What are some opposite words for direct?

Antonyms for direct
dɪˈrɛkt, daɪ-di·rect

This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term direct.

Wiktionary0.0 / 0 votes

  1. directverb


  2. directadjective

    Straight, constant, without interruption.


English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. direct

    Govern carries the idea of authoritative administration or some exercise of authority that is at once effective and continuous; control is effective, but may be momentary or occasional. One controls what he holds or can hold at will absolutely in check; as, a skilful horseman controls a spirited horse; a person controls his temper; we say to one who is excited, "control yourself." A person commands another when he has, or claims, the right to make that other do his will, with power of inflicting penalty if not obeyed; he controls another whom he can effectually prevent from doing anything contrary to his will; he governs one whom he actually does cause, regularly or constantly, to obey his will; a parent may command a child whom he can not govern or control. The best teachers are not greatly prone to command, but govern or control their pupils largely by other means. Command is, however, often used in the sense of securing, as well as requiring, submission or obedience, as when we speak of a commanding influence; a man commands the situation when he can shape events as he pleases; a fortress commands the region when no enemy can pass against its resistance. Govern implies the exercise of knowledge and judgment as well as power. To rule is more absolute and autocratic than to govern; to sway is to move by quiet but effectual influence; to mold is not only to influence feeling and action, but to shape character; to manage is to secure by skilful contrivance the doing of one's will by those whom one can not directly control; a wise mother, by gentle means, sways the feelings and molds the lives of her children; to be able to manage servants is an important element of good housekeeping. The word reign, once so absolute, now simply denotes that one holds the official station of sovereign in a monarchy, with or without effective power; the Queen of England reigns; the Czar of Russia both reigns and rules.

    be in subjection, be subject, comply, obey, submit, yield

    command, control, curb, govern, influence, manage, mold, reign, reign over, restrain, rule, sway

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. directadjective

    direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short

    "a direct route"; "a direct flight"; "a direct hit"

    oblique, asquint, retrograde, inverse, mealymouthed, devious, mealy-mouthed, excursive, squint, askance, mediate, hearsay, askant, indirect, reciprocal, squinty, circumlocutious, ambagious, rambling, circumlocutory, meandering(a), diversionary, circuitous, backhanded, roundabout, alternating, inexact, digressive, sidelong, tortuous, wandering(a), secondary, winding, comparative, periphrastic, relative, squint-eyed, discursive, allusive

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  2. direct, unmediatedadjective

    having no intervening persons, agents, conditions

    "in direct sunlight"; "in direct contact with the voters"; "direct exposure to the disease"; "a direct link"; "the direct cause of the accident"; "direct vote"

    squint, mealy-mouthed, excursive, inverse, wandering(a), askant, oblique, squint-eyed, secondary, meandering(a), circumlocutory, circumlocutious, squinty, winding, indirect, allusive, diversionary, rambling, sidelong, inexact, devious, retrograde, comparative, roundabout, ambagious, mealymouthed, circuitous, mediate, tortuous, digressive, askance, hearsay, alternating, backhanded, periphrastic, asquint, relative, reciprocal, discursive

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  3. directadjective

    straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action

    "a direct question"; "a direct response"; "a direct approach"

    mealy-mouthed, diversionary, devious, mealymouthed, reciprocal, indirect, excursive, inexact, tortuous, squint, retrograde, asquint, hearsay, periphrastic, backhanded, winding, inverse, circuitous, rambling, oblique, roundabout, askant, ambagious, squinty, wandering(a), circumlocutory, digressive, secondary, squint-eyed, relative, mediate, askance, meandering(a), allusive, circumlocutious, discursive, alternating, comparative, sidelong

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  4. lineal, directadjective

    in a straight unbroken line of descent from parent to child

    "lineal ancestors"; "lineal heirs"; "a direct descendant of the king"; "direct heredity"

    roundabout, reciprocal, squint, devious, mealymouthed, wandering(a), inverse, asquint, circumlocutory, squint-eyed, rambling, discursive, indirect, comparative, retrograde, mediate, alternating, ambagious, secondary, winding, askance, askant, diversionary, oblique, digressive, periphrastic, excursive, backhanded, allusive, circumlocutious, inexact, squinty, meandering(a), mealy-mouthed, relative, hearsay, circuitous, tortuous, sidelong

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  5. directadjective

    moving from west to east on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in the same direction as the Earth

    askant, comparative, oblique, alternating, mealy-mouthed, devious, circuitous, inexact, indirect, squint-eyed, hearsay, asquint, diversionary, roundabout, rambling, squint, meandering(a), relative, discursive, winding, excursive, allusive, retrograde, backhanded, secondary, circumlocutious, inverse, digressive, mediate, periphrastic, wandering(a), mealymouthed, askance, reciprocal, ambagious, tortuous, circumlocutory, squinty, sidelong

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  6. directadjective

    similar in nature or effect or relation to another quantity

    "a term is in direct proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other increases (or decreases)"

    tortuous, mediate, indirect, hearsay, winding, sidelong, reciprocal, asquint, askant, circumlocutious, discursive, devious, alternating, mealy-mouthed, excursive, wandering(a), digressive, comparative, squinty, meandering(a), relative, ambagious, squint-eyed, roundabout, periphrastic, mealymouthed, inexact, squint, inverse, retrograde, backhanded, circuitous, oblique, diversionary, circumlocutory, secondary, rambling, askance, allusive

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  7. directadjective

    (of a current) flowing in one direction only

    "direct current"

    indirect, squinty, circumlocutious, retrograde, comparative, devious, discursive, backhanded, inverse, excursive, secondary, reciprocal, roundabout, rambling, relative, wandering(a), oblique, tortuous, sidelong, digressive, mealymouthed, circuitous, inexact, askance, hearsay, squint, askant, allusive, circumlocutory, ambagious, squint-eyed, mealy-mouthed, periphrastic, meandering(a), mediate, winding, alternating, diversionary, asquint

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  8. directadjective

    being an immediate result or consequence

    "a direct result of the accident"

    askant, squint, excursive, mediate, indirect, wandering(a), comparative, inexact, devious, rambling, circumlocutory, ambagious, digressive, meandering(a), oblique, allusive, asquint, mealy-mouthed, secondary, squint-eyed, retrograde, mealymouthed, sidelong, relative, askance, roundabout, backhanded, circuitous, discursive, inverse, periphrastic, diversionary, squinty, circumlocutious, tortuous, winding, hearsay, alternating, reciprocal

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  9. direct, verbatimadjective

    in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker

    "a direct quotation"; "repeated their dialog verbatim"

    secondary, devious, mealy-mouthed, comparative, ambagious, reciprocal, alternating, squinty, asquint, roundabout, mealymouthed, relative, askance, meandering(a), indirect, winding, discursive, rambling, circuitous, sidelong, circumlocutious, digressive, diversionary, askant, retrograde, inexact, oblique, mediate, wandering(a), squint, tortuous, circumlocutory, hearsay, excursive, periphrastic, inverse, allusive, backhanded, squint-eyed

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  10. directverb

    lacking compromising or mitigating elements; exact

    "the direct opposite"

    meandering(a), indirect, retrograde, mealymouthed, circuitous, inexact, tortuous, backhanded, discursive, sidelong, relative, diversionary, squinty, squint-eyed, mediate, askance, circumlocutory, devious, winding, oblique, rambling, periphrastic, excursive, wandering(a), digressive, roundabout, hearsay, asquint, comparative, mealy-mouthed, inverse, secondary, ambagious, circumlocutious, alternating, allusive, reciprocal, askant, squint

    lineal, unmediated, verbatim

  11. directverb

    command with authority

    "He directed the children to do their homework"

    squint, alternating, squinty, circumlocutious, rambling, excursive, asquint, roundabout, secondary, backhanded, askance, circuitous, indirect, allusive, inverse, mealymouthed, discursive, ambagious, wandering(a), winding, oblique, digressive, inexact, devious, tortuous, relative, circumlocutory, comparative, hearsay, periphrastic, retrograde, reciprocal, squint-eyed, askant, diversionary, mealy-mouthed, sidelong, meandering(a), mediate

    lead, manoeuver, engineer, organize, aim, maneuver, orchestrate, place, mastermind, take aim, guide, channelize, train, head, organise, address, take, channelise, target, conduct, calculate, steer, point, send, manoeuvre

  12. target, aim, place, direct, pointverb

    intend (something) to move towards a certain goal

    "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"

    circumlocutious, askance, secondary, indirect, wandering(a), roundabout, winding, inverse, devious, circumlocutory, alternating, mealymouthed, asquint, comparative, squint, periphrastic, squinty, hearsay, mealy-mouthed, rambling, askant, sidelong, circuitous, relative, allusive, backhanded, ambagious, tortuous, meandering(a), excursive, reciprocal, retrograde, digressive, squint-eyed, discursive, diversionary, inexact, oblique, mediate

    charge, taper, drive, repoint, rank, channelise, get, put, localize, organise, range, commit, target, lead, station, sharpen, maneuver, take, place, signal, designate, point, come in, betoken, position, grade, steer, purpose, take aim, show, train, lay, calculate, engineer, manoeuver, purport, aspire, aim, address, manoeuvre, level, head, identify, organize, channelize, propose, luff, shoot for, draw a bead on, conduct, post, invest, bespeak, locate, rate, orient, send, orchestrate, mastermind, come out, set, guide, order, site, pose, localise, indicate

  13. directverb

    guide the actors in (plays and films)

    circuitous, periphrastic, inexact, discursive, squinty, circumlocutious, roundabout, backhanded, hearsay, rambling, retrograde, askant, diversionary, reciprocal, devious, indirect, askance, digressive, comparative, mealy-mouthed, secondary, ambagious, oblique, inverse, mealymouthed, alternating, circumlocutory, asquint, sidelong, squint, tortuous, squint-eyed, meandering(a), excursive, allusive, winding, mediate, wandering(a), relative

    lead, manoeuver, engineer, organize, aim, maneuver, orchestrate, place, mastermind, take aim, guide, channelize, train, head, organise, address, take, channelise, target, conduct, calculate, steer, point, send, manoeuvre

  14. directverb

    be in charge of

    inexact, rambling, tortuous, roundabout, circumlocutious, hearsay, wandering(a), retrograde, alternating, excursive, winding, circuitous, askance, mediate, meandering(a), devious, reciprocal, squint, discursive, comparative, backhanded, squinty, inverse, circumlocutory, asquint, mealymouthed, digressive, periphrastic, oblique, askant, indirect, allusive, mealy-mouthed, diversionary, relative, squint-eyed, secondary, sidelong, ambagious

    lead, manoeuver, engineer, organize, aim, maneuver, orchestrate, place, mastermind, take aim, guide, channelize, train, head, organise, address, take, channelise, target, conduct, calculate, steer, point, send, manoeuvre

  15. lead, take, direct, conduct, guideverb

    take somebody somewhere

    "We lead him to our chief"; "can you take me to the main entrance?"; "He conducted us to the palace"

    sidelong, indirect, relative, squinty, periphrastic, askant, devious, squint, circuitous, oblique, digressive, rambling, diversionary, ambagious, allusive, roundabout, discursive, circumlocutious, winding, circumlocutory, hearsay, excursive, mealy-mouthed, meandering(a), squint-eyed, asquint, wandering(a), mealymouthed, inverse, backhanded, secondary, comparative, inexact, tortuous, mediate, retrograde, askance, reciprocal, alternating

    require, chair, read, occupy, subscribe to, rent, withdraw, run, organise, lead, top, mastermind, take on, carry, deal, assume, engineer, have, hold, choose, learn, fill, transmit, necessitate, impart, consume, go, drive, hire, result, place, consider, need, study, behave, pick out, steer, guide on, send, channel, draw, contract, adopt, calculate, film, remove, demand, acquit, orchestrate, conduce, lease, contribute, take aim, take up, train, strike, use up, select, take, engage, comport, make, claim, channelize, point, manoeuvre, head, get, channelise, get hold of, exact, take away, pack, call for, take in, bring, submit, convey, deport, shoot, aim, charter, precede, extend, contain, address, bear, carry on, target, subscribe, involve, acquire, manoeuver, look at, postulate, organize, accept, moderate, guide, admit, pass, ingest, leave, ask, maneuver, conduct

  16. send, directverb

    cause to go somewhere

    "The explosion sent the car flying in the air"; "She sent her children to camp"; "He directed all his energies into his dissertation"

    inexact, ambagious, alternating, mealymouthed, circumlocutory, inverse, tortuous, discursive, reciprocal, devious, excursive, backhanded, circuitous, comparative, mealy-mouthed, mediate, retrograde, roundabout, squinty, hearsay, rambling, squint-eyed, relative, indirect, sidelong, oblique, secondary, circumlocutious, digressive, diversionary, askant, winding, squint, allusive, asquint, periphrastic, wandering(a), askance, meandering(a)

    ship, beam, get off, place, mail, send off, commit, target, lead, station, maneuver, take, post, point, channelize, aim, channelise, take aim, train, head, steer, manoeuver, transport, address, manoeuvre, engineer, organize, charge, organise, calculate, broadcast, institutionalise, send out, conduct, air, institutionalize, send, orchestrate, mastermind, guide, transmit

  17. aim, take, train, take aim, directverb

    point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards

    "Please don't aim at your little brother!"; "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don't train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one's opponent"

    hearsay, squint-eyed, diversionary, mealymouthed, circuitous, circumlocutious, mealy-mouthed, askance, askant, ambagious, inverse, meandering(a), winding, comparative, backhanded, oblique, squint, squinty, digressive, devious, sidelong, circumlocutory, indirect, reciprocal, mediate, inexact, discursive, periphrastic, relative, asquint, retrograde, wandering(a), rambling, alternating, roundabout, tortuous, secondary, excursive, allusive

    require, read, occupy, subscribe to, rent, withdraw, shoot for, organise, lead, ingest, develop, mastermind, take aim, carry, deal, assume, engineer, have, hold, choose, learn, fill, aspire, civilise, calculate, prepare, consume, drive, hire, condition, place, consider, need, study, civilize, pick out, steer, send, contract, adopt, film, remove, purpose, rail, orchestrate, lease, take on, discipline, point, train, check, trail, take up, bring, strike, use up, select, take, engage, make, claim, demand, coach, channelize, cultivate, manoeuvre, head, get, channelise, get hold of, propose, exact, take away, pack, call for, take in, educate, submit, convey, shoot, aim, charter, manoeuver, contain, address, draw a bead on, target, subscribe, groom, necessitate, involve, acquire, look at, postulate, organize, accept, purport, guide, admit, ask, maneuver, conduct, school

  18. conduct, lead, directverb

    lead, as in the performance of a composition

    "conduct an orchestra; Barenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years"

    circumlocutory, allusive, devious, periphrastic, secondary, mealy-mouthed, squint-eyed, mediate, inverse, oblique, roundabout, hearsay, indirect, excursive, digressive, inexact, asquint, sidelong, squinty, circuitous, relative, backhanded, reciprocal, mealymouthed, alternating, comparative, retrograde, wandering(a), circumlocutious, discursive, ambagious, askant, meandering(a), diversionary, tortuous, askance, rambling, squint, winding

    comport, conduce, place, moderate, impart, behave, send, head, target, lead, maneuver, take, carry on, result, point, deport, extend, aim, channelise, deal, take aim, engineer, chair, calculate, channel, precede, carry, manoeuver, go, address, manoeuvre, pass, organize, channelize, organise, acquit, convey, leave, conduct, transmit, run, top, contribute, orchestrate, mastermind, guide, train, steer, bear

  19. directverb

    give directions to; point somebody into a certain direction

    "I directed them towards the town hall"

    circuitous, mealy-mouthed, sidelong, ambagious, digressive, allusive, tortuous, backhanded, circumlocutory, periphrastic, comparative, devious, alternating, winding, discursive, circumlocutious, indirect, wandering(a), hearsay, asquint, rambling, mealymouthed, roundabout, diversionary, secondary, askance, inexact, squint, oblique, mediate, retrograde, meandering(a), reciprocal, relative, excursive, inverse, askant, squinty, squint-eyed

    lead, manoeuver, engineer, organize, aim, maneuver, orchestrate, place, mastermind, take aim, guide, channelize, train, head, organise, address, take, channelise, target, conduct, calculate, steer, point, send, manoeuvre

  20. calculate, aim, directverb

    specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public

    digressive, comparative, indirect, circumlocutious, rambling, inverse, diversionary, askance, circuitous, askant, oblique, tortuous, periphrastic, secondary, winding, relative, roundabout, mediate, squint-eyed, devious, circumlocutory, squint, excursive, inexact, hearsay, ambagious, alternating, sidelong, meandering(a), wandering(a), reciprocal, asquint, squinty, mealymouthed, backhanded, mealy-mouthed, allusive, retrograde, discursive

    figure, bet, look, get, organise, work out, head, target, lead, maneuver, take, estimate, place, mastermind, point, aim, reckon, purpose, compute, take aim, depend, train, calculate, engineer, manoeuver, aspire, address, manoeuvre, count, drive, organize, channelize, propose, shoot for, draw a bead on, channelise, send, conduct, purport, cypher, orchestrate, forecast, cipher, guide, account, steer, count on

  21. steer, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, direct, point, head, guide, channelize, channeliseverb

    direct the course; determine the direction of travelling

    discursive, retrograde, mealymouthed, relative, circumlocutious, hearsay, rambling, circumlocutory, roundabout, askance, inexact, askant, devious, periphrastic, mediate, inverse, allusive, squint-eyed, backhanded, oblique, indirect, circuitous, secondary, winding, diversionary, squint, comparative, alternating, excursive, ambagious, digressive, mealy-mouthed, wandering(a), meandering(a), squinty, asquint, tortuous, sidelong, reciprocal

    channelize, operate, transfer, taper, repoint, place, pass, show, head, target, lead, sharpen, maneuver, take, indicate, signal, point, betoken, aim, channelise, take aim, train, steer, channel, manoeuver, transport, address, manoeuvre, level, engineer, organize, charge, organise, luff, calculate, head up, conduct, draw, bespeak, guide on, run, orient, send, orchestrate, mastermind, guide, designate, transmit

  22. address, directverb

    put an address on (an envelope)

    wandering(a), secondary, circuitous, rambling, squint, periphrastic, mealy-mouthed, excursive, indirect, inverse, roundabout, reciprocal, digressive, hearsay, devious, comparative, mediate, mealymouthed, backhanded, asquint, diversionary, inexact, ambagious, tortuous, winding, meandering(a), squinty, squint-eyed, circumlocutious, allusive, askance, oblique, relative, sidelong, retrograde, circumlocutory, alternating, discursive, askant

    plow, come up to, target, lead, maneuver, take, treat, place, accost, point, turn to, aim, channelise, deal, take aim, call, train, head, steer, manoeuver, address, manoeuvre, engineer, organize, channelize, organise, calculate, handle, conduct, cover, speak, send, orchestrate, mastermind, guide

  23. mastermind, engineer, direct, organize, organise, orchestrateadverb

    plan and direct (a complex undertaking)

    "he masterminded the robbery"

    winding, backhanded, oblique, roundabout, asquint, circuitous, inverse, circumlocutious, indirect, askant, discursive, tortuous, askance, comparative, hearsay, devious, reciprocal, mediate, sidelong, ambagious, diversionary, digressive, alternating, rambling, meandering(a), allusive, inexact, retrograde, relative, squint-eyed, wandering(a), secondary, periphrastic, excursive, mealy-mouthed, circumlocutory, squint, squinty, mealymouthed

    coordinate, place, prepare, head, target, lead, get up, organize, take, unionize, point, aim, channelise, form, take aim, train, steer, manoeuver, address, manoeuvre, engineer, channelize, organise, calculate, unionise, conduct, send, orchestrate, maneuver, mastermind, guide, machinate, devise

  24. directly, straight, directadverb

    without deviation

    "the path leads directly to the lake"; "went direct to the office"

    backhanded, inverse, circumlocutory, circumlocutious, roundabout, alternating, mediate, periphrastic, relative, devious, sidelong, reciprocal, rambling, mealymouthed, squint, hearsay, tortuous, winding, squinty, askant, circuitous, digressive, mealy-mouthed, indirect, secondary, wandering(a), comparative, allusive, retrograde, discursive, inexact, diversionary, ambagious, oblique, meandering(a), excursive, asquint, askance, squint-eyed

    directly, at once, straightaway, now, like a shot, straight off, flat, straight, right away, instantly, immediately, forthwith

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. directadjective

    indirect, circuitous, roundabout

    straight, undeviating, diametrical

  2. directverb

    point, aim, guide, pilot, lead, steer, regulate, govern, control, manage, conduct, superintend, instruct, address, superscribe

How to use direct in a sentence?

  1. Conrad Vernon:

    Greg and I have always been a fan of the Addams Family in past versions, so when we set out to make this movie, we were excited to do something new, with that in mind, I drew from the brilliantly original Charles Addams New Yorker cartoons for the look of the film and decided to tell the story of how Gomez and Morticia meet, find their house and start their family. This unique approach is what drew me in to direct the film. The reimagining also extends to the stellar cast we’ve put together who will each bring their own spin to our film that will appeal to longtime fans of the Addams and introduce them to a new generation.

  2. Warner Bros.:

    We are working closely with the appropriate Australian health agencies to identify and contact anyone who may have come in direct contact with the individual, the health and safety of our company members is always our top priority, and we are taking precautions to protect everyone who works on our productions around the world.

  3. Jeb Bush:

    I think this transition to a candidacy will allow me to be more direct about my advocacy of the leadership skills necessary for the next president to fix a few things, and as a candidate, contrary to someone who has been listening and learning along the way, I'll offer up alternatives to the path we're on as well, so I'll be more specific on policy.

  4. David Lownds:

    We've managed a decade of low margins, and we've not much direct exposure to Brexit.

  5. Alastair Wilson:

    The direct impact might be limited because of Greece's limited trade links and lower financial market exposure to Greece in other euro area countries. But its exit could nevertheless cause a confidence shock and disrupt government debt markets.

How to pronounce direct?

How to say direct in sign language?

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