What is another word for mark?

Synonyms for mark

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word mark.

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. mark

    The aim is the direction in which one shoots, or sometimes that which is aimed at. The mark is that at which one shoots; the goal, that toward which one runs. All alike indicate the direction of endeavor. The end is the point at which one expects or hopes to close his labors; the object, that which he would grasp as the reward of his labors. Aspiration, design, endeavor, purpose, referring to the mental acts by which the aim is attained, are often used as interchangeable with aim. Aspiration applies to what are viewed as noble aims; endeavor, design, intention, purpose, indifferently to the best or worst. Aspiration has less of decision than the other terms; one may aspire to an object, and yet lack the fixedness of purpose by which alone it can be attained. Purpose is stronger than intention. Design especially denotes the adaptation of means to an end; endeavor refers to the exertions by which it is to be attained. One whose aims are worthy, whose aspirations are high, whose designs are wise, and whose purposes are steadfast, may hope to reach the goal of his ambition, and will surely win some object worthy of a life's endeavor. Compare AMBITION; DESIGN.

    aim, aspiration, design, determination, end, end, endeavor, endeavor, goal, inclination, intent, intention, object, purpose, tendency

    aimlessness, avoidance, carelessness, heedlessness, neglect, negligence, oversight, purposelessness, thoughtlessness

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. mark, grade, scorenoun

    a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance)

    "she made good marks in algebra"; "grade A milk"; "what was your score on your homework?"

    course, ground level, scotch, marking, grad, mug, sucker, tier, target, crisscross, musical score, fall guy, score, sign, level, brand, grade, form, chump, stigma, grievance, stain, home run, gradation, scratch, class, degree, gull, sexual conquest, patsy, grudge, fool, marker, scrape, cross, print, scar, bell ringer, bull's eye, account, soft touch

  2. marker, marking, marknoun

    a distinguishing symbol

    "the owner's mark was on all the sheep"

    score, sign, marker, gull, home run, grade, scar, mug, fall guy, grading, brand, stigma, marking, scrape, scratch, sucker, soft touch, print, stain, bell ringer, crisscross, bull's eye, fool, target, patsy, scoring, chump, cross

  3. target, marknoun

    a reference point to shoot at

    "his arrow hit the mark"

    objective, marking, object, butt, sucker, target area, sign, crisscross, fall guy, bull's eye, mug, quarry, score, brand, aim, chump, scrape, stigma, stain, home run, fair game, scratch, grade, gull, patsy, fool, marker, target, cross, print, scar, bell ringer, prey, soft touch

  4. mark, printnoun

    a visible indication made on a surface

    "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"; "paw prints were everywhere"

    score, sign, marker, gull, home run, grade, mug, fall guy, photographic print, scar, brand, stigma, marking, scrape, scratch, sucker, soft touch, print, stain, crisscross, bull's eye, fool, target, patsy, cross, chump, bell ringer

  5. marknoun

    the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember

    "it was in London that he made his mark"; "he left an indelible mark on the American theater"

    score, sign, marker, gull, home run, grade, mug, fall guy, scar, brand, stigma, marking, scrape, scratch, sucker, soft touch, print, stain, crisscross, bull's eye, fool, target, patsy, cross, chump, bell ringer

  6. mark, stigma, brand, stainnoun

    a symbol of disgrace or infamy

    "And the Lord set a mark upon Cain"--Genesis

    marking, soil, spot, sucker, gull, steel, firebrand, target, crisscross, fall guy, grease, mug, score, discoloration, sign, make, brand, grade, smear, chump, dirt, grime, stigma, stain, home run, marque, scratch, discolouration, brand name, filth, patsy, blade, grunge, fool, trade name, smirch, scrape, cross, print, scar, bell ringer, sword, bull's eye, marker, soft touch, blot

  7. mark, German mark, Deutsche Mark, Deutschmarknoun

    formerly the basic unit of money in Germany

    score, sign, marker, gull, home run, grade, mug, fall guy, scar, brand, stigma, marking, scrape, scratch, sucker, soft touch, print, stain, crisscross, bull's eye, fool, target, patsy, cross, chump, bell ringer

  8. Mark, Saint Mark, St. Marknoun

    Apostle and companion of Saint Peter; assumed to be the author of the second Gospel

    score, sign, marker, gull, home run, grade, mug, fall guy, scar, brand, stigma, marking, scrape, scratch, sucker, soft touch, print, stain, crisscross, bull's eye, fool, target, patsy, cross, chump, bell ringer

  9. chump, fool, gull, mark, patsy, fall guy, sucker, soft touch, mugnoun

    a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of

    physiognomy, phiz, marking, jester, mug, motley fool, sucker, bell ringer, target, crisscross, sea gull, fall guy, score, smiler, sign, brand, countenance, grade, mugful, chump, stigma, visage, kisser, home run, scratch, tomfool, gull, muggins, patsy, fool, marker, sap, scrape, cross, print, scar, stain, bull's eye, lollipop, seagull, saphead, soft touch, all-day sucker

  10. marknoun

    a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation)

    "his answer was just a punctuation mark"

    score, sign, marker, gull, home run, grade, mug, fall guy, scar, brand, stigma, marking, scrape, scratch, sucker, soft touch, print, stain, crisscross, bull's eye, fool, target, patsy, cross, chump, bell ringer

  11. sign, marknoun

    a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened)

    "he showed signs of strain"; "they welcomed the signs of spring"

    marking, signaling, augury, sucker, house, bell ringer, target, crisscross, preindication, polarity, fall guy, star sign, stigma, score, sign, mansion, brand, grade, planetary house, chump, signal, sign of the zodiac, mug, signboard, foretoken, scratch, home run, gull, patsy, fool, marker, scrape, cross, print, scar, stain, bull's eye, soft touch

  12. Mark, Gospel According to Marknoun

    the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament

    score, sign, marker, gull, home run, grade, mug, fall guy, scar, brand, stigma, marking, scrape, scratch, sucker, soft touch, print, stain, crisscross, bull's eye, fool, target, patsy, cross, chump, bell ringer

  13. scratch, scrape, scar, marknoun

    an indication of damage

    lolly, marking, start, brand, clams, cacography, starting line, cabbage, wampum, cicatrice, gull, lucre, boodle, bell ringer, scratch, scrawl, gelt, crisscross, fall guy, scratch line, scratching, stigma, score, bread, scraping, slit, grade, lettuce, prick, chump, target, loot, cicatrix, sugar, home run, chicken feed, dinero, simoleons, abrasion, sign, sucker, pelf, mug, incision, patsy, dough, fool, marker, kale, scrape, cross, print, excoriation, scar, stain, bull's eye, scribble, dent, shekels, soft touch, moolah

  14. crisscross, cross, marknoun

    a marking that consists of lines that cross each other

    hybridisation, marking, interbreeding, sucker, hybridizing, crossbreeding, bell ringer, target, crisscross, print, fall guy, mug, scar, score, sign, brand, grade, chump, stigma, home run, hybridization, scratch, gull, crown of thorns, patsy, fool, marker, scrape, cross, crossing, crossbreed, stain, bull's eye, hybrid, soft touch

  15. bell ringer, bull's eye, mark, home runverb

    something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal

    "the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer"; "scored a bull's eye"; "hit the mark"; "the president's speech was a home run"

    bull's eye, bull, marker, gull, grade, bell ringer, scrape, fall guy, homer, toller, scar, brand, stigma, marking, score, scratch, sucker, soft touch, print, stain, crisscross, mug, home run, target, sign, patsy, fool, chump, ringer, cross

  16. tag, label, markverb

    attach a tag or label to

    "label these bottles"

    distinguish, dog, tail, pit, go after, commemorate, pock, pronounce, give chase, tick, chase, differentiate, strike out, notice, punctuate, score, brand, grade, trail, check off, cross off, stigmatize, note, strike off, mark off, judge, stigmatise, nock, denounce, tag, scar, chase after, label, set, tick off, track, cross out, check

  17. markverb

    designate as if by a mark

    "This sign marks the border"

    score, note, notice, stigmatize, punctuate, grade, distinguish, tick, label, strike out, differentiate, brand, cross off, pock, stigmatise, check off, pit, set, tick off, cross out, commemorate, check, denounce, nock, scar, tag, strike off, mark off

  18. distinguish, mark, differentiateverb

    be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense

    "His modesty distinguishes him from his peers"

    specialise, tell apart, distinguish, punctuate, signalise, cross out, pit, spot, commemorate, differentiate, speciate, key out, specialize, tick, nock, tell, strike out, notice, scar, score, brand, pick out, grade, key, severalize, strike off, separate, severalise, check off, cross off, signalize, tick off, pock, identify, make out, stigmatize, discern, secern, recognize, mark off, stigmatise, name, denounce, recognise, tag, describe, label, set, discover, secernate, note, check

  19. commemorate, markverb

    mark by some ceremony or observation

    "The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade"

    distinguish, pit, note, commemorate, pock, tick, nock, differentiate, strike out, notice, punctuate, score, brand, grade, record, immortalize, check off, cross off, memorialise, stigmatize, remember, strike off, mark off, stigmatise, denounce, tag, scar, immortalise, label, set, tick off, memorialize, cross out, check

  20. markverb

    make or leave a mark on

    "the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads"

    score, note, notice, stigmatize, punctuate, grade, distinguish, tick, label, strike out, differentiate, brand, cross off, pock, stigmatise, check off, pit, set, tick off, cross out, commemorate, check, denounce, nock, scar, tag, strike off, mark off

  21. stigmatize, stigmatise, brand, denounce, markverb

    to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful

    "He denounced the government action"; "She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock"

    distinguish, cross out, pit, stag, commemorate, pock, tick, nock, differentiate, post, strike out, notice, punctuate, snitch, check, brand, grade, shit, give away, grass, check off, cross off, shop, betray, stigmatize, score, trademark, strike off, mark off, stigmatise, denounce, tag, scar, tell on, label, set, tick off, rat, note, brandmark

  22. notice, mark, noteverb

    notice or perceive

    "She noted that someone was following her"; "mark my words"

    detect, distinguish, pit, point out, commemorate, pock, find, tick, nock, differentiate, acknowledge, strike out, notice, punctuate, score, brand, grade, remark, comment, take note, check off, cross off, take down, stigmatize, note, observe, strike off, mark off, stigmatise, mention, denounce, tag, scar, label, set, discover, tick off, cross out, check

  23. scar, mark, pock, pitverb

    mark with a scar

    "The skin disease scarred his face permanently"

    score, note, notice, stigmatize, punctuate, strike out, grade, set, play off, stone, nock, label, differentiate, brand, cross off, pock, stigmatise, check off, pit, match, tick, tick off, cross out, commemorate, check, denounce, oppose, distinguish, scar, tag, strike off, mark off

  24. score, nock, markverb

    make small marks into the surface of

    "score the clay before firing it"

    distinguish, pit, commemorate, pock, hit, rack up, seduce, label, tick, nock, differentiate, strike out, notice, punctuate, score, make, brand, grade, check off, cross off, stigmatize, note, strike off, mark off, tally, denounce, tag, scar, stigmatise, set, tick off, cross out, check

  25. set, markverb

    establish as the highest level or best performance

    "set a record"

    plant, punctuate, go under, cross out, pit, dress, place, prepare, put, differentiate, localize, coiffe, fix, fructify, tick, gear up, go down, nock, strike out, notice, jell, score, brand, position, grade, arrange, cross off, define, specify, commemorate, lay, correct, countersink, do, determine, coiffure, pock, lay out, coif, stigmatize, note, strike off, mark off, ready, set up, stigmatise, scar, check off, congeal, sic, denounce, limit, distinguish, tag, label, set, typeset, adjust, rig, tick off, pose, localise, check

  26. score, markverb

    make underscoring marks

    distinguish, pit, commemorate, pock, hit, rack up, seduce, label, tick, nock, differentiate, strike out, notice, punctuate, score, make, brand, grade, check off, cross off, stigmatize, note, strike off, mark off, tally, denounce, tag, scar, stigmatise, set, tick off, cross out, check

  27. cross off, cross out, strike out, strike off, markverb

    remove from a list

    "Cross the name of the dead person off the list"

    score, note, notice, stigmatize, punctuate, strike out, grade, set, nock, label, retire, scar, brand, cross off, pock, stigmatise, check off, pit, tick, tick off, cross out, commemorate, check, denounce, distinguish, strike off, differentiate, mark off, tag

  28. check, check off, mark, mark off, tick off, tickverb

    put a check mark on or near or next to

    "Please check each name on the list"; "tick off the items"; "mark off the units"

    ensure, hold in, jibe, tick off, label, fit, gibe, chequer, hold, moderate, distinguish, learn, checker, mark off, ticktack, stop, pock, condition, assure, nock, tally, beat, scar, suss out, check off, check over, match, check up on, control, look into, ascertain, insure, retick, tag, check, train, arrest, hold back, click, set, stigmatize, find out, see, discipline, stigmatise, grade, pit, cross out, denounce, mark out, correspond, score, curb, punctuate, notice, check into, contain, strike off, strike out, determine, see to it, retard, crack, turn back, watch, brand, differentiate, break, cross off, agree, ticktock, check out, go over, tick, note, commemorate, delay

  29. grade, score, markverb

    assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation

    "grade tests"; "score the SAT essays"; "mark homework"

    cross out, pit, stigmatise, rank, commemorate, pock, hit, rack up, range, seduce, tick, nock, differentiate, place, strike out, notice, punctuate, score, make, brand, grade, check off, cross off, stigmatize, strike off, mark off, distinguish, tally, denounce, rate, tag, scar, label, set, order, tick off, note, check

  30. punctuate, markverb

    insert punctuation marks into

    distinguish, pit, emphasize, commemorate, pock, tick, nock, differentiate, strike out, notice, punctuate, score, brand, grade, check off, cross off, accentuate, stigmatize, note, emphasise, strike off, mark off, stigmatise, denounce, accent, tag, scar, stress, label, set, tick off, cross out, check

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. marknoun

    sign, token, note, symbol, index

  2. marknoun

    indication, evidence, proof, badge, symptom

  3. marknoun

    line, impression, stamp, print, incision

  4. marknoun

    trace, track, vestige, footprint

  5. marknoun

    object (aimed at)

  6. marknoun

    eminence, consequence, distinction

  7. marknoun

    cross (made as a signature)

  8. markverb

    distinguish by a mark, put a mark upon

  9. markverb

    stamp, brand, trace a line or lines upon

  10. markverb

    notice, note, observe, remark, take notice of

  11. markverb

    observe, note, remark, take notice

Nicknames0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of known nicknames for "Mark":

    Mark (Maymon) of Toledo

Suggested Resources

  1. mark

    Quotes by mark -- Explore a large variety of famous quotes made by mark on the Quotes.net website.

  2. mark

    Song lyrics by mark -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by mark on the Lyrics.com website.

  3. MARK

    What does MARK stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the MARK acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

  4. Mark

    Read the Mark book at Literature.com

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How to use mark in a sentence?

  1. Marc Mogull:

    The macro risks are too great and the likely timeframe for recovery is too long for most of the players in our space to view Greece as being worth the effort at this early stage, a BIG QUESTION MARK.

  2. The Newmont CEO:

    We see great value, it feels to us that wherever Mark (Bristow) goes, he seems to be just firing people in order to boost returns.

  3. Joe Biden:

    Threatening the safety of Americans or any innocent civilians is always unacceptable, and hostage-taking is an act of particular cruelty and cowardice, the Taliban must immediately release Mark before it can expect any consideration of its aspirations for legitimacy. This is not negotiable.

  4. Donald Trump:

    There are a lot of people responsible for this. This is a horrible thing. It's incompetent, it's bad management, and it really is a very bad mark on government.

  5. President Obama:

    All across America, survivors of gun violence and those who lost a child, a parent, a spouse to gun violence are forced to mark such awful anniversaries every single day, yet Congress still hasn’t done anything to prevent what happened to them from happening to other families.

Translations for mark

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • أشّرArabic
  • marca, marcCatalan, Valencian
  • známka, značka, marka, označitCzech
  • Zeichen, Note, decken, beflecken, kennzeichnen, korrigieren, Mark, merken, markieren, ReichsmarkGerman
  • markiEsperanto
  • marca, punto, calificación, mancha, nota, anotar, marcar, calificar, marco, apuntarSpanish
  • tähistama, markEstonian
  • نشانهPersian
  • arvosana, läiskä, naarmu, tahra, merkki, jälki, naarmuttaa, merkitä, korjata, arvostella, Saksan markka, markka, saksanmarkka, tahrataFinnish
  • score, signe, trace, note, marque, tacher, marquer, corriger, noter, mark, marcFrench
  • marcáil, marcIrish
  • comharraichScottish Gaelic
  • סימן, ציוןHebrew
  • jegy, osztályzat, megjelölHungarian
  • միավոր, թվանշան, գնահատական, նշան, մարկArmenian
  • marcarInterlingua
  • tandaIndonesian
  • valda, dekkaIcelandic
  • segno, punteggio, macchia, voto, marcare, marco, macchiareItalian
  • 成績, 標識, マーク, マルクJapanese
  • 마크Korean
  • notaLatin
  • kowataMāori
  • teken, markering, score, punt, aanduiding, blaam, opschrijven, optekenen, markeren, verbeteren, nota nemen, bevlekken, mark, neerpennen, noteren, aanduidenDutch
  • flekk, merke, karakterNorwegian
  • ocenaPolish
  • mancha, marco, nota, indicar, marcarPortuguese
  • notă, semn, urmă, pată, scor, bornă, marcăRomanian
  • оценка, знак, след, счёт, пятно, отметка, отметина, марка, маркироватьRussian
  • marka, маркаSerbo-Croatian
  • oznaka, zaznamovati, označitiSlovene
  • märke, märka upp, rätta, märka, lägga märke till, mark, D-mark, PunktmarkeraSwedish
  • alama, makiSwahili
  • குறிTamil
  • markTurkish
  • dấuVietnamese
  • beopenet, mipenet, penet, reigänamak, makVolapük
  • 标记Chinese

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