, assume, polish off, pip, collide with, coin, gain, fall, walk out, impinge on, shine, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, stumble, bump off, slay, come across, mint, strickle, tally, impress, come to, expunge, come upon, light upon, murder, take up, discover, removestrikeverb
indicate (a certain time) by striking
"The clock struck midnight"; "Just when I entered, the clock struck"
discover, chance on, chance upon, shine, expunge, take up, fall upon, coin, happen upon, run into, attain, come across, assume, affect, impinge on, light upon, scratch, impress, collide with, mint, strickle, fall, hit, take, move, come upon, walk out, come to, excisehit, strikeverb
affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely
"We were hit by really bad weather"; "He was stricken with cancer when he was still a teenager"; "The earthquake struck at midnight"
chance upon, shoot, excise, dispatch, move, hit, arrive at, strickle, attain, chance on, reach, take, fall upon, score, make, off, polish off, pip, assume, mint, collide with, coin, gain, fall, walk out, impinge on, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, stumble, slay, shine, murder, rack up, tally, impress, come across, take up, come to, expunge, come upon, light upon, discover, bump off, removestrike, walk outverb
stop work in order to press demands
"The auto workers are striking for higher wages"; "The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not met"
discover, chance on, chance upon, shine, expunge, take up, fall upon, coin, happen upon, run into, attain, come across, assume, affect, impinge on, light upon, scratch, impress, collide with, mint, strickle, fall, hit, take, move, come upon, walk out, come to, excisefall, shine, strikeverb
touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly
"Light fell on her face"; "The sun shone on the fields"; "The light struck the golden necklace"; "A strange sound struck my ears"
reflect, settle, beam, excise, descend, fall down, lessen, decrease, hit, radiate, attain, return, glisten, fall upon, chance on, go down, take, diminish, flow, glow, chance upon, move, come down, assume, devolve, coin, fall, walk out, impinge on, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, glint, pass, smooth, gleam, shine, accrue, mint, strickle, impress, hang, come across, take up, come to, come, expunge, come upon, precipitate, glitter, collide with, light upon, smoothen, light, discover, polishcome to, strikeverb
"The horse finally struck a pace"
touch, chance upon, resuscitate, excise, hit, attain, pertain, chance on, concern, take, fall upon, refer, move, assume, collide with, coin, fall, walk out, impinge on, shine, touch on, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, revive, relate, come across, bear on, mint, strickle, impress, take up, come to, have-to doe with, expunge, come upon, light upon, discoverstrike, hitverb
produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically
"The pianist strikes a middle C"; "strike `z' on the keyboard"; "her comments struck a sour note"
chance upon, shoot, excise, dispatch, move, hit, arrive at, attain, chance on, off, reach, take, fall upon, score, rack up, make, assume, polish off, pip, collide with, coin, gain, fall, walk out, impinge on, shine, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, stumble, bump off, slay, come across, mint, strickle, tally, impress, come to, expunge, come upon, light upon, murder, take up, discover, removestrikeverb
cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp
"strike an arc"
discover, chance on, chance upon, shine, expunge, take up, fall upon, coin, happen upon, run into, attain, come across, assume, affect, impinge on, light upon, scratch, impress, collide with, mint, strickle, fall, hit, take, move, come upon, walk out, come to, excisefall upon, strike, come upon, light upon, chance upon, come across, chance on, happen upon, attain, discoververb
find unexpectedly
"the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb"; "she struck a goldmine"; "The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake"
detect, come over, chance upon, distinguish, excise, let out, hear, bring out, identify, hit, arrive at, disclose, attain, let on, chance on, describe, get word, reach, take, key, fall upon, meet, reveal, move, assume, enter upon, see, find out, collide with, coin, gain, encounter, give away, fall, divulge, walk out, impinge on, shine, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, achieve, pick up, run across, come across, resonate, observe, get a line, notice, key out, mint, strickle, name, accomplish, impress, expose, take up, come to, expunge, unwrap, break, learn, come upon, light upon, get wind, discover, luck into, find, makestrikeverb
produce by ignition or a blow
"strike fire from the flintstone"; "strike a match"
discover, chance on, chance upon, shine, expunge, take up, fall upon, coin, happen upon, run into, attain, come across, assume, affect, impinge on, light upon, scratch, impress, collide with, mint, strickle, fall, hit, take, move, come upon, walk out, come to, excisestrike, scratch, expunge, exciseverb
remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line
"Please strike this remark from the record"; "scratch that remark"
chance upon, itch, excise, impinge on, hit, fret, attain, chance on, scrub, take, come up, fall upon, rub, inscribe, move, assume, call off, collide with, coin, scrape up, cancel, fall, walk out, chafe, shine, affect, engrave, run into, scratch, happen upon, scratch up, come across, mint, strickle, impress, come to, scrape, expunge, come upon, light upon, take up, fray, discover, gravehit, strike, come toverb
cause to experience suddenly
"Panic struck me"; "An interesting idea hit her"; "A thought came to me"; "The thought struck terror in our minds"; "They were struck with fear"
touch, chance upon, resuscitate, shoot, excise, dispatch, move, hit, arrive at, strickle, attain, pertain, chance on, concern, reach, take, fall upon, refer, score, make, off, revive, polish off, pip, assume, mint, collide with, coin, gain, fall, walk out, impinge on, touch on, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, stumble, slay, relate, shine, bear on, murder, rack up, tally, impress, come across, take up, come to, have-to doe with, expunge, come upon, light upon, discover, bump off, removehit, strikeverb
drive something violently into a location
"he hit his fist on the table"; "she struck her head on the low ceiling"
chance upon, shoot, excise, dispatch, move, hit, arrive at, strickle, attain, chance on, reach, take, fall upon, score, make, off, polish off, pip, assume, mint, collide with, coin, gain, fall, walk out, impinge on, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, stumble, slay, shine, murder, rack up, tally, impress, come across, take up, come to, expunge, come upon, light upon, discover, bump off, removeassume, take, strike, take upverb
occupy or take on
"He assumes the lotus position"; "She took her seat on the stage"; "We took our seats in the orchestra"; "She took up her position behind the tree"; "strike a pose"
require, read, usurp, hit, occupy, subscribe to, withdraw, start, lead, ingest, take on, carry, deal, assume, resume, have, hold, choose, study, learn, fill, strickle, absorb, necessitate, discover, take over, consume, fall upon, sorb, don, hire, feign, chance upon, consider, need, rent, get into, come across, pick out, chance on, aim, simulate, coin, suck, draw, expunge, contract, adopt, film, remove, demand, presume, seize on, lease, walk out, fasten on, take aim, suck in, come upon, take up, bring, use up, select, take, come to, train, drive, sham, collide with, excise, make, claim, hook on, take for granted, get, get hold of, exact, take away, pack, soak up, call for, take in, scoop, lift out, light upon, submit, convey, move, shoot, engage, imbibe, direct, charter, put on, wear, sop up, impinge on, contain, run into, seize, bear, happen upon, mint, fall, subscribe, shine, borrow, scoop up, scratch, involve, acquire, suck up, look at, postulate, accept, impress, guide, admit, attain, scoop out, arrogate, ask, affect, conduct, latch onmint, coin, strikeverb
form by stamping, punching, or printing
"strike coins"; "strike a medal"
discover, chance on, chance upon, shine, expunge, take up, fall upon, happen upon, run into, attain, move, assume, affect, impinge on, light upon, scratch, come across, impress, collide with, mint, strickle, fall, hit, take, coin, come upon, walk out, come to, excisestrickle, strikeverb
smooth with a strickle
"strickle the grain in the measure"
discover, chance on, chance upon, shine, expunge, take up, fall upon, happen upon, run into, attain, move, assume, affect, impinge on, light upon, scratch, come across, impress, collide with, mint, strickle, fall, hit, take, coin, come upon, walk out, come to, excisestrikeverb
pierce with force
"The bullet struck her thigh"; "The icy wind struck through our coats"
discover, chance on, chance upon, shine, expunge, take up, fall upon, coin, happen upon, run into, attain, come across, assume, affect, impinge on, light upon, scratch, impress, collide with, mint, strickle, fall, hit, take, move, come upon, walk out, come to, excisestrikeverb
arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing
"strike a balance"; "strike a bargain"
discover, chance on, chance upon, shine, expunge, take up, fall upon, coin, happen upon, run into, attain, come across, assume, affect, impinge on, light upon, scratch, impress, collide with, mint, strickle, fall, hit, take, move, come upon, walk out, come to, excise
Matched Categories
Dictionary of English Synonymes
smite, beat, hit, knock, slap, bump, pound, give a blow tostrikeverb
deal a blowstrikeverb
sound (by percussion)strikeverb
dart, penetrate, pass quickly, shootstrikeverb
yield, surrender, strike the flagstrikeverb
[Modern.] rebel, mutiny, rise, quit work (in order to extort higher wages)strikenoun
strickle, straight-edgestrikenoun
suspension of work (in order to extort higher wages), turn-out
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words
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Song lyrics by strike -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by strike on the Lyrics.com website.
Usage in printed sourcesFrom:
- 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How to use strike in a sentence?
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield:
Wear your learning, like your watch, in a private pocket and do not pull it out and strike it, merely to show that you have one.
We are on your side, we stand with you together, its really designed to strike fear into people at a moment when fear is something weve got way too much of in this country.
Asocial is pretty much somebody that likes to be alone…they’re not hurting anybody, antisocial is when you strike out at society and have a lot of anger and resentment.
He is out of the induced coma and he has spoken to his lawyers, and his demands remain the same, he demands to be released immediately without any condition. He has agreed until tomorrow morning to continue with the same treatment keeping the IV in place and to continue with the hunger strike. He agreed to continue with this until tomorrow morning in order to give his lawyers time to reach an agreement with the state to release him.
Justin Turner said. They sure did. Seager homeredagain, Buehler pitched six scoreless innings and The Dodgers beat The Braves 3-1 on Saturday to send the NL Championship Series to a winner-take-all finale. CLICK HERE FOR MORE SPORTS COVERAGE ON Los Angeles avoided elimination for the second time in less than 24 hours, staying alive in Los Angeles pursuit of a third pennant in four years. Los Angeles hasnt won a championship since 1988. Im still sort of recovering from this one, but already thinking about Game 7, The Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said. Thats what you live for. Justin Turner also homered for Los Angeles, and Kenley Jansen threw a six-pitch ninth for Kenley Jansen 18th career postseason save. The NL West and East champions play again Sunday night, with the potential for two rookie starters in a Game 7 for the first time in big league history. Roberts was keeping his options open for his starting pitcher while The Braves plan to go with rookie right-hander Ian Anderson, who has thrown 15 2/3 scoreless innings in Ian Anderson three postseason starts. Tony Gonsolin and three-time NL Cy Young Award winner Clayton Kershaw are among the possibilities for Los Angeles. Shoot, well go out there and let er fly. A Game 7 is another baseball game, Atlanta manager Brian Snitker said. You have to treat it as such. The Braves were hoping to celebrate Snitkers 65th birthday Saturday with the franchises first World Series berth since 1999. But Max Fried took Max Fried first loss all year, working into the seventh inning after surrendering three runs during a rocky first. Buehler, using Stans Rodeo Ointment to deal with bothersome blisters, threw 65 of his 89 pitches for strikes. He allowed seven hits while striking out six without a walk. After Atlanta loaded the bases with three singles in a row to start the top of second the last hit by his Vanderbilt roommate Dansby Swanson the right-hander really brought the heat, with 10 consecutive fastballs to get out of the jam. Austin Riley struck out on a 98.7 mph pitch before Nick Markakis took a called third strike on 99.7 mph. Cristian Pache, the 21-year-old rookie who had an RBI in each of Cristian Pache first four NLCS starts, was retired on an inning-ending groundout. Cristian Pache mound presence is just unbelievable.
Translations for strike
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- إArabic
- stávkaCzech
- strejkeDanish
- StreikGerman
- απεργίαGreek
- HuelgaSpanish
- اعتصابPersian
- lakkoFinnish
- la grèveFrench
- धरनाHindi
- sztrájkHungarian
- menyerangIndonesian
- scioperoItalian
- לְהַכּוֹתHebrew
- ストライクJapanese
- 스트라이크Korean
- ForumLatin
- stakingDutch
- streikNorwegian
- strajkPolish
- grevePortuguese
- grevăRomanian
- забастовкаRussian
- strejkSwedish
- வேலைநிறுத்தம்Tamil
- การนัดหยุดงานThai
- grevTurkish
- страйкUkrainian
- ہڑتالUrdu
- đình côngVietnamese
- שלאָגןYiddish
- 罢工Chinese
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"strike." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 6 Mar. 2025. <https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/strike>.
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