いくつかの代替単語は何ですか 会話語?

同義語 会話語

このシソーラスページはすべての可能な同義語、その用語と同等の、同じ意味および類似の単語です、 会話語.

Japanese WordNet / Princeton WordNet

  1. 会話語noun

    口語的な言い回し; 気軽な発現を模倣しようとする話言葉、書き言葉に特徴的

    a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech

    In Domain (Usage): あちこち, あちらこちら, あっさり, あっちこっち, いい, いい, いい加減, いかがわしい, いかさま, いかれた, いっこう, いぶかしい, いやに, うさんくさい, うさん臭い, うさん臭げ, うまく, うろん, おおなおおな, おさおさ, おっきい, おもいきり, おもむろに, およそ, かたきし, かっこ良い, かならず, からきし, からきり, からっきし, きっと, きな臭い, きもっ玉, くまなく, ぐずぐず, けち, けち臭い, ご機嫌, ささい, さだめて, さっぱり, さんざっぱら, しがない, しみったれ, しゃっ面, じょじょに, じわじわ, じんわり, すかり, すくなくとも, すごい, すっかり, すっかり, すっぱり, すてき, すばらしい, すんなり, ずいぶん, ずっと, ずっと, ずっぷり, ずぶ, ぜひ, ぜひとも, そろそろ, たいへん, たわいない, たわい無い, ちさい, ちっこい, ちっちゃい, ちっぽけ, ちっぽけ, ちゃち, ちゃらんぽらん, ちょうど, つましい, つまらない, でか, でかい, でっかい, ところ嫌わず, ところ嫌わず, ところ構わず, ところ構わず, とっても, とっと, とっぽい, とっぽい, とても, とにかく, とまれかくまれ, ともあれ, ともあれかくもあれ, とんだ, とんと, とんま, どうしても, どうしようもないほど, どうぞ, どうでも, どこかに, どこかに, どこかへ, どこでも, どこにでも, どこにも, どこへでも, どこへも, どっさり, ど根性, なにがなんでも, なにはともあれ, なんでも, なんとも, のそのそ, のそり, のっそり, のったり, のろのろ, はなはだ, はるかに, ばりばり, ひどく, ぴたっと, ふっつと, ふっつり, ふつに, ぷっつり, へとへと, べったり, まったく, まったく, まるきり, まるっきり, まるで, まる切し, まる切り, まんざら, まんべんなく, みっしり, みっちり, むざむざ, もたもた, やおら, やけに, やすやす, やり手, ゆっくり, ゆったり, ゆらり, ゆるゆる, ゆるり, よい, よく, よくよく, よろしい, アイ, イケてる, ウーマン, カナリヤ, ガッツ, キスして抱擁, ギャル, クレージー, コーシャー, サツ, ジョニー, スケルチ, スタック, スープ, チープ, トリビアル, バクバク, ヘッドハンター, ホット, ホームストレッチ, ポークソーセージ, マフィア, リッツ, ワイヤード, 一に, 一円, 一切, 一向, 一回, 一面に, 万万, 万物の霊長, 万遍なく, 万遍無く, 上上, 下らない, 不審, 不快, 不精者, 世にも, 丸きし, 丸っきり, 丸っ切り, 丸で, 丸切, 丸切し, 丸切り, 事もなく, 些々たる, 些些たる, 些末, 些細, , 人間, 仕組み, 他愛ない, 低級, 何が何でも, 何でも, 何でもかでも, 何でもかんでも, 何でも彼でも, 何とぞ, 何とも, 何はともあれ, 何も, 何れ, 何処もかしこも, 何処もかしこも, 何処も彼処も, 何処も彼処も, 何処やら, 何卒, 何所やら, 何時までも, 倹約, 優しく, 優れた, 優等, 兎にかく, 兎にも角にも, 兎に角, 兎に角に, 兎もかく, 兎も角, 兎も角も, 全く, 全く, 全然, 凄腕, , 凡そ, 凡て, 十字線, 千代に八千代に, 卑小, , 善い, 善く善く, 堪らなく, 壱に, , 大-, 大いばり, 大きい, 大丈夫, 大事, 大変, 大層, 大経師, 奇麗さっぱり, 女性, 好い, 好い, 好い加減, 好ましい, 如何しても, 如何にも, 如何わしい, , 孰れ, 安々と, 安価, 安安と, 安手, 完全, 完膚なきまで, 完膚なきまでに, 完膚無き迄, 完膚無き迄に, 定めし, 定めて, 宜しい, 実状, 容易に, 小さ, 小さい, 小っちゃい, 小っちゃい, 少くとも, 少くも, 少なくとも, 少なくも, 尠くとも, 尠くも, 尽未来際, 屹度, 巨大, 幾久しく, 度胸, 延々, 延延, 当たりを付ける, 彼方此方, 徐々, 徐々に, 徐に, 徐ろに, 徐徐, 徐徐に, , 御機嫌, 微々たる, 微微たる, 徹底的, 徹頭徹尾, 心地よい, 心地好い, 必ず, 必ずや, 快い, 快適, 思い切り, 思切, 思切り, 急度, 怪しい, 怪しげ, 恐ろしい, 悉に, 悠々, 悠々, 悠悠, 悠悠, 意気, 意義深い, 愚か, 愚か, 愚劣, 愚昧, 愚癡, 愚盲, 愚蒙, 愚鈍, 愚陋, 慥かに, 憶病, 所かまわず, 所かまわず, 所きらわず, 所きらわず, 所嫌わず, 所嫌わず, 所構わず, 所構わず, 手もなく, 手も無く, 探偵, 掻い暮れ, 掻暮, 掻暮れ, 救いがたく, 断じて, 明白, 易々, 易易, 是っ非, 是非, 是非とも, 是非に, 是非共, 是非是非, 普く, 朝礼, 末梢的, 末長く, 根っから, 根性, 根性骨, 梼昧, 極々, 極極, 楽々, 楽に, 楽楽, 正しく, 此処彼処, 此所彼所, 歴々, 歴歴, 歴然, 死にもの狂いで, 気のふれた, 気安い, 気持ち悪い, 気持ち良い, 気楽, 気楽, 気概, 気病, 気骨, 永々, 永久に, 永永, 永遠に, 決して, 温々, 温温, 満更, 満腹, 満遍なく, 満遍無く, 然ばかり, 然も, 然も然も, 然許, 然許り, , 熱い, 熱狂的, 熱狂的, 状態, 狂的, 狂的, 猛烈に, 現然, 理が非でも, 瑣末, 瑣細, , 甚だ, 甚も, 生半可, 生半尺, , 男の人, 疑しげ, 疑わしい, 疑わしげ, 痛も, 皆乍, 皆乍ら, 皆式, 皆目, 皆色, , 目玉, 相当に, 相談, 相違なく, 眇たる, 眇眇たる, , 眼球, 知ったかぶり, 確か, 確かに, 確実, 端から端まで, 策士, 簡単に, 素晴しい, 素晴らしい, 素適, 細かい, 経済的, 絶望的, 絶望的に, 緩々, 緩り, 緩徐, 緩緩, 罪業, 考え, 肝ったま, 肝っ玉, 肝っ魂, 肝玉, 肝魂, 胆力, 胆気, 胆玉, 胡散くさい, 胡散らしい, 胡散臭い, 胡散臭げ, 能く能く, 腥い, 腹一杯, 臆病, 至って, 至る所に, 興醒し, 良い, 良い, 良好, 芋虫, 苦しい, 苦もなく, 苦も無く, 荒唐無稽, 荒肝, 荒胆, 薄ばか, 薄馬鹿, 蜿々, 蜿蜒, 蜿蜿, 行程, , 見るから, 見るからに, , 訝しい, 訳無く, 試み, 試情牡, 詰まらない, 誓って, 諸に, 財政援助, 質素, 質素, 転た, 軽々, 軽軽, 辛い, 迚も, 透き, 逮捕状, 遅々, 遅遅, 遍く, 道のり, 道程, 遮二無二, 酷く, 重要, 間ぬけ, 間抜け, 間抜け, 阿呆, 阿呆臭い, 隈なく, 隈無く, 随分, , 難なく, 難無く, 雨が降ろうと槍が降ろうと, 青月, , 面白さ, 順調に, 頓と, 頓痴気, 馬鹿ばかしい, 馬鹿らしい, 馬鹿馬鹿しい, 骨っ節, 高価, 鼠穴, a-one, ace, aggro, all, all in, all over, all right, all right, all-fired, alright, altogether, anon, anserine, anxious, anyplace, anywhere, apparently, at any rate, at least, awful, awful, awfully, backbone, bad, bad, bang, bang-up, banger, banging, bare bones, bare-ass, bare-assed, barnburner, beat, bib-and-tucker, big, big cheese, big deal, big enchilada, big fish, big gun, big shot, big wheel, big-ticket, bittie, bitty, biz, blahs, blessed event, blood-and-guts, blue moon, blue-eyed, bodacious, boiling, bolt, bone-idle, bone-lazy, boom box, borscht belt, borscht circuit, borsht belt, borsht circuit, boss, boss-eyed, brag, break, broken, buddy-buddy, bull, bull session, bully, bum, bunny, bunny rabbit, bushed, busted, buttoned-up, by all means, by no means, can of worms, canary, canned, cannon fodder, card, certainly, chancy, charley horse, charley-horse, cheap, cheesy, chicken, chickenhearted, chintzy, chummy, chummy, class, classy, cleanup, clone, clubable, clubbable, cockamamie, cockamamy, come-at-able, comfortable, comfy, completely, cool, cool, cop, copper, corking, countenance, crack, crack, cracking, crappy, crapshoot, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, creeps, crosshairs, crummy, cushy, dandy, dead, dead ringer, dead-on, decent, delf, dick, dickey, dickey-bird, dickeybird, dicky, dicky-bird, dickybird, dimwit, dingdong, dinky, dinky, dishy, dodo, don't-know, done for, doofus, dopey, dopy, dotty, double dutch, drag, dressy, drink, dud, dumps, dying, easily, easy, easy, easy, easygoing, economical, enormity, entirely, everyplace, everywhere, evidently, eye, fair-haired, fat, fence, fiddling, figure, fine, firewall, firewater, first-rate, fishy, fix, flat-footed, flop, flop, flukey, fluky, flustered, fly, fodder, fogey, fogy, foolish, foot, footling, for certain, for sure, forever, forever and a day, fossil, frazzle, fresh fish, frightful, frightfully, frugal, fuddy-duddy, fug, fuggy, fun, funny, funny wagon, fuzz, gaga, gal, game, gammy, geezer, get-at-able, getatable, ghetto blaster, give it a try, give it a whirl, giveaway, gloomy gus, gobsmacked, goggle-eyed, gone, good, good and, goofy, gooselike, goosey, goosy, great, greyback, grit, groovy, groovy, gumption, gumshoe, guts, half-baked, half-wit, hang-up, happy event, hawkshaw, head, head honcho, headhunter, heaps, heavy lifting, hell, hep, het up, hexed, high-flown, high-sounding, high-ticket, highbrow, highbrowed, hip, hip to, homestretch, hoof, hoof it, hopeless, hopelessly, hopped-up, horniness, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot and bothered, hot pants, hot stuff, hot under the collar, hotness, huddle, huffy, humongous, hunky-dory, hustler, ice, icky, iffy, in, in a pig's eye, in the altogether, in the buff, in the raw, inflated, irregardless, itsy-bitsy, itty-bitty, jerky, jiggered, jinxed, johnny, johnny reb, juicy, jumped-up, kaput, keen, keep one's eyes open, keep one's eyes peeled, keep one's eyes skinned, killing, killing, killjoy, kisser, knock-down-and-drag-out, knockdown-dragout, knocked-out, know-all, know-it-all, kosher, lazybones, leastways, leastwise, leg it, lemon, licked, like crazy, like hell, like mad, like sin, like the devil, like thunder, lilliputian, lily-livered, little, live, livid, load, long johns, looney, loony, lousy, lunatic, mad, maffia, mafia, main drag, man, man-sized, manifestly, matey, meal ticket, middlebrow, mind-bending, mind-blowing, month of sundays, moonstruck, mopes, mouth, mouthpiece, moxie, mug, naked as a jaybird, neat, negative stimulation, niffy, nifty, niggling, nitwit, no-brainer, no-frills, no-good, not bad, not by a blame sight, not by a long sight, number, number one, nutcase, o.k., o.k., obviously, oculus, ok, okay, okay, openmouthed, operator, optic, pally, palsy-walsy, paperhanger, party pooper, patently, peachy, peeled, peeper, pep talk, pertainym, perturbed, petty, phiz, physiognomy, picayune, picklepuss, pickup, piddling, piffling, pig, plague, plain, plainly, plop, plum, plumb, plummy, plump, plunk, popeyed, posh, potted, potty, pouter, powwow, prehistoric, primo, proboscis, pumped, pumped up, pumped-up, punch-drunk, punk, put-down, put-put, rainmaker, rap, rathole, rattled, rattrap, raw, reb, rebel, redbrick university, right, right smart, ringer, ritz, ritzy, ropey, ropy, rotten, rough, roughly, rubber, sand, sappy, scotch, screw-loose, screwball, screwy, security blanket, setup, shady, shirty, shitty, shoofly, shooting gallery, shot, shy, sidesplitting, silly, silly, sin, size, size of it, slap, slap-up, slapdash, slaphappy, sleazy, slow, slowly, smack, smashing, smiler, smoke, snazzy, snogging, snorty, soft, soft, softheaded, some, someplace, somewhere, sore, soundly, soup, soup, sourpuss, sparing, sparkler, spoilsport, square, square, square toes, squelch, squelcher, stark naked, starkers, state, sticks and stone, stinker, stinking, stinky, stinting, stoned, straight, street, stuck, stuffed, stuffed shirt, sunday best, sunday clothes, super, sure, sure as shooting, sure enough, surely, suspect, suspicious, swad, swag, swagger, sweet, sweetly, swell, swish, takedown, tall, tardily, teaser, teensy, teensy-weensy, teentsy, teeny, teeny-weeny, terrible, terribly, thick, think, thoroughly, throw, thrush, thumping, tinny, tiptop, together, togged, top-notch, topnotch, tops, totally, tough, townee, transcribed, tremendous, trivial, turf, turn-on, turnoff, umpteenth, umptieth, umteenth, un-come-at-able, un-get-at-able, ungetatable, visage, voluptuousness, wacky, wag, walloping, war paint, wash, washout, way, way, wee, week from monday, weensy, weeny, weirdo, wet blanket, whacked, whacking, whacky, wheeler dealer, white-haired, white-livered, white-shoe, whole, wholly, whopping, wild, wired, wit, woman, yellow, yellow-bellied, zany

    Synonym(s): 俗語, 口語, 口語形, 話し言葉, colloquialism

    Hypernym(s): 表出, 表明, 表白, expression, formulation




"会話語." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 28 Apr. 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/jsynonym/%E4%BC%9A%E8%A9%B1%E8%AA%9E>.

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Are you a human thesaurus?

Which of the following words is not a synonym of the others?
A heavy
B perky
C floaty
D chirpy


別の検索オプションの 会話語: